from __future__ import annotations import json from os import X_OK, PathLike import os from typing import Optional, Union import shelve from pydub import AudioSegment import svgwrite import tempfile import io import logging logger = logging.getLogger('svganim.strokes') class Annotation: def __init__(self, tag: str, drawing: Drawing, t_in: float, t_out: float) -> None: self.tag = tag self.t_in = t_in self.t_out = t_out self.drawing = drawing @property def id(self) -> str: return f'{}:{self.tag}:{self.t_in}:{self.t_out}' def getAnimationSlice(self) -> AnimationSlice: return self.drawing.get_animation().getSlice(self.t_in, self.t_out) def get_as_svg(self) -> str: return self.getAnimationSlice().get_as_svg() Filename = Union[str, bytes, PathLike[str], PathLike[bytes]] class Drawing: def __init__(self, filename: Filename, metadata_dir: Filename, basedir: Filename) -> None: self.eventfile = filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.eventfile))[0] self.metadata_fn = os.path.join(metadata_dir, f"{}.json") self.basedir = basedir def get_url(self) -> str: return f"/files/{}" def get_annotations_url(self) -> str: return f"/annotations/{}" def get_canvas_metadata(self) -> list:'metadata for {}') with open(self.eventfile, "r") as fp: first_line = fp.readline().strip() if first_line.endswith(","): first_line = first_line[:-1] data = json.loads(first_line) return { "date": data[0], "dimensions": { "width": data[1], "height": data[2], }, } def get_audio(self) -> Optional[AudioSlice]: md = self.get_metadata() if 'audio' not in md: return None if 'file' not in md['audio']: return None return AudioSlice(filename=os.path.join(self.basedir, md['audio']['file'][1:]), offset=md['audio']['offset']*1000) def get_animation(self) -> AnimationSlice: # with open(self.eventfile, "r") as fp: strokes = [] with open(self.eventfile, "r") as fp: events = json.loads("[" + + "]") for i, event in enumerate(events): if i == 0: # metadata on first line pass else: if type(event) is list: # ignore double metadatas, which appear when continuaing an existing drawing continue if event["event"] == "viewbox": pass if event["event"] == "stroke": # points = [] # for i in range(int(len(stroke) / 4)): # p = stroke[i*4:i*4+4] # points.append([float(p[0]), float(p[1]), int(p[2]), float(p[3])]) strokes.append( Stroke( event["color"], [Point.fromTuple(tuple(p)) for p in event["points"]], ) ) return AnimationSlice(strokes, audioslice=self.get_audio()) def get_metadata(self): canvas = self.get_canvas_metadata() if os.path.exists(self.metadata_fn): with open(self.metadata_fn, "r") as fp: metadata = json.load(fp) else: metadata = {} metadata["canvas"] = canvas return metadata def get_absolute_viewbox(self) -> Viewbox: return self.get_animation().get_bounding_box() class Viewbox: def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, width: float, height: float): self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.x} {self.y} {self.width} {self.height}" FrameIndex = tuple[int, int] class AnimationSlice: # either a whole drawing or the result of applying an annotation to a drawing (an excerpt) # TODO rename to AnimationSlice to include audio as well def __init__( self, strokes: list[Stroke], t_in: float = 0, t_out: float = None, audioslice: AudioSlice = None ) -> None: self.strokes = strokes self.t_in = t_in self.t_out = t_out = audioslice # TODO: Audio def get_bounding_box(self) -> Viewbox: min_x, max_x = float("inf"), float("-inf") min_y, max_y = float("inf"), float("-inf") for s in self.strokes: for p in s.points: if p.x < min_x: min_x = p.x if p.x > max_x: max_x = p.x if p.y < min_y: min_y = p.y if p.y > max_y: max_y = p.y return Viewbox(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y) def getSlice(self, t_in: float, t_out: float) -> AnimationSlice: frame_in = self.getIndexForInPoint(t_in) frame_out = self.getIndexForOutPoint(t_out) strokes = self.getStrokeSlices(frame_in, frame_out) audio =, t_out) if else None return AnimationSlice(strokes, t_in, t_out, audio) def get_as_svg_dwg(self) -> svgwrite.Drawing: box = self.get_bounding_box() (_, fn) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.svg', text=True) dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(fn, size=(box.width, box.height)) dwg.viewbox(box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height) self.add_to_dwg(dwg) dwg.defs.add("path{stroke-width:1mm;stroke-linecap: round;}")) return dwg def get_as_svg(self) -> str: dwg = self.get_as_svg_dwg() fp = io.StringIO() dwg.write(fp, pretty=True) return fp.getvalue() def add_to_dwg(self, dwg: SvgDrawing): group = svgwrite.container.Group() for stroke in self.strokes: stroke.add_to_dwg(group) dwg.add(group) def getStrokeSlices( self, index_in: FrameIndex, index_out: FrameIndex ) -> list[Stroke]: """Get list of Stroke/StrokeSlice based in in and out indexes Based on annotation.js getStrokesSliceForPathRange(in_point, out_point) """ slices = [] for i in range(index_in[0], index_out[0] + 1): try: stroke = self.strokes[i] except IndexError: # out point can be Infinity. So interrupt whenever the end is reached break in_i = index_in[1] if index_in[0] == i else 0 out_i = index_out[1] if index_out[0] == i else len( stroke.points) - 1 slices.append(StrokeSlice(stroke, in_i, out_i)) return slices def getIndexForInPoint(self, ms) -> FrameIndex: """Get the frame index (path, point) based on the given time The In point version (so the first index after ms) Equal to annotations.js findPositionForTime(ms) """ path_i = 0 point_i = 0 for i, stroke in enumerate(self.strokes): start_at = stroke.points[0].t end_at = stroke.points[-1].t if end_at < ms: # certainly not the right point yet continue if start_at > ms: path_i = i point_i = 0 break # too far, so this is the first point after in point else: # our in-point is inbetween first and last of the stroke # we are getting close, find the right point_i path_i = i for pi, point in enumerate(stroke.points): point_i = pi if point.t > ms: break # stop when finding the next point after in point break # done :-) return (path_i, point_i) def getIndexForOutPoint(self, ms) -> FrameIndex: """Get the frame index (path, point) based on the given time The Out point version (so the last index before ms) Equal to annotations.js findPositionForTime(ms) """ return self.getIndexForTime( ms) def getIndexForTime(self, ms) -> FrameIndex: """Get the frame index (path, point) based on the given time Equal to annotations.js findPositionForTime(ms) """ path_i = 0 point_i = 0 for i, stroke in enumerate(self.strokes): start_at = stroke.points[0].t end_at = stroke.points[-1].t if start_at > ms: break # too far if end_at > ms: # we are getting close, find the right point_i path_i = i for pi, point in enumerate(stroke.points): if point.t > ms: break # too far point_i = pi break # done :-) else: # in case this is our last path, stroe this as # best option thus far path_i = i point_i = len(stroke.points) - 1 return (path_i, point_i) class AudioSlice: def __init__(self, filename: Filename, t_in: float = None, t_out: float = None, offset: float = None): self.filename = filename self.t_in = t_in # in ms self.t_out = t_out # in ms self.offset = offset # in ms def getSlice(self, t_in: float, t_out: float) -> AnimationSlice: return AudioSlice(self.filename, t_in, t_out, self.offset) def export(self, format="mp3"): """Returns file descriptor of tempfile""" # Opening file and extracting segment song = AudioSegment.from_file(self.filename) start = self.t_in - self.offset end = self.t_out - self.offset if start < 0 and end < 0: extract = AudioSegment.silent( duration=end-start, frame_rate=song.frame_rate) else: if start < 0: preroll = AudioSegment.silent( duration=start * -1, frame_rate=song.frame_rate) start = 0 else: preroll = None if end > len(song): postroll = AudioSegment.silent( duration=end - len(song), frame_rate=song.frame_rate) end = len(song) - 1 else: postroll = None extract = song[start: end] if preroll: extract = preroll + extract if postroll: extract += postroll # Saving return extract.export(None, format=format) class AnnotationIndex: def __init__( self, filename: Filename, drawing_dir: Filename, metadata_dir: Filename ) -> None: self.filename = filename self.drawing_dir = drawing_dir self.metadata_dir = metadata_dir # disable disk cache because of glitches, writeback=True) self.shelve = {} def refresh(self):"refreshing") # reset the index for key in list(self.shelve.keys()): print(key) del self.shelve[key] self.shelve["_drawings"] = { d for d in [ Drawing(fn, self.metadata_dir, self.drawing_dir) for fn in self.get_drawing_filenames() ] } self.shelve['_tags'] = {} self.shelve['_annotations'] = {} drawing: Drawing for drawing in self.shelve['_drawings'].values(): meta = drawing.get_metadata() if 'annotations' not in meta: continue for ann in meta['annotations']: annotation = Annotation( ann['tag'], drawing, ann['t_in'], ann['t_out']) self.shelve['_annotations'][] = annotation if annotation.tag not in self.shelve['_tags']: self.shelve['_tags'][annotation.tag] = [annotation] else: self.shelve['_tags'][annotation.tag].append( annotation ) @property def drawings(self) -> dict[str, Drawing]: return self.shelve["_drawings"] @property def tags(self) -> dict[str, list[Annotation]]: return self.shelve["_tags"] @property def annotations(self) -> dict[str, Annotation]: return self.shelve["_annotations"] def get_annotations(self, tag) -> list[Annotation]: if tag not in self.tags: return [] return self.tags[tag] def get_drawing_names(self) -> list[str]: return [ name[:-16] for name in os.listdir(self.drawing_dir) if name.endswith("json_appendable") and os.stat(os.path.join(self.drawing_dir, name)).st_size > 0 ] def get_drawing_filenames(self) -> list[Filename]: return [ os.path.join(self.drawing_dir, f"{name}.json_appendable") for name in self.get_drawing_names() ] def __del__(self): self.shelve.close() # Point = tuple[float, float, float] class Point: def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, last: bool, t: float): self.x = float(x) self.y = float(y) # if y == 0 it can still be integer.... odd python self.last = last self.t = t @classmethod def fromTuple(cls, p: tuple[float, float, int, float]): return cls(p[0], p[1], bool(p[2]), p[3]) def scaledToFit(self, dimensions: dict[str, float]) -> Point: # TODO: change so that it actually scales to FIT dimensions return Point(self.x, self.y, self.last, self.t) Points = list[Point] SvgDrawing = Union[svgwrite.container.SVG, svgwrite.container.Group] class Stroke: def __init__(self, color: str, points: Points) -> None: self.color = color self.points = points def add_to_dwg(self, dwg: SvgDrawing): path = svgwrite.path.Path(d=self.get_as_d()).stroke( self.color, 1).fill("none") dwg.add(path) def get_bounding_box(self) -> Viewbox: min_x, max_x = float("inf"), float("-inf") min_y, max_y = float("inf"), float("-inf") for p in self.points: if p.x < min_x: min_x = p.x if p.x > max_x: max_x = p.x if p.y < min_y: min_y = p.y if p.y > max_y: max_y = p.y return Viewbox(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y) def get_as_d(self): d = "" prev_point = None cmd = "" for point in self.points: if not prev_point: # TODO multiply points by scalars for dimensions (height widht of drawing) d += f'M{point.x:.6},{point.y:.6} ' cmd = 'M' else: if prev_point.last: d += " m" cmd = "m" elif cmd != 'l': d += ' l ' cmd = 'l' diff_point = { "x": point.x - prev_point.x, "y": point.y - prev_point.y, } # TODO multiply points by scalars for dimensions (height widht of drawing) d += f'{diff_point["x"]:.6},{diff_point["y"]:.6} ' prev_point = point return d class StrokeSlice(Stroke): def __init__(self, stroke: Stroke, i_in: int = None, i_out: int = None) -> None: self.stroke = stroke self.i_in = 0 if i_in is None else i_in self.i_out = len(self.stroke.points) - 1 if i_out is None else i_out def slice_id(self): return f"{self.i_in}-{self.i_out}" @property def points(self) -> Points: return self.stroke.points[self.i_in: self.i_out + 1] @property def color(self) -> str: return self.stroke.color def strokes2D(strokes): # strokes to a d attribute for a path d = "" last_stroke = None cmd = "" for stroke in strokes: if not last_stroke: d += f"M{stroke[0]},{stroke[1]} " cmd = 'M' else: if last_stroke[2] == 1: d += " m" cmd = 'm' elif cmd != 'l': d += ' l ' cmd = 'l' rel_stroke = [stroke[0] - last_stroke[0], stroke[1] - last_stroke[1]] d += f"{rel_stroke[0]},{rel_stroke[1]} " last_stroke = stroke return d