
51 lines
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namespace EmotionHero\Server;
use WebSocket\Client;
class Websockets
protected $clients;
public static function triggerUpdate(string $type) {
$client = new Client("ws://localhost:8181/");
$client->send(json_encode(['action'=>'update', 'method'=>$type]));
public function __construct() {
$this->clients = new \SplObjectStorage;
public function onOpen(ConnectionInterface $conn) {
// Store the new connection to send messages to later
echo "New connection! ({$conn->resourceId})\n";
public function onMessage(ConnectionInterface $from, $msg) {
echo sprintf('Connection %d sending message "%s"' . "\n"
, $from->resourceId, $msg);
foreach ($this->clients as $client) {
if ($from !== $client) {
// The sender is not the receiver, send to each client connected
public function onClose(ConnectionInterface $conn) {
// The connection is closed, remove it, as we can no longer send it messages
echo "Connection {$conn->resourceId} has disconnected\n";
public function onError(ConnectionInterface $conn, \Exception $e) {
echo "An error has occurred: {$e->getMessage()}\n";