Note that this does require rerunning the `process_data.py` scripts in the example folders so that the dill-files are updated.
185 lines
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185 lines
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import torch
import numpy as np
from trajectron.model.dataset.homography_warper import get_rotation_matrix2d, warp_affine_crop
class Map(object):
def __init__(self, data, homography, description=None):
self.data = data
self.homography = homography
self.description = description
def as_image(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_cropped_maps(self, world_pts, patch_size, rotation=None, device='cpu'):
raise NotImplementedError
def to_map_points(self, scene_pts):
raise NotImplementedError
class GeometricMap(Map):
A Geometric Map is a int tensor of shape [layers, x, y]. The homography must transform a point in scene
coordinates to the respective point in map coordinates.
:param data: Numpy array of shape [layers, x, y]
:param homography: Numpy array of shape [3, 3]
def __init__(self, data, homography, description=None):
#assert isinstance(data.dtype, np.floating), "Geometric Maps must be float values."
super(GeometricMap, self).__init__(data, homography, description=description)
self._last_padding = None
self._last_padded_map = None
self._torch_map = None
def torch_map(self, device):
if self._torch_map is not None:
return self._torch_map
self._torch_map = torch.tensor(self.data, dtype=torch.uint8, device=device)
return self._torch_map
def as_image(self):
# We have to transpose x and y to rows and columns. Assumes origin is lower left for image
# Also we move the channels to the last dimension
return (np.transpose(self.data, (2, 1, 0))).astype(np.uint)
def get_padded_map(self, padding_x, padding_y, device):
if self._last_padding == (padding_x, padding_y):
return self._last_padded_map
self._last_padding = (padding_x, padding_y)
self._last_padded_map = torch.full((self.data.shape[0],
self.data.shape[1] + 2 * padding_x,
self.data.shape[2] + 2 * padding_y),
False, dtype=torch.uint8)
self._last_padded_map[..., padding_x:-padding_x, padding_y:-padding_y] = self.torch_map(device)
return self._last_padded_map
def batch_rotate(map_batched, centers, angles, out_height, out_width):
As the input is a map and the warp_affine works on an image coordinate system we would have to
flip the y axis updown, negate the angles, and flip it back after transformation.
This, however, is the same as not flipping at and not negating the radian.
:param map_batched:
:param centers:
:param angles:
:param out_height:
:param out_width:
M = get_rotation_matrix2d(centers, angles, torch.ones_like(angles))
rotated_map_batched = warp_affine_crop(map_batched, centers, M,
dsize=(out_height, out_width), padding_mode='zeros')
return rotated_map_batched
def get_cropped_maps_from_scene_map_batch(cls, maps, scene_pts, patch_size, rotation=None, device='cpu'):
Returns rotated patches of each map around the transformed scene points.
| | |
| |ps[3] |
| | |
| | |
| o|__________|
| | ps[2] |
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ps = patch_size
:param maps: List of GeometricMap objects [bs]
:param scene_pts: Scene points: [bs, 2]
:param patch_size: Extracted Patch size after rotation: [-x, -y, +x, +y]
:param rotation: Rotations in degrees: [bs]
:param device: Device on which the rotated tensors should be returned.
:return: Rotated and cropped tensor patches.
batch_size = scene_pts.shape[0]
lat_size = 2 * np.max((patch_size[0], patch_size[2]))
long_size = 2 * np.max((patch_size[1], patch_size[3]))
assert lat_size % 2 == 0, "Patch width must be divisible by 2"
assert long_size % 2 == 0, "Patch length must be divisible by 2"
lat_size_half = lat_size // 2
long_size_half = long_size // 2
context_padding_x = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(2) * lat_size))
context_padding_y = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(2) * long_size))
centers = torch.tensor([s_map.to_map_points(scene_pts[np.newaxis, i]) for i, s_map in enumerate(maps)],
dtype=torch.long, device=device).squeeze(dim=1) \
+ torch.tensor([context_padding_x, context_padding_y], device=device, dtype=torch.long)
padded_map = [s_map.get_padded_map(context_padding_x, context_padding_y, device=device) for s_map in maps]
padded_map_batched = torch.stack([padded_map[i][...,
centers[i, 0] - context_padding_x: centers[i, 0] + context_padding_x,
centers[i, 1] - context_padding_y: centers[i, 1] + context_padding_y]
for i in range(centers.shape[0])], dim=0)
center_patches = torch.tensor([[context_padding_y, context_padding_x]],
device=device).repeat(batch_size, 1)
if rotation is not None:
angles = torch.Tensor(rotation)
angles = torch.zeros(batch_size)
rotated_map_batched = cls.batch_rotate(padded_map_batched/255.,
del padded_map_batched
return rotated_map_batched[...,
long_size_half - patch_size[1]:(long_size_half + patch_size[3]),
lat_size_half - patch_size[0]:(lat_size_half + patch_size[2])]
def get_cropped_maps(self, scene_pts, patch_size, rotation=None, device='cpu'):
Returns rotated patches of the map around the transformed scene points.
| | |
| |ps[3] |
| | |
| | |
| o|__________|
| | ps[2] |
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ps = patch_size
:param scene_pts: Scene points: [bs, 2]
:param patch_size: Extracted Patch size after rotation: [-lat, -long, +lat, +long]
:param rotation: Rotations in degrees: [bs]
:param device: Device on which the rotated tensors should be returned.
:return: Rotated and cropped tensor patches.
return self.get_cropped_maps_from_scene_map_batch([self]*scene_pts.shape[0], scene_pts,
patch_size, rotation=rotation, device=device)
def to_map_points(self, scene_pts):
org_shape = None
if len(scene_pts.shape) > 2:
org_shape = scene_pts.shape
scene_pts = scene_pts.reshape((-1, 2))
N, dims = scene_pts.shape
points_with_one = np.ones((dims + 1, N))
points_with_one[:dims] = scene_pts.T
map_points = (self.homography @ points_with_one).T[..., :dims]
if org_shape is not None:
map_points = map_points.reshape(org_shape)
return map_points
class ImageMap(Map): # TODO Implement for image maps -> watch flipped coordinate system
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError |