2024-12-27 16:12:50 +01:00

4.2 MiB

In [3]:
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
In [4]:
img_src = "../DATASETS/hof/webcam20231103-2.png"
In [5]:
img_path = Path(img_src)
output_path = img_path.with_stem(img_path.stem + '-homography').with_suffix('.txt')


In [29]:
from os import PathLike

def render_projection(src, dst, img: PathLike, points = []):
    return render_projection_frame(src, dst, cv2.imread(str(img)), points)

def render_projection_frame(src, dst, frame, points = []):
    x_min = min(dst[:,0])
    if x_min < 0:
        dst[:,0] += x_min * -1
    y_min = min(dst[:,1])
    if y_min < 0:
        dst[:,1] += y_min * -1

    # dst[:,0] +=  1500
    # dst[:,1] +=  600

    # print("from", src)
    # print("to", dst)

    H, status = cv2.findHomography(src,dst)
    f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16,8))

    img = frame
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    for i, p in enumerate(src):, p, 3, (0,255,0), 0)
        cv2.putText(img, str(i), p, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, .5, (0,255,0))

    # print (H)
    dst = cv2.warpPerspective(img,H,(2500,1920))

    def onclick(event):
    f.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)

    # display(Image.fromarray(img).resize((600,600)), Image.fromarray(dst).resize((600,600)))
    return H

First recording

In [7]:
src = np.array([[924, 341],
    [988, 343],
    [941, 404],])

dst = np.array([[2,0],
[105, -695],
[0, 130]])

render_projection(src, dst, img_path)
array([[ 2.14811662e+00, -6.24253612e-01, -1.76917928e+03],
       [-3.00384000e-01,  4.54296024e+00, -2.95121358e+02],
       [-2.89572527e-04,  1.97232411e-03,  1.00000000e+00]])
In [8]:
src = np.array([[924, 341],
    [988, 343],
    [810, 330],
    [620, 325],
    [941, 404],

dst = np.array([[0,0],
[105, -500],
[87, 420],
[-2, 112]
], dtype=np.float64)

H = render_projection(src, dst, img_path)
# np.savetxt(output_path, H, delimiter=",")
# cv2.imwrite("/tmp/test.jpg", dst)
[[ 2.28441941e+00 -7.25403562e-03 -1.41218482e+03]
 [-2.66305397e-02  3.73547277e+00 -5.09931039e+02]
 [-4.62076533e-05  1.56722238e-03  1.00000000e+00]]
In [ ]:

In [9]:
scaled_dst = dst / 100
H = render_projection(src, scaled_dst, img_path)
# np.savetxt(output_path, H, delimiter=",")
[[ 2.33261071e-02 -7.18489563e-05 -1.44258091e+01]
 [-1.58777686e-04  3.80969604e-02 -5.30388927e+00]
 [-2.36557580e-05  1.59322903e-03  1.00000000e+00]]

second recording

In [10]:
img_src = "../DATASETS/hof/webcam20240110.png"
img_path = Path(img_src)
output_path = img_path.with_stem(img_path.stem + '-homography').with_suffix('.txt')
In [11]:
src = np.array([
    [954, 326], # 0
    [1010, 320], # 1
    [840, 325], # 2
    [645, 317], # 3
    [930,123], # 4
    [1115,598], # 5
    [970, 390], # 6

dst = np.array([[0,0],
[105, -500],
[87, 420],
[-2, 112]
], dtype=np.float64)

H = render_projection(src, dst, img_path)
[[ 2.11102794e+00 -9.31080334e-02 -1.32994099e+03]
 [ 6.52086770e-02  3.41420130e+00 -4.80260705e+02]
 [-7.87097747e-05  1.44776415e-03  1.00000000e+00]]
In [12]:
scaled_dst = dst / 100

H = render_projection(src, scaled_dst, img_path)
# np.savetxt(output_path, H, delimiter=",")
[[ 2.07873681e-02 -9.15620699e-04 -1.30923858e+01]
 [ 5.63969727e-04  3.36566989e-02 -4.66048256e+00]
 [-9.42743714e-05  1.43173299e-03  1.00000000e+00]]


Compare the different input images and homeographies.

In [13]:
# cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([[[530, 307.56]]]),H)
coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([[[0., 0.], [1280., 0], [0, 720], [1280, 720]]]),H)
xs = coords[0,:,0]
ys = coords[0,:,1]

minx, maxx = min(xs), max(xs)
miny, maxy = min(ys), max(ys)

print(f"{minx} < x < {maxx}")
print(f"{miny} < y < {maxy}")
-13.092385786242692 < x < 15.370183792197755
-4.660482560250155 < y < 10.624264991237176

Expand to multiple video files

In [24]:
# collect all files
video_paths = list(Path('../DATASETS/hof/').glob("*.m4v"))
In [28]:
for video_path in video_paths:
    video = cv2.VideoCapture(str(video_path))
    fps = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
    target_frame_duration = 1./fps
    if '-' in video_path.stem:
        path_stem = video_path.stem[:video_path.stem.rfind('-')]
        path_stem = video_path.stem
    path_stem += "-homography"
    homography_path = video_path.with_stem(path_stem).with_suffix('.txt')
    if homography_path.exists():
        #print(f'Found custom homography file! Using {homography_path}')
        video_H = np.loadtxt(homography_path, delimiter=',')
        print(f"\tNo homography for {video_path}")

    _, frame =
[[[101 120 129]
  [101 120 129]
  [101 120 129]
  [122 110 112]
  [121 120 100]
  [123 122 102]]

 [[101 120 129]
  [101 120 129]
  [101 120 129]
  [122 110 112]
  [121 120 100]
  [123 122 102]]

 [[100 119 128]
  [101 120 129]
  [101 120 129]
  [128 112 110]
  [128 120 101]
  [130 122 103]]


 [[172 184 189]
  [172 184 189]
  [172 184 189]
  [149 203 245]
  [149 203 245]
  [149 203 245]]

 [[172 184 189]
  [172 184 189]
  [172 184 189]
  [151 203 245]
  [151 203 245]
  [151 203 245]]

 [[172 184 189]
  [172 184 189]
  [172 184 189]
  [151 203 245]
  [151 203 245]
  [151 203 245]]]
[[[172 164 145]
  [172 164 145]
  [166 162 152]
  [146 125 104]
  [146 125 104]
  [146 125 104]]

 [[172 164 145]
  [172 164 145]
  [166 162 152]
  [146 125 104]
  [146 125 104]
  [146 125 104]]

 [[172 162 148]
  [172 162 148]
  [168 162 150]
  [146 125 104]
  [146 125 104]
  [146 125 104]]


 [[194 220 232]
  [194 220 232]
  [194 220 232]
  [209 217 214]
  [209 217 214]
  [209 217 214]]

 [[192 222 234]
  [192 222 234]
  [192 222 234]
  [205 216 217]
  [205 216 217]
  [205 216 217]]

 [[193 223 235]
  [193 223 235]
  [193 223 235]
  [205 216 217]
  [205 216 217]
  [205 216 217]]]
[[[180 173 165]
  [180 173 165]
  [180 173 165]
  [158 132 107]
  [158 132 107]
  [158 132 107]]

 [[180 173 165]
  [180 173 165]
  [180 173 165]
  [158 132 107]
  [158 132 107]
  [158 132 107]]

 [[181 174 166]
  [179 172 164]
  [180 173 165]
  [156 130 105]
  [156 130 105]
  [156 130 105]]


 [[195 212 221]
  [195 212 221]
  [195 212 221]
  [208 213 211]
  [208 213 211]
  [208 213 211]]

 [[197 215 229]
  [197 215 229]
  [197 215 229]
  [206 214 213]
  [206 214 213]
  [206 214 213]]

 [[199 217 231]
  [199 217 231]
  [199 217 231]
  [206 214 213]
  [206 214 213]
  [206 214 213]]]
[[[185 177 165]
  [185 177 165]
  [181 176 168]
  [156 142 135]
  [156 142 135]
  [156 142 135]]

 [[185 177 165]
  [185 177 165]
  [181 176 168]
  [156 142 135]
  [156 142 135]
  [156 142 135]]

 [[188 177 168]
  [188 177 168]
  [184 177 169]
  [156 142 135]
  [156 142 135]
  [156 142 135]]


 [[189 225 233]
  [189 225 233]
  [189 225 233]
  [211 219 223]
  [211 219 223]
  [211 219 223]]

 [[197 228 225]
  [197 228 225]
  [197 228 225]
  [208 220 225]
  [208 220 225]
  [208 220 225]]

 [[197 228 225]
  [197 228 225]
  [197 228 225]
  [208 220 225]
  [208 220 225]
  [208 220 225]]]
	No homography for ../DATASETS/hof/webcam20240619-1.m4v
[[[106 105 115]
  [108 107 117]
  [112 111 121]
  [214 178 141]
  [228 187 146]
  [229 188 147]]

 [[105 104 114]
  [107 106 116]
  [111 110 120]
  [215 182 144]
  [228 187 146]
  [228 187 146]]

 [[104 103 113]
  [105 104 114]
  [109 108 118]
  [224 187 148]
  [227 187 149]
  [226 186 148]]


 [[146 133 122]
  [146 133 122]
  [146 133 122]
  [173 214 240]
  [175 214 240]
  [175 214 240]]

 [[147 134 123]
  [147 134 123]
  [147 134 123]
  [177 220 234]
  [179 219 234]
  [179 219 234]]

 [[149 136 125]
  [149 136 125]
  [149 136 125]
  [179 218 235]
  [181 218 235]
  [181 218 235]]]
[[[190 227 226]
  [190 227 226]
  [190 227 226]
  [173 159 152]
  [183 167 159]
  [188 172 164]]

 [[190 227 226]
  [190 227 226]
  [190 227 226]
  [174 160 153]
  [182 166 158]
  [186 170 162]]

 [[190 227 226]
  [190 227 226]
  [190 227 226]
  [183 165 155]
  [186 167 154]
  [185 166 153]]


 [[223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]]

 [[224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]]

 [[224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]]]
[[[ 62  77 100]
  [ 59  74  97]
  [ 62  77 100]
  [147 127  90]
  [150 130  93]
  [145 125  88]]

 [[ 75  90 113]
  [ 66  81 104]
  [ 62  77 100]
  [145 125  88]
  [147 127  90]
  [143 123  86]]

 [[ 83  91 108]
  [ 74  82  99]
  [ 70  78  95]
  [147 127  90]
  [150 130  93]
  [145 125  88]]


 [[123 121 112]
  [123 121 112]
  [123 121 112]
  [177 178 165]
  [177 178 165]
  [177 178 165]]

 [[123 121 112]
  [123 121 112]
  [123 121 112]
  [174 172 155]
  [174 172 155]
  [174 172 155]]

 [[123 121 112]
  [123 121 112]
  [123 121 112]
  [172 170 153]
  [172 170 153]
  [172 170 153]]]
[[[ 64  81 111]
  [ 61  78 108]
  [ 53  70 100]
  [151 138  86]
  [148 135  83]
  [147 134  82]]

 [[ 66  83 113]
  [ 62  79 109]
  [ 54  71 101]
  [151 138  86]
  [148 135  83]
  [147 134  82]]

 [[ 76  89 110]
  [ 72  85 106]
  [ 64  77  98]
  [151 138  86]
  [148 135  83]
  [147 134  82]]


 [[127 126 115]
  [127 126 115]
  [127 126 115]
  [178 177 164]
  [178 177 164]
  [178 177 164]]

 [[127 126 115]
  [127 126 115]
  [127 126 115]
  [179 169 155]
  [178 168 154]
  [178 168 154]]

 [[127 126 115]
  [127 126 115]
  [127 126 115]
  [176 166 152]
  [175 165 151]
  [175 165 151]]]
[[[174 201 215]
  [174 201 215]
  [173 200 214]
  [160 159 153]
  [163 165 158]
  [165 167 160]]

 [[175 202 216]
  [175 202 216]
  [174 201 215]
  [161 160 154]
  [163 165 158]
  [164 166 159]]

 [[178 205 219]
  [178 205 219]
  [177 204 218]
  [164 159 151]
  [165 160 152]
  [165 160 152]]


 [[224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [220 223 223]
  [220 223 223]
  [220 223 223]]

 [[224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [220 223 223]
  [220 223 223]
  [220 223 223]]

 [[224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [220 223 223]
  [220 223 223]
  [220 223 223]]]
[[[224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [190 158 136]
  [197 158 137]
  [198 159 138]]

 [[224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [191 159 137]
  [199 160 139]
  [199 160 139]]

 [[224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [192 160 138]
  [194 159 138]
  [194 159 138]]


 [[223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]]

 [[223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]]

 [[223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [223 223 223]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]
  [224 224 224]]]
[[[ 65  83 103]
  [ 60  78  98]
  [ 60  78  98]
  [152 132  90]
  [152 132  90]
  [152 132  90]]

 [[ 67  85 105]
  [ 62  80 100]
  [ 59  77  97]
  [151 131  89]
  [151 131  89]
  [151 131  89]]

 [[ 78  92 106]
  [ 70  84  98]
  [ 64  78  92]
  [151 131  89]
  [149 129  87]
  [149 129  87]]


 [[129 125 115]
  [129 125 115]
  [129 125 115]
  [177 178 167]
  [177 178 167]
  [177 178 167]]

 [[129 125 115]
  [129 125 115]
  [129 125 115]
  [180 174 162]
  [180 174 162]
  [180 174 162]]

 [[129 125 115]
  [129 125 115]
  [129 125 115]
  [179 173 161]
  [179 173 161]
  [179 173 161]]]
In [ ]: