2.9 KiB
- [2019.10.11] Training and evaluation data uploaded! Please see DATASET_ZOO.MD for details.
- [2019.10.01] Demo code and pre-trained model released!
This repo is the a codebase of the Joint Detection and Embedding (JDE) model. JDE is a fast and high-performance multiple-object tracker that learns the object detection task and appearance embedding task simutaneously in a shared neural network. Techical details are described in our arXiv preprint paper. By using this repo, you can simply achieve MOTA 64%+ on the "private" protocol of MOT-16 challenge, and with a near real-time speed at 18~24 FPS (Note this speed is for the entire system, including the detection step! ) .
We hope this repo will help researches/engineers to develop more practical MOT systems. For algorithm development, we provide training data, baseline models and evaluation methods to make a level playground. For application usage, we also provide a small video demo that takes raw videos as input without any bells and whistles.
- Python 3.6
- Pytorch >= 1.0.1
- syncbn (Optional, compile and place it under utils/syncbn, or simply replace with nn.BatchNorm here)
- maskrcnn-benchmark (Their GPU NMS is used in this project)
- python-opencv
- ffmpeg (Optional, used in the video demo)
- py-motmetrics (Simply
pip install motmetrics
Video Demo
python demo.py --input-video path/to/your/input/video --weights path/to/model/weights
--output-format video --output-root path/to/output/root
Dataset zoo
Please see DATASET_ZOO.MD for detailed description of the training/evaluation datasets.
Pretrained model and baseline models
Darknet-53 ImageNet pretrained: [DarkNet Official]
JDE-1088x608-uncertainty: [Google Drive] [Baidu NetDisk]
Test on MOT-16 Challenge
Training instruction
Train with custom datasets
A large portion of code is borrowed from ultralytics/yolov3 and longcw/MOTDT, many thanks to their wonderful work!