import numpy as np from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform import scipy.signal as ss from collections import defaultdict import warnings from .node import Node class Edge(object): def __init__(self, curr_node, other_node): = self.get_edge_id(curr_node, other_node) self.type = self.get_edge_type(curr_node, other_node) self.curr_node = curr_node self.other_node = other_node @staticmethod def get_edge_id(n1, n2): raise NotImplementedError("Use one of the Edge subclasses!") @staticmethod def get_str_from_types(nt1, nt2): raise NotImplementedError("Use one of the Edge subclasses!") @staticmethod def get_edge_type(n1, n2): raise NotImplementedError("Use one of the Edge subclasses!") def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and == def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash( def __repr__(self): return class UndirectedEdge(Edge): def __init__(self, curr_node, other_node): super(UndirectedEdge, self).__init__(curr_node, other_node) @staticmethod def get_edge_id(n1, n2): return '-'.join(sorted([str(n1), str(n2)])) @staticmethod def get_str_from_types(nt1, nt2): return '-'.join(sorted([,])) @staticmethod def get_edge_type(n1, n2): return '-'.join(sorted([,])) class DirectedEdge(Edge): def __init__(self, curr_node, other_node): super(DirectedEdge, self).__init__(curr_node, other_node) @staticmethod def get_edge_id(n1, n2): return '->'.join([str(n1), str(n2)]) @staticmethod def get_str_from_types(nt1, nt2): return '->'.join([,]) @staticmethod def get_edge_type(n1, n2): return '->'.join([,]) class TemporalSceneGraph(object): def __init__(self, edge_radius, nodes=None, adj_cube=np.zeros((1, 0, 0)), weight_cube=np.zeros((1, 0, 0)), node_type_mat=np.zeros((0, 0)), edge_scaling=None): self.edge_radius = edge_radius self.nodes = nodes if nodes is None: self.nodes = np.array([]) self.adj_cube = adj_cube self.weight_cube = weight_cube self.node_type_mat = node_type_mat self.adj_mat = np.max(self.adj_cube, axis=0).clip(max=1.0) self.edge_scaling = edge_scaling self.node_index_lookup = None self.calculate_node_index_lookup() def calculate_node_index_lookup(self): node_index_lookup = dict() for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes): node_index_lookup[node] = i self.node_index_lookup = node_index_lookup def get_num_edges(self, t=0): return np.sum(self.adj_cube[t]) // 2 def get_index(self, node): return self.node_index_lookup[node] @classmethod def create_from_temp_scene_dict(cls, scene_temp_dict, attention_radius, duration=1, edge_addition_filter=None, edge_removal_filter=None, online=False): """ Construct a spatiotemporal graph from node positions in a dataset. :param scene_temp_dict: Dict with all nodes in scene as keys and np.ndarray with positions as value :param attention_radius: Attention radius dict. :param duration: Temporal duration of the graph. :param edge_addition_filter: - :param edge_removal_filter: - :return: TemporalSceneGraph """ nodes = scene_temp_dict.keys() N = len(nodes) total_timesteps = duration if N == 0: return TemporalSceneGraph(attention_radius) position_cube = np.full((total_timesteps, N, 2), np.nan) adj_cube = np.zeros((total_timesteps, N, N), dtype=np.int8) dist_cube = np.zeros((total_timesteps, N, N), dtype=float) node_type_mat = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.int8) node_attention_mat = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=float) for node_idx, node in enumerate(nodes): if online: # RingBuffers do not have a fixed constant size. Instead, they grow up to their capacity. Thus, # we need to fill the values preceding the RingBuffer values with NaNs to make them fill the # position_cube. position_cube[-scene_temp_dict[node].shape[0]:, node_idx] = scene_temp_dict[node] else: position_cube[:, node_idx] = scene_temp_dict[node] node_type_mat[:, node_idx] = node.type.value for node_idx_from, node_from in enumerate(nodes): node_attention_mat[node_idx_from, node_idx] = attention_radius[(node_from.type, node.type)] np.fill_diagonal(node_type_mat, 0) for timestep in range(position_cube.shape[0]): dists = squareform(pdist(position_cube[timestep], metric='euclidean')) # Put a 1 for all agent pairs which are closer than the edge_radius. # Can produce a warning as dists can be nan if no data for node is available. # This is accepted as nan <= x evaluates to False with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") adj_matrix = (dists <= node_attention_mat).astype(np.int8) * node_type_mat # Remove self-loops. np.fill_diagonal(adj_matrix, 0) adj_cube[timestep] = adj_matrix dist_cube[timestep] = dists dist_cube[np.isnan(dist_cube)] = 0. weight_cube = np.divide(1., dist_cube, out=np.zeros_like(dist_cube), where=(dist_cube > 0.)) edge_scaling = None if edge_addition_filter is not None and edge_removal_filter is not None: edge_scaling = cls.calculate_edge_scaling(adj_cube, edge_addition_filter, edge_removal_filter) tsg = cls(attention_radius, np.array(list(nodes)), adj_cube, weight_cube, node_type_mat, edge_scaling=edge_scaling) return tsg @staticmethod def calculate_edge_scaling(adj_cube, edge_addition_filter, edge_removal_filter): shifted_right = np.pad(adj_cube, ((len(edge_addition_filter) - 1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0) new_edges = np.minimum( ss.convolve(shifted_right, np.reshape(edge_addition_filter, (-1, 1, 1)), 'full'), 1. )[(len(edge_addition_filter) - 1):-(len(edge_addition_filter) - 1)] new_edges[adj_cube == 0] = 0 result = np.minimum( ss.convolve(new_edges, np.reshape(edge_removal_filter, (-1, 1, 1)), 'full'), 1. )[:-(len(edge_removal_filter) - 1)] return result def to_scene_graph(self, t, t_hist=0, t_fut=0): """ Creates a Scene Graph from a Temporal Scene Graph :param t: Time in Temporal Scene Graph for which Scene Graph is created. :param t_hist: Number of history timesteps which are considered to form edges in Scene Graph. :param t_fut: Number of future timesteps which are considered to form edges in Scene Graph. :return: SceneGraph """ lower_t = np.clip(t-t_hist, a_min=0, a_max=None) higher_t = np.clip(t + t_fut + 1, a_min=None, a_max=self.adj_cube.shape[0] + 1) adj_mat = np.max(self.adj_cube[lower_t:higher_t], axis=0) weight_mat = np.max(self.weight_cube[lower_t:higher_t], axis=0) return SceneGraph(self.edge_radius, self.nodes, adj_mat, weight_mat, self.node_type_mat, self.node_index_lookup, edge_scaling=self.edge_scaling[t] if self.edge_scaling is not None else None) class SceneGraph(object): def __init__(self, edge_radius, nodes=None, adj_mat=np.zeros((0, 0)), weight_mat=np.zeros((0, 0)), node_type_mat=np.zeros((0, 0)), node_index_lookup=None, edge_scaling=None): self.edge_radius = edge_radius self.nodes = nodes if nodes is None: self.nodes = np.array([]) self.node_type_mat = node_type_mat self.adj_mat = adj_mat self.weight_mat = weight_mat self.edge_scaling = edge_scaling self.node_index_lookup = node_index_lookup def get_index(self, node): return self.node_index_lookup[node] def get_num_edges(self): return np.sum(self.adj_mat) // 2 def get_neighbors(self, node, node_type): """ Get all neighbors of a node. :param node: Node for which all neighbors are returned. :param node_type: Specifies node types which are returned. :return: List of all neighbors. """ node_index = self.get_index(node) connection_mask = self.get_connection_mask(node_index) mask = ((self.node_type_mat[node_index] == node_type.value) * connection_mask) return self.nodes[mask] def get_edge_scaling(self, node=None): if node is None: return self.edge_scaling else: node_index = self.get_index(node) connection_mask = self.get_connection_mask(node_index) return self.edge_scaling[node_index, connection_mask] def get_edge_weight(self, node=None): if node is None: return self.weight_mat else: node_index = self.get_index(node) connection_mask = self.get_connection_mask(node_index) return self.weight_mat[node_index, connection_mask] def get_connection_mask(self, node_index): if self.edge_scaling is None: # We do not use edge scaling return self.adj_mat[node_index] > 0. else: return self.edge_scaling[node_index] > 1e-2 def __sub__(self, other): new_nodes = [node for node in self.nodes if node not in other.nodes] removed_nodes = [node for node in other.nodes if node not in self.nodes] our_types = set(node.type for node in self.nodes) other_types = set(node.type for node in other.nodes) all_node_types = our_types | other_types new_neighbors = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) for node in self.nodes: if node in removed_nodes: continue if node in other.nodes: for node_type in all_node_types: new_items = set(self.get_neighbors(node, node_type)) - set(other.get_neighbors(node, node_type)) if len(new_items) > 0: new_neighbors[node][DirectedEdge.get_edge_type(node, Node(node_type, None, None))] = new_items else: for node_type in our_types: neighbors = self.get_neighbors(node, node_type) if len(neighbors) > 0: new_neighbors[node][DirectedEdge.get_edge_type(node, Node(node_type, None, None))] = set(neighbors) removed_neighbors = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) for node in other.nodes: if node in removed_nodes: continue if node in self.nodes: for node_type in all_node_types: removed_items = set(other.get_neighbors(node, node_type)) - set(self.get_neighbors(node, node_type)) if len(removed_items) > 0: removed_neighbors[node][DirectedEdge.get_edge_type(node, Node(node_type, None, None))] = removed_items else: for node_type in other_types: neighbors = other.get_neighbors(node, node_type) if len(neighbors) > 0: removed_neighbors[node][DirectedEdge.get_edge_type(node, Node(node_type, None, None))] = set(neighbors) return new_nodes, removed_nodes, new_neighbors, removed_neighbors if __name__ == '__main__': from environment import NodeTypeEnum import time # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Testing edge mask calculation # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # B = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]])[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] print(B.shape) edge_addition_filter = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0] edge_removal_filter = [1.0, 0.5, 0.0] for i in range(B.shape[0]): A = B[i] # (time, N, N) print(A[:, 0, 0]) start = time.time() new_edges = np.minimum(ss.convolve(A, np.reshape(edge_addition_filter, (-1, 1, 1)), 'full'), 1.)[(len(edge_addition_filter) - 1):] old_edges = np.minimum(ss.convolve(A, np.reshape(edge_removal_filter, (-1, 1, 1)), 'full'), 1.)[:-(len(edge_removal_filter) - 1)] res = np.minimum(new_edges + old_edges, 1.)[:, 0, 0] end = time.time() print(end - start) print(res) start = time.time() res = TemporalSceneGraph.calculate_edge_scaling(A, edge_addition_filter, edge_removal_filter)[:, 0, 0] end = time.time() print(end - start) print(res) print('-'*40) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Testing graph subtraction # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # print('\n' + '-' * 40 + '\n') node_type_list = ['PEDESTRIAN', 'BICYCLE', 'VEHICLE'] nte = NodeTypeEnum(node_type_list) attention_radius = dict() attention_radius[(nte.PEDESTRIAN, nte.PEDESTRIAN)] = 5.0 attention_radius[(nte.PEDESTRIAN, nte.VEHICLE)] = 20.0 attention_radius[(nte.PEDESTRIAN, nte.BICYCLE)] = 10.0 attention_radius[(nte.VEHICLE, nte.PEDESTRIAN)] = 20.0 attention_radius[(nte.VEHICLE, nte.VEHICLE)] = 20.0 attention_radius[(nte.VEHICLE, nte.BICYCLE)] = 20.0 attention_radius[(nte.BICYCLE, nte.PEDESTRIAN)] = 10.0 attention_radius[(nte.BICYCLE, nte.VEHICLE)] = 20.0 attention_radius[(nte.BICYCLE, nte.BICYCLE)] = 10.0 scene_dict1 = {Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='1'): np.array([1, 0]), Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='2'): np.array([0, 1])} sg1 = TemporalSceneGraph.create_from_temp_scene_dict( scene_dict1, attention_radius=attention_radius, duration=1, edge_addition_filter=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], edge_removal_filter=[1.0, 0.0]).to_scene_graph(t=0) scene_dict2 = {Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='1'): np.array([1, 0]), Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='2'): np.array([1, 1])} sg2 = TemporalSceneGraph.create_from_temp_scene_dict( scene_dict2, attention_radius=attention_radius, duration=1, edge_addition_filter=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], edge_removal_filter=[1.0, 0.0]).to_scene_graph(t=0) new_nodes, removed_nodes, new_neighbors, removed_neighbors = sg2 - sg1 print('New Nodes:', new_nodes) print('Removed Nodes:', removed_nodes) print('New Neighbors:', new_neighbors) print('Removed Neighbors:', removed_neighbors) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # print('\n' + '-' * 40 + '\n') scene_dict1 = {Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='1'): np.array([1, 0]), Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='2'): np.array([0, 1])} sg1 = TemporalSceneGraph.create_from_temp_scene_dict( scene_dict1, attention_radius=attention_radius, duration=1, edge_addition_filter=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], edge_removal_filter=[1.0, 0.0]).to_scene_graph(t=0) scene_dict2 = {Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='1'): np.array([1, 0]), Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='2'): np.array([1, 1]), Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='3'): np.array([20, 1])} sg2 = TemporalSceneGraph.create_from_temp_scene_dict( scene_dict2, attention_radius=attention_radius, duration=1, edge_addition_filter=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], edge_removal_filter=[1.0, 0.0]).to_scene_graph(t=0) new_nodes, removed_nodes, new_neighbors, removed_neighbors = sg2 - sg1 print('New Nodes:', new_nodes) print('Removed Nodes:', removed_nodes) print('New Neighbors:', new_neighbors) print('Removed Neighbors:', removed_neighbors) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # print('\n' + '-' * 40 + '\n') scene_dict1 = {Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='1'): np.array([1, 0]), Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='2'): np.array([0, 1])} sg1 = TemporalSceneGraph.create_from_temp_scene_dict( scene_dict1, attention_radius=attention_radius, duration=1, edge_addition_filter=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], edge_removal_filter=[1.0, 0.0]).to_scene_graph(t=0) scene_dict2 = {Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='1'): np.array([1, 0]), Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='2'): np.array([10, 1]), Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='3'): np.array([20, 1])} sg2 = TemporalSceneGraph.create_from_temp_scene_dict( scene_dict2, attention_radius=attention_radius, duration=1, edge_addition_filter=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], edge_removal_filter=[1.0, 0.0]).to_scene_graph(t=0) new_nodes, removed_nodes, new_neighbors, removed_neighbors = sg2 - sg1 print('New Nodes:', new_nodes) print('Removed Nodes:', removed_nodes) print('New Neighbors:', new_neighbors) print('Removed Neighbors:', removed_neighbors) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # print('\n' + '-' * 40 + '\n') scene_dict1 = {Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='1'): np.array([0, 0]), Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='2'): np.array([0, 1])} sg1 = TemporalSceneGraph.create_from_temp_scene_dict( scene_dict1, attention_radius=attention_radius, duration=1, edge_addition_filter=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], edge_removal_filter=[1.0, 0.0]).to_scene_graph(t=0) scene_dict2 = {Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='2'): np.array([10, 1]), Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='3'): np.array([12, 1]), Node(nte.PEDESTRIAN, node_id='4'): np.array([13, 1])} sg2 = TemporalSceneGraph.create_from_temp_scene_dict( scene_dict2, attention_radius=attention_radius, duration=1, edge_addition_filter=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0], edge_removal_filter=[1.0, 0.0]).to_scene_graph(t=0) new_nodes, removed_nodes, new_neighbors, removed_neighbors = sg2 - sg1 print('New Nodes:', new_nodes) print('Removed Nodes:', removed_nodes) print('New Neighbors:', new_neighbors) print('Removed Neighbors:', removed_neighbors)