Some changes

This commit is contained in:
Ruben van de Ven 2019-02-06 09:29:04 +01:00
parent 215a059a32
commit df6f7ce8db
1 changed files with 80 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -471,15 +471,22 @@ p.daemon = True
newMetrics = np.zeros((metricsSize[1], metricsSize[0]))
lastRunTime = 0
while True:
result = None
te1 = time.time()
result = pointsQueue.get()
te1b = time.time()
im = result['im']
currentPoint = result['currentPoint']
currentPoints = result['currentPoints']
except queue.Empty as e:
logger.warn('Result queue empty')
if result is not None:
if not args.hide_preview:
# draw little floorplan for 10 -> 50, sideplan 60 -> 100 (40x40 px)
cv2.rectangle(im, (9, 9), (51, 51), (255,255,255), 1)
@ -501,9 +508,6 @@ while True:
tm3 = 0
tm4 = 0
tm1 = time.time()
newMetrics = np.zeros((metricsSize[1], metricsSize[0]))
tm2 = time.time()
for point in currentPoints:
# check if within coordinates:
# dot1 =['tl'] - point, coordinates['tl'] - coordinates['br'])
@ -539,24 +543,36 @@ while True:
# and add to all metrics collected
tm3 = time.time()
# metrics = metrics + gaussian_filter(newMetrics, sigma = 13)
metrics = metrics + newMetrics
tm4 = time.time()
logger.debug("Updated matrix with blur in %f", tm4 - tm3 + tm2 - tm1)
# logger.debug("Updated matrix with blur in %f", tm4 - tm3 + tm2 - tm1)
# Display webcam image with overlays
te2 = time.time()
if not args.hide_preview:
if result is not None and not args.hide_preview:
cv2.imshow("Output", im)
te3 = time.time()
logger.debug("showed webcam image in %fs", te3-te2)
logger.debug("Rendering took %fs", te3-te1)
logger.debug("Waited took %fs", te1b-te1)
# blur smooth the heatmap
# logger.debug("Max blurred metrics: %f", np.max(metrics))
# update the heatmap output
tm21 = time.time()
t = tm21
diffT = min(1, t - lastRunTime)
# animDuration = 1
# factor = animDuration
metrics = metrics + newMetrics*diffT
newMetrics *= (1-diffT)
# smooth impact of first hits by having at least 0.05
normalisedMetrics = metrics / (max(255*7 ,np.max(metrics)))
# convert to colormap, thanks to: