Info for installation

This commit is contained in:
Ruben van de Ven 2020-11-02 15:11:27 +01:00
parent 6f2095eede
commit 07c4f9e899
3 changed files with 38 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -7,30 +7,29 @@ Follow these instructions to set up your development environment, which you need
_Note_: The installation steps assume you are using a Unix-like shell. If you are using Windows, you will need to use `copy` instead of `cp`. _Note_: The installation steps assume you are using a Unix-like shell. If you are using Windows, you will need to use `copy` instead of `cp`.
1. Install Node.js. The recommended way is to Node through [nvm]( You can also install [node.js]( version 12.16.1 directly from the Node.js website. 1. Install Node.js. The recommended way is to Node through [nvm]( You can also install [node.js]( version 12.16.1 directly from the Node.js website.
2. [Fork]( the [p5.js Web Editor repository]( into your own GitHub account. 3. [Clone]( this repository using git onto your local computer.
3. [Clone]( your new fork of the repository from GitHub onto your local computer.
``` ```
$ git clone $ git clone
``` ```
4. If you are using nvm, run `$ nvm use` to set your Node version to 12.16.1 4. If you are using nvm, run `$ nvm use` to set your Node version to 12.16.1
5. Navigate into the project folder and install all its necessary dependencies with npm. 5. Navigate into the project folder and install all its necessary dependencies with npm.
``` ```
$ cd p5.js-web-editor $ cd p5.js-web-editor
$ npm install $ npm install
``` ```
6. Install MongoDB and make sure it is running 6. Install MongoDB and make sure it is running
* For Mac OSX with [homebrew]( `brew tap mongodb/brew` then `brew install mongodb-community` and finally start the server with `brew services start mongodb-community` or you can visit the installation guide here [Installation Guide For MacOS](
* For Windows and Linux: [MongoDB Installation](
7. `$ cp .env.example .env` 7. `$ cp .env.example .env`
8. (Optional) Update `.env` with necessary keys to enable certain app behaviors, i.e. add Github ID and Github Secret if you want to be able to log in with Github. 8. (For DigitalPlayground) use provided .env file
9. `$ npm run fetch-examples` - this downloads the example sketches into a user called 'p5' 9. Run `npm run build:server && npm run build:client` to make sure all script are built and bundled.
10. `$ npm start` 11. use the provided service file to start the server through systemd
11. Navigate to [http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000) in your browser - edit `p5.js-web-editor.service` so it has the right files & folders according to you installation
12. Install the [React Developer Tools]( - `cp /home/dp/p5.js-web-editor/p5.js-web-editor.service /etc/systemd/system/`
13. Open and close the Redux DevTools using `ctrl+h`, and move them with `ctrl+w` - `systemctl deamon-reload`
- `systemctl start p5.js-web-editor.service`
12. (Optionally) Set the `PORT` and `NODE_PORT` variables in the p5.js-web-editor.service and .env files to the desired port OR use an apache server (or something else) as https-proxy server. For an example see `digitalplayground-apache.conf`.
## Docker Installation ## Docker Installation

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Forward to IPv6-only host
<VirtualHost *:80>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent]
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost *:443>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket [NC]
RewriteRule /(.*) ws://$1 [P,L]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} !=websocket [NC]
RewriteRule /(.*)$1 [P,L]
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
ProxyPreserveHost On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Description=p5.js web editor
[Service] [Service]
Type=simple Type=simple
EnvironmentFile=/home/YOUR_USER/p5.js-web-editor/.env EnvironmentFile=/home/YOUR_USER/p5.js-web-editor/.env