* Run `bash build_opencv_with_gstreamer.sh` to build opencv with gstreamer support
* Use pyenv + poetry to install
## How to
> See also the sibling repo [traptools](https://git.rubenvandeven.com/security_vision/traptools) for camera calibration and homography tools that are needed for this repo.
These are roughly the steps to go from datagathering to training
* Recording can be done with `ffmpeg -rtsp_transport udp -i rtsp://USER:PASS@IP:554/Streaming/Channels/1.mp4 hof2-cam-$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M").mp4`
2. Follow the steps in the auxilary [traptools](https://git.rubenvandeven.com/security_vision/traptools) repository to obtain (1) camera matrix, lens distortion, image dimensions, and (2+3) homography
3. Run the tracker, e.g. `poetry run tracker --detector ultralytics --homography ../DATASETS/NAME/homography.json --video-src ../DATASETS/NAME/*.mp4 --calibration ../DATASETS/NAME/calibration.json --save-for-training EXPERIMENTS/raw/NAME/`
* Note: You can run this right of the camera stream: `poetry run tracker --eval_device cuda:0 --detector ultralytics --video-src rtsp://USER:PW@ADDRESS/STREAM --homography ../DATASETS/NAME/homography.json --calibration ../DATASETS/NAME/calibration.json --save-for-training EXPERIMENTS/raw/NAME/`, each recording adding a new file to the `raw` folder.
* On a video file (you can use a wildcard) `DISPLAY=:1 poetry run trapserv --remote-log-addr --eval_device cuda:0 --detector ultralytics --homography ../DATASETS/NAME/homography.json --eval_data_dict EXPERIMENTS/trajectron-data/hof2s-m_test.pkl --video-src ../DATASETS/NAME/*.mp4 --model_dir EXPERIMENTS/models/models_DATE_NAME/--smooth-predictions --smooth-tracks --num-samples 3 --render-window --calibration ../DATASETS/NAME/calibration.json` (the DISPLAY environment variable is used here to running over SSH connection and display on local monitor)
* or on the RTSP stream. Which uses gstreamer to substantially reduce latency compared to the default ffmpeg bindings in OpenCV.