
2.4 MiB

Use DeepSORT instead of SORT for tracking

Based on ZQPei's repository, I replace SORT with DeepSort:

Deep sort is basicly the same with sort but added a CNN model to extract features in image of human part bounded by a detector. ZQPei

Other additions:

  • Use generator for for video analysis and detection per frame.
  • This also allows for caching of intermediate steps
In [2]:
import cv2
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import torch
from import read_video
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from torchvision.utils import draw_bounding_boxes
from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_pil_image
from torchvision.models.detection import retinanet_resnet50_fpn_v2, RetinaNet_ResNet50_FPN_V2_Weights
import tempfile        
In [3]:
source = Path('../DATASETS/VIRAT_subset_0102x')
videos = list(source.glob('*.mp4'))
tmpdir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / 'trajpred'
In [4]:
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
In [5]:
weights = RetinaNet_ResNet50_FPN_V2_Weights.DEFAULT
model = retinanet_resnet50_fpn_v2(weights=weights, score_thresh=0.35)
# Put the model in inference mode
# Get the transforms for the model's weights
preprocess = weights.transforms().to(device)

The score_thresh argument defines the threshold at which an object is detected as an object of a class. Intuitively, it's the confidence threshold, and we won't classify an object to belong to a class if the model is less than 35% confident that it belongs to a class.

The result from a single prediction coming from model(batch) looks like:

{'boxes': tensor([[5.7001e+02, 2.5786e+02, 6.3138e+02, 3.6970e+02],
         [5.0109e+02, 2.4508e+02, 5.5308e+02, 3.4852e+02],
         [3.4096e+02, 2.7015e+02, 3.6156e+02, 3.1857e+02],
         [5.0219e-01, 3.7588e+02, 9.7911e+01, 7.2000e+02],
         [3.4096e+02, 2.7015e+02, 3.6156e+02, 3.1857e+02],
         [8.3241e+01, 5.8410e+02, 1.7502e+02, 7.1743e+02]]),
 'scores': tensor([0.8525, 0.6491, 0.5985, 0.4999, 0.3753, 0.3746]),
 'labels': tensor([64, 64,  1, 64, 18, 86])}
In [26]:
%matplotlib inline

import pylab as pl
from IPython import display
from utils.timer import Timer
from sort_cfotache import Sort
import pickle

def detect_persons(video_path: Path):
    video = cv2.VideoCapture(str(video_path))

    cachefile = tmpdir / f"detections-{}.pcl"
    if cachefile.exists():
        with'rb') as fp:
            all_detections = pickle.load(fp)
            for detections in all_detections:
                yield detections
        all_detections = []
        while True:
            ret, frame =
            if not ret:
                # print("Can't receive frame (stream end?). Exiting ...")

            t = torch.from_numpy(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
            # change axes of image loaded image to be compatilbe with (which has C,W,H format instead of W,H,C)
            t = t.permute(2, 0, 1)

            batch = preprocess(t)[None, :].to(device)
            # no_grad can be used on inference, should be slightly faster
            with torch.no_grad():
                predictions = model(batch)
            prediction = predictions[0] # we feed only one frame at the once

            mask = prediction['labels'] == 1 # if we want more than one: np.isin(prediction['labels'], [1,86])

            scores = prediction['scores'][mask]
            labels = prediction['labels'][mask]
            boxes = prediction['boxes'][mask]
            # TODO: introduce confidence and NMS supression:
            # (which I _think_ we better do after filtering)
            # alternatively look at Soft-NMS

            #  dets - a numpy array of detections in the format [[x1,y1,x2,y2,score],[x1,y1,x2,y2,score],...]
            detections = np.array([np.append(bbox, [score, label]) for bbox, score, label in zip(boxes.cpu(), scores.cpu(), labels.cpu())])
            yield detections
        with'wb') as fp:
            pickle.dump(all_detections, fp)

def track_video(video_path: Path) -> dict:
    tracked_instances = {}
    mot_tracker = Sort()

    # timer = Timer()
    for detections in detect_persons(video_path):
        # timer.tic()
        tracks = mot_tracker.update(detections)

        # now convert back to boxes and labels
        # print(tracks)
        boxes = np.array([t[:4] for t in tracks])
        # initialize empty with the necesserary dimensions for drawing_bounding_boxes glitch
        t_boxes = torch.from_numpy(boxes) if len(boxes) else torch.Tensor().new_empty([0, 6])
        labels = [str(int(t[4])) for t in tracks]
        # print(t_boxes, boxes, labels)

        for track in tracks:
            yield track

    #     print("time for frame: ", timer.toc(), ", avg:", 1/timer.average_time, "fps")

    #     display.clear_output(wait=True)

    # return tracked_instances
In [27]:
def track_videos(video_paths: list[Path]) -> dict:
    # collect instances of all videos with unique key
    video_paths = list(video_paths)
    tracked_instances = {}
    timer = Timer()
    for i, p in enumerate(video_paths):
        print(f"{i}/{len(video_paths)}: {p}")

        cachefile = tmpdir / ( + '.pcl')
        if cachefile.exists() and False:
            print('\tLoad pickle')
            with'rb') as fp:
             new_instances = pickle.load(fp)
            #continue # to quickly test from cache
            new_instances = {}
            for track in track_video(p):
                track_id = f"{i}_{str(int(track[4]))}"
                if track_id not in new_instances:
                    new_instances[track_id] = []
            with'wb') as fp:
                pickle.dump(new_instances, fp)
            print(" time for video: ", timer.toc())
    return tracked_instances
In [28]:
tracked_instances = track_videos(videos)
0/76: ../DATASETS/VIRAT_subset_0102x/VIRAT_S_010200_00_000060_000218.mp4
 time for video:  1.20267653465271

Project / Homography

Now that all trajectories are captured (for a single video), these can then be projected onto a flat surface by homography). The necessary $H$ matrix is already provided by VIRAT in the homographies folder of their online data repository.

In [8]:
homography = list(source.glob('*img2world.txt'))[0]
H = np.loadtxt(homography, delimiter=',')

The homography matrix helps to transform points from image space to a flat world plane. The README_homography.txt from VIRAT describes:

Roughly estimated 3-by-3 homographies are included for convenience. Each homography H provides a mapping from image coordinate to scene-dependent world coordinate.
[xw,yw,zw]' = H*[xi,yi,1]'

xi: horizontal axis on image with left top corner as origin, increases right. yi: vertical axis on image with left top corner as origin, increases downward.

xw/zw: world x coordinate yw/zw: world y coordiante

In [9]:
(1200, 900)
In [10]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,8))
ax1, ax2 = fig.subplots(1,2)


for track_id in tracked_instances:
    # print(track_id)
    bboxes = tracked_instances[track_id]
    traj = np.array([[[0.5 * (det[0]+det[2]), det[3]]] for det in bboxes])
    projected_traj = cv2.perspectiveTransform(traj,H)
    # plt.plot(projected_traj[:,0])
    ax1.plot(projected_traj[:,:,0].reshape(-1), projected_traj[:,:,1].reshape(-1))
    ax2.plot(traj[:,:,0].reshape(-1), traj[:,:,1].reshape(-1))

What if the projection is a heatmap of where people are (tracking would not really be necessary for this thoug). Using the above plot and some blurring effects of pyplot from their documentation

In [37]:
from matplotlib import gridspec
import as cm
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
from matplotlib.colors import LightSource
from matplotlib.artist import Artist

def smooth1d(x, window_len):
    # copied from
    s = np.r_[2*x[0] - x[window_len:1:-1], x, 2*x[-1] - x[-1:-window_len:-1]]
    w = np.hanning(window_len)
    y = np.convolve(w/w.sum(), s, mode='same')
    return y[window_len-1:-window_len+1]

def smooth2d(A, sigma=3):
    window_len = max(int(sigma), 3) * 2 + 1
    A = np.apply_along_axis(smooth1d, 0, A, window_len)
    A = np.apply_along_axis(smooth1d, 1, A, window_len)
    return A

class BaseFilter:

    def get_pad(self, dpi):
        return 0

    def process_image(self, padded_src, dpi):
        raise NotImplementedError("Should be overridden by subclasses")

    def __call__(self, im, dpi):
        pad = self.get_pad(dpi)
        padded_src = np.pad(im, [(pad, pad), (pad, pad), (0, 0)], "constant")
        tgt_image = self.process_image(padded_src, dpi)
        return tgt_image, -pad, -pad

class GaussianFilter(BaseFilter):
    """Simple Gaussian filter."""

    def __init__(self, sigma, alpha=0.5, color=(0, 0, 0)):
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.color = color

    def get_pad(self, dpi):
        return int(self.sigma*3 / 72 * dpi)

    def process_image(self, padded_src, dpi):
        tgt_image = np.empty_like(padded_src)
        tgt_image[:, :, :3] = self.color
        tgt_image[:, :, 3] = smooth2d(padded_src[:, :, 3] * self.alpha,
                                      self.sigma / 72 * dpi)
        return tgt_image

gauss = GaussianFilter(2)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,12))

# Create 2x2 sub plots
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2)

# (ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4) = fig.subplots(2,2)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0])
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,0])
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:,1])



for track_id in tracked_instances:
    # print(track_id)
    bboxes = tracked_instances[track_id]
    traj = np.array([[[0.5 * (det[0]+det[2]), det[3]]] for det in bboxes])
    projected_traj = cv2.perspectiveTransform(traj,H)
    # plt.plot(projected_traj[:,0])
    line, = ax1.plot(projected_traj[:,:,0].reshape(-1), projected_traj[:,:,1].reshape(-1), color=(0,0,0,0.05))
    line.set_rasterized(True) # "to suport mixed-mode renderers"

    points = ax3.scatter(projected_traj[:,:,0].reshape(-1), projected_traj[:,:,1].reshape(-1), color=(0,0,0,0.01))
    points.set_rasterized(True) # "to suport mixed-mode renderers"

    ax2.plot(traj[:,:,0].reshape(-1), traj[:,:,1].reshape(-1))