2020-03-04 21:24:49 +00:00
: Server for the web interface
: Create an svg file per image, with classes on the shapes according to their classes
: Create svg frames for a category. Ordered by the area of the shapes.
: Find and download the images with only one object in them.
: Turn a COCO json file (eg `instances_val2017.json`) into a database format (eg `coco_train.db`)
2019-12-16 11:19:48 +00:00
Build array of images sorted by size:
python zoom_animation.py --annotations ../../datasets/COCO/annotations/instances_train2017.json --output zoom --category_id 18
Turn into png
cd zoom/dog
for file in *.svg; do inkscape -z -f "${file}" -w 640 -e "../dog_png/${file}.png"; done
Turn png into mp4
cd ../dog_png
#ffmpeg -r 1 -i %d_*.png -pix_fmt yuv420p bloch2.mp4
ffmpeg -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' ../dog.mp4
2020-03-04 21:24:49 +00:00
# To run as server:
cp plottingdata_coco.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable plottingdata_coco.service
systemctl start plottingdata_coco.service
rsync . --exclude zoom --exclude venv --exclude archive -av here.rubenvandeven.com:/home/ruben/coco/ --exclude shapes --exclude lonely --exclude .git --exclude __pycache__ --info progress2