class Annotation { constructor(tag, t_in, t_out, comment) { this.tag = tag; this.t_in = Number.parseFloat(t_in); this.t_out = Number.parseFloat(t_out); this.comment = comment; } } class StrokeGroup { constructor(group_element, player) { this.g = group_element; this.player = player; } setStrokes(strokes) { const pathEls = this.g.querySelectorAll('path'); let indexes = Object.keys(strokes); for (let pathEl of pathEls) { const i = pathEl.dataset.path_i; if (!indexes.includes(pathEl.dataset.path_i)) { pathEl.parentNode.removeChild(pathEl); } else { // check in and outpoint using pathEl.dataset if (strokes[i].getSliceId() != pathEl.dataset.slice) { const d = this.points2D(strokes[i].points); pathEl.dataset.slice = strokes[i].getSliceId(); pathEl.setAttribute('d', d); } } // this has now been processed indexes.splice(indexes.indexOf(i), 1); } // new strokes indexes.forEach(index => { const stroke = strokes[index]; let pathEl = document.createElementNS('', 'path'); = stroke.color; pathEl.classList.add('path'); pathEl.dataset.path_i = index; pathEl.dataset.slice = stroke.getSliceId(); this.g.appendChild(pathEl); const d = this.points2D(stroke.points); pathEl.setAttribute('d', d); }); } // convert array of points to a d-attribute points2D(strokes) { // strokes to a d attribute for a path let d = ""; let last_stroke = undefined; let cmd = ""; for (let stroke of strokes) { if (!last_stroke) { d += `M${stroke[0]},${stroke[1]} `; cmd = 'M'; } else { if (last_stroke[2] == 1) { d += " m"; cmd = 'm'; } else if (cmd != 'l') { d += ' l '; cmd = 'l'; } let rel_stroke = [stroke[0] - last_stroke[0], stroke[1] - last_stroke[1]]; d += `${rel_stroke[0]},${rel_stroke[1]} `; } last_stroke = stroke; } return d; } } class Stroke { constructor(color, points) { this.color = color; this.points = points; // [[x1,y1,t1], [x2,y2,t2], ...] } getSliceId() { return 'all'; } } class StrokeSlice { constructor(stroke, i_in, i_out) { this.stroke = stroke; // Stroke this.i_in = typeof i_in === 'undefined' ? 0 : i_in; this.i_out = typeof i_out === 'undefined' ? this.stroke.points.length - 1 : i_out; } getSliceId() { return `${this.i_in}-${this.i_out}`; } // compatible with Stroke() get points() { return this.stroke.points.slice(this.i_in, this.i_out + 1); } // compatible with Stroke() get color() { return this.stroke.color; } } class Annotator extends EventTarget { constructor(wrapperEl, tagFile, fileurl, config) { fileurl = fileurl.replace("&", "&"); // little hack: tornadoweb does this automatically for some reason super(); this.config = { is_player: config && config.hasOwnProperty('is_player') ? config.is_player : false, // in player mode annotations are not loaded, nor is the annotator shown crop_to_fit: config && config.hasOwnProperty('crop_to_fit') ? config.crop_to_fit : false, // don't animate viewport, but show the whole drawing autoplay: config && config.hasOwnProperty('autoplay') ? config.autoplay : false, // immediately start playback } this.formatter = wNumb({ decimals: 2, edit: (time) => { let neg = ""; if (time < 0) { neg = "-"; time *= -1; } const s = Math.floor(time / 1000); const minutes = String(Math.floor(s / 60)).padStart(2, '0'); const seconds = String(s - minutes * 60).padStart(2, '0'); // show miliseconds only in annotator const ms = !this.config.is_player ? "." + String(Math.floor((time / 1000 - s) * 1000)).padStart(3, '0') : ""; return `${neg}${minutes}:${seconds}${ms}`; }, undo: (tc) => { let [rest, ms] = tc.split(/[\.\,]/); ms = parseFloat(typeof ms === "undefined" ? 0 : ms); let factor = 1000; rest.split(':').reverse().forEach((v, i) => { ms += v * factor; factor *= 60; }); return `${ms} `; } }); this.wrapperEl = wrapperEl; this.svgEl = document.createElementNS('', 'svg'); this.wrapperEl.appendChild(this.svgEl); this.wrapperEl.classList.add(this.config.is_player ? "svganim_player" : "svganim_annotator"); this.wrapperEl.classList.add(this.config.crop_to_fit ? "cropped-to-selection" : "follow-drawing"); this.controlsEl = document.createElement('div'); this.controlsEl.classList.add('controls') this.wrapperEl.appendChild(this.controlsEl); this.playbackControlsEl = document.createElement('div'); this.playbackControlsEl.classList.add('controls--playback') this.controlsEl.appendChild(this.playbackControlsEl); this.playheadEl = document.createElement('input'); this.playheadEl.type = "range"; this.playheadEl.min = 0; this.playheadEl.step = 0.01; this.playbackControlsEl.appendChild(this.playheadEl); this.playheadEl.addEventListener("input", (ev) => { this.scrubTo(; }); this.playheadEl.addEventListener('keydown', (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); // we don't want to use arrow keys, as these are captured in the overall keydown event }) this.timeCodeEl = document.createElement('input'); this.timeCodeEl.type = 'numeric'; this.timeCodeEl.classList.add('timecode'); this.timeCodeEl.disabled = true; this.playbackControlsEl.appendChild(this.timeCodeEl); this.playPauseEl = document.createElement('button'); this.playPauseEl.classList.add('paused'); this.playbackControlsEl.appendChild(this.playPauseEl); this.playPauseEl.addEventListener("click", (ev) => { this.playPause() }) this.playPauseEl.addEventListener('keydown', (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); // we don't want to spacebar, as this is captured in the overall keydown event }) if (!this.config.is_player) { this.scrubberEl = document.createElement('div'); this.scrubberEl.classList.add('scrubber') this.controlsEl.appendChild(this.scrubberEl); this.annotationsEl = document.createElement('div'); this.annotationsEl.classList.add('annotations') this.controlsEl.appendChild(this.annotationsEl); } else { const extraEl = document.createElement('details'); extraEl.classList.add('controls--extra'); const summaryEl = document.createElement('summary'); summaryEl.innerHTML = "…"; extraEl.appendChild(summaryEl); const extraControlsEl = document.createElement('ul'); // TODO: add handlers const toggleFutureEl = document.createElement('li'); toggleFutureEl.innerText = "Show preview" toggleFutureEl.addEventListener('click', () => this.wrapperEl.classList.toggle('hide-drawing-preview')); extraControlsEl.appendChild(toggleFutureEl); const toggleCropPlayerEl = document.createElement('li'); toggleCropPlayerEl.innerText = "Crop to selection"; toggleCropPlayerEl.addEventListener('click', () => this.toggleCrop()); extraControlsEl.appendChild(toggleCropPlayerEl); extraEl.appendChild(extraControlsEl); this.playbackControlsEl.appendChild(extraEl); } this.inPointPosition = [0, 0]; this.inPointTimeMs = null; this.outPointPosition = null; this.outPointTimeMs = null; this._currentTimeMs = 0; this.videoIsPlaying = false; const groups = ['before', 'annotation', 'after'] this.strokeGroups = {}; groups.forEach(group => { let groupEl = document.createElementNS('', 'g'); groupEl.classList.add(group) this.svgEl.appendChild(groupEl); this.strokeGroups[group] = new StrokeGroup(groupEl, this); }); this.annotations = []; if (this.config.is_player) { this.load(fileurl); } else { this.loadTags(tagFile).then(() => { this.tagsEl = document.createElement('ul'); this.tagsEl.classList.add('tags'); const addTags = (tags, tagsEl) => { tags.forEach((tag) => { let tagLiEl = document.createElement('li'); let tagEl = document.createElement('div'); tagEl.classList.add('tag'); tagEl.dataset.tag =; tagEl.innerText = tag.hasOwnProperty('name') ? :; tagEl.addEventListener('click', (e) => { this.addTag(, this.inPointPosition, this.outPointPosition); }); tagEl.title = tag.hasOwnProperty('description') ? tag.description : ""; let signEl = document.createElement('span'); signEl.classList.add('annotation-' +; = this.getColorForTag(; tagEl.prepend(signEl); tagLiEl.appendChild(tagEl); if (tag.hasOwnProperty('children')) { const subEl = document.createElement('ul'); subEl.classList.add('subtags'); addTags(tag.children, subEl); tagLiEl.appendChild(subEl); } tagsEl.appendChild(tagLiEl); }); }; addTags(this.tags, this.tagsEl); let tagEl = document.createElement('li'); tagEl.classList.add('tag'); tagEl.classList.add('annotation-rm'); tagEl.dataset.tag = 'rm'; tagEl.title = "Remove annotation"; tagEl.innerHTML = "🚮"; // × tagEl.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if (this.selectedAnnotation) { this.removeAnnotation(this.selectedAnnotationI); } }); this.tagsEl.appendChild(tagEl); this.wrapperEl.appendChild(this.tagsEl); this.commentEl = document.createElement('input'); this.commentEl.type = 'text'; this.commentEl.classList.add('annotation-comment'); this.commentEl.title = "Add comment to annotation"; this.commentEl.placeholder = "comment"; this.commentEl.value = ""; this.commentEl.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => { if (e.key == 'Escape') { this.commentEl.blur() // deselect annotation, and deselect commentEl } else { e.stopPropagation(); // prevent keyup event to propagate and set i/o points } }); this.commentEl.addEventListener('input', (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); // prevent keyup event if (this.selectedAnnotation) { this.selectedAnnotation.comment = this.commentEl.value; this.updateAnnotations(true) } }); this.controlsEl.appendChild(this.commentEl); this.load(fileurl); }); } } getColorForTag(tag_id) { const tag = this.tagMap[tag_id]; // console.log(tag_id, tag); if (tag && tag.hasOwnProperty('color') && tag.color) { return tag.color; } if (tag && tag.hasOwnProperty('parent') && tag.parent) { return this.getColorForTag(tag['parent'].id); } return 'black'; } updateAnnotations(save) { if (this.config.is_player) { return false; } this.annotationsEl.innerHTML = ""; for (let annotation_i in this.annotations) { const annotation = this.annotations[annotation_i]; this.annotationEl = document.createElement('div'); const prerollDiff = Number.parseFloat(this.audioOffset < 0 ? this.audioOffset * -1000 : 0); // console.log('diff', prerollDiff, annotation.t_in, typeof annotation.t_in, this.duration,annotation.t_in + prerollDiff, (annotation.t_in + prerollDiff) / this.duration); const left = ((annotation.t_in + prerollDiff) / (this.duration * 1000)) * 100; const right = 100 - ((annotation.t_out + prerollDiff) / (this.duration * 1000)) * 100; = left + '%'; = right + '%'; = this.getColorForTag(annotation.tag); this.annotationEl.classList.add('annotation-' + annotation.tag); if (this.selectedAnnotationI == annotation_i) { this.annotationEl.classList.add('selected'); } this.annotationEl.title = `[${annotation.tag}] ${annotation.comment} `; this.annotationEl.addEventListener('mouseover', (e) => { }); this.annotationEl.addEventListener('mouseout', (e) => { }); this.annotationEl.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if (this.selectedAnnotationI == annotation_i) { this.deselectAnnotation(false); } else { this.selectAnnotation(annotation_i); } }); this.annotationsEl.appendChild(this.annotationEl); } this.tagsEl.querySelectorAll('.tag').forEach(tagEl => { if (this.selectedAnnotation && this.selectedAnnotation.tag == tagEl.dataset.tag) { tagEl.classList.add('selected') } else { tagEl.classList.remove('selected') } }); if (save) { this.updateState(); } } selectAnnotation(annotation_i) { this.selectedAnnotationI = annotation_i; this.selectedAnnotation = this.annotations[annotation_i]; this.slider.set([this.selectedAnnotation.t_in, this.selectedAnnotation.t_out]); this.inPointPosition = this.findPositionForTime(this.selectedAnnotation.t_in); this.outPointPosition = this.findPositionForTime(this.selectedAnnotation.t_out); this.inPointTimeMs = this.selectedAnnotation.t_in; this.outPointTimeMs = this.selectedAnnotation.t_out; this._seekByTimeMs(this.selectedAnnotation.t_in); // draw full stroke of annotation: this.drawStrokePosition(this.inPointPosition, this.outPointPosition); this.updateAnnotations(false); //selects the right tag & highlights the annotation this.wrapperEl.classList.add('selected-annotation'); this.commentEl.value = this.selectedAnnotation.comment; } deselectAnnotation(keep_position) { if (this.selectedAnnotation) { this._seekByTimeMs(this.selectedAnnotation.t_out); } this.wrapperEl.classList.remove('selected-annotation'); this.commentEl.value = ""; this.commentEl.blur(); // make sure we're not typing anymore this.selectedAnnotationI = null; this.selectedAnnotation = null; if (!keep_position) { this.setUpAnnotator(); } this.updateAnnotations(false); // selects the right tag & highlights the annotation } setInPoint(time_ms) { this.setInOutPoint(time_ms, this.outPointTimeMs); } setOutPoint(time_ms) { this.setInOutPoint(this.inPointTimeMs, time_ms); } setInOutPoint(in_ms, out_ms) { this.inPointPosition = this.findPositionForTime(in_ms); this.inPointTimeMs = in_ms; this.outPointPosition = this.findPositionForTime(out_ms); this.outPointTimeMs = out_ms; // this._seekByTimeMs(this.audioOffset < 0 ? this.audioOffset * 1000 : 0); // draw full stroke of annotation console.debug('setInOut'); this.drawStrokePosition(this.inPointPosition, this.outPointPosition); console.debug([`${this.inPointTimeMs} `, `${this.outPointTimeMs} `]) this.slider.set([this.inPointTimeMs, this.outPointTimeMs]); // console.debug(this.selectedAnnotation); if (this.selectedAnnotation) { this.selectedAnnotation.t_in = in_ms; this.selectedAnnotation.t_out = out_ms; this.updateAnnotations(false); } } resetInOutPoint() { this.inPointPosition = [0, 0]; this.inPointTimeMs = null; this.outPointPosition = null; this.outPointTimeMs = null; this._seekByTimeMs(this.audioOffset < 0 ? this.audioOffset * 1000 : 0); // draw full stroke of annotation console.debug('reset!'); this.drawStrokePosition(this.inPointPosition, [Infinity, Infinity]); this.setUpAnnotator(); } load(file) { const request = new Request(file, { method: 'GET', }); this.wrapperEl.classList.add('loading'); fetch(request) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { if (!this.config.is_player) { const metadata_req = new Request(`/annotations/${data.file}`, { method: 'GET', }); return fetch(metadata_req) .then(response => response.ok ? response.json() : null) .then(metadata => { if (metadata !== null) { metadata.annotations = => new Annotation(a.tag, a.t_in, a.t_out, a.hasOwnProperty('comment') ? a.comment : "")) } return this.loadStrokes(data, metadata) }) .catch(e => console.error(e)); } else { return this.loadStrokes(data, null); } }) .then(() => { // play on click for player if (this.config.is_player) { this.svgEl.addEventListener('click', (ev) => { console.debug('clicked for play/pause'); this.playPause(); }); } // autoplay if necessary if (this.config.autoplay) {; // play should remove loading } else { this.wrapperEl.classList.remove('loading'); } }) .catch(e => console.debug(e)); } updateState() { const state = { 'title': this.title, 'file': this.filename, 'annotations': this.annotations, 'audio': { 'file': this.audioFile, 'offset': this.audioOffset, } } const newState = JSON.stringify(state); if (newState == this.state) { return; } this.wrapperEl.classList.remove('saved'); this.wrapperEl.classList.add('unsaved'); this.state = newState; // autosave on state change:; } setSaved(state) { if (this.state != state) { console.debug('already outdated'); } else { this.wrapperEl.classList.add('saved'); this.wrapperEl.classList.remove('unsaved'); } } save(state) { const request = new Request("/annotations/" + this.filename, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: state }); fetch(request) .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { this.setSaved(state); } else { throw Error('Something went wrong'); } }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); }); } removeAnnotation(annotation_i) { this.deselectAnnotation(true); this.annotations.splice(annotation_i, 1); this.updateAnnotations(true); } addTag(tag) { if (this.selectedAnnotation) { this.selectedAnnotation.tag = tag; this.updateAnnotations(true); } else { // TODO this.slider values for in and out const [t_in, t_out] = this.slider.get(); if (this.slider) { this.slider.destroy(); } this.annotations.push(new Annotation(tag, t_in, t_out, "")); this.updateAnnotations(true); this._currentTimeMs = t_out; this._updatePlayhead(); this.setUpAnnotator(); } } setUpAnnotator() { this.playheadEl.min = this.audioOffset < 0 ? this.audioOffset * 1000 : 0; this.playheadEl.max = this.getEndTimeMs(); this._updatePlayhead(); this.inPointPosition = this.findPositionForTime(this.currentTime); this.inPointTimeMs = this._currentTimeMs; this.outPointPosition = this.findPositionForTime(this.lastFrameTime); // TODO: simplify to get the last frame indexes directly this.outPointTimeMs = this.getEndTimeMs(); if (!this.config.is_player) { this.buildAnnotator(); } this.drawStrokePosition(this.inPointPosition, this.outPointPosition); } buildAnnotator() { if (this.scrubberEl.noUiSlider) { this.slider.destroy(); } // console.log(this._currentTimeMs, ) const sliderMin = this.audioOffset < 0 ? this.audioOffset * 1000 : 0; const sliderMax = this.getEndTimeMs(); this.slider = noUiSlider.create(this.scrubberEl, { start: [this._currentTimeMs, this.getEndTimeMs()], connect: true, range: { 'min': sliderMin, 'max': sliderMax, }, keyboardDefaultStep: (sliderMax - sliderMin) / 1000, keyboardPageMultiplier: 10, // page up/down 10s tooltips: [ this.formatter, this.formatter ], // pips: { // mode: 'range', // density: 3, // format: this.formatter // } }); this.slider.on("slide", (values, handle) => { this.videoIsPlaying = false; this.inPointPosition = this.findPositionForTime(values[0]); this.inPointTimeMs = Number.parseFloat(values[0]); this.outPointPosition = this.findPositionForTime(values[1]); this.outPointTimeMs = Number.parseFloat(values[1]); this.drawStrokePosition(this.inPointPosition, this.outPointPosition); // console.log(this.selectedAnnotation); if (this.selectedAnnotation) { this.selectedAnnotation.t_in = Number.parseFloat(values[0]); this.selectedAnnotation.t_out = Number.parseFloat(values[1]); this.updateAnnotations(false); } }); this.slider.on("end", (values, handle) => { if (this.selectedAnnotation) { this.updateAnnotations(true); } this._seekByTimeMs(values[0]);; // this.playAudioSegment(values[0], values[1]); }); this.slider.getTooltips().forEach((ttEl, i) => { // console.log(ttEl, i); ttEl.addEventListener('click', (e) => { let ttInputEl = document.createElement('input'); ttInputEl.value = ttEl.innerHTML ttEl.innerHTML = ""; ttEl.appendChild(ttInputEl); ttInputEl.focus(); const submit = () => { console.debug(ttInputEl.value); const tcMs = this.formatter.from(ttInputEl.value); let points = this.slider.get(); points[i] = tcMs; console.debug(points); this.slider.set(points); }; ttInputEl.addEventListener('keydown', (keyE) => { keyE.stopPropagation(); //prevent movement of tooltip if (keyE.key == "Enter") { submit(); } }) ttInputEl.addEventListener('click', (clickE) => { clickE.stopPropagation(); //prevent retrigger on selectino }) ttInputEl.addEventListener('blur', submit); }); }) } loadStrokes(drawing, metadata) { this.audioOffset = 0; if (metadata) { this.annotations = metadata.annotations; } if ((metadata && metadata.hasOwnProperty('audio')) || (drawing.hasOwnProperty('audio') && { if (metadata && metadata.hasOwnProperty('audio')) { this.audioFile = this.audioOffset = Number.parseFloat(; } else { this.audioFile = this.audioOffset = Number.parseFloat(; } this._currentTimeMs = this.audioOffset < 0 ? this.audioOffset * 1000 : 0; this._updatePlayhead(); } this.title = null; if (metadata && metadata.hasOwnProperty('title')) { this.title = metadata.title; } else if (drawing.hasOwnProperty('title')) { this.title = drawing.title; } this.filename = drawing.file; this.strokes = => new Stroke(s['color'], s['points'])); this.viewboxes = drawing.viewboxes; this.currentPathI = null; this.currentPointI = null; this.currentViewboxI = null; this.dimensions = drawing.dimensions; this.bounding_box = drawing.bounding_box; this.updateViewbox(); // let bgEl = document.createElementNS('', 'rect'); // bgEl.setAttribute("x", 0); // bgEl.setAttribute("y", 0); // bgEl.setAttribute("width", this.dimensions[0]); // bgEl.setAttribute("height", this.dimensions[1]); // bgEl.classList.add('background'); // this.svgEl.prepend(bgEl); this.firstFrameTime = this.strokes.length == 0 ? 0 : this.strokes[0].points[0][3]; this.lastFrameTime = this.getFinalFrameTime(); this.playheadEl.max = this.lastFrameTime; this.nextFrameTimeout = null; this.nextViewboxTimeout = null; this._setPausedFlag(true); return this.setupAudioConfig().then(() => { // this.setUpAnnotator() let keyEl; if (this.config.is_player) { keyEl = this.wrapperEl; } else { keyEl = document.body; // always capture this.updateAnnotations(false); } keyEl.addEventListener('keyup', (ev) => { if (ev.key == ' ') { this.playPause(); } // shift+arrow keys, jump playhead (search position) // FIXME doesn't keep playback after initial load. Only after unfocussing the window, and refocussing it, do the keys capture. // Probably a wrong order if (ev.key == 'ArrowLeft' && ev.shiftKey) { const p = this._paused; const diff = ev.ctrlKey ? 10000 : 1000; this.scrubTo(this._currentTimeMs - diff); if (!p) {; } // scrubTo() causes a pause(); } if (ev.key == 'ArrowRight' && ev.shiftKey) { const p = this._paused; const diff = ev.ctrlKey ? 10000 : 1000; this.scrubTo(this._currentTimeMs + diff); if (!p) {; } // scrubTo() causes a pause(); } // additional keys only for annotation mode if (!this.config.is_player) { if (ev.key == 'i') { this.setInPoint(this.currentTime * 1000); } if (ev.key == 'o') { this.setOutPoint(this.currentTime * 1000); } if (ev.key == 'I') { // shift+i == jump to in point this.scrubTo(this.inPointTimeMs); } if (ev.key == 'O') { // shift+o == jump to end point this.scrubTo(this.outPointTimeMs); } if (ev.key == 'Escape') { if (this.selectedAnnotation) { this.deselectAnnotation(); } else { this.resetInOutPoint(); } } } }); }); // this.playStrokePosition(0, 1); } loadTags(tagFile) { // tags config const request = new Request(tagFile); return fetch(request) .then(response => response.json()) .then(rootTag => { this.tags = rootTag.children; this.tagMap = {}; const addTagsToMap = (tags, parent) => { tags.forEach((tag) => { tag['parent'] = typeof parent != "undefined" ? parent : null; this.tagMap[] = tag; if (tag.hasOwnProperty("children")) { addTagsToMap(tag.children, tag); } }); }; addTagsToMap(this.tags); }); } setupAudioConfig() { // audio config return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.audioEl = document.createElement('audio'); if (!this.config.is_player) this.audioEl.setAttribute('controls', true); this.audioEl.addEventListener('canplaythrough', (ev) => { console.debug('loaded audio'); //; }); if (this.config.is_player) { this.wrapperEl.prepend(this.audioEl); } else { let mdConfigEl = document.createElement('div'); mdConfigEl.classList.add('metadataconfig') this.wrapperEl.appendChild(mdConfigEl); let titleEl = document.createElement('div'); titleEl.classList.add('drawing-title'); titleEl.innerText = this.title ?? "[add title]" titleEl.title = this.title ?? "[click to add title for this diagram]" titleEl.addEventListener('click', (ev) => { const title = prompt("Change the title for the drawing", this.title ?? ""); if (title === null) return; //cancel titleEl.innerText = title.length ? title : "[add title]"; this.title = title.length ? title : null; this.updateState(); }) mdConfigEl.appendChild(titleEl); let audioConfigEl = document.createElement('div'); audioConfigEl.classList.add('audioconfig') mdConfigEl.appendChild(audioConfigEl); audioConfigEl.appendChild(this.audioEl); let audioSelectEl = document.createElement('select'); audioSelectEl.classList.add('audioselect'); audioConfigEl.appendChild(audioSelectEl); fetch('/audio') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { data.unshift(''); // add empty, to deselect any file data.forEach(audioFile => { let optionEl = document.createElement('option'); optionEl.selected = this.audioFile == audioFile; optionEl.innerText = audioFile; audioSelectEl.appendChild(optionEl); }); }) audioSelectEl.addEventListener('change', (ev) => { this.setAudioFile(; }); let audioOffsetTextEl = document.createElement('label'); audioOffsetTextEl.innerText = "Offset (s)"; audioConfigEl.appendChild(audioOffsetTextEl); let audioOffsetEl = document.createElement('input'); audioOffsetEl.setAttribute('type', 'number'); audioOffsetEl.setAttribute('step', '.01'); audioOffsetEl.value = this.audioOffset ?? 0; audioOffsetEl.addEventListener('change', (ev) => { this.setAudioOffset(; }); audioOffsetTextEl.appendChild(audioOffsetEl); } this.audioEl.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', (ev) => { // resolve the 'set up audio' when metadata has loaded this.setUpAnnotator(); // if offset is negative, annotator starts at negative time resolve(); }) if (this.audioFile) { this.audioEl.setAttribute('src', this.audioFile); } else { this.setUpAnnotator(); resolve(); } }); } setAudioFile(audioFile) { this.audioFile = audioFile; this.audioEl.setAttribute('src', this.audioFile); //; // TODO update playhead // TODO update this.duration after load this.updateState(); } setAudioOffset(audioOffset) { this.audioOffset = Number.parseFloat(audioOffset); // TODO update playhead // TODO update this.duration this.setUpAnnotator(); // if offset is negative, annotator starts at negative time this.updateState(); } /** * @param float time time is ms * @returns float */ getAudioTime(time) { return Number.parseFloat(time) - (this.audioOffset * 1000 ?? 0); } /** * * @param float t_in in point time, in ms * @param float t_out out point time, in ms */ playAudioSegment(t_in, t_out) { if (this.audioStartTimeout) clearTimeout(this.audioStartTimeout); if (this.audioEndTimeout) clearTimeout(this.audioEndTimeout); // TODO, handle playback delay const t_start = this.getAudioTime(t_in); // in ms const t_diff = (t_out ?? this.audioEl.duration * 1000) - t_in; // in ms this.audioEl.pause(); if (t_start < 0) { if (t_diff <= t_start * -1) { console.debug('no audio playback in segment', t_start, t_diff); } else { console.debug('delay audio playback', t_start, t_diff); // a negative audiooffset delays playback from the start // this.audioStartTimeout = setTimeout((e) =>, t*-1000); this.audioStartTimeout = setTimeout((e) => { this.audioEl.currentTime = 0;; }, t_start * -1); // triggers play with "seeked" event // this.audioEl.currentTime = 0; } } else { if (this.audioEl.currentTime !== t_start / 1000) { console.debug(this.audioEl.currentTime, t_start / 1000); this.audioEl.currentTime = t_start / 1000; }; //; // play is done in "seeked" evenlistener console.debug(this.audioEl.currentTime, t_start, t_in, t_out); } this.audioIsPlaying = true; // also state as playing in preroll this.audioEndTimeout = setTimeout((e) => { this.audioEl.pause(); this.audioIsPlaying = false; console.debug('done playing audio'); }, t_diff); } _scrubAudio(time_ms) { this.audioEl.currentTime = Math.max(0, this.getAudioTime(time_ms)) / 1000; } getFinalFrameTime() { if (this.strokes.length == 0) return null; // when no strokes are loaded (eg. for annotation) const points = this.strokes[this.strokes.length - 1].points; return points[points.length - 1][3]; } getStrokesSliceForPathRange(in_point, out_point) { // get paths for given range. Also, split path at in & out if necessary. let slices = {}; for (let i = in_point[0]; i <= out_point[0]; i++) { const stroke = this.strokes[i]; if (typeof stroke === 'undefined') { // out point can be Infinity. So interrupt whenever the end is reached break; } const in_i = (in_point[0] === i) ? in_point[1] : 0; const out_i = (out_point[0] === i) ? out_point[1] : Infinity; slices[i] = new StrokeSlice(stroke, in_i, out_i); } return slices; } // TODO: when drawing, have a group active & inactive. // active is getPathRange(currentIn, currentOut) // inactive is what comes before and after. // then, playing the video is just running pathRanghe(0, playhead) drawStrokePosition(in_point, out_point, show_all) { if (typeof show_all === 'undefined') show_all = true; this.strokeGroups['before'].setStrokes(this.getStrokesSliceForPathRange([0, 0], in_point)); this.strokeGroups['annotation'].setStrokes(this.getStrokesSliceForPathRange(in_point, out_point)); this.strokeGroups['after'].setStrokes(this.getStrokesSliceForPathRange(out_point, [Infinity, Infinity])); // // an inpoint is set, so we're annotating // // make everything coming before translucent // if (this.inPointPosition !== null) { // const [inPath_i, inPoint_i] = this.inPointPosition; // // returns a static NodeList // const currentBeforeEls = this.svgEl.querySelectorAll(`.before_in`); // for (let currentBeforeEl of currentBeforeEls) { // currentBeforeEl.classList.remove('before_in'); // } // for (let index = 0; index < inPath_i; index++) { // const pathEl = this.svgEl.querySelector(`.path${ index } `); // if (pathEl) { // pathEl.classList.add('before_in'); // } // } // } // this.currentPathI = path_i; // this.currentPointI = point_i; // const path = this.strokes[path_i]; // // console.log(path); // let pathEl = this.svgEl.querySelector(`.path${ path_i } `); // if (!pathEl) { // pathEl = document.createElementNS('', 'path'); // = path.color; // pathEl.classList.add('path' + path_i) // this.svgEl.appendChild(pathEl) // } // const stroke = path.points.slice(0, point_i); // const d = this.strokes2D(stroke); // pathEl.setAttribute('d', d); // this.scrubberElOld.value = path.points[point_i][3]; // this.currentTime = path.points[point_i][3]; } setViewboxPosition(box_i) { if (this.currentViewboxI == box_i) { return; } this.currentViewboxI = box_i if (!this.config.crop_to_fit) { this.updateViewbox(); } } updateViewbox() { if (this.config.crop_to_fit) { this.svgEl.setAttribute('viewBox', `${this.bounding_box.x} ${this.bounding_box.y} ${this.bounding_box.width} ${this.bounding_box.height} `); } else { let x, y, w, h; if (this.currentViewboxI !== null) { x = this.viewboxes[this.currentViewboxI].x, y = this.viewboxes[this.currentViewboxI].y, w = this.dimensions[0], h = this.dimensions[1]; } else { x = 0, y = 0, w = this.dimensions[0], h = this.dimensions[1]; } this.svgEl.setAttribute('viewBox', `${x} ${y} ${w} ${h} `); } } setCrop(crop_to_fit) { this.config.crop_to_fit = Boolean(crop_to_fit); if (this.config.crop_to_fit) { this.wrapperEl.classList.add('cropped-to-selection'); } else { this.wrapperEl.classList.remove('cropped-to-selection'); } this.updateViewbox(); } toggleCrop() { this.setCrop(!this.config.crop_to_fit); } getNextPosition(path_i, point_i) { const path = this.strokes[path_i]; let next_path, next_point; if (path.points.length > point_i + 1) { next_path = path_i; next_point = point_i + 1; // setTimeout(() => this.playStroke(next_path, next_point), dt); } else if (this.strokes.length > path_i + 1) { next_path = path_i + 1; next_point = 0; // use starttime instead of diff, to prevent floating } else { return [null, null]; } // when an outpoint is set, stop playing there if (this.outPointPosition && (next_path > this.outPointPosition[0] || (next_path == this.outPointPosition[0] && next_point > this.outPointPosition[1]))) { console.debug('> out point', this.outPointPosition) return [null, null]; } return [next_path, next_point]; } playStrokePosition(path_i, point_i, allow_interrupt) { if (this.strokes.length === 0) { console.debug('No video to play back'); this.videoIsPlaying = false; return; } if (allow_interrupt) { if (!this.videoIsPlaying) { console.debug('not playing because of interrupt'); return; } } else { this.videoIsPlaying = true; } this.drawStrokePosition(this.inPointPosition, [path_i, point_i]); const [next_path, next_point] = this.getNextPosition(path_i, point_i); if (next_path === null) { console.debug('done playing video'); this.videoIsPlaying = false; return; } const t = this.strokes[next_path].points[next_point][3];// - path.points[point_i][3]; // calculate interval based on playback start to avoid drifting of time const dt = t - ( - this.startTimeMs); this.nextFrameTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.playStrokePosition(next_path, next_point, true), dt); } playViewboxPosition(box_i, allow_interrupt) { if (allow_interrupt) { if (!this.videoIsPlaying) { console.debug('not playing because of interrupt'); return; } } // else { // this.videoIsPlaying = true; // } this.setViewboxPosition(box_i); const next_box_i = box_i + 1; if (this.viewboxes.length <= next_box_i) { console.debug('done playing viewbox'); return; } const t = this.viewboxes[next_box_i].t; // calculate interval based on playback start to avoid drifting of time const dt = t - ( - this.startTimeMs); this.nextViewboxTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.playViewboxPosition(next_box_i, true), dt); } scrubTo(ms) { // const [path_i, point_i] = this.findPositionForTime(ms); // console.log(path_i, point_i); this.pause(); this._seekByTime(ms / 1000); // this.playHead = ms; } playPause() { if (this.paused) {; } else { this.pause() } } /** * Compatibility with HTMLMediaElement API * @returns None */ pause() { this._interruptPlayback(); } _interruptPlayback() { clearTimeout(this.nextFrameTimeout); clearTimeout(this.nextViewboxTimeout); clearTimeout(this.audioEndTimeout); clearTimeout(this.audioStartTimeout); clearTimeout(this.startVideoTimeout); this.audioEl.pause(); this.videoIsPlaying = false; this.audioIsPlaying = false; this._setPausedFlag(true); } /** * Compatibility with HTMLMediaElement API * @returns Promise */ play() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._interruptPlayback(); if (this._currentTimeMs > this.outPointTimeMs) { this._seekByTimeMs(this.inPointTimeMs); } else { this._seekByTimeMs(this._currentTimeMs); // prevent playback issue for initial load } this._setPausedFlag(false); const startPlayback = () => { console.debug('start playback'); this.wrapperEl.classList.remove('loading'); // no loading anymore this.startTimeMs = - this._currentTimeMs; // strokes if (this._currentTimeMs < 0) { this.startVideoTimeout = setTimeout((e) => this.playStrokePosition(this.currentPathI, this.currentPointI), this._currentTimeMs * -1); } else { this.playStrokePosition(this.currentPathI, this.currentPointI); } // viewboxes // const nextViewboxI = Math.max(this.currentViewboxI++, this.viewboxes.length-1); this.playViewboxPosition(this.currentViewboxI); // audio // TODO: use this.audioEl.readyState == 4 : play immediately, otherwise after event this.playAudioSegment(this._currentTimeMs, this.outPointTimeMs); // this.playStrokePosition(this.currentPathI, this.currentPointI); this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('play', {})); this._animationFrame(); resolve(); } if (this.audioEl.src.length && this.audioEl.readyState !== 4) { // not ready to play after seeking audio. console.debug('wait for audio before playback'); this.wrapperEl.classList.add('loading'); this.audioEl.addEventListener('canplaythrough', () => { startPlayback() }, { once: true }); // only once } else { startPlayback(); } }); } _setPausedFlag(paused) { this._paused = !!paused; //convert to boolean if (paused) { this.playPauseEl.classList.remove('playing'); this.playPauseEl.classList.add('paused'); } else { this.playPauseEl.classList.remove('paused'); this.playPauseEl.classList.add('playing'); } } get paused() { return this._paused; } _updatePlayhead() { this.playheadEl.value = this._currentTimeMs; this.timeCodeEl.value =; } // on playback, run every windowAnimationFrame _animationFrame(timestamp) { // TODO, move time at end of playStrokePosition to here const nextTime = - this.startTimeMs; const endTime = this.outPointTimeMs ?? this.duration * 1000; let interrupt = false; if (nextTime > endTime) { this._currentTimeMs = endTime; interrupt = true; } else { this._currentTimeMs = nextTime; } this._updatePlayhead(); if (!interrupt && (this.videoIsPlaying || this.audioIsPlaying)) { window.requestAnimationFrame((timestamp) => this._animationFrame(timestamp)); } else { console.debug('finished playback'); this._interruptPlayback(true); // this.resetPlayhead(); // Disable to not jump to start on pause. TODO: check if this causes issues e.g. on end } } resetPlayhead() { this._seekByTimeMs(this.inPointTimeMs); if (this.selectedAnnotation) { // show the hole selected annotation this.drawStrokePosition(this.inPointPosition, this.outPointPosition); } } /** * Note that both t_in and t_out can be negative * @param float|Array t_in in point time, in ms or array with path/frame points * @param float|Array t_out out point time, in ms or array with path/frame points */ playSegment(in_point, out_point) { if (!Array.isArray(in_point)) in_point = this.findPositionForTime(in_point); if (!Array.isArray(out_point)) out_point = this.findPositionForTime(out_point); this.inPointPosition = in_point; this.outPointPosition = out_point; this._seekByPoint(in_point);; } _seekByPoint(point) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('seeking', {})); this._currentTimeMs = this.strokes[point[0]].points[point[1]][2]; this.audioEl.currentTime = this.getAudioTime(this._currentTimeMs) / 1000; [this.currentPathI, this.currentPointI] = point; this._updatePlayhead(); this._updateFrame(); // TODO set audio, wait for promise to finish this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('seeked', {})); } _seekByTimeMs(time) { this._seekByTime(Number.parseFloat(time) / 1000); } _seekByTime(time) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('seeking', { detail: time })); this._currentTimeMs = Number.parseFloat(time) * 1000; this.audioEl.currentTime = this.getAudioTime(this._currentTimeMs) / 1000; [this.currentPathI, this.currentPointI] = this.findPositionForTime(this._currentTimeMs); this._updatePlayhead(); this._updateFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('seeked', { detail: this.currentTime })); } _updateFrame() { this.drawStrokePosition(this.inPointPosition, [this.currentPathI, this.currentPointI]); this.setViewboxPosition(this.findViewboxForTime(this._currentTimeMs)); } /** * For compatibility with HTMLMediaElement API convert seconds to ms of internal timer */ set currentTime(time) { this._seekByTime(time); } get currentTime() { return this._currentTimeMs / 1000; } getEndTimeMs() { const videoDuration = this.getFinalFrameTime(); const audioDuration = (this.audioEl && this.audioEl.src) ? this.audioEl.duration + this.audioOffset : 0; return Math.max(videoDuration, audioDuration * 1000); } get duration() { const prerollDuration = this.audioOffset < 0 ? this.audioOffset * -1 : 0; return prerollDuration + this.getEndTimeMs() / 1000; } findPositionForTime(ms) { ms = Math.min(Math.max(ms, 0), this.lastFrameTime); // console.log('scrub to', ms) let path_i = 0; let point_i = 0; this.strokes.every((stroke, index) => { const startAt = stroke.points[0][3]; const endAt = stroke.points[stroke.points.length - 1][3]; if (startAt > ms) { return false; // too far } if (endAt > ms) { // we're getting close. Find the right point_i path_i = index; stroke.points.every((point, pi) => { if (point[3] > ms) { // too far return false; } point_i = pi; return true; }); return false; } else { // in case nothings comes after, we store the last best option thus far path_i = index; point_i = stroke.points.length - 1; return true; } }); return [path_i, point_i]; } findViewboxForTime(ms) { ms = Math.min(Math.max(ms, 0), this.lastFrameTime); // console.log('scrub to', ms) let box_i = 0; this.viewboxes.every((viewbox, index) => { const startAt = viewbox.t; if (startAt > ms) { return false; // too far } else { // in case nothings comes after, we store the last best option thus far box_i = index; return true; } }); return box_i; } } class AnnotationPlayer extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); // We don't use constructor() because an element's attributes // are unavailable until connected to the DOM. // attributes: // - data-no-crop // - autoplay // - preload // - data-poster-src // - data-annotation-url } connectedCallback() { // Create a shadow root this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); const imgEl = document.createElement('img'); const playerEl = document.createElement('div'); const config = { is_player: true, crop_to_fit: this.hasAttribute('data-no-crop') ? false : true, autoplay: true, } imgEl.src = this.getAttribute('data-poster-url'); imgEl.addEventListener('click', () => { = 'none'; this.annotator = new Annotator( playerEl, null, //"tags.json", this.getAttribute('data-annotation-url'), config ); }) playerEl.classList.add('play'); const styleEl = document.createElement('style'); styleEl.textContent = ` :host{ overflow: hidden; padding: 10px; background: white; } svg, img { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .play:not(.loading) .controls { visibility: hidden; } :host(:hover) .controls { visibility: visible !important; } .controls--playback { display:flex; background: rgba(0,0,0,.5); border-radius: 3px; } .timecode { width: 30px; font-size: 8px; background: none; border: none; color: white; } .controls--playback input[type='range'] { flex-grow: 1; -webkit-appearance: none; background: none; } input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track, input[type="range"]::-moz-range-track { background: lightgray; height: 5px; border-radius: 3px; } input[type="range"]::-moz-range-progress { background-color: white; height: 5px; border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; } input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-thumb, input[type="range"]::-moz-range-thumb { -webkit-appearance: none; height: 15px; width: 15px; background: white; margin-top: -5px; border-radius: 50%; border:none; } .controls button.paused, .controls button.playing { order: -1; width: 30px; height: 30px; border: none; background: none; color: white; line-height: 1; } .controls button.paused::before { content: '⏵'; } .controls button.playing::before { content: '⏸'; } .loading .controls button:is(.playing, .paused)::before { content: '↺'; display: inline-block; animation: rotate 1s infinite; } @keyframes rotate { 0% { transform: rotate(359deg) } 100% { transform: rotate(0deg) } } .controls { position: absolute !important; z-index: 100; bottom: 10px; left: 5%; right: 0; width: 90%; } svg .background { fill: white } path { fill: none; stroke: gray; stroke-width: 1mm; stroke-linecap: round; } g.before path { opacity: 0.5; stroke: gray !important; } g.after path, path.before_in { opacity: .1; stroke: gray !important; } .hide-drawing-preview g.after path, .hide-drawing-preview path.before_in{ opacity:0; } .gray { position: absolute; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); } details{ color: white; } summary{ list-style: none; cursor: pointer; padding: 0 5px; } details > ul{ position: absolute; bottom: 30px; background: rgba(0,0,0, .5); border-radius: 3px; right: 0; padding: 5px; margin: 0; list-style: none; font-size: 10pt; } details > ul li:hover{ cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; } .play:not(.hide-drawing-preview) details > ul li:first-child{ /*text-decoration: line-through;*/ font-weight:bold; } .play.cropped-to-selection details > ul li:nth-child(2){ /*text-decoration: line-through;*/ font-weight:bold; } `; this.shadowRoot.appendChild(styleEl); this.shadowRoot.appendChild(imgEl); this.shadowRoot.appendChild(playerEl); } setAnnotation(annotation) { // this.annotation = annotation; this.setAttribute('data-annotation-url', annotation.url) this.setAttribute('data-poster-url', `/annotation/${}.svg`) } toggleCrop() { if (this.hasAttribute('data-no-crop')) { this.removeAttribute('data-no-crop'); } else { this.setAttribute('data-no-crop', true); } } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { console.log(name, oldValue, newValue); if (name == 'data-no-crop') { if (!this.annotator) { return; } this.annotator.setCrop(!this.hasAttribute('data-no-crop')); } } // required for attributeChangedCallback() static get observedAttributes() { return ['data-no-crop']; } } window.customElements.define('annotation-player', AnnotationPlayer);