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159 lines
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import torch
import torch.distributions as td
import numpy as np
from model.model_utils import to_one_hot
class GMM2D(td.Distribution):
Gaussian Mixture Model using 2D Multivariate Gaussians each of as N components:
Cholesky decompesition and affine transformation for sampling:
.. math:: Z \sim N(0, I)
.. math:: S = \mu + LZ
.. math:: S \sim N(\mu, \Sigma) \rightarrow N(\mu, LL^T)
where :math:`L = chol(\Sigma)` and
.. math:: \Sigma = \left[ {\begin{array}{cc} \sigma^2_x & \rho \sigma_x \sigma_y \\ \rho \sigma_x \sigma_y & \sigma^2_y \\ \end{array} } \right]
such that
.. math:: L = chol(\Sigma) = \left[ {\begin{array}{cc} \sigma_x & 0 \\ \rho \sigma_y & \sigma_y \sqrt{1-\rho^2} \\ \end{array} } \right]
:param log_pis: Log Mixing Proportions :math:`log(\pi)`. [..., N]
:param mus: Mixture Components mean :math:`\mu`. [..., N * 2]
:param log_sigmas: Log Standard Deviations :math:`log(\sigma_d)`. [..., N * 2]
:param corrs: Cholesky factor of correlation :math:`\rho`. [..., N]
:param clip_lo: Clips the lower end of the standard deviation.
:param clip_hi: Clips the upper end of the standard deviation.
def __init__(self, log_pis, mus, log_sigmas, corrs):
super(GMM2D, self).__init__(batch_shape=log_pis.shape[0], event_shape=log_pis.shape[1:])
self.components = log_pis.shape[-1]
self.dimensions = 2
self.device = log_pis.device
log_pis = torch.clamp(log_pis, min=-1e5)
self.log_pis = log_pis - torch.logsumexp(log_pis, dim=-1, keepdim=True) # [..., N]
self.mus = self.reshape_to_components(mus) # [..., N, 2]
self.log_sigmas = self.reshape_to_components(log_sigmas) # [..., N, 2]
self.sigmas = torch.exp(self.log_sigmas) # [..., N, 2]
self.one_minus_rho2 = 1 - corrs**2 # [..., N]
self.one_minus_rho2 = torch.clamp(self.one_minus_rho2, min=1e-5, max=1) # otherwise log can be nan
self.corrs = corrs # [..., N]
self.L = torch.stack([torch.stack([self.sigmas[..., 0], torch.zeros_like(self.log_pis)], dim=-1),
torch.stack([self.sigmas[..., 1] * self.corrs,
self.sigmas[..., 1] * torch.sqrt(self.one_minus_rho2)],
self.pis_cat_dist = td.Categorical(logits=log_pis)
def from_log_pis_mus_cov_mats(cls, log_pis, mus, cov_mats):
corrs_sigma12 = cov_mats[..., 0, 1]
sigma_1 = torch.clamp(cov_mats[..., 0, 0], min=1e-8)
sigma_2 = torch.clamp(cov_mats[..., 1, 1], min=1e-8)
sigmas = torch.stack([torch.sqrt(sigma_1), torch.sqrt(sigma_2)], dim=-1)
log_sigmas = torch.log(sigmas)
corrs = corrs_sigma12 / (torch.prod(sigmas, dim=-1))
return cls(log_pis, mus, log_sigmas, corrs)
def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()):
Generates a sample_shape shaped reparameterized sample or sample_shape
shaped batch of reparameterized samples if the distribution parameters
are batched.
:param sample_shape: Shape of the samples
:return: Samples from the GMM.
mvn_samples = (self.mus +
torch.randn(size=sample_shape + self.mus.shape, device=self.device),
component_cat_samples = self.pis_cat_dist.sample(sample_shape)
selector = torch.unsqueeze(to_one_hot(component_cat_samples, self.components), dim=-1)
return torch.sum(mvn_samples*selector, dim=-2)
def log_prob(self, value):
Calculates the log probability of a value using the PDF for bivariate normal distributions:
.. math::
f(x | \mu, \sigma, \rho)={\frac {1}{2\pi \sigma _{x}\sigma _{y}{\sqrt {1-\rho ^{2}}}}}\exp
\left(-{\frac {1}{2(1-\rho ^{2})}}\left[{\frac {(x-\mu _{x})^{2}}{\sigma _{x}^{2}}}+
{\frac {(y-\mu _{y})^{2}}{\sigma _{y}^{2}}}-{\frac {2\rho (x-\mu _{x})(y-\mu _{y})}
{\sigma _{x}\sigma _{y}}}\right]\right)
:param value: The log probability density function is evaluated at those values.
:return: Log probability
# x: [..., 2]
value = torch.unsqueeze(value, dim=-2) # [..., 1, 2]
dx = value - self.mus # [..., N, 2]
exp_nominator = ((torch.sum((dx/self.sigmas)**2, dim=-1) # first and second term of exp nominator
- 2*self.corrs*torch.prod(dx, dim=-1)/torch.prod(self.sigmas, dim=-1))) # [..., N]
component_log_p = -(2*np.log(2*np.pi)
+ torch.log(self.one_minus_rho2)
+ 2*torch.sum(self.log_sigmas, dim=-1)
+ exp_nominator/self.one_minus_rho2) / 2
return torch.logsumexp(self.log_pis + component_log_p, dim=-1)
def get_for_node_at_time(self, n, t):
return self.__class__(self.log_pis[:, n:n+1, t:t+1], self.mus[:, n:n+1, t:t+1],
self.log_sigmas[:, n:n+1, t:t+1], self.corrs[:, n:n+1, t:t+1])
def mode(self):
Calculates the mode of the GMM by calculating probabilities of a 2D mesh grid
:param required_accuracy: Accuracy of the meshgrid
:return: Mode of the GMM
if self.mus.shape[-2] > 1:
samp, bs, time, comp, _ = self.mus.shape
assert samp == 1, "For taking the mode only one sample makes sense."
mode_node_list = []
for n in range(bs):
mode_t_list = []
for t in range(time):
nt_gmm = self.get_for_node_at_time(n, t)
x_min = self.mus[:, n, t, :, 0].min()
x_max = self.mus[:, n, t, :, 0].max()
y_min = self.mus[:, n, t, :, 1].min()
y_max = self.mus[:, n, t, :, 1].max()
search_grid = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid([torch.arange(x_min, x_max, 0.01),
torch.arange(y_min, y_max, 0.01)]), dim=2
).view(-1, 2).float().to(self.device)
ll_score = nt_gmm.log_prob(search_grid)
argmax = torch.argmax(ll_score.squeeze(), dim=0)
mode_node_list.append(torch.stack(mode_t_list, dim=0))
return torch.stack(mode_node_list, dim=0).unsqueeze(dim=0)
return torch.squeeze(self.mus, dim=-2)
def reshape_to_components(self, tensor):
if len(tensor.shape) == 5:
return tensor
return torch.reshape(tensor, list(tensor.shape[:-1]) + [self.components, self.dimensions])
def get_covariance_matrix(self):
cov = self.corrs * torch.prod(self.sigmas, dim=-1)
E = torch.stack([torch.stack([self.sigmas[..., 0]**2, cov], dim=-1),
torch.stack([cov, self.sigmas[..., 1]**2], dim=-1)],
return E