2022-05-27 11:46:04 +02:00

207 lines
7.9 KiB

import webdataset as wds
from PIL import Image
import io
import os
import torchvision
from PIL import Image
import glob
import random
import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
from tqdm import tqdm
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from einops import rearrange
import torch
from ldm.util import instantiate_from_config
def dict_collation_fn(samples, combine_tensors=True, combine_scalars=True):
"""Take a list of samples (as dictionary) and create a batch, preserving the keys.
If `tensors` is True, `ndarray` objects are combined into
tensor batches.
:param dict samples: list of samples
:param bool tensors: whether to turn lists of ndarrays into a single ndarray
:returns: single sample consisting of a batch
:rtype: dict
batched = {key: [] for key in samples[0]}
# assert isinstance(samples[0][first_key], (list, tuple)), type(samples[first_key])
for s in samples:
[batched[key].append(s[key]) for key in batched]
result = {}
for key in batched:
if isinstance(batched[key][0], (int, float)):
if combine_scalars:
result[key] = np.array(list(batched[key]))
elif isinstance(batched[key][0], torch.Tensor):
if combine_tensors:
# import torch
result[key] = torch.stack(list(batched[key]))
elif isinstance(batched[key][0], np.ndarray):
if combine_tensors:
result[key] = np.array(list(batched[key]))
result[key] = list(batched[key])
# result.append(b)
return result
class WebDataModuleFromConfig(pl.LightningDataModule):
def __init__(self, tar_base, batch_size, train=None, validation=None,
test=None, num_workers=4, load_ddp=True, n_nodes=1,
print(f'Setting tar base to {tar_base}')
self.tar_base = tar_base
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.num_workers = num_workers
self.train = train
self.validation = validation
self.test = test
self.load_ddp = load_ddp
self.multinode = n_nodes > 1
self.n_nodes = n_nodes # n gpu ??
def make_loader(self, dataset_config, train=True):
if 'image_transforms' in dataset_config:
image_transforms = [instantiate_from_config(tt) for tt in dataset_config.image_transforms]
image_transforms = []
torchvision.transforms.Lambda(lambda x: rearrange(x * 2. - 1., 'c h w -> h w c'))])
image_transforms = torchvision.transforms.Compose(image_transforms)
if 'transforms' in dataset_config:
transforms_config = OmegaConf.to_container(dataset_config.transforms)
transforms_config = dict()
transform_dict = {dkey: load_partial_from_config(transforms_config[dkey]) if transforms_config[
dkey] != 'identity' else identity
for dkey in transforms_config}
img_key = dataset_config.get('image_key', 'jpeg')
transform_dict.update({img_key: image_transforms})
shuffle = dataset_config.get('shuffle', 0)
# TODO fid strategy when n exmples not known beforehand
n_examples = dataset_config.get('n_examples', 1e6) // self.n_nodes
shards_to_load = dataset_config.shards
dset_name = 'unknown'
if isinstance(shards_to_load, str):
print(f'Loading tars based on the string {shards_to_load}')
tars = os.path.join(self.tar_base, shards_to_load)
start_shard_id, end_shard_id = dataset_config.shards.split('{')[-1].split('}')[0].split('..')
n_shards = int(end_shard_id) - int(start_shard_id) + 1
dset_name = dataset_config.shards.split('-')[0]
elif isinstance(shards_to_load, int):
print(f'Creating tar list, max shard is {shards_to_load}')
tars = [tf for tf in natsorted(glob(os.path.join(self.tar_base, '*.tar'))) if
int(tf.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) < shards_to_load]
n_shards = len(tars)
except ValueError as e:
print('tarfile names should follow the pattern <zero_padded_number>.tar . Check names of the files')
raise e
raise ValueError(
'shards should be either a string containing consecutive shards or an int defining the max shard number')
print(f'Got {n_shards} shard files in datafolder for {"training" if train else "validation"}')
# if self.num_workers > 0:
# assert n_shards % self.num_workers == 0 , f'Number of workers which is {self.num_workers} does not evenly divide number of shards which is {n_shards}'
print(f'Loading webdataset based dataloader based on {n_shards} of {dset_name} dataset.')
# start creating the dataset
nodesplitter = wds.shardlists.split_by_node if self.multinode else wds.shardlists.single_node_only
epoch_length = n_examples // (self.batch_size)
dset = wds.WebDataset(tars, nodesplitter=nodesplitter).shuffle(shuffle)
with_epoch_args = {'nsamples': n_examples, 'nbatches': epoch_length}
if 'filters' in dataset_config:
for stage in tqdm(dataset_config.filters,
desc=f'Applying the following filters: {[f for f in dataset_config.filters]}'):
f = getattr(dset, stage)
dset = f(dset, *dataset_config.filters[stage].args,
**dataset_config.filters[stage].get('kwargs', dict()))
print(f'Dataset holding {len(dset.pipeline[0].urls)} shards')
dset = (dset
# .to_tuple("jpg;png;jpeg pickle cls hls")
# .map_tuple(image_transforms,load_partial_from_config(nns_transform) if 'target' in nns_transform else identity,identity,identity)
.batched(self.batch_size, partial=False,
loader = wds.WebLoader(dset, batch_size=None, shuffle=False,
return loader, n_examples
def train_dataloader(self):
assert self.train is not None
loader, dset_size = self.make_loader(self.train)
# if self.load_ddp:
# loader = loader.ddp_equalize(dset_size // self.batch_size)
return loader
def val_dataloader(self):
assert self.train is not None
loader, _ = self.make_loader(self.validation, train=False)
return loader
def test_dataloader(self):
assert self.train is not None
loader, _ = self.make_loader(self.test, train=False)
return loader
if __name__ == "__main__":
url = "pipe:aws s3 cp s3://s-datasets/laion5b/laion2B-data/000000.tar -"
dataset = wds.WebDataset(url)
example = next(iter(dataset))
for k in example:
print(k, type(example[k]))
for k in ["json", "txt"]:
image =["jpg"]))
outdir = "tmp"
os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True), example["__key__"] + ".png"))
def load_example(example):
return {
"key": example["__key__"],
"text": example["txt"].decode(),
for i, example in tqdm(enumerate(dataset)):
ex = load_example(example)
print(ex["image"].size, ex["text"])
if i >= 100: