
265 lines
11 KiB

import numpy as np
from pyquaternion import Quaternion
from . import ActuatorAngle
from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splev, CubicSpline
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, type, position=None, velocity=None, acceleration=None, heading=None, orientation=None,
length=None, width=None, height=None, first_timestep=0, is_robot=False):
self.type = type
self.position = position
self.heading = heading
self.length = length
self.wdith = width
self.height = height
self.orientation = orientation
self.velocity = velocity
self.acceleration = acceleration
self.first_timestep = first_timestep
self.dimensions = ['x', 'y', 'z']
self.is_robot = is_robot
self._last_timestep = None
self.description = ""
def __repr__(self):
def scene_ts_to_node_ts(self, scene_ts):
Transforms timestamp from scene into timeframe of node data.
:param scene_ts: Scene timesteps
:return: ts: Transformed timesteps, paddingl: Number of timesteps in scene range which are not available in
node data before data is available. paddingu: Number of timesteps in scene range which are not
available in node data after data is available.
paddingl = (self.first_timestep - scene_ts[0]).clip(0)
paddingu = (scene_ts[1] - self.last_timestep).clip(0)
ts = np.array(scene_ts).clip(min=self.first_timestep, max=self.last_timestep) - self.first_timestep
return ts, paddingl, paddingu
def history_points_at(self, ts):
Number of history points in trajectory. Timestep is exclusive.
:param ts: Scene timestep where the number of history points are queried.
:return: Number of history timesteps.
return ts - self.first_timestep
def get_entity(self, ts_scene, entity, dims, padding=np.nan):
if ts_scene.size == 1:
ts_scene = np.array([ts_scene, ts_scene])
length = ts_scene[1] - ts_scene[0] + 1 # ts is inclusive
entity_array = np.zeros((length, len(dims))) * padding
ts, paddingl, paddingu = self.scene_ts_to_node_ts(ts_scene)
entity_array[paddingl:length - paddingu] = np.array([getattr(getattr(self, entity), d)[ts[0]:ts[1]+1] for d in dims]).T
return entity_array
def get(self, ts_scene, state, padding=np.nan):
return np.hstack([self.get_entity(ts_scene, entity, dims, padding) for entity, dims in state.items()])
def timesteps(self):
return self.position.x.size
def last_timestep(self):
if self._last_timestep is None:
self._last_timestep = self.first_timestep + self.timesteps - 1
return self._last_timestep
class BicycleNode(Node):
def __init__(self, type, position=None, velocity=None, acceleration=None, heading=None, orientation=None,
length=None, width=None, height=None, first_timestep=0, actuator_angle=None):
super().__init__(type, position=position, velocity=velocity, acceleration=acceleration, heading=heading,
orientation=orientation, length=length, width=width, height=height,
self.actuator_angle = actuator_angle
# TODO Probably wrong. Differential of magnitude is not euqal to the the magnitude of the differentials
def calculate_steering_angle_old(self, vel_tresh=0.0):
vel = np.linalg.norm(np.hstack((np.expand_dims(self.velocity.x, 1), np.expand_dims(self.velocity.y, 1))), axis=1)
beta = np.arctan2(self.velocity.y, self.velocity.x) - self.heading.value
beta[vel < vel_tresh] = 0.
steering_angle = np.arctan2(2 * np.sin(beta), np.cos(beta))
steering_angle[np.abs(steering_angle) > np.pi / 2] = 0 # Velocity Outlier
aa = ActuatorAngle()
aa.steering_angle = np.zeros_like(np.arctan2(2 * np.sin(beta), np.cos(beta)))
self.actuator_angle = aa
def calculate_steering_angle(self, dt, steering_tresh=0.0, vel_tresh=0.0):
t = np.arange(0, self.timesteps * dt, dt)
s = 0.01 * len(t)
#c_pos_x_g_x_tck = CubicSpline(t, np.array(pos_x_filtert))
#c_pos_y_g_x_tck = CubicSpline(t, np.array(pos_y_filtert))
#c_pos_x_g_x_tck = splrep(t, self.position.x, s=s)
#c_pos_y_g_x_tck = splrep(t, self.position.y, s=s)
#vel_x_g = c_pos_x_g_x_tck(t, 1)
#vel_y_g = c_pos_y_g_x_tck(t, 1)
#vel_x_g = splev(t, c_pos_x_g_x_tck, der=1)
#vel_y_g = splev(t, c_pos_y_g_x_tck, der=1)
vel_x_g = self.velocity.x
vel_y_g = self.velocity.y
v_x_ego = []
h = []
for t in range(self.timesteps):
dh_max = 1.2 / self.length * (np.linalg.norm(np.array([vel_x_g[t], vel_y_g[t]])))
heading = np.arctan2(vel_y_g[t], vel_x_g[t])
#if len(h) > 0 and np.abs(heading - h[-1]) > dh_max:
# heading = h[-1]
q = Quaternion(axis=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), radians=heading)
v_x_ego_t = q.inverse.rotate(np.array([vel_x_g[t], vel_y_g[t], 1]))[0]
if v_x_ego_t < 0.0:
v_x_ego_t = 0.
v_x_ego = np.stack(v_x_ego, axis=0)
h = np.stack(h, axis=0)
dh = np.gradient(h, dt)
sa = np.arctan2(dh * self.length, v_x_ego)
sa[(dh == 0.) | (v_x_ego == 0.)] = 0.
sa = sa.clip(min=-steering_tresh, max=steering_tresh)
a = np.gradient(v_x_ego, dt)
# int = self.integrate_bicycle_model(np.array([a]),
# sa,
# np.array([h[0]]),
# np.array([self.position.x[0],
# self.position.y[0]]),
# v_x_ego[0],
# self.length, 0.5)
# p = np.stack((self.position.x, self.position.y), axis=1)
# #assert ((int[0] - p) < 1.0).all()
aa = ActuatorAngle()
aa.steering_angle = sa
self.acceleration.m = a
self.actuator_angle = aa
def inverse_np_gradient(self, f, dx, F0=0.):
N = f.shape[0]
l = f.shape[-1]
l2 = np.ceil(l / 2).astype(int)
return (F0 +
((2 * dx) *
np.r_['-1', np.zeros((N, 1)), f[..., 1:-1:2].cumsum(axis=-1)],
f[..., ::2].cumsum(axis=-1) - f[..., [0]] / 2]
).reshape((N, 2, l2)).reshape(N, 2 * l2, order='F')[:, :l]
def integrate_trajectory(self, v, x0, dt):
xd_ = self.inverse_np_gradient(v[..., 0], dx=dt, F0=x0[0])
yd_ = self.inverse_np_gradient(v[..., 1], dx=dt, F0=x0[1])
integrated = np.stack([xd_, yd_], axis=2)
return integrated
def integrate_bicycle_model(self, a, sa, h0, x0, v0, l, dt):
v_m = self.inverse_np_gradient(a, dx=0.5, F0=v0)
dh = (np.tan(sa) / l) * v_m[0]
h = self.inverse_np_gradient(np.array([dh]), dx=dt, F0=h0)
vx = np.cos(h) * v_m
vy = np.sin(h) * v_m
v = np.stack((vx, vy), axis=2)
return self.integrate_trajectory(v, x0, dt)
def calculate_steering_angle_keep(self, dt, steering_tresh=0.0, vel_tresh=0.0):
vel_approx = np.linalg.norm(np.stack((self.velocity.x, self.velocity.y), axis=0), axis=0)
mask = np.ones_like(vel_approx)
mask[vel_approx < vel_tresh] = 0
t = np.arange(0, self.timesteps * dt, dt)
pos_x_filtert = []
pos_y_filtert = []
s = None
for i in range(mask.size):
if mask[i] == 0 and s is None:
s = i
elif mask[i] != 0 and s is not None:
t_start = t[s-1]
pos_x_start = self.position.x[s-1]
pos_y_start = self.position.y[s-1]
t_mean = t[s:i].mean()
pos_x_mean = self.position.x[s:i].mean()
pos_y_mean = self.position.y[s:i].mean()
t_end = t[i]
pos_x_end = self.position.x[i]
pos_y_end = self.position.y[i]
for step in range(s, i+1):
if t[step] <= t_mean:
pos_x_filtert.append(pos_x_start + ((t[step] - t_start) / (t_mean - t_start)) * (pos_x_mean - pos_x_start))
pos_y_filtert.append(pos_y_start + ((t[step] - t_start) / (t_mean - t_start)) * (pos_y_mean - pos_y_start))
pos_x_filtert.append(pos_x_mean + ((t[step] - t_end) / (t_end - t_mean)) * (pos_x_end - pos_x_mean))
pos_y_filtert.append(pos_y_mean + ((t[step] - t_end) / (t_end - t_mean)) * (pos_y_end - pos_y_mean))
s = None
elif mask[i] != 0 and s is None:
if s is not None:
t_start = t[s - 1]
pos_x_start = self.position.x[s - 1]
pos_y_start = self.position.y[s - 1]
t_mean = t[s:i].max()
pos_x_mean = self.position.x[s:i].mean()
pos_y_mean = self.position.y[s:i].mean()
for step in range(s, i+1):
pos_x_start + ((t[step] - t_start) / (t_mean - t_start)) * (pos_x_mean - pos_x_start))
pos_y_start + ((t[step] - t_start) / (t_mean - t_start)) * (pos_y_mean - pos_y_start))
s = 0.001 * len(t)
#c_pos_x_g_x_tck = CubicSpline(t, np.array(pos_x_filtert))
#c_pos_y_g_x_tck = CubicSpline(t, np.array(pos_y_filtert))
c_pos_x_g_x_tck = splrep(t, np.array(pos_x_filtert), s=s)
c_pos_y_g_x_tck = splrep(t, np.array(pos_y_filtert), s=s)
#vel_x_g = c_pos_x_g_x_tck(t, 1)
#vel_y_g = c_pos_y_g_x_tck(t, 1)
vel_x_g = splev(t, c_pos_x_g_x_tck, der=1)
vel_y_g = splev(t, c_pos_y_g_x_tck, der=1)
v_x_ego = []
h = []
for t in range(self.timesteps):
dh_max = 1.19 / self.length * (np.linalg.norm(np.array([vel_x_g[t], vel_y_g[t]])))
heading = np.arctan2(vel_y_g[t], vel_x_g[t])
if len(h) > 0 and np.abs(heading - h[-1]) > dh_max:
heading = h[-1]
q = Quaternion(axis=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), radians=heading)
v_x_ego_t = q.inverse.rotate(np.array([vel_x_g[t], vel_y_g[t], 1]))[0]
if v_x_ego_t < 0.0:
v_x_ego_t = 0.
v_x_ego = np.stack(v_x_ego, axis=0)
h = np.stack(h, axis=0)
dh = np.gradient(h, dt)
sa = np.arctan2(dh * self.length, v_x_ego)
sa[dh == 0.] = 0.
aa = ActuatorAngle()
aa.steering_angle = sa
self.actuator_angle = aa