2019-03-29 16:20:23 +01:00

2.1 KiB

Hugvey / Pillow Talk

  • Panpoticon
    • Fancy nickname for the web interface that allows altering the story and running the individual Hugveys
  • Voice
    • Lyrebird voice syntehsis API wrapper. Set the oAuth token using a token generated here
  • Client
    • Individual Hugveys that stream their mic output and play audiofiles trough the Panopticon. Communication with the server is done through zmq
    • Connect with them trough hugvey1.local etc (1-25).
  • Central Command/server
    • One server to rule them all. Start individual threads/subprocesses for the individual Hugveys. The Panopticon is started when starting the server.


Run the server: python --config server_config.yml


The server also integrates the panopticon, the monitoring & administration interface to Hugvey.


To run it: python -c client_config.yml


The Panopticon uses gulp to compile SASS into CSS, and to set up browser-sync for css & js. For now, no js user facing dependencies are managed trough node/npm.

After starting the server:

cd www

To run a command on all hugveys:

fab -H, -- uname


create and load Python virtualenv

virtualenv -p python3 --system-site-packages venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install requirements

apt install libasound-dev python3-pyaudio git-lfs
pip install -r requirements.server.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install soft requirements (These are hard requirements for the clients!)

apt install sox rsync

Don't forget to init git submodules

git submodule init
git sumodule update


apt install supervisor

Add the following to the first section of /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf


Deploy / usefull commands

for i in {1..6}; do rsync -av ~/hugvey/ pi@hugvey$i.local:/home/pi/hugvey/ --exclude=www --exclude=venv --exclude=local --exclude=*.pyc --exclude=.git; done
for i in {1..6}; do ssh pi@hugvey$i.local "sudo shutdown -h now"; done