sustaining_gazes/matlab_runners/Action Unit Experiments/helpers/evaluate_regression_results.m
Tadas Baltrusaitis 2128589309 A lot of changes:
- New AU recognition models trained on extra datasets - Bosphorus, UNBC, FERA2011
- Cleaner and clearer separation of static and dynamic AU models
- AU training code cleaned up and instructions added
- bug fixes with median feature computation
- AU prediction correction (smoothing and shifting) with post processing
2016-07-22 09:35:50 -04:00

54 lines
1.5 KiB

function [ accuracies, F1s, corrs, ccc, rms, classes ] = evaluate_regression_results( labels, ground_truth )
%EVALUATE_CLASSIFICATION_RESULTS Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
classes = sort(unique(ground_truth));
accuracies = zeros(numel(classes),1);
F1s = zeros(numel(classes),1);
corrs = corr(labels, ground_truth);
rms = sqrt(mean((labels-ground_truth).^2));
std_g = std(ground_truth);
std_p = std(labels);
ccc = 2 * corrs * std_g * std_p / (std_g^2 + std_p^2 + (mean(labels) - mean(ground_truth))^2);
% the label is taken to belong to a class it is closest to
label_dists = zeros(numel(labels), numel(classes));
for i=1:numel(classes)
label_dists(:,i) = abs(labels - classes(i));
[~, labels] = min(label_dists');
labels = labels';
for i=1:numel(classes)
labels(labels==i) = classes(i);
for i=1:numel(classes)
pos_samples = ground_truth == classes(i);
neg_samples = ground_truth ~= classes(i);
pos_labels = labels == classes(i);
neg_labels = labels ~= classes(i);
TPs = sum(pos_samples & pos_labels);
TNs = sum(neg_samples & neg_labels);
FPs = sum(pos_labels & neg_samples);
FNs = sum(neg_labels & pos_samples);
accuracies(i) = (TPs + TNs) / numel(pos_samples);
F1s(i) = 2 * TPs / (2*TPs + FNs + FPs);