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2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
This project produces "detections" for DeepSORT
in an attempt to trick the algorithm into moonwalking
over a crowd.
The framerate of rendering and detection can be distinct.
Also, all parameters (incl. framerate) can change along the way,
thus positions cannot depend on that.
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
import dataclasses
from typing import Optional
import time
import pyglet
import logging
import numpy as np
# from deep_sort_realtime.deepsort_tracker import DeepSort
from sort import Sort
from collections import defaultdict
from import Callable
import math
import easing_functions
from easing_functions.easing import EasingBase
from functools import partial
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
Interval = float # seconds
logger = logging.getLogger('moonwalk')
colorset = [(255, 0, 0),
(0, 0, 255),
(0, 255, 0),
(0, 255, 255),
(255, 0, 0),
(255, 0, 255),
(255, 255, 0)
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
VELOCITY_FACTOR = 30*.05 # a pixels/second velocity of 400 gives a frame-duration of .05
2024-10-15 13:33:36 +00:00
images_nrs = range(125, 162)
angles = list(range(0,360,15))
# angles.pop(angles.index(60))
# angles.pop(angles.index(75))
# angles.pop(angles.index(90))
2024-10-15 13:33:36 +00:00
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
walk_animations = {}
for a in angles:
walk_images = []
for nr in images_nrs:
# smaller textures doesn't seem to matter much in speed
fn = f'walk-animation/OUT/frame{nr:03d}_{a:02d}.png'
pic: pyglet.image.ImageData = pyglet.image.load(fn)
walk_animations[a] = pyglet.image.animation.Animation.from_image_sequence(walk_images, 1, True)"Loaded animation for {a} degree")
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
walk_animation = walk_animations[0]
2024-10-15 13:33:36 +00:00
# walk_image = pyglet.image.load('walk_bw.jpg') # TODO investigaet pyglet.resource:
# image_grid = pyglet.image.ImageGrid(walk_image, rows=1, columns=4)
# # texture_grid = image_grid.get_texture_sequence()
# walk_animation = image_grid.get_animation(period=.05)
2024-10-14 17:13:16 +00:00
walk_animation_dim = {
'y': walk_animation.get_max_height(),
'x': walk_animation.get_max_width()
class PotmeterShape():
value = 0
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
def __init__(self, cx, cy, r, canvas: Canvas, input: Input, batch: Optional[] = None):
# A rendered potmeter
self.input = input
self.canvas = canvas
self.batch=batch = cx = cy
self.r = r
x, y = self.get_xy_for_t(input.t)
self.shapes = (
pyglet.shapes.Arc(cx,cy,30, batch= batch), # potmeter
pyglet.shapes.Line(cx,cy,x,y, width=2, batch= batch) # potmeter position
# TODO: mouse scroll
# TODO: listen for actual values
def rotate(self, value, old_value, t, old_t):
x, y = self.get_xy_for_t(t)
self.shapes[1].x2 = x
self.shapes[1].y2 = y
# self.shapes[1].x2
# self.shapes[1].y2
# self.shapes.line......
def get_xy_for_t(self, t):
return ( + self.r * math.sin(t * math.pi * 2), + self.r * math.cos(t * math.pi * 2)
def on_mouse_scroll(self, x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y):
# determine xy position to select var to change,
# then change according to scroll_y
if x >= - self.r and \
x <= + self.r and \
y >= - self.r and \
y <= + self.r:
self.input.t += scroll_y / 100
class Input():
maps linear input (t) to params value
def __init__(self, default_t: float = 0, mapping: EasingBase = easing_functions.LinearInOut(start=0, end=100)):
# listereners are callables which have 2 float params and return nothing:
self._listeners: list[Callable[[float,float, float, float], None]] = []
self.mapping = mapping
self._t = None
self._v = None
self.t = default_t
# pyglet.text.Label(100,100,30) #name
# pyglet.text.Label(100,100,30) # current value
def t(self):
return self._t
def t(self, t: float):
Set the underlying linear value
# 0 <= v <= 1024
old_t = self._t
old_v = self._v
t = min(1, max(0, t))
if not old_t or abs(old_t - t) > 0.002: # resolution of 500, to mitigate analog potmeter noise
self._t = t
self._v = self.mapping(self._t)
for listener in self._listeners:
listener(self.value, old_v, self._t, old_t)
def value(self) -> float:
Get value converted from self.v
return self.mapping(self._t)
def add_listener(self, callback: Callable[[float, float, float, float], None]):
2024-10-06 10:41:06 +00:00
Add a listener for a change, callback gets
called with (old_value, new_value)
2024-10-06 10:41:06 +00:00
2024-10-06 10:41:06 +00:00
def get_listeners(self) -> list[Callable[[float, float, float, float], None]]:
2024-10-06 10:41:06 +00:00
return self._listeners
class SteppedEasing(EasingBase):
def __init__(self, steps: list):
self.steps = steps
def ease(self, alpha):
i = math.ceil(max(1e-100, alpha) * len(self.steps)) - 1
return self.steps[i]
class Params:
def __init__(self):
self.visual_variability = Input(0, easing_functions.LinearInOut(start=0, end=100))
# video_fps = Input(60
self.tracker_fps = Input(.3, easing_functions.QuadEaseIn(start=.1, end=60))
# iou = None
self.emitter_speed = Input(.2, easing_functions.LinearInOut(start=0, end=7)) # objects per second
self.object_velocity = Input(.4, easing_functions.LinearInOut(start=0, end=500)) # pixels/second TODO: allow negative
# velocity_decay = Input(1, easing_functions.LinearInOut(start=0, end=100)) # make system a bit springy
self.iou_threshold = Input(0, easing_functions.LinearInOut(start=0, end=1)) # SORT Intersection over union
self.movement_angle = Input(0, SteppedEasing(angles)) # angle at which the blobs move (-45 - +45 degrees)
def keys(self) -> list[str]:
return list(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith('__') and a not in ['keys', 'items', 'values'], dir(self)))
2024-10-06 10:41:06 +00:00
def items(self) -> list[tuple[str, Input]]:
return [
(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.keys()
2024-10-06 10:41:06 +00:00
def values(self) -> list[Input]:
return [
getattr(self, k) for k in self.keys()
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
class DetectedObject:
def __init__(self, canvas: Canvas):
self.canvas = canvas
# TODO handle variability
self.v = self.canvas.params.object_velocity
2024-10-15 13:33:36 +00:00
self.w = 160 # width
self.h = 320 # height
self.l = -self.w # left
self.t = (self.canvas.height - self.h)/2 - math.sin(self.canvas.params.movement_angle.value/360*math.pi*2) * self.canvas.width/2 # top
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2024-10-14 17:13:16 +00:00
# self.shape = pyglet.shapes.Rectangle(self.l, self.t, self.w, self.h, color=(255, 22, 20), batch=self.canvas.batch_figures)
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
2024-10-14 17:13:16 +00:00
self.shape = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(img=walk_animations[self.canvas.angle],x=self.l, y=self.t, batch=self.canvas.batch_figures)
2024-10-14 17:13:16 +00:00
self.shape.scale_x = self.w/walk_animation_dim['x']
self.shape.scale_y = self.h/walk_animation_dim['y']
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
# rectangle.opacity = 128
# rectangle.rotation = 33
#TODO renderer
def update(self, dt: Interval):
Update position
self.l += dt * self.canvas.params.object_velocity.value * math.cos(self.canvas.params.movement_angle.value/360*2 * math.pi)
self.t += dt * self.canvas.params.object_velocity.value * math.sin(self.canvas.params.movement_angle.value/360*2 * math.pi)
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self.shape.x = self.l
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
self.shape.y = self.t
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
# TODO exponential decay with self.params.velocity_decay
class ObjectEmitter:
Emit detectable objects
def __init__(self, params: Params, canvas: Canvas):
self.lastEmit = 0
self.params = params
self.canvas = canvas
def emit(self, dt: Interval) -> list[DetectedObject]:
self.lastEmit += dt
if self.params.emitter_speed.value == 0:
return []
if self.lastEmit is None or self.lastEmit >= 1/self.params.emitter_speed.value:
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00'emit!')
obj = DetectedObject(self.canvas)
self.lastEmit = 0
return [obj]
return []
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
class MissingDict[T](dict):
collections.defaultdict does not accept arguments, but this is what we want/need.
This implementation should do the trick
def __init__(self, factory: Callable, values={}):
self.factory = factory
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
def __missing__(self, key) -> T:
self[key] = self.factory(key)
return self[key]
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
class Canvas:
A canvas with moving objects
def __init__(self, params: Params):
2024-10-15 13:33:36 +00:00
self.width = 1920
self.height = 1080
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
self.objects: list[DetectedObject] = []
self.lastSnapshot: Optional[float] = None
self.params = params
self.emitter = ObjectEmitter(self.params, self)
self.hide_stats = False
config =, samples=4, double_buffer=True)
# , fullscreen=self.config.render_window
self.window = pyglet.window.Window(width=self.width, height=self.height, config=config, fullscreen=False)
self.window.set_handler('on_draw', self.on_draw)
self.window.set_handler('on_key_press', self.on_key_press)
self.window.set_handler('on_mouse_scroll', self.on_mouse_scroll)
self.window.set_handler('on_refresh', self.on_refresh)
# self.window.set_handler('on_refresh', self.on_refresh)
# self.window.set_handler('on_close', self.on_close)
# Purple background color:
2024-10-15 13:33:36 +00:00,230/255,230/255,230/255)
2024-10-14 17:13:16 +00:00
self.draw_stats = True
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
self.fps_display = pyglet.window.FPSDisplay(window=self.window, color=(255,255,255,255), samples=100)
self.fps_display.label.x = self.window.width - 150
self.fps_display.label.y = self.window.height - 17
self.fps_display.label.bold = False
self.fps_display.label.font_size = 10
self.batch_figures =
self.batch_bounding_boxes =
self.batch_info =
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
self.tracks = []
self.labels = {
'objects': pyglet.text.Label("", x=20, y=30, color=(255,255,255,255), batch=self.batch_info),
'tracks': pyglet.text.Label("", x=120, y=30, color=(255,255,255,255), batch=self.batch_info),
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
print('ok', self.params)
self.potmeters: list[PotmeterShape] = []
for i, item in enumerate(self.params.values()):
PotmeterShape(300+80*i, 130, 30, self, item, self.batch_info)
for i, param in enumerate(self.params.items()):
name = param[0]
value = param[1]
print(name, value)
self.labels[name] = pyglet.text.Label(f"{name}: {value.value}", x=20, y=30 + 20*(i+1), color=(255,255,255,255), batch=self.batch_info)
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
2024-10-06 10:41:06 +00:00
# TODO: Add a number next to the box using
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
self.track_shapes: MissingDict[np.float64, tuple[pyglet.shapes.Box, pyglet.text.Label]] = MissingDict(self.getTrackBboxShapes)
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
self.tracker = Sort(max_age=5, min_hits=1, iou_threshold=0) #DeepSort(max_age=5)
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pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.on_track, 1/self.params.tracker_fps.value)
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
self.interval_items: list[pyglet.clock._ScheduledIntervalItem] = [i for i in pyglet.clock._default._schedule_interval_items if i.func == self.on_track]
self.on_movement_angle_change(self.params.movement_angle.value, None, None, None) # set self.angle
# trigger first time around
self.on_object_velocity_change(self.params.object_velocity.value, None, None, None)
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
def getTrackBboxShapes(self, track_id) -> tuple[pyglet.shapes.Box, pyglet.text.Label]:
color = colorset[int(track_id) % len(colorset)]
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
return (
pyglet.shapes.Box(0,0,0,0,color=color,thickness=2, batch=self.batch_bounding_boxes),
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
pyglet.text.Label(f"{track_id:.0f}", x=0, y=0, anchor_y='top', color=color, batch=self.batch_bounding_boxes),
# pyglet.shapes.Lab(0,0,0,0,color=(0,255,0),thickness=2, batch=self.batch_bounding_boxes)
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
def on_tracker_fps_change(self, value, old_value, t, old_t):
2024-10-06 10:41:06 +00:00
Param dataclass listener for changes to tracker_fps
for ii in self.interval_items:
ii.interval = 1/value
2024-10-06 10:41:06 +00:00
logger.debug(f"Set tracker interval to {ii.interval}")
2024-10-14 17:13:16 +00:00
def on_object_velocity_change(self, value, old_value, t, old_t):
Param dataclass listener for changes to object_velocity as to change walk animation
# TODO: when walking backwards, animation should reverse
duration = max(.001, VELOCITY_FACTOR / max(.1, value))
logger.debug(f"set frame duration to {duration=} (for {value} p/s, factor: {VELOCITY_FACTOR})")
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
for anim in walk_animations.values():
for frame in anim.frames:
# a velocity of
frame.duration = duration
# for ii in self.interval_items:
# ii.interval = 1/new_value
# logger.debug(f"Set tracker interval to {ii.interval}")
def on_movement_angle_change(self, value, old_value, t, old_t):
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
Param dataclass listener for changes to movement-angle
angle = min(angles, key=lambda x:abs(x-value))
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
if hasattr(self, 'angle') and self.angle == angle:
self.angle = angle
for obj in self.objects:
idx = obj.shape._frame_index # setting the .image property removes the frame offset, this causes the animations to sync. Because all animations have the same nr of frames, we can get and re-set this offset
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
obj.shape.image = walk_animations[self.angle]
obj.shape._frame_index = idx
def on_iou_threshold_change(self, value, old_value, t, old_t):
2024-10-14 17:13:16 +00:00
Param dataclass listener for changes to iou_threshold
self.tracker.iou_threshold = value
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
def run(self):
self.event_loop =
# pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.check_running, 0.1)
# pyglet.clock.schedule(self.check_frames)
# pyglet.clock.schedule(self.track)
def on_draw(self):
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
2024-10-14 17:13:16 +00:00
if self.draw_stats:
def on_close(self):'closing')
def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):
2024-10-06 10:41:06 +00:00
if symbol == pyglet.window.key.Q or symbol == pyglet.window.key.ESCAPE:
if symbol == pyglet.window.key.V:
level = logging.INFO if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG else logging.DEBUG
logger.setLevel(level)"set log level: {level}")
2024-10-14 17:13:16 +00:00
if symbol == pyglet.window.key.S:
self.draw_stats = not self.draw_stats"rendering stats: {self.draw_stats}")
def on_mouse_scroll(self, x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y):
# determine xy position to select var to change,
# then change according to scroll_y
for potmeter in self.potmeters:
potmeter.on_mouse_scroll(x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y)
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
def on_track(self, dt):
# bbs = object_detector.detect(frame)
objects = self.snapshot()
# TODO chipper & embedder
# bbs = [([o.l, o.t, o.w, o.h], 1, 1) for o in objects]
# DEEP SORT: self.tracks = self.tracker.update_tracks(bbs, frame=np.zeros([1280,720])) # bbs expected to be a list of detections, each in tuples of ( [left,top,w,h], confidence, detection_class )
bbs = np.array([[o.l, o.t, o.l+ o.w, o.t+o.h, 1, 1] for o in objects])
self.tracks = self.tracker.update(bbs) # a numpy array of detections in the format [[x1,y1,x2,y2,score],[x1,y1,x2,y2,score],...]
# self.tracks is a np array where each row contains a valid bounding box and track_id (last column)
# remove old shapes
ids = [track[4] for track in self.tracks]
for k in list(self.track_shapes.keys()):
if k not in ids:
logger.debug(f"shape removed {k}" )
# print([t[4] for t in self.tracks])
# def set_tracker_fps(self, fps: float):
# self.params.tracker_fps.value = fps
# for interval in self.interval_items:
# interval.interval = 1/fps
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
def prune(self):
Loop over objects remove those out of the frame
# TODO now that there is rotation, this check needs to be a bit more elaborated
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
for i, object in enumerate(self.objects.copy()):
if object.l > self.width:'Delete {i}')
2024-10-15 13:33:36 +00:00
el = self.objects.pop(i)
el.shape.delete() # clear the attached shape
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
def snapshot(self) -> list[DetectedObject]:
Update all object positions base on dt = now - lastSnapshot
now = time.monotonic()
if self.lastSnapshot is None:
self.lastSnapshot = now
dt = now - self.lastSnapshot
for object in self.objects:
self.lastSnapshot = now
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
# print(f"duration: {time.monotonic()-now)
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
return self.objects
def on_refresh(self, dt: float):
objects = self.snapshot()
self.labels['objects'].text = f"Objects: {len(objects)}"
self.labels['tracks'].text = f"Tracks: {len(self.tracks)}"
# self.labels['velocity'].text = f"Velocity: {self.params.object_velocity}"
# self.labels['tracker_fps'].text = f"Tracker FPS: {self.params.tracker_fps}"
for name, item in self.params.items():
self.labels[name].text = f"{name}: {item.value:.3f}"
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
for track in self.tracks:
nr = track[4]
2024-10-17 11:38:44 +00:00
box: pyglet.shape.Box = self.track_shapes[nr][0]
label: pyglet.text.Label = self.track_shapes[nr][1]
if box.x == 0 and box.y == 0:
# set initial position
box.x = track[0]
box.y = track[1]
label.x = track[0]
label.y = track[1]
box.width = track[2] - track[0]
box.height = track[3] - track[1]
else: # not really impact
# exponential decay
label.x = box.x = exponentialDecay(box.x, track[0], 12, dt)
label.y = box.y = exponentialDecay(box.y, track[1], 12, dt)
# setting width and height on label is not needed _and_ makes it super slow
box.width = exponentialDecay(box.width, track[2] - track[0], 12, dt)
box.height = exponentialDecay(box.height, track[3] - track[1], 12, dt)
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
# TODO: shape in DetectedObject
# rectangle = shapes.Rectangle(250, 300, 400, 200, color=(255, 22, 20), batch=batch)
# rectangle.opacity = 128
# rectangle.rotation = 33
# print(objects)
# id(objects)
def exponentialDecay(a, b, decay, dt):
"""Exponential decay as alternative to Lerp
Introduced by Freya Holmér:
return b + (a-b) * math.exp(-decay * dt)
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
params = Params()
canvas = Canvas(params)
2024-10-04 12:25:03 +00:00