Tweak training process

This commit is contained in:
Ruben van de Ven 2024-12-03 15:21:52 +01:00
parent a4e57ae637
commit 0f96611771
9 changed files with 1000 additions and 300 deletions

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@ -90,6 +90,13 @@ class CameraAction(argparse.Action):
setattr(namespace, 'camera', camera) setattr(namespace, 'camera', camera)
# TODO)) Make dataset/model metadata
help="sample step size (should be the same as for data processing and augmentation)",
inference_parser.add_argument("--model_dir", inference_parser.add_argument("--model_dir",
help="directory with the model to use for inference", help="directory with the model to use for inference",
type=str, # TODO: make into Path type=str, # TODO: make into Path

trap/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
# used for "Forward Referencing of type annotations"
from __future__ import annotations
import time
import ffmpeg
from argparse import Namespace
import datetime
import logging
from multiprocessing import Event
from multiprocessing.synchronize import Event as BaseEvent
import cv2
import numpy as np
import json
import pyglet
import pyglet.event
import zmq
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import math
from typing import Iterable, Optional
from pyglet import shapes
from PIL import Image
from trap.frame_emitter import DetectionState, Frame, Track, Camera
from trap.preview_renderer import FrameWriter
from import draw_track, draw_track_predictions, draw_track_projected, draw_trackjectron_history, to_point
logger = logging.getLogger("trap.simple_renderer")
class CvRenderer:
def __init__(self, config: Namespace, is_running: BaseEvent):
self.config = config
self.is_running = is_running
context = zmq.Context()
self.prediction_sock = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
self.prediction_sock.setsockopt(zmq.CONFLATE, 1) # only keep latest frame. NB. make sure this comes BEFORE connect, otherwise it's ignored!!
self.prediction_sock.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')
# self.prediction_sock.connect(config.zmq_prediction_addr if not self.config.bypass_prediction else config.zmq_trajectory_addr)
self.tracker_sock = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
self.tracker_sock.setsockopt(zmq.CONFLATE, 1) # only keep latest frame. NB. make sure this comes BEFORE connect, otherwise it's ignored!!
self.tracker_sock.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')
self.frame_sock = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
self.frame_sock.setsockopt(zmq.CONFLATE, 1) # only keep latest frame. NB. make sure this comes BEFORE connect, otherwise it's ignored!!
self.frame_sock.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')
self.H = self.config.H
self.inv_H = np.linalg.pinv(self.H)
# TODO: get FPS from frame_emitter
# self.out = cv2.VideoWriter(str(filename), fourcc, 23.97, (1280,720))
self.fps = 60
self.frame_size = (,
self.hide_stats = False
self.out_writer = self.start_writer() if self.config.render_file else None
self.streaming_process = self.start_streaming() if self.config.render_url else None
self.first_time: float|None = None
self.frame: Frame|None= None
self.tracker_frame: Frame|None = None
self.prediction_frame: Frame|None = None
# self.init_shapes()
# self.init_labels()
def init_shapes(self):
Due to error when running headless, we need to configure options before extending the shapes class
class GradientLine(shapes.Line):
def __init__(self, x, y, x2, y2, width=1, color1=[255,255,255], color2=[255,255,255], batch=None, group=None):
# print('colors!', colors)
# assert len(colors) == 6
r, g, b, *a = color1
self._rgba1 = (r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255)
r, g, b, *a = color2
self._rgba2 = (r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255)
# print('rgba', self._rgba)
super().__init__(x, y, x2, y2, width, color1, batch=None, group=None)
# <
# print(self._vertex_list)
def _create_vertex_list(self):
copy of super()._create_vertex_list but with additional colors'''
self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list(
6, self._draw_mode, self._batch, self._group,
position=('f', self._get_vertices()),
colors=('Bn', self._rgba1+ self._rgba2 + self._rgba2 + self._rgba1 + self._rgba2 +self._rgba1 ),
translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts))
def _update_colors(self):
self._vertex_list.colors[:] = self._rgba1+ self._rgba2 + self._rgba2 + self._rgba1 + self._rgba2 +self._rgba1
def color1(self, color):
r, g, b, *a = color
self._rgba1 = (r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255)
def color2(self, color):
r, g, b, *a = color
self._rgba2 = (r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255)
self.gradientLine = GradientLine
def init_labels(self):
base_color = (255,)*4
color_predictor = (255,255,0, 255)
color_info = (255,0, 255, 255)
color_tracker = (0,255, 255, 255)
options = []
for option in ['prediction_horizon','num_samples','full_dist','gmm_mode','z_mode', 'model_dir']:
options.append(f"{option}: {self.config.__dict__[option]}")
self.labels = {
'waiting': pyglet.text.Label("Waiting for prediction"),
'frame_idx': pyglet.text.Label("", x=20, y=self.window.height - 17, color=base_color, batch=self.batch_overlay),
'tracker_idx': pyglet.text.Label("", x=90, y=self.window.height - 17, color=color_tracker, batch=self.batch_overlay),
'pred_idx': pyglet.text.Label("", x=110, y=self.window.height - 17, color=color_predictor, batch=self.batch_overlay),
'frame_time': pyglet.text.Label("t", x=140, y=self.window.height - 17, color=base_color, batch=self.batch_overlay),
'frame_latency': pyglet.text.Label("", x=235, y=self.window.height - 17, color=color_info, batch=self.batch_overlay),
'tracker_time': pyglet.text.Label("", x=300, y=self.window.height - 17, color=color_tracker, batch=self.batch_overlay),
'pred_time': pyglet.text.Label("", x=360, y=self.window.height - 17, color=color_predictor, batch=self.batch_overlay),
'track_len': pyglet.text.Label("", x=800, y=self.window.height - 17, color=color_tracker, batch=self.batch_overlay),
'options1': pyglet.text.Label(options.pop(-1), x=20, y=30, color=base_color, batch=self.batch_overlay),
'options2': pyglet.text.Label(" | ".join(options), x=20, y=10, color=base_color, batch=self.batch_overlay),
def refresh_labels(self, dt: float):
"""Every frame"""
if self.frame:
self.labels['frame_idx'].text = f"{self.frame.index:06d}"
self.labels['frame_time'].text = f"{self.frame.time - self.first_time: >10.2f}s"
self.labels['frame_latency'].text = f"{self.frame.time - time.time():.2f}s"
if self.tracker_frame:
self.labels['tracker_idx'].text = f"{self.tracker_frame.index - self.frame.index}"
self.labels['tracker_time'].text = f"{self.tracker_frame.time - time.time():.3f}s"
self.labels['track_len'].text = f"{len(self.tracker_frame.tracks)} tracks"
if self.prediction_frame:
self.labels['pred_idx'].text = f"{self.prediction_frame.index - self.frame.index}"
self.labels['pred_time'].text = f"{self.prediction_frame.time - time.time():.3f}s"
# self.labels['track_len'].text = f"{len(self.prediction_frame.tracks)} tracks"
# cv2.putText(img, f"{frame.index:06d}", (20,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, base_color, 1)
# cv2.putText(img, f"{frame.time - first_time:.3f}s", (120,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, base_color, 1)
# if prediction_frame:
# # render Δt and Δ frames
# cv2.putText(img, f"{prediction_frame.index - frame.index}", (90,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, info_color, 1)
# cv2.putText(img, f"{prediction_frame.time - time.time():.2f}s", (200,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, info_color, 1)
# cv2.putText(img, f"{len(prediction_frame.tracks)} tracks", (500,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, base_color, 1)
# cv2.putText(img, f"h: {np.average([len(t.history or []) for t in prediction_frame.tracks.values()]):.2f}", (580,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, info_color, 1)
# cv2.putText(img, f"ph: {np.average([len(t.predictor_history or []) for t in prediction_frame.tracks.values()]):.2f}", (660,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, info_color, 1)
# cv2.putText(img, f"p: {np.average([len(t.predictions or []) for t in prediction_frame.tracks.values()]):.2f}", (740,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, info_color, 1)
# options = []
# for option in ['prediction_horizon','num_samples','full_dist','gmm_mode','z_mode', 'model_dir']:
# options.append(f"{option}: {config.__dict__[option]}")
# cv2.putText(img, options.pop(-1), (20,img.shape[0]-30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, base_color, 1)
# cv2.putText(img, " | ".join(options), (20,img.shape[0]-10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, base_color, 1)
def check_frames(self, dt):
new_tracks = False
self.frame: Frame = self.frame_sock.recv_pyobj(zmq.NOBLOCK)
if not self.first_time:
self.first_time = self.frame.time
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(self.frame.img, (15, 15), 0)
img = cv2.flip(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), 0)
img = pyglet.image.ImageData(self.frame_size[0], self.frame_size[1], 'RGB', img.tobytes())
# don't draw in batch, so that it is the background
self.video_sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(img=img, batch=self.batch_bg)
self.video_sprite.opacity = 100
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
# idx = frame.index if frame else "NONE"
# logger.debug(f"reuse video frame {idx}")
self.prediction_frame: Frame = self.prediction_sock.recv_pyobj(zmq.NOBLOCK)
new_tracks = True
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
self.tracker_frame: Frame = self.tracker_sock.recv_pyobj(zmq.NOBLOCK)
new_tracks = True
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):
print('A key was pressed, use f to hide')
if symbol == ord('f'):
self.window.set_fullscreen(not self.window.fullscreen)
if symbol == ord('h'):
self.hide_stats = not self.hide_stats
def check_running(self, dt):
if not self.is_running.is_set():
def on_close(self):
def on_refresh(self, dt: float):
# update shapes
# =
for track_id, track in self.drawn_tracks.items():
# self.shape1 = shapes.Circle(700, 150, 100, color=(50, 0, 30), batch=self.batch_anim)
# self.shape3 = shapes.Circle(800, 150, 100, color=(100, 225, 30), batch=self.batch_anim)
def on_draw(self):
for track in self.drawn_tracks.values():
for shape in track.shapes:
shape.draw() # for some reason the batches don't work
for track in self.drawn_tracks.values():
for shapes in track.pred_shapes:
for shape in shapes:
# self.batch_anim.draw()
#,, ("v2i", (100,200, 600,800)), ('c3B', (255,255,255, 255,255,255)))
if not self.hide_stats:
# if streaming, capture buffer and send
if self.streaming_process or self.out_writer:
buf = pyglet.image.get_buffer_manager().get_color_buffer()
img_data = buf.get_image_data()
data = img_data.get_data() # alternative: .get_data("RGBA", image_data.pitch)
img = np.asanyarray(data).reshape((img_data.height, img_data.width, 4))
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGB)
img = np.flip(img, 0)
# img = cv2.flip(img, cv2.0)
# cv2.imshow('frame', img)
# cv2.waitKey(1)
if self.streaming_process:
if self.out_writer:
except Exception as e:
def start_writer(self):
if not self.config.output_dir.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError("Path does not exist")
date_str ="minutes")
filename = self.config.output_dir / f"render_predictions-{date_str}-{self.config.detector}.mp4""Write to {filename}")
return FrameWriter(str(filename), self.fps, self.frame_size)
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'vp09')
return cv2.VideoWriter(str(filename), fourcc, self.fps, self.frame_size)
def start_streaming(self):
return (
.input('pipe:', format='rawvideo',codec="rawvideo", pix_fmt='bgr24', s='{}x{}'.format(*self.frame_size))
#codec = "copy", # use same codecs of the original video
listen=1, # enables HTTP server
# g=f"{self.fps*2}",
# return process
def run(self):
frame = None
prediction_frame = None
tracker_frame = None
first_time = None
while self.is_running.is_set():
# zmq_ev = self.frame_sock.poll(timeout=2000)
# if not zmq_ev:
# # when no data comes in, loop so that is_running is checked
# continue
frame: Frame = self.frame_sock.recv_pyobj(zmq.NOBLOCK)
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
# idx = frame.index if frame else "NONE"
# logger.debug(f"reuse video frame {idx}")
# else:
# logger.debug(f'new video frame {frame.index}')
if frame is None:
# might need to wait a few iterations before first frame comes available
prediction_frame: Frame = self.prediction_sock.recv_pyobj(zmq.NOBLOCK)
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
logger.debug(f'reuse prediction')
tracker_frame: Frame = self.tracker_sock.recv_pyobj(zmq.NOBLOCK)
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
logger.debug(f'reuse tracks')
if first_time is None:
first_time = frame.time
img = decorate_frame(frame, tracker_frame, prediction_frame, first_time, self.config)
img_path = (self.config.output_dir / f"{i:05d}.png").resolve()
logger.debug(f"write frame {frame.time - first_time:.3f}s")
if self.out_writer:
if self.streaming_process:
if self.config.render_window:
# if i>2:
if self.streaming_process:
if self.out_writer:
if self.streaming_process:
# oddly wrapped, because both close and release() take time.'wait for closing stream')
# colorset = itertools.product([0,255], repeat=3) # but remove white
# colorset = [(0, 0, 0),
# (0, 0, 255),
# (0, 255, 0),
# (0, 255, 255),
# (255, 0, 0),
# (255, 0, 255),
# (255, 255, 0)
# ]
colorset = [
# colorset = [
# (0,0,0),
# ]
def convert_world_space_to_img_space(H: cv2.Mat):
"""Transform the given matrix so that it immediately converts
the points to img space"""
new_H = H.copy()
new_H[:2] = H[:2] * 100
return new_H
def convert_world_points_to_img_points(points: Iterable):
"""Transform the given matrix so that it immediately converts
the points to img space"""
if isinstance(points, np.ndarray):
return np.array(points) * 100
return [[p[0]*100, p[1]*100] for p in points]
# Deprecated
def decorate_frame(frame: Frame, tracker_frame: Frame, prediction_frame: Frame, first_time: float, config: Namespace) -> np.array:
# TODO: replace opencv with QPainter to support alpha?
# or
# or
# and use or
# or (supports gradient color in line -- "Arcade is built on top of Pyglet and OpenGL.")
undistorted_img = cv2.undistort(frame.img,,, None,
dst_img = cv2.warpPerspective(undistorted_img,convert_world_space_to_img_space(,(,
overlay = np.zeros(dst_img.shape, np.uint8)
# Fill image with red color(set each pixel to red)
overlay[:] = (0, 0, 0)
img = cv2.addWeighted(dst_img, .7, overlay, .3, 0)
# img = frame.img.copy()
# all not working:
# if i == 1:
# # thanks to GpG for fixing scaling issue:
# scale_factor = 1./20 # from 10m to 1000px
# S = np.array([[scale_factor, 0,0],[0,scale_factor,0 ],[ 0,0,1 ]])
# new_H = S * self.H * np.linalg.inv(S)
# warpedFrame = cv2.warpPerspective(img, new_H, (1000,1000))
# cv2.imwrite(str(self.config.output_dir / "orig.png"), warpedFrame)
cv2.rectangle(img, (0,0), (img.shape[1],25), (0,0,0), -1)
if not tracker_frame:
cv2.putText(img, f"and track", (650,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (255,255,0), 1)
for track_id, track in tracker_frame.tracks.items():
inv_H = np.linalg.pinv(tracker_frame.H)
draw_track_projected(img, track, int(track_id),, convert_world_points_to_img_points)
if not prediction_frame:
cv2.putText(img, f"Waiting for prediction...", (500,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (255,255,0), 1)
# continue
for track_id, track in prediction_frame.tracks.items():
inv_H = np.linalg.pinv(prediction_frame.H)
# draw_track(img, track, int(track_id))
draw_trackjectron_history(img, track, int(track_id), convert_world_points_to_img_points)
draw_track_predictions(img, track, int(track_id)+1,, convert_world_points_to_img_points)
cv2.putText(img, f"{len(track.predictor_history) if track.predictor_history else 'none'}", to_point(track.history[0].get_foot_coords()), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (255,255,255), 1)
base_color = (255,)*3
info_color = (255,255,0)
cv2.putText(img, f"{frame.index:06d}", (20,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, base_color, 1)
cv2.putText(img, f"{frame.time - first_time:.3f}s", (120,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, base_color, 1)
if prediction_frame:
# render Δt and Δ frames
cv2.putText(img, f"{prediction_frame.index - frame.index}", (90,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, info_color, 1)
cv2.putText(img, f"{prediction_frame.time - time.time():.2f}s", (200,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, info_color, 1)
cv2.putText(img, f"{len(prediction_frame.tracks)} tracks", (500,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, base_color, 1)
cv2.putText(img, f"h: {np.average([len(t.history or []) for t in prediction_frame.tracks.values()]):.2f}", (580,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, info_color, 1)
cv2.putText(img, f"ph: {np.average([len(t.predictor_history or []) for t in prediction_frame.tracks.values()]):.2f}", (660,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, info_color, 1)
cv2.putText(img, f"p: {np.average([len(t.predictions or []) for t in prediction_frame.tracks.values()]):.2f}", (740,17), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, info_color, 1)
options = []
for option in ['prediction_horizon','num_samples','full_dist','gmm_mode','z_mode', 'model_dir']:
options.append(f"{option}: {config.__dict__[option]}")
cv2.putText(img, options.pop(-1), (20,img.shape[0]-30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, base_color, 1)
cv2.putText(img, " | ".join(options), (20,img.shape[0]-10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, base_color, 1)
return img
def run_cv_renderer(config: Namespace, is_running: BaseEvent):
renderer = CvRenderer(config, is_running)

View file

@ -166,8 +166,9 @@ class Track:
predictor_history: Optional[list] = None # in image space predictor_history: Optional[list] = None # in image space
predictions: Optional[list] = None predictions: Optional[list] = None
fps: int = 12 fps: int = 12
source: Optional[int] = None # to keep track of processed tracks
def get_projected_history(self, H, camera: Optional[Camera]= None) -> np.array: def get_projected_history(self, H: Optional[cv2.Mat] = None, camera: Optional[Camera]= None) -> np.array:
foot_coordinates = [d.get_foot_coords() for d in self.history] foot_coordinates = [d.get_foot_coords() for d in self.history]
# TODO)) Undistort points before perspective transform # TODO)) Undistort points before perspective transform
if len(foot_coordinates): if len(foot_coordinates):
@ -188,11 +189,15 @@ class Track:
# new_history = [Detection(d.track_id, l, t, w, h, d.conf, d.state, d.frame_nr, d.det_class) for l, t, w, h, d in zip(ls,ts,ws,hs, track.history)] # new_history = [Detection(d.track_id, l, t, w, h, d.conf, d.state, d.frame_nr, d.det_class) for l, t, w, h, d in zip(ls,ts,ws,hs, track.history)]
# new_track = Track(track.track_id, new_history, track.predictor_history, track.predictions) # new_track = Track(track.track_id, new_history, track.predictor_history, track.predictions)
new_history = [] new_history = []
for j in range(len(self.history)-1): for j in range(len(self.history)):
a = self.history[j] a = self.history[j]
new_history.append(Detection(a.track_id, a.l, a.t, a.w, a.h, a.conf, a.state, a.frame_nr, a.det_class))
if j+1 >= len(self.history):
b = self.history[j+1] b = self.history[j+1]
gap = b.frame_nr - a.frame_nr gap = b.frame_nr - a.frame_nr
new_history.append(Detection(a.track_id, a.l, a.t, a.w, a.h, a.conf, a.state, a.frame_nr, a.det_class))
if gap < 1: if gap < 1:
logger.error(f"WARNING, gap between frames {a.frame_nr} -> {b.frame_nr} is negative?") logger.error(f"WARNING, gap between frames {a.frame_nr} -> {b.frame_nr} is negative?")
if gap > 1: if gap > 1:
@ -213,11 +218,29 @@ class Track:
self.predictions, self.predictions,
self.fps) self.fps)
def is_complete(self):
diffs = [(b.frame_nr - a.frame_nr) for a,b in zip(self.history[:-1], self.history[1:])]
return any([d != 1 for d in diffs])
def get_sampled(self, step_size = 1, offset=0):
if not self.is_complete():
t = self.get_with_interpolated_history()
t = self
return Track(
def to_trajectron_node(self, camera: Camera, env: Environment) -> Node: def to_trajectron_node(self, camera: Camera, env: Environment) -> Node:
positions = self.get_projected_history(None, camera) positions = self.get_projected_history(None, camera)
velocity = np.gradient(positions, self.fps, axis=0) velocity = np.gradient(positions, 1/self.fps, axis=0)
acceleration = np.gradient(velocity, self.fps, axis=0) acceleration = np.gradient(velocity, 1/self.fps, axis=0)
new_first_idx = self.history[0].frame_nr new_first_idx = self.history[0].frame_nr

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import signal
import sys import sys
import time import time
from trap.config import parser from trap.config import parser
from trap.cv_renderer import run_cv_renderer
from trap.frame_emitter import run_frame_emitter from trap.frame_emitter import run_frame_emitter
from trap.prediction_server import run_prediction_server from trap.prediction_server import run_prediction_server
from trap.preview_renderer import run_preview_renderer from trap.preview_renderer import run_preview_renderer
@ -94,8 +95,10 @@ def start():
if args.render_file or args.render_url or args.render_window: if args.render_file or args.render_url or args.render_window:
if not args.render_no_preview or args.render_file or args.render_url: if not args.render_no_preview or args.render_file or args.render_url:
procs.append( procs.append(
ExceptionHandlingProcess(target=run_preview_renderer, kwargs={'config': args, 'is_running': isRunning}, name='preview') # ExceptionHandlingProcess(target=run_cv_renderer, kwargs={'config': args, 'is_running': isRunning}, name='preview')
ExceptionHandlingProcess(target=run_cv_renderer, kwargs={'config': args, 'is_running': isRunning}, name='preview')
) )
if args.render_no_preview:
procs.append( procs.append(
ExceptionHandlingProcess(target=run_animation_renderer, kwargs={'config': args, 'is_running': isRunning}, name='renderer') ExceptionHandlingProcess(target=run_animation_renderer, kwargs={'config': args, 'is_running': isRunning}, name='renderer')
) )

View file

@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ class PredictionServer:
# on no data loop so that is_running is checked # on no data loop so that is_running is checked
continue continue
t_init = time.time()
data = self.trajectory_socket.recv() data = self.trajectory_socket.recv()
# print('recv tracker frame') # print('recv tracker frame')
frame: Frame = pickle.loads(data) frame: Frame = pickle.loads(data)
@ -308,39 +310,55 @@ class PredictionServer:
# TODO: modify this into a mapping function between JS data an the expected Node format # TODO: modify this into a mapping function between JS data an the expected Node format
# node = FakeNode(online_env.NodeType.PEDESTRIAN) # node = FakeNode(online_env.NodeType.PEDESTRIAN)
history = [[h['x'], h['y']] for h in track.get_projected_history_as_dict(frame.H,]
if self.config.cm_to_m:
history = history_cm_to_m(history)
history = np.array(history) if self.config.step_size > 1:
x = history[:, 0] #- cx # we can create bigger steps by doing history[::5,0] if (len(track.history) % self.config.step_size) != 0:
y = history[:, 1] #- cy # history[::5,1] # only add when having a new step
if self.config.center_data: continue
x -= cx track = track.get_sampled(self.config.step_size)
y -= cy
# TODO: calculate dt based on input
vx = derivative_of(x, .1) #eval_scene.dt
vy = derivative_of(y, .1)
ax = derivative_of(vx, .1)
ay = derivative_of(vy, .1)
data_dict = {('position', 'x'): x[:], # [-10:-1] if len(track.history) < 2:
('position', 'y'): y[:], # [-10:-1] continue
('velocity', 'x'): vx[:], # [-10:-1]
('velocity', 'y'): vy[:], # [-10:-1]
('acceleration', 'x'): ax[:], # [-10:-1]
('acceleration', 'y'): ay[:]} # [-10:-1]
data_columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['position', 'velocity', 'acceleration'], ['x', 'y']])
node_data = pd.DataFrame(data_dict, columns=data_columns) node = track.to_trajectron_node(, online_env)
node = Node( # print([-1])
node_type=online_env.NodeType.PEDESTRIAN, input_dict[node] = np.array([-1])
node_id=identifier, # print("history",[-10:])
data=node_data, # print("get", node.get(np.array([frame.index-10,frame.index]), {'position': ['x', 'y']}))
input_dict[node] = np.array(object=[x[-1],y[-1],vx[-1],vy[-1],ax[-1],ay[-1]]) # history = [[h['x'], h['y']] for h in track.get_projected_history_as_dict(frame.H,]
# if self.config.cm_to_m:
# history = history_cm_to_m(history)
# history = np.array(history)
# x = history[:, 0] #- cx # we can create bigger steps by doing history[::5,0]
# y = history[:, 1] #- cy # history[::5,1]
# if self.config.center_data:
# x -= cx
# y -= cy
# # TODO: calculate dt based on input
# vx = derivative_of(x, .1) #eval_scene.dt
# vy = derivative_of(y, .1)
# ax = derivative_of(vx, .1)
# ay = derivative_of(vy, .1)
# data_dict = {('position', 'x'): x[:], # [-10:-1]
# ('position', 'y'): y[:], # [-10:-1]
# ('velocity', 'x'): vx[:], # [-10:-1]
# ('velocity', 'y'): vy[:], # [-10:-1]
# ('acceleration', 'x'): ax[:], # [-10:-1]
# ('acceleration', 'y'): ay[:]} # [-10:-1]
# data_columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['position', 'velocity', 'acceleration'], ['x', 'y']])
# node_data = pd.DataFrame(data_dict, columns=data_columns)
# node = Node(
# node_type=online_env.NodeType.PEDESTRIAN,
# node_id=identifier,
# data=node_data,
# first_timestep=timestep
# )
# input_dict[node] = np.array(object=[x[-1],y[-1],vx[-1],vy[-1],ax[-1],ay[-1]])
# print(input_dict) # print(input_dict)
@ -350,7 +368,8 @@ class PredictionServer:
# And want to update the network # And want to update the network
# data = json.dumps({}) # data = json.dumps({})
self.send_frame(frame) # TODO)) signal doing nothing
# self.send_frame(frame)
continue continue
@ -375,6 +394,7 @@ class PredictionServer:
# in the OnlineMultimodalGenerativeCVAE (see each node's distribution # in the OnlineMultimodalGenerativeCVAE (see each node's distribution
# is put stored in self.latent.p_dist by OnlineMultimodalGenerativeCVAE.p_z_x(). Type: torch.distributions.OneHotCategorical # is put stored in self.latent.p_dist by OnlineMultimodalGenerativeCVAE.p_z_x(). Type: torch.distributions.OneHotCategorical
# Later sampling in DiscreteLatent.sample_p() # Later sampling in DiscreteLatent.sample_p()
# print(input_dict)
dists, preds = trajectron.incremental_forward(input_dict, dists, preds = trajectron.incremental_forward(input_dict,
maps, maps,
prediction_horizon=self.config.prediction_horizon, # TODO: make variable prediction_horizon=self.config.prediction_horizon, # TODO: make variable
@ -383,10 +403,6 @@ class PredictionServer:
gmm_mode=self.config.gmm_mode, # "If True: The mode of the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is sampled (see" gmm_mode=self.config.gmm_mode, # "If True: The mode of the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is sampled (see"
z_mode=self.config.z_mode # "Predictions from the models most-likely high-level latent behavior mode" (see trajecton.models.components.discrete_latent:sample_p(most_likely_z=z_mode)) z_mode=self.config.z_mode # "Predictions from the models most-likely high-level latent behavior mode" (see trajecton.models.components.discrete_latent:sample_p(most_likely_z=z_mode))
) )
end = time.time()
logger.debug("took %.2f s (= %.2f Hz) w/ %d nodes and %d edges" % (end - start,
1. / (end - start), len(trajectron.nodes),
# unsure what this bit from does: # unsure what this bit from does:
# detailed_preds_dict = dict() # detailed_preds_dict = dict()
@ -399,16 +415,22 @@ class PredictionServer:
# histories_dict provides the trajectory used for prediction # histories_dict provides the trajectory used for prediction
# futures_dict is the Ground Truth, which is unvailable in an online setting # futures_dict is the Ground Truth, which is unvailable in an online setting
prediction_dict, histories_dict, futures_dict = prediction_output_to_trajectories({timestep: preds}, prediction_dict, histories_dict, futures_dict = prediction_output_to_trajectories({frame.index: preds},
eval_scene.dt, eval_scene.dt,
hyperparams['maximum_history_length'], hyperparams['maximum_history_length'],
hyperparams['prediction_horizon'] hyperparams['prediction_horizon']
) )
end = time.time()
logger.debug("took %.2f s (= %.2f Hz) w/ %d nodes and %d edges -- init: %.2f s" % (end - start,
1. / (end - start), len(trajectron.nodes),
trajectron.scene_graph.get_num_edges(), start-t_init))
# if self.config.center_data: # if self.config.center_data:
# prediction_dict, histories_dict, futures_dict = offset_trajectron_dict(prediction_dict, cx, cy), offset_trajectron_dict(histories_dict, cx, cy), offset_trajectron_dict(futures_dict, cx, cy) # prediction_dict, histories_dict, futures_dict = offset_trajectron_dict(prediction_dict, cx, cy), offset_trajectron_dict(histories_dict, cx, cy), offset_trajectron_dict(futures_dict, cx, cy)
print('pred timesteps', list(prediction_dict.keys()))
print('histories', [[0] for n in prediction_dict[frame.index].keys()])
if self.config.cm_to_m: if self.config.cm_to_m:
# convert back to fit homography # convert back to fit homography
prediction_dict, histories_dict, futures_dict = prediction_m_to_cm(prediction_dict), prediction_m_to_cm(histories_dict), prediction_m_to_cm(futures_dict) prediction_dict, histories_dict, futures_dict = prediction_m_to_cm(prediction_dict), prediction_m_to_cm(histories_dict), prediction_m_to_cm(futures_dict)
@ -425,13 +447,14 @@ class PredictionServer:
response = {} response = {}
logger.debug(f"{histories_dict=}") logger.debug(f"{histories_dict=}")
for node in histories_dict: for node in histories_dict:
history = histories_dict[node] history = histories_dict[node]
# future = futures_dict[node] # ground truth dict # future = futures_dict[node] # ground truth dict
predictions = prediction_dict[node] predictions = prediction_dict[node]
# print('preds', len(predictions[0][0]))
if not len(history) or np.isnan(history[-1]).any(): if not len(history) or np.isnan(history[-1]).any():
logger.warning('skip for no history')
continue continue
# response[] = { # response[] = {
@ -442,7 +465,8 @@ class PredictionServer:
# 'predictions': predictions[0].tolist() # use batch 0 # 'predictions': predictions[0].tolist() # use batch 0
# } # }
frame.tracks[].predictor_history = history.tolist()
frame.tracks[].predictor_history = history.tolist()[:,{'position': ['x', 'y']}].tolist()
frame.tracks[].predictions = predictions[0].tolist() # use batch 0 frame.tracks[].predictions = predictions[0].tolist() # use batch 0
# data = json.dumps(response) # data = json.dumps(response)
@ -455,7 +479,7 @@ class PredictionServer:
frame = self.smoother.smooth_frame_predictions(frame) frame = self.smoother.smooth_frame_predictions(frame)
self.send_frame(frame) self.send_frame(frame)

View file

@ -71,12 +71,15 @@ class DrawnTrack:
self.renderer = renderer self.renderer = renderer = camera = camera
self.H = H # TODO)) Move H to Camera object self.H = H # TODO)) Move H to Camera object
self.set_track(track, H)
self.set_predictions(track, H)
self.drawn_positions = [] self.drawn_positions = []
self.drawn_predictions = [] self.drawn_predictions = []
self.drawn_pred_history = []
self.shapes: list[pyglet.shapes.Line] = [] self.shapes: list[pyglet.shapes.Line] = []
self.pred_shapes: list[list[pyglet.shapes.Line]] = [] self.pred_shapes: list[list[pyglet.shapes.Line]] = []
self.pred_history_shapes: list[pyglet.shapes.Line] = []
self.set_track(track, H)
self.set_predictions(track, H)
def set_track(self, track: Track, H = None): def set_track(self, track: Track, H = None):
self.update_at = time.time() self.update_at = time.time()
@ -91,14 +94,20 @@ class DrawnTrack:
def set_predictions(self, track: Track, H = None): def set_predictions(self, track: Track, H = None):
pred_coords = [] pred_coords = []
pred_history_coords = []
if track.predictions: if track.predictions:
if self.draw_projection == PROJECTION_IMG: if self.draw_projection == PROJECTION_IMG:
for pred_i, pred in enumerate(track.predictions): for pred_i, pred in enumerate(track.predictions):
pred_coords.append(cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([pred]), self.inv_H)[0].tolist()) pred_coords.append(cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([pred]), self.inv_H)[0].tolist())
pred_history_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([track.predictor_history]), self.inv_H)[0].tolist()
elif self.draw_projection == PROJECTION_MAP: elif self.draw_projection == PROJECTION_MAP:
pred_coords = [pred for pred in track.predictions] pred_coords = [pred for pred in track.predictions]
pred_history_coords = track.predictor_history
self.pred_track = track
self.pred_coords = pred_coords self.pred_coords = pred_coords
self.pred_history_coords = pred_history_coords
# color = (128,0,128) if pred_i else (128, # color = (128,0,128) if pred_i else (128,
@ -107,6 +116,8 @@ class DrawnTrack:
use dt to lerp the drawn positions in the direction of current prediction use dt to lerp the drawn positions in the direction of current prediction
''' '''
# TODO: make lerp, currently quick way to get results # TODO: make lerp, currently quick way to get results
# 1. track history
for i, pos in enumerate(self.drawn_positions): for i, pos in enumerate(self.drawn_positions):
self.drawn_positions[i][0] = int(exponentialDecay(self.drawn_positions[i][0], self.coords[i][0], 16, dt)) self.drawn_positions[i][0] = int(exponentialDecay(self.drawn_positions[i][0], self.coords[i][0], 16, dt))
self.drawn_positions[i][1] = int(exponentialDecay(self.drawn_positions[i][1], self.coords[i][1], 16, dt)) self.drawn_positions[i][1] = int(exponentialDecay(self.drawn_positions[i][1], self.coords[i][1], 16, dt))
@ -114,6 +125,16 @@ class DrawnTrack:
if len(self.coords) > len(self.drawn_positions): if len(self.coords) > len(self.drawn_positions):
self.drawn_positions.extend(self.coords[len(self.drawn_positions):]) self.drawn_positions.extend(self.coords[len(self.drawn_positions):])
# 2. history as seen by predictor (Trajectron)
for i, pos in enumerate(self.drawn_pred_history):
if len(self.pred_history_coords) > i:
self.drawn_pred_history[i][0] = int(exponentialDecay(self.drawn_pred_history[i][0], self.pred_history_coords[i][0], 16, dt))
self.drawn_pred_history[i][1] = int(exponentialDecay(self.drawn_pred_history[i][1], self.pred_history_coords[i][1], 16, dt))
if len(self.pred_history_coords) > len(self.drawn_pred_history):
# 3. predictions
if len(self.pred_coords): if len(self.pred_coords):
for a, drawn_prediction in enumerate(self.drawn_predictions): for a, drawn_prediction in enumerate(self.drawn_predictions):
for i, pos in enumerate(drawn_prediction): for i, pos in enumerate(drawn_prediction):
@ -137,6 +158,8 @@ class DrawnTrack:
# self.drawn_predictions.extend(self.pred_coords[len(self.drawn_predictions):]) # self.drawn_predictions.extend(self.pred_coords[len(self.drawn_predictions):])
# self.drawn_positions = self.coords # self.drawn_positions = self.coords
# finally: update shapes from coordinates
self.update_shapes(dt) self.update_shapes(dt)
return self.drawn_positions return self.drawn_positions
@ -172,6 +195,32 @@ class DrawnTrack:
# TODO: add intermediate segment # TODO: add intermediate segment
color = colorset[self.track_id % len(colorset)] color = colorset[self.track_id % len(colorset)]
if len(self.pred_history_shapes) > len(self.drawn_pred_history):
self.pred_history_shapes = self.pred_history_shapes[:len(self.drawn_pred_history)]
# for i, pos in self.drawn_pred_history.enumerate():
for ci in range(1, len(self.drawn_pred_history)):
x, y = [int(p) for p in self.drawn_pred_history[ci-1]]
x2, y2 = [int(p) for p in self.drawn_pred_history[ci]]
y, y2 = self.renderer.window.height - y, self.renderer.window.height - y2
if ci >= len(self.pred_history_shapes):
# line = self.renderer.gradientLine(x, y, x2, y2, 3, color, color, batch=self.renderer.batch_anim)
line = pyglet.shapes.Line(x,y ,x2, y2, 2.5, color, batch=self.renderer.batch_anim)
# line = pyglet.shapes.Arc(x2, y2, 10, thickness=2, color=color, batch=self.renderer.batch_anim)
line.opacity = 120
line = self.pred_history_shapes[ci-1]
line.x, line.y = x, y
line.x2, line.y2 = x2, y2
# line.radius = int(exponentialDecay(line.radius, 1.5, 3, dt))
line.color = color
line.opacity = int(exponentialDecay(line.opacity, 180, 8, dt))
for a, drawn_predictions in enumerate(self.drawn_predictions): for a, drawn_predictions in enumerate(self.drawn_predictions):
if len(self.pred_shapes) <= a: if len(self.pred_shapes) <= a:
self.pred_shapes.append([]) self.pred_shapes.append([])
@ -694,14 +743,14 @@ class PreviewRenderer:
# (255, 0, 255), # (255, 0, 255),
# (255, 255, 0) # (255, 255, 0)
# ] # ]
# colorset = [
# (255,255,100),
# (255,100,255),
# (100,255,255),
# ]
colorset = [ colorset = [
(0,0,0), (255,255,100),
] ]
# colorset = [
# (0,0,0),
# ]
# Deprecated # Deprecated
def decorate_frame(frame: Frame, prediction_frame: Frame, first_time: float, config: Namespace) -> np.array: def decorate_frame(frame: Frame, prediction_frame: Frame, first_time: float, config: Namespace) -> np.array:

View file

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
from collections import defaultdict
import datetime
from pathlib import Path from pathlib import Path
import sys import sys
import os import os
import time
from attr import dataclass
import numpy as np import numpy as np
import pandas as pd import pandas as pd
import dill import dill
@ -8,7 +12,9 @@ import tqdm
import argparse import argparse
from typing import List from typing import List
from trap.tracker import Smoother from trap.config import CameraAction, HomographyAction
from trap.frame_emitter import Camera
from trap.tracker import Smoother, TrackReader
#sys.path.append("../../") #sys.path.append("../../")
from trajectron.environment import Environment, Scene, Node from trajectron.environment import Environment, Scene, Node
@ -23,7 +29,7 @@ frame_diff = 10
desired_frame_diff = 1 desired_frame_diff = 1
dt = 1/FPS # dt per frame (e.g. 1/FPS) dt = 1/FPS # dt per frame (e.g. 1/FPS)
smooth_window = FPS * 1.5 # see also smooth_window = FPS * 1.5 # see also
min_track_length = 10 min_track_length = 20
standardization = { standardization = {
@ -43,54 +49,39 @@ standardization = {
} }
def augment_scene(scene, angle):
def rotate_pc(pc, alpha):
M = np.array([[np.cos(alpha), -np.sin(alpha)],
[np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha)]])
return M @ pc
data_columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['position', 'velocity', 'acceleration'], ['x', 'y']]) class RollingAverage():
def __init__(self):
self.v = 0
self.n = 0
scene_aug = Scene(timesteps=scene.timesteps, dt=scene.dt, def add(self, v):
self.v = (self.v * self.n + v) / (self.n +1)
self.n += 1
alpha = angle * np.pi / 180 return self.v
for node in scene.nodes:
x =
y =
x, y = rotate_pc(np.array([x, y]), alpha)
vx = derivative_of(x, scene.dt)
vy = derivative_of(y, scene.dt)
ax = derivative_of(vx, scene.dt)
ay = derivative_of(vy, scene.dt)
data_dict = {('position', 'x'): x,
('position', 'y'): y,
('velocity', 'x'): vx,
('velocity', 'y'): vy,
('acceleration', 'x'): ax,
('acceleration', 'y'): ay}
node_data = pd.DataFrame(data_dict, columns=data_columns)
node = Node(node_type=node.type,, data=node_data, first_timestep=node.first_timestep)
return scene_aug
def augment(scene): @dataclass
scene_aug = np.random.choice(scene.augmented) class TrackIteration:
scene_aug.temporal_scene_graph = scene.temporal_scene_graph smooth: bool
return scene_aug step_size: int
step_offset: int
def iteration_variations(cls, smooth = True, toggle_smooth=True, sample_step_size=1):
iterations: List[TrackIteration] = []
for i in range(sample_step_size):
iterations.append(TrackIteration(smooth, sample_step_size, i))
if toggle_smooth:
iterations.append(TrackIteration(not smooth, sample_step_size, i))
return iterations
# maybe_makedirs('trajectron-data') # maybe_makedirs('trajectron-data')
# for desired_source in [ 'hof2', ]:# ,'hof-maskrcnn', 'hof-yolov8', 'VIRAT-0102-parsed', 'virat-resnet-keypoints-full']: # for desired_source in [ 'hof2', ]:# ,'hof-maskrcnn', 'hof-yolov8', 'VIRAT-0102-parsed', 'virat-resnet-keypoints-full']:
def process_data(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, name: str, smooth_tracks: bool, cm_to_m: bool, center_data: bool, bin_positions: bool): def process_data(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, name: str, smooth_tracks: bool, cm_to_m: bool, center_data: bool, bin_positions: bool, camera: Camera, step_size: int):
name += f"-{}"
print(f"Process data in {src_dir}, to {dst_dir}, identified by {name}") print(f"Process data in {src_dir}, to {dst_dir}, identified by {name}")
nl = 0 nl = 0
@ -101,36 +92,32 @@ def process_data(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, name: str, smooth_tracks: bool, c
smoother = Smoother(window_len=smooth_window, convolution=False) if smooth_tracks else None smoother = Smoother(window_len=smooth_window, convolution=False) if smooth_tracks else None
reader = TrackReader(src_dir, camera.fps)
files = list(src_dir.glob("*/*.txt")) total = len(reader)
print(files) bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=total)
all_data = pd.concat((pd.read_csv(f, sep='\t', index_col=False, header=None) for f in files), axis=0, ignore_index=True)
if all_data.shape[1] == 8:
all_data.columns = ['frame_id', 'track_id', 'l','t', 'w','h', 'pos_x', 'pos_y']
elif all_data.shape[1] == 9:
all_data.columns = ['frame_id', 'track_id', 'l','t', 'w','h', 'pos_x', 'pos_y', 'state']
raise Exception("Unknown data format. Check column count")
if cm_to_m: destinations = {
all_data['pos_x'] /= 100 'train': int(total * .8),
all_data['pos_y'] /= 100 'val': int(total * .12),
'test': int(total * .08),
max_track = reader.get(str(max([int(k) for k in reader._tracks.keys()])))
max_frame_nr = max_track.history[-1].frame_nr
mean_x, mean_y = all_data['pos_x'].mean(), all_data['pos_y'].mean() # separate call so cursor is kept during multiple loops
cx = .5 * all_data['pos_x'].min() + .5 * all_data['pos_x'].max() track_iterator = iter(reader)
cy = .5 * all_data['pos_y'].min() + .5 * all_data['pos_y'].max()
# bins of .5 meter
# print(np.ceil(all_data['pos_x'].max())*2))
if bin_positions:
space_x = np.linspace(0, np.ceil(all_data['pos_x'].max()), int(np.ceil(all_data['pos_x'].max())*2)+1)
space_y = np.linspace(0, np.ceil(all_data['pos_y'].max()), int(np.ceil(all_data['pos_y'].max())*2)+1)
print(f"Dataset means: {mean_x=} {mean_y=}, (min: ({all_data['pos_x'].min()}, {all_data['pos_y'].min()}), max: ({all_data['pos_x'].max()}, {all_data['pos_y'].max()}))") dt1 = RollingAverage()
print(f"Dataset centers: {cx=} {cy=}") dt2 = RollingAverage()
dt3 = RollingAverage()
dt4 = RollingAverage()
for data_class in ['train', 'val', 'test']: print(f"Camera FPS: {camera.fps}, actual fps: {camera.fps/step_size} (or {(1/camera.fps)*step_size})")
for data_class, nr_of_items in destinations.items():
env = Environment(node_type_list=['PEDESTRIAN'], standardization=standardization) env = Environment(node_type_list=['PEDESTRIAN'], standardization=standardization)
attention_radius = dict() attention_radius = dict()
attention_radius[(env.NodeType.PEDESTRIAN, env.NodeType.PEDESTRIAN)] = 2.0 attention_radius[(env.NodeType.PEDESTRIAN, env.NodeType.PEDESTRIAN)] = 2.0
@ -139,144 +126,98 @@ def process_data(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, name: str, smooth_tracks: bool, c
scenes = [] scenes = []
split_id = f"{name}_{data_class}" split_id = f"{name}_{data_class}"
data_dict_path = dst_dir / (split_id + '.pkl') data_dict_path = dst_dir / (split_id + '.pkl')
subpath = src_dir / data_class # subpath = src_dir / data_class
# prev_src_file = None
# scene = None
scene_nodes = defaultdict(lambda: [])
iterations = TrackIteration.iteration_variations(smooth_tracks, False, step_size)
for i, track in zip(range(nr_of_items), track_iterator):
track_source = track.source
# if track.source != prev_src_file:
# scene =
for file in subpath.glob("*.txt"):
tot = (dt1.v+dt2.v+dt3.v+dt4.v)
if tot:
bar.set_description(f"{} {track_source} ({dt1.v/tot:.4f}, {dt2.v/tot:.4f}, {dt3.v/tot:.4f}, {dt4.v/tot:.4f}) - {len(scene_nodes)}")
# for file in subpath.glob("*.txt"):]
input_data_dict = dict() input_data_dict = dict()
data = pd.read_csv(file, sep='\t', index_col=False, header=None) if len(track.history) < min_track_length:
if data.shape[1] == 8:
data.columns = ['frame_id', 'track_id', 'l','t', 'w','h', 'pos_x', 'pos_y']
elif data.shape[1] == 9:
data.columns = ['frame_id', 'track_id', 'l','t', 'w','h', 'pos_x', 'pos_y', 'state']
raise Exception("Unknown data format. Check column count")
# data['frame_id'] = pd.to_numeric(data['frame_id'], downcast='integer')
data['track_id'] = pd.to_numeric(data['track_id'], downcast='integer')
data['frame_id'] = (data['frame_id'] // frame_diff).astype(int)
data['frame_id'] -= data['frame_id'].min()
data['node_type'] = 'PEDESTRIAN'
data['node_id'] = data['track_id'].astype(str)
data.sort_values('frame_id', inplace=True)
# cm to m
if cm_to_m:
data['pos_x'] /= 100
data['pos_y'] /= 100
if center_data:
data['pos_x'] -= cx
data['pos_y'] -= cy
if bin_positions:
data['pos_x'] =np.digitize(data['pos_x'], bins=space_x)
data['pos_y'] =np.digitize(data['pos_y'], bins=space_y)
# Mean Position
print("Means: x:", data['pos_x'].mean(), "y:", data['pos_y'].mean())
# TODO)) If this normalization is here, it should also be in
# data['pos_x'] = data['pos_x'] - data['pos_x'].mean()
# data['pos_y'] = data['pos_y'] - data['pos_y'].mean()
# data['pos_x'] = data['pos_x'] - cx
# data['pos_y'] = data['pos_y'] - cy
max_timesteps = data['frame_id'].max()
scene = Scene(timesteps=max_timesteps+1, dt=dt, name=split_id, aug_func=augment if data_class == 'train' else None)
for node_id in tqdm.tqdm(pd.unique(data['node_id'])):
node_df = data[data['node_id'] == node_id]
if not np.all(np.diff(node_df['frame_id']) == 1):
# print(f"Interval in {node_id} not always 1")
# print(node_df['frame_id'])
# print(np.diff(node_df['frame_id']) != 1)
# mask=np.append(False, np.diff(node_df['frame_id']) != 1)
# print(node_df[mask]['frame_id'])
skipped_for_error += 1
continue continue
# without repeats, there will mostli likely only be straight movements a = time.time()
# better to filter by time interpolated_track = track.get_with_interpolated_history()
# only_diff = node_df[['pos_x', 'pos_y']].diff().fillna(1).any(axis=1) b = time.time()
# # print(node_df[['pos_x', 'pos_y']], )
# # exit()
for i_nr, iteration_settings in enumerate(iterations):
# # mask positions if iteration_settings.smooth:
# node_values = node_df[only_diff][['pos_x', 'pos_y']].values track = smoother.smooth_track(interpolated_track)
# print(node_values) # track = Smoother(smooth_window, False).smooth_track(track)
if bin_positions:
node_values = node_df.iloc[::5, :][['pos_x', 'pos_y']].values
else: else:
node_values = node_df[['pos_x', 'pos_y']].values track = interpolated_track # TODO)) Copy & move smooth outside iter loop
# print(node_values) c = time.time()
if node_values.shape[0] < min_track_length: if iteration_settings.step_size > 1:
track = track.get_sampled(iteration_settings.step_size, iteration_settings.step_offset)
# redo test, it might fall out again
if len(track.history) < min_track_length:
continue continue
new_first_idx = node_df['frame_id'].iloc[0] # track.get_projected_history(H=None,
node = track.to_trajectron_node(camera, env)
x = node_values[:, 0] d = time.time()
y = node_values[:, 1]
if smoother:
x = smoother.smooth(x)
y = smoother.smooth(y)
vx = derivative_of(x, scene.dt) # if center_data:
vy = derivative_of(y, scene.dt) # data['pos_x'] -= cx
ax = derivative_of(vx, scene.dt) # data['pos_y'] -= cy
ay = derivative_of(vy, scene.dt)
data_dict = {('position', 'x'): x,
('position', 'y'): y,
('velocity', 'x'): vx,
('velocity', 'y'): vy,
('acceleration', 'x'): ax,
('acceleration', 'y'): ay}
node_data = pd.DataFrame(data_dict, columns=data_columns) # if bin_positions:
node = Node(node_type=env.NodeType.PEDESTRIAN, node_id=node_id, data=node_data) # data['pos_x'] =np.digitize(data['pos_x'], bins=space_x)
node.first_timestep = new_first_idx # data['pos_y'] =np.digitize(data['pos_y'], bins=space_y)
# print(data['pos_x'])
scene.nodes.append(node) scene_nodes[f"{track_source}_{i_nr}"].append(node)
created+=1 created+=1
# if data_class == 'train':
# scene.augmented = list()
# angles = np.arange(0, 360, 15) if data_class == 'train' else [0]
# for angle in angles:
# scene.augmented.append(augment_scene(scene, angle))
# print(scene) e = time.time()
for scene_nr, nodes in scene_nodes.items():
scene = Scene(timesteps=nodes[-1].last_timestep, dt=(1/camera.fps)*step_size, name=f'{split_id}_{scene_nr}', aug_func=None)
scenes.append(scene) scenes.append(scene)
print(f'Processed {len(scenes):.2f} scene for data class {data_class}') print(f'Processed {len(scenes):.2f} scene for data class {data_class}')
env.scenes = scenes env.scenes = scenes
print(env.scenes) # print(env.scenes)
if len(scenes) > 0: if len(scenes) > 0:
with open(data_dict_path, 'wb') as f: with open(data_dict_path, 'wb') as f:
dill.dump(env, f, protocol=dill.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) dill.dump(env, f, protocol=dill.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
print(f"Linear: {l}") # print(f"Linear: {l}")
print(f"Non-Linear: {nl}") # print(f"Non-Linear: {nl}")
print(f"error: {skipped_for_error}, used: {created}") print(f"error: {skipped_for_error}, used: {created}")
def main(): def main():
@ -288,7 +229,34 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument("--cm-to-m", action='store_true', help=f"If homography is in cm, convert tracked points to meter for beter results") parser.add_argument("--cm-to-m", action='store_true', help=f"If homography is in cm, convert tracked points to meter for beter results")
parser.add_argument("--center-data", action='store_true', help=f"Normalise around center") parser.add_argument("--center-data", action='store_true', help=f"Normalise around center")
parser.add_argument("--bin-positions", action='store_true', help=f"Experiment to put round positions to a grid") parser.add_argument("--bin-positions", action='store_true', help=f"Experiment to put round positions to a grid")
parser.add_argument("--step-size", type=int, default=1, help=f"Take only every n-th point")
help="Camera FPS",
help="File with homography params",
help="File with camera intrinsics and lens distortion params (calibration.json)",
# type=Path,
args = parser.parse_args() args = parser.parse_args()
# process_data(**args.__dict__)

View file

@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ import numpy as np
import pandas as pd import pandas as pd
import trap.tracker import trap.tracker
from trap.config import parser from trap.config import parser
from trap.frame_emitter import Detection, DetectionState, video_src_from_config, Frame from trap.frame_emitter import Camera, Detection, DetectionState, video_src_from_config, Frame
from trap.tracker import DETECTOR_YOLOv8, Smoother, _yolov8_track, Track, TrainingDataWriter, Tracker, read_tracks_json from trap.tracker import DETECTOR_YOLOv8, Smoother, TrackReader, _yolov8_track, Track, TrainingDataWriter, Tracker, read_tracks_json
from collections import defaultdict from collections import defaultdict
import logging import logging
import cv2 import cv2
from typing import List, Iterable, Optional from typing import Callable, List, Iterable, Optional
from ultralytics import YOLO from ultralytics import YOLO
from ultralytics.engine.results import Results as YOLOResult from ultralytics.engine.results import Results as YOLOResult
@ -185,6 +185,79 @@ def tracker_compare():
bar.set_description(f"[{frames.video_nr}/{len(frames.video_srcs)}] [{frames.frame_idx}/{frames.frame_count}] {str(frames.video_path)}") bar.set_description(f"[{frames.video_nr}/{len(frames.video_srcs)}] [{frames.frame_idx}/{frames.frame_count}] {str(frames.video_path)}")
def draw_track_predictions(img: cv2.Mat, track: Track, color_index: int, camera:Camera, convert_points: Optional[Callable]):
if not track.predictions:
current_point = track.get_projected_history(camera=camera)[-1]
if convert_points:
current_point = convert_points([current_point])[0]
for pred_i, pred in enumerate(track.predictions):
pred_coords = pred #cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([pred]), inv_H)[0].tolist()
if convert_points:
pred_coords = convert_points(pred_coords)
# color = (128,0,128) if pred_i else (128,128,0)
color = bgr_colors[color_index % len(bgr_colors)]
for ci in range(0, len(pred_coords)):
if ci == 0:
# TODO)) prev point
# continue
start = [int(p) for p in current_point]
# start = [int(p) for p in coords[-1]]
# start = [0,0]?
# print(start)
start = [int(p) for p in pred_coords[ci-1]]
end = [int(p) for p in pred_coords[ci]]
cv2.line(img, start, end, color, 1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
#, end, 2, color, 1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
def draw_trackjectron_history(img: cv2.Mat, track: Track, color_index: int, convert_points: Optional[Callable]):
if not track.predictor_history:
coords = track.predictor_history #cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([track.predictor_history]), inv_H)[0].tolist()
if convert_points:
coords = convert_points(coords)
# color = (128,0,128) if pred_i else (128,128,0)
color = tuple(b/2 for b in bgr_colors[color_index % len(bgr_colors)])
for ci in range(0, len(coords)):
if ci == 0:
# TODO)) prev point
# start = [int(p) for p in coords[-1]]
# start = [0,0]?
# print(start)
start = [int(p) for p in coords[ci-1]]
end = [int(p) for p in coords[ci]]
cv2.line(img, start, end, color, 1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA), end, 4, color, 1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
def draw_track_projected(img: cv2.Mat, track: Track, color_index: int, camera: Camera, convert_points: Optional[Callable]):
history = track.get_projected_history(camera=camera)
if convert_points:
history = convert_points(history)
cv2.putText(img, f"{track.track_id} ({len(history)})", to_point(history[0]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 1, color=bgr_colors[color_index % len(bgr_colors)])
point_color = bgr_colors[color_index % len(bgr_colors)], to_point(history[0]), 3, point_color, 2)
for j in range(len(history)-1):
a = history[j]
b = history[j+1]
cv2.line(img, to_point(a), to_point(b), point_color, 1), to_point(b), 3, point_color, 2)
def draw_track(img: cv2.Mat, track: Track, color_index: int): def draw_track(img: cv2.Mat, track: Track, color_index: int):
history = track.history history = track.history
@ -197,16 +270,16 @@ def draw_track(img: cv2.Mat, track: Track, color_index: int):
a = history[j] a = history[j]
b = history[j+1] b = history[j+1]
# TODO)) replace with Track.get_with_interpolated_history() # TODO)) replace with Track.get_with_interpolated_history()
gap = b.frame_nr - a.frame_nr - 1 # gap = b.frame_nr - a.frame_nr - 1
if gap < 0: # if gap < 0:
print(f"WARNING, gap between frames {a.frame_nr} -> {b.frame_nr} is negative?") # print(f"WARNING, gap between frames {a.frame_nr} -> {b.frame_nr} is negative?")
if gap > 0: # if gap > 0:
for g in range(gap): # for g in range(gap):
p1 = a.get_foot_coords() # p1 = a.get_foot_coords()
p2 = b.get_foot_coords() # p2 = b.get_foot_coords()
point = (lerp(p1[0], p2[0], g/gap), lerp(p1[1], p2[1], g/gap)) # point = (lerp(p1[0], p2[0], g/gap), lerp(p1[1], p2[1], g/gap)), to_point(point), 3, (0,0,255), 1) #, to_point(point), 3, (0,0,255), 1)
color = detection_color(b, color_index, a) color = detection_color(b, color_index, a)
cv2.line(img, to_point(a.get_foot_coords()), to_point(b.get_foot_coords()), color, 1) cv2.line(img, to_point(a.get_foot_coords()), to_point(b.get_foot_coords()), color, 1)
@ -222,27 +295,30 @@ def blacklist_tracks():
backdrop = cv2.imread('../DATASETS/hof3/output.png') backdrop = cv2.imread('../DATASETS/hof3/output.png')
blacklist = [] blacklist = []
path: Path = config.save_for_training path: Path = config.save_for_training
blacklist_file = path / "blacklist.jsonl"
whitelist_file = path / "whitelist.jsonl" # for skipping
tracks_file = path / "tracks.json"
FPS = 12 # TODO)) From config reader = TrackReader(path,, exclude_whitelisted = True)
# blacklist_file = path / "blacklist.jsonl"
# whitelist_file = path / "whitelist.jsonl" # for skipping
# tracks_file = path / "tracks.json"
if whitelist_file.exists(): # FPS = 12 # TODO)) From config
# with'r') as fp:
with, 'r') as reader:
whitelist = [l for l in reader.iter(type=str)]
whitelist = []
# if whitelist_file.exists():
# # with'r') as fp:
# with, 'r') as reader:
# whitelist = [l for l in reader.iter(type=str)]
# else:
# whitelist = []
smoother = Smoother()
try: try:
for track in read_tracks_json(tracks_file, blacklist_file, FPS): for track in reader:
if track.track_id in whitelist:'skip whitelisted {track.track_id}') if len(track.history) < 5:
continue continue
img = backdrop.copy() img = backdrop.copy()
draw_track(img, track, 0) draw_track(img, track.get_with_interpolated_history(), 0)
draw_track(img, smoother.smooth_track(track.get_with_interpolated_history()).get_sampled(5), 1)
imgS = cv2.resize(img, (1920, 1080)) imgS = cv2.resize(img, (1920, 1080))
cv2.imshow('frame', imgS) cv2.imshow('frame', imgS)
@ -253,14 +329,15 @@ def blacklist_tracks():
elif k == ord('s'): elif k == ord('s'):
break # skip for now break # skip for now
elif k == ord('y'): elif k == ord('y'):
with, mode='a') as writer: print('whitelist', track.track_id)
with, mode='a') as writer:
# skip next time around # skip next time around
writer.write(track.track_id) writer.write(track.track_id)
break break
elif k == ord('n'): elif k == ord('n'):
print('blacklist', track.track_id) print('blacklist', track.track_id)"Append {len(blacklist)} items to {str(blacklist_file)}") #"Append {len(track)} items to {str(reader.blacklist_file)}")
with, mode='a') as writer: with, mode='a') as writer:
writer.write(track.track_id) writer.write(track.track_id)
break break
else: else:

View file

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class Multifile():
def __iter__(self): def __iter__(self):
for path in self.srcs: for path in self.srcs:
self.current_file = self.current_file = path
with'r') as fp: with'r') as fp:
for l in fp: for l in fp:
yield l yield l
@ -91,28 +91,46 @@ class Multifile():
def readline(self): def readline(self):
return self.g.__next__() return self.g.__next__()
FIELDNAMES = ['frame_id', 'track_id', 'l', 't', 'w', 'h', 'x', 'y', 'state'] FIELDNAMES = ['frame_id', 'track_id', 'l', 't', 'w', 'h', 'x', 'y', 'state', 'source']
def read_tracks_json(path: Path, blacklist_path: Path, fps): class TrackReader:
""" def __init__(self, path: Path, fps: int, include_blacklisted = False, exclude_whitelisted = False):
Reader for tracks.json produced by TrainingDataWriter self.blacklist_file = path / "blacklist.jsonl"
""" self.whitelist_file = path / "whitelist.jsonl" # for skipping
with'r') as fp: self.tracks_file = path / "tracks.json"
with'r') as fp:
tracks_dict: dict = json.load(fp) tracks_dict: dict = json.load(fp)
if blacklist_path.exists(): if self.blacklist_file.exists():
with, 'r') as reader: with, 'r') as reader:
blacklist = [track_id for track_id in reader.iter(type=str)] blacklist = [track_id for track_id in reader.iter(type=str)]
else: else:
blacklist = [] blacklist = []
for track_id, detection_values in tracks_dict.items():
if track_id in blacklist:
if self.whitelist_file.exists():
with, 'r') as reader:
whitelist = [track_id for track_id in reader.iter(type=str)]
whitelist = []
self._tracks = { track_id: detection_values
for track_id, detection_values in tracks_dict.items()
if (include_blacklisted or track_id not in blacklist) and
(not exclude_whitelisted or track_id not in whitelist)
self.fps = fps
def __len__(self):
return len(self._tracks)
def get(self, track_id):
detection_values = self._tracks[track_id]
history = [] history = []
# for detection_values in # for detection_values in
source = None
for detection_items in detection_values: for detection_items in detection_values:
d = dict(zip(FIELDNAMES, detection_items)) d = dict(zip(FIELDNAMES, detection_items))
history.append(Detection( history.append(Detection(
@ -124,10 +142,23 @@ def read_tracks_json(path: Path, blacklist_path: Path, fps):
nan, nan,
d['state'], d['state'],
d['frame_id'], d['frame_id'],
1 1,
)) ))
source = int(d['source'])
yield Track(track_id, history, fps=fps) return Track(track_id, history, fps=self.fps, source=source)
def __iter__(self):
for track_id in self._tracks:
yield self.get(track_id)
def read_tracks_json(path: Path, fps):
Reader for tracks.json produced by TrainingDataWriter
reader = TrackReader(path, fps)
for t in reader:
yield t
class TrainingDataWriter: class TrainingDataWriter:
def __init__(self, training_path: Optional[Path]): def __init__(self, training_path: Optional[Path]):
@ -210,7 +241,6 @@ def rewrite_raw_track_files(path: Path):
tracks_file = path / 'tracks.json' tracks_file = path / 'tracks.json'
tracks = defaultdict(lambda: []) tracks = defaultdict(lambda: [])
offset = 0 offset = 0
max_track_id = 0 max_track_id = 0
prev_file = None prev_file = None
@ -218,6 +248,8 @@ def rewrite_raw_track_files(path: Path):
# all-2024-11-12T13:30.txt # all-2024-11-12T13:30.txt
file_date = None file_date = None
src_file_nr = 0
for name, line_nrs in destinations.items(): for name, line_nrs in destinations.items():
dir_path = path / name dir_path = path / name
dir_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) dir_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
@ -233,17 +265,23 @@ def rewrite_raw_track_files(path: Path):'{name} - update offset {offset} ({sources.current_file})')'{name} - update offset {offset} ({sources.current_file})')
prev_file = current_file prev_file = current_file
src_file_nr += 1
file_date = datetime.strptime(, 'all-%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M.txt') file_date = datetime.strptime(, 'all-%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M.txt')
except ValueError as e:
file_date = None
if file_date:
frame_date = file_date + timedelta(seconds = int(parts[0])//10)
frame_date = None
parts = line.split('\t') parts = line.split('\t')
track_id = int(parts[1]) + offset track_id = int(parts[1]) + offset
if file_date:
frame_date = file_date + timedelta(seconds = int(float(parts[0]))//10)
frame_date = None
if track_id > max_track_id: if track_id > max_track_id:
max_track_id = track_id max_track_id = track_id
@ -254,7 +292,7 @@ def rewrite_raw_track_files(path: Path):
tracks[track_id].append([ tracks[track_id].append([
int(parts[0] / 10), int(parts[0] / 10),
track_id, track_id,
] + parts[2:8] + [int(parts[8])]) ] + parts[2:8] + [int(parts[8]), src_file_nr])
with'w') as fp: with'w') as fp:"Write {len(tracks)} tracks to {str(tracks_file)}")"Write {len(tracks)} tracks to {str(tracks_file)}")
@ -492,7 +530,9 @@ class Tracker:
# "history": [{"x":c[0], "y":c[1]} for c in coords[0]] if not self.config.bypass_prediction else coords[0].tolist() # already doubles nested, fine for test # "history": [{"x":c[0], "y":c[1]} for c in coords[0]] if not self.config.bypass_prediction else coords[0].tolist() # already doubles nested, fine for test
# } # }
active_track_ids = [d.track_id for d in detections] active_track_ids = [d.track_id for d in detections]
active_tracks = {t.track_id: t for t in self.tracks.values() if t.track_id in active_track_ids} active_tracks = {t.track_id: t.get_with_interpolated_history() for t in self.tracks.values() if t.track_id in active_track_ids}
# active_tracks = {t.track_id: t for t in self.tracks.values() if t.track_id in active_track_ids}
# active_tracks = {t.track_id: t for t in self.tracks.values() if t.track_id in active_track_ids}
#"{trajectories}") #"{trajectories}")
frame.tracks = active_tracks frame.tracks = active_tracks
@ -627,7 +667,7 @@ class Smoother:
self.smoother.smooth(hs) self.smoother.smooth(hs)
hs = self.smoother.smooth_data[0] hs = self.smoother.smooth_data[0]
new_history = [Detection(d.track_id, l, t, w, h, d.conf, d.state, d.frame_nr, d.det_class) for l, t, w, h, d in zip(ls,ts,ws,hs, track.history)] new_history = [Detection(d.track_id, l, t, w, h, d.conf, d.state, d.frame_nr, d.det_class) for l, t, w, h, d in zip(ls,ts,ws,hs, track.history)]
new_track = Track(track.track_id, new_history, track.predictor_history, track.predictions, track.fps) return Track(track.track_id, new_history, track.predictor_history, track.predictions, track.fps)
def smooth_frame_tracks(self, frame: Frame) -> Frame: def smooth_frame_tracks(self, frame: Frame) -> Frame:
new_tracks = [] new_tracks = []