Different smoothing and filtering before parsing data

This commit is contained in:
Ruben van de Ven 2024-12-06 08:27:17 +01:00
parent 0f96611771
commit d6eac14898
7 changed files with 238 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -77,16 +77,17 @@ class CameraAction(argparse.Action):
if values is None:
setattr(namespace, self.dest, None)
values = Path(values)
with values.open('r') as fp:
data = json.load(fp)
# print(data)
# print(data['camera_matrix'])
# camera = {
# 'camera_matrix': np.array(data['camera_matrix']),
# 'dist_coeff': np.array(data['dist_coeff']),
# }
camera = Camera(np.array(data['camera_matrix']), np.array(data['dist_coeff']), data['dim']['width'], data['dim']['height'], namespace.H, namespace.camera_fps)
camera = Camera.from_calibfile(Path(values), namespace.H, namespace.camera_fps)
# values = Path(values)
# with values.open('r') as fp:
# data = json.load(fp)
# # print(data)
# # print(data['camera_matrix'])
# # camera = {
# # 'camera_matrix': np.array(data['camera_matrix']),
# # 'dist_coeff': np.array(data['dist_coeff']),
# # }
# camera = Camera(np.array(data['camera_matrix']), np.array(data['dist_coeff']), data['dim']['width'], data['dim']['height'], namespace.H, namespace.camera_fps)
setattr(namespace, 'camera', camera)

View file

@ -338,6 +338,9 @@ class CvRenderer:
first_time = None
cv2.namedWindow("frame", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
while self.is_running.is_set():
@ -385,7 +388,7 @@ class CvRenderer:
if self.streaming_process:
if self.config.render_window:
cv2.imshow('frame',cv2.resize(img, (1920, 1080)))

View file

@ -57,10 +57,17 @@ class UrlOrPath():
return Path(self.url.path)
return Path(self.url.geturl()) # can include scheme, such as C:/
class Space(IntFlag):
Image = 1 # As detected in the image
Undistorted = 2 # After applying lense undistortiion
World = 4 # After lens undistort and homography
Render = 8 # View space of renderer
class DetectionState(IntFlag):
Tentative = 1 # state before n_init (see DeepsortTrack)
Confirmed = 2 # after tentative
Lost = 4 # lost when DeepsortTrack.time_since_update > 0 but not Deleted
Interpolated = 8 # A position estimated through interpolation of adjecent detections
def from_deepsort_track(cls, track: DeepsortTrack):
@ -83,6 +90,14 @@ class DetectionState(IntFlag):
return cls.Confirmed
raise RuntimeError("Should not run into Deleted entries here")
def H_from_path(path: Path):
if path.suffix == '.json':
with path.open('r') as fp:
H = np.array(json.load(fp))
H = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=',')
return H
class Camera:
mtx: cv2.Mat
@ -98,6 +113,27 @@ class Camera:
def __post_init__(self):
self.newcameramtx, self.roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(self.mtx, self.dist, (self.w,self.h), 1, (self.w,self.h))
def from_calibfile(cls, calibration_path, H, fps):
with calibration_path.open('r') as fp:
data = json.load(fp)
# print(data)
# print(data['camera_matrix'])
# camera = {
# 'camera_matrix': np.array(data['camera_matrix']),
# 'dist_coeff': np.array(data['dist_coeff']),
# }
return cls(
H, fps)
def from_paths(cls, calibration_path, h_path, fps):
H = H_from_path(h_path)
return cls.from_calibfile(calibration_path, H, fps)
# def __init__(self, mtx, dist, w, h, H):
# self.mtx = mtx
@ -107,6 +143,14 @@ class Camera:
# self.newcameramtx, self.roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(mtx, dist, (w,h), 1, (w,h))
# self.H = H # homography
class Position:
x: float
y: float
conf: float
state: DetectionState
frame_nr: int
det_class: str
class Detection:
@ -120,7 +164,7 @@ class Detection:
frame_nr: int
det_class: str
def get_foot_coords(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]:
def get_foot_coords(self) -> list[float, float]:
return [self.l + 0.5 * self.w, self.t+self.h]
@ -153,6 +197,16 @@ class Detection:
def to_ltrb(self):
return (int(self.l), int(self.t), int(self.l+self.w), int(self.t+self.h))
class Trajectory:
# TODO)) Replace history and predictions in Track with Trajectory
space: Space
fps: int = 12
points: List[Detection] = field(default_factory=list)
def __iter__(self):
for d in self.points:
yield d
@ -162,7 +216,7 @@ class Track:
and acceleration.
track_id: str = None
history: List[Detection] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
history: List[Detection] = field(default_factory=list)
predictor_history: Optional[list] = None # in image space
predictions: Optional[list] = None
fps: int = 12
@ -236,6 +290,50 @@ class Track:
def get_binned(self, bin_size=.5, remove_overlap=True):
For an experiment: what if we predict using only concrete positions, by mapping
dx,dy to a grid. Thus prediction can be for 8 moves, or rather headings
see ~/notes/attachments example svg
new_history: List[Detection] = []
for i, (det0, det1) in enumerate(zip(self.history[:-1], self.history[1:]):
if i == 0:
if abs(det1.x - new_history[-1].x) < bin_size or abs(det1.y - new_history[-1].y) < bin_size:
# det1 falls outside of the box [-bin_size:+bin_size] around last detection
# 1. Interpolate exact point between det0 and det1 that this happens
if abs(det1.x - new_history[-1].x) >= bin_size:
if det1.x - new_history[-1].x >= bin_size:
# det1 left of last
x = new_history[-1].x + bin_size
f = inv_lerp(det0.x, det1.x, x)
elif new_history[-1].x - det1.x >= bin_size:
# det1 left of last
x = new_history[-1].x - bin_size
f = inv_lerp(det0.x, det1.x, x)
y = lerp(det0.y, det1.y, f)
if abs(det1.y - new_history[-1].y) >= bin_size:
if det1.y - new_history[-1].y >= bin_size:
# det1 left of last
y = new_history[-1].y + bin_size
f = inv_lerp(det0.y, det1.y, x)
elif new_history[-1].y - det1.y >= bin_size:
# det1 left of last
y = new_history[-1].y - bin_size
f = inv_lerp(det0.y, det1.y, x)
x = lerp(det0.x, det1.x, f)
# 2. Find closest point on rectangle (rectangle's four corners, or 4 midpoints)
points = [[bin_size, 0], [bin_size, bin_size], [0, bin_size], [-bin_size, bin_size], [-bin_size, 0], [-bin_size, -bin_size], [0, -bin_size], [bin_size, -bin_size]]
# todo Offsets to points:[ history for in points]
def to_trajectron_node(self, camera: Camera, env: Environment) -> Node:
positions = self.get_projected_history(None, camera)

View file

@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class PredictionServer:
def run(self):
if self.config.seed is not None:
@ -208,18 +208,9 @@ class PredictionServer:
logger.info(f"Use hyperparams: {hyperparams=}")
output_save_dir = os.path.join(self.config.output_dir, 'pred_figs')
pathlib.Path(output_save_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(self.config.eval_data_dict, 'rb') as f:
eval_env = dill.load(f, encoding='latin1')
if eval_env.robot_type is None and hyperparams['incl_robot_node']:
eval_env.robot_type = eval_env.NodeType[0] # TODO: Make more general, allow the user to specify?
for scene in eval_env.scenes:
logger.info('Loaded data from %s' % (self.config.eval_data_dict,))
# Creating a dummy environment with a single scene that contains information about the world.
@ -237,6 +228,7 @@ class PredictionServer:
model_registrar = ModelRegistrar(self.config.model_dir, self.config.eval_device)
model_iterations = pathlib.Path(self.config.model_dir).glob('model_registrar-*.pt')
highest_iter = max([int(p.stem.split('-')[-1]) for p in model_iterations])
logger.info(f"Loading model {highest_iter}")
@ -429,8 +421,8 @@ class PredictionServer:
# if self.config.center_data:
# prediction_dict, histories_dict, futures_dict = offset_trajectron_dict(prediction_dict, cx, cy), offset_trajectron_dict(histories_dict, cx, cy), offset_trajectron_dict(futures_dict, cx, cy)
print('pred timesteps', list(prediction_dict.keys()))
print('histories', [n.data.data.shape[0] for n in prediction_dict[frame.index].keys()])
# print('pred timesteps', list(prediction_dict.keys()))
# print('histories', [n.data.data.shape[0] for n in prediction_dict[frame.index].keys()])
if self.config.cm_to_m:
# convert back to fit homography
prediction_dict, histories_dict, futures_dict = prediction_m_to_cm(prediction_dict), prediction_m_to_cm(histories_dict), prediction_m_to_cm(futures_dict)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from collections import defaultdict
import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from random import shuffle
import sys
import os
import time
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ from typing import List
from trap.config import CameraAction, HomographyAction
from trap.frame_emitter import Camera
from trap.tracker import Smoother, TrackReader
from trap.tracker import FinalDisplacementFilter, Smoother, TrackReader
from trajectron.environment import Environment, Scene, Node
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ state_dim = 6
frame_diff = 10
desired_frame_diff = 1
dt = 1/FPS # dt per frame (e.g. 1/FPS)
smooth_window = FPS * 1.5 # see also tracker.py
smooth_window = FPS # see also tracker.py
min_track_length = 20
standardization = {
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ class TrackIteration:
# maybe_makedirs('trajectron-data')
# for desired_source in [ 'hof2', ]:# ,'hof-maskrcnn', 'hof-yolov8', 'VIRAT-0102-parsed', 'virat-resnet-keypoints-full']:
def process_data(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, name: str, smooth_tracks: bool, cm_to_m: bool, center_data: bool, bin_positions: bool, camera: Camera, step_size: int):
def process_data(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, name: str, smooth_tracks: bool, cm_to_m: bool, center_data: bool, bin_positions: bool, camera: Camera, step_size: int, filter_displacement:float):
name += f"-{datetime.date.today()}"
print(f"Process data in {src_dir}, to {dst_dir}, identified by {name}")
@ -90,11 +91,15 @@ def process_data(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, name: str, smooth_tracks: bool, c
skipped_for_error = 0
created = 0
smoother = Smoother(window_len=smooth_window, convolution=False) if smooth_tracks else None
smoother = Smoother(window_len=smooth_window, convolution=True) if smooth_tracks else None
reader = TrackReader(src_dir, camera.fps)
tracks = [t for t in reader]
if filter_displacement > 0:
filter = FinalDisplacementFilter(filter_displacement)
tracks = filter.apply(tracks, camera)
total = len(reader)
total = len(tracks)
bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=total)
destinations = {
@ -108,13 +113,21 @@ def process_data(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, name: str, smooth_tracks: bool, c
# separate call so cursor is kept during multiple loops
track_iterator = iter(reader)
dt1 = RollingAverage()
dt2 = RollingAverage()
dt3 = RollingAverage()
dt4 = RollingAverage()
sets = {}
offset = 0
for data_class, nr in destinations.items():
# TODO)) think of a way to shuffle while keeping scenes
sets[data_class] = tracks[offset : offset+nr]
offset += nr
print(f"Camera FPS: {camera.fps}, actual fps: {camera.fps/step_size} (or {(1/camera.fps)*step_size})")
for data_class, nr_of_items in destinations.items():
@ -135,7 +148,7 @@ def process_data(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, name: str, smooth_tracks: bool, c
scene_nodes = defaultdict(lambda: [])
iterations = TrackIteration.iteration_variations(smooth_tracks, False, step_size)
for i, track in zip(range(nr_of_items), track_iterator):
for i, track in enumerate(sets[data_class]):
track_source = track.source
@ -179,7 +192,7 @@ def process_data(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, name: str, smooth_tracks: bool, c
# track.get_projected_history(H=None, camera=self.config.camera)
node = track.to_trajectron_node(camera, env)
d = time.time()
data_class = time.time()
# if center_data:
# data['pos_x'] -= cx
@ -198,13 +211,22 @@ def process_data(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, name: str, smooth_tracks: bool, c
for scene_nr, nodes in scene_nodes.items():
scene = Scene(timesteps=nodes[-1].last_timestep, dt=(1/camera.fps)*step_size, name=f'{split_id}_{scene_nr}', aug_func=None)
first_ts = min([n.first_timestep for n in nodes])
for node in nodes:
node.first_timestep -= (first_ts - 1)
last_ts = max([n.last_timestep for n in nodes])
# print(sorted([n.first_timestep for n in nodes]))
scene = Scene(timesteps=last_ts, dt=(1/camera.fps)*step_size, name=f'{split_id}_{scene_nr}', aug_func=None)
# print(scene)
# print(scene.nodes[0].first_timestep)
print(f'Processed {len(scenes):.2f} scene for data class {data_class}')
@ -244,6 +266,11 @@ def main():
# type=Path,
help="Filter tracks with a final displacement less then the given value",
# type=Path,
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -257,6 +284,7 @@ def main():

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from deep_sort_realtime.deep_sort.track import Track as DeepsortTrack
from ultralytics import YOLO
from ultralytics.engine.results import Results as YOLOResult
from trap.frame_emitter import DetectionState, Frame, Detection, Track
from trap.frame_emitter import Camera, DataclassJSONEncoder, DetectionState, Frame, Detection, Track
from bytetracker import BYTETracker
from tsmoothie.smoother import KalmanSmoother, ConvolutionSmoother
@ -93,14 +93,33 @@ class Multifile():
FIELDNAMES = ['frame_id', 'track_id', 'l', 't', 'w', 'h', 'x', 'y', 'state', 'source']
class TrackFilter:
def apply(self, tracks: List[Track], camera: Camera):
return [t for t in tracks if self.filter(t, camera)]
class FinalDisplacementFilter(TrackFilter):
def __init__(self, min_displacement):
self.min_displacement = min_displacement
def filter(self, track: Track, camera: Camera):
history = track.get_projected_history(H=None, camera=camera)
displacement = np.linalg.norm(history[0]-history[-1])
return displacement > self.min_displacement
class TrackReader:
def __init__(self, path: Path, fps: int, include_blacklisted = False, exclude_whitelisted = False):
self.blacklist_file = path / "blacklist.jsonl"
self.whitelist_file = path / "whitelist.jsonl" # for skipping
self.tracks_file = path / "tracks.json"
self.tracks_file = path / "tracks.pkl"
# with self.tracks_file.open('r') as fp:
# tracks_dict: dict = json.load(fp)
with self.tracks_file.open('rb') as fp:
tracks: dict = pickle.load(fp)
with self.tracks_file.open('r') as fp:
tracks_dict: dict = json.load(fp)
if self.blacklist_file.exists():
with jsonlines.open(self.blacklist_file, 'r') as reader:
@ -117,7 +136,7 @@ class TrackReader:
self._tracks = { track_id: detection_values
for track_id, detection_values in tracks_dict.items()
for track_id, detection_values in tracks.items()
if (include_blacklisted or track_id not in blacklist) and
(not exclude_whitelisted or track_id not in whitelist)
@ -127,26 +146,27 @@ class TrackReader:
return len(self._tracks)
def get(self, track_id):
detection_values = self._tracks[track_id]
history = []
# for detection_values in
source = None
for detection_items in detection_values:
d = dict(zip(FIELDNAMES, detection_items))
source = int(d['source'])
return self._tracks[track_id]
# detection_values = self._tracks[track_id]
# history = []
# # for detection_values in
# source = None
# for detection_items in detection_values:
# d = dict(zip(FIELDNAMES, detection_items))
# history.append(Detection(
# d['track_id'],
# d['l'],
# d['t'],
# d['w'],
# d['h'],
# nan,
# d['state'],
# d['frame_id'],
# 1,
# ))
# source = int(d['source'])
return Track(track_id, history, fps=self.fps, source=source)
# return Track(track_id, history, fps=self.fps, source=source)
def __iter__(self):
for track_id in self._tracks:
@ -239,7 +259,8 @@ def rewrite_raw_track_files(path: Path):
# for source_file in source_files:
tracks_file = path / 'tracks.json'
tracks = defaultdict(lambda: [])
tracks_pkl = path / 'tracks.pkl'
tracks = defaultdict(lambda: Track())
offset = 0
max_track_id = 0
@ -285,18 +306,31 @@ def rewrite_raw_track_files(path: Path):
if track_id > max_track_id:
max_track_id = track_id
parts[1] = str(track_id)
track_id = str(track_id)
parts = [float(p) for p in parts]
int(parts[0] / 10),
] + parts[2:8] + [int(parts[8]), src_file_nr])
# ['frame_id', 'track_id', 'l', 't', 'w', 'h', 'x', 'y', 'state', 'source']
point = Detection(track_id, parts[2], parts[3], parts[4], parts[5], 1, DetectionState(int(parts[8])), int(parts[0]/10), 1)
# history = [
# for d in parts]
tracks[track_id].track_id = track_id
tracks[track_id].source = src_file_nr
# tracks[track_id].append([
# int(parts[0] / 10),
# track_id,
# ] + parts[2:8] + [int(parts[8]), src_file_nr])
with tracks_file.open('w') as fp:
logger.info(f"Write {len(tracks)} tracks to {str(tracks_file)}")
json.dump(tracks, fp)
json.dump(tracks, fp, cls=DataclassJSONEncoder, indent=2)
with tracks_pkl.open('wb') as fp:
logger.info(f"Write {len(tracks)} tracks to {str(tracks_pkl)}")
pickle.dump(dict(tracks), fp)
class TrackerWrapper():
@ -641,7 +675,7 @@ class Smoother:
def __init__(self, window_len=6, convolution=False):
# for some reason this smoother messes the predictions. Probably skews the points too much??
if convolution:
self.smoother = ConvolutionSmoother(window_len=window_len, window_type='ones', copy=None)
self.smoother = ConvolutionSmoother(window_len=window_len, window_type='hanning', copy=None)
# "Unlike Kalman filtering, which focuses on predicting and updating the current state using historical measurements, Kalman smoothing enhances the accuracy of past state values"
# see https://medium.com/@shahalkp1/kalman-smoothing-using-tsmoothie-0175260464e5

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# lerp & inverse lerp from https://gist.github.com/laundmo/b224b1f4c8ef6ca5fe47e132c8deab56
def lerp(a: float, b: float, t: float) -> float:
"""Linear interpolate on the scale given by a to b, using t as the point on that scale.
@ -6,3 +7,13 @@ def lerp(a: float, b: float, t: float) -> float:
4.2 == lerp(1, 5, 0.8)
return (1 - t) * a + t * b
def inv_lerp(a: float, b: float, v: float) -> float:
"""Inverse Linar Interpolation, get the fraction between a and b on which v resides.
0.5 == inv_lerp(0, 100, 50)
0.8 == inv_lerp(1, 5, 4.2)
return (v - a) / (b - a)