
127 lines
3.8 KiB

import {
} from "vscode";
export interface Reference {
document: TextDocument;
citekey: string;
pagenr: number | null;
range: Range;
export class ZoteroCodeLensProvider implements CodeLensProvider {
// Each provider requires a provideCodeLenses function which will give the various documents
// the code lenses
async provideCodeLenses(document: TextDocument): Promise<CodeLens[]> {
const references = this.findReferences(document);
return references
// sort by line, citekey, pagenr
.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.range.start.line !== b.range.start.line) {
return a.range.start.line - b.range.start.line;
if (a.citekey !== b.citekey) {
return a.citekey.localeCompare(b.citekey);
// nulls sort before anything else
if (a.pagenr === null) {
return -1;
if (b.pagenr === null) {
return 1;
return a.pagenr - b.pagenr;
// remove duplicate items (which are in sequence)
.filter((reference, index) => {
if (index === 0) { return true; }
if (
references[index - 1].range.start.line !== reference.range.start.line ||
references[index - 1].citekey !== reference.citekey ||
references[index - 1].pagenr !== reference.pagenr
) {
return true;
return false;
.map((reference, index) => {
let title = "";
if (
index === 0 ||
references[index - 1].range.start.line !== reference.range.start.line ||
references[index - 1].citekey !== reference.citekey
) {
title = `@${reference.citekey}`;
if (reference.pagenr) {
title += ` p.${reference.pagenr}`;
} else {
// there has to be a pagenr because of filtering
title = `p.${reference.pagenr}`;
// ignore char pos so that the order of the array
// is actually used (by default CodeLenses are sorted by position)
const range = new Range(
reference.range.start.line, 0,
reference.range.end.line, 0
return [
new CodeLens(range, {
title: title,
// command: 'zoterolens.showInZotero',
command: 'zoterolens.openZoteroPDF',
arguments: [reference]
// new CodeLens(reference.range, {
// title: '(pdf)',
// command: 'zoterolens.openZoteroPDF',
// arguments: [reference]
// })
// let codeLens = new CodeLens(topOfDocument, c);
// return [codeLens];
// TODO match citations in brackets [@citation] inline @citatinon,
// but also page number in [see @citation p.23] and
// inlince @citation [p.23] (so brackets after inline)
// TODO possibly use https://github.com/martinring/markdown-it-citations/blob/ba82a511de047a2438b4ac060c4c71b5a5c82da9/src/index.ts#L43
findReferences(document: TextDocument): Reference[] {
const matches: Reference[] = [];
for (let lineNr = 0; lineNr < document.lineCount; lineNr++) {
const line = document.lineAt(lineNr);
let match: RegExpExecArray | null;
let regex = /(?<=@)([\w\.]+)[, ]*\[?(?:[p]{0,2}\.)?(\d+)?(?:-+\d+)?\]?/g;
regex.lastIndex = 0;
const text = line.text;//.substring(0, 1000);
while ((match = regex.exec(text))) {
const result = {
document: document,
citekey: match[1],
pagenr: match[2] ? parseInt(match[2]) : null,
range: new Range(lineNr, match.index, lineNr, match.index + match[0].length)
} as Reference;
// if (result) {
// }
return matches;