169 lines
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169 lines
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import torch
import torch.nn.utils.rnn as rnn
from enum import Enum
import functools
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.ndimage import interpolation
class ModeKeys(Enum):
EVAL = 2
def cyclical_lr(stepsize, min_lr=3e-4, max_lr=3e-3, decay=1.):
# Lambda function to calculate the LR
lr_lambda = lambda it: min_lr + (max_lr - min_lr) * relative(it, stepsize) * decay**it
# Additional function to see where on the cycle we are
def relative(it, stepsize):
cycle = math.floor(1 + it / (2 * stepsize))
x = abs(it / stepsize - 2 * cycle + 1)
return max(0, (1 - x))
return lr_lambda
def tile(a, dim, n_tile, device='cpu'):
init_dim = a.size(dim)
repeat_idx = [1] * a.dim()
repeat_idx[dim] = n_tile
a = a.repeat(*(repeat_idx))
order_index = torch.LongTensor(np.concatenate([init_dim * np.arange(n_tile) + i for i in range(init_dim)])).to(device)
return torch.index_select(a, dim, order_index)
def to_one_hot(labels, n_labels, device):
return torch.eye(n_labels, device=device)[labels]
def exp_anneal(anneal_kws):
device = anneal_kws['device']
start = torch.tensor(anneal_kws['start'], device=device)
finish = torch.tensor(anneal_kws['finish'], device=device)
rate = torch.tensor(anneal_kws['rate'], device=device)
return lambda step: finish - (finish - start)*torch.pow(rate, torch.tensor(step, dtype=torch.float, device=device))
def sigmoid_anneal(anneal_kws):
device = anneal_kws['device']
start = torch.tensor(anneal_kws['start'], device=device)
finish = torch.tensor(anneal_kws['finish'], device=device)
center_step = torch.tensor(anneal_kws['center_step'], device=device, dtype=torch.float)
steps_lo_to_hi = torch.tensor(anneal_kws['steps_lo_to_hi'], device=device, dtype=torch.float)
return lambda step: start + (finish - start)*torch.sigmoid((torch.tensor(float(step), device=device) - center_step) * (1./steps_lo_to_hi))
class CustomLR(torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR):
def __init__(self, optimizer, lr_lambda, last_epoch=-1):
super(CustomLR, self).__init__(optimizer, lr_lambda, last_epoch)
def get_lr(self):
return [lmbda(self.last_epoch)
for lmbda, base_lr in zip(self.lr_lambdas, self.base_lrs)]
def run_lstm_on_variable_length_seqs(lstm_module, original_seqs, break_indices, lower_indices, total_length):
# This is done so that we can just pass in self.prediction_timesteps
# (which we want to INCLUDE, so this will exclude the next timestep).
inclusive_break_indices = break_indices + 1
pad_list = list()
for i, seq_len in enumerate(inclusive_break_indices):
pad_list.append(original_seqs[i, lower_indices[i]:seq_len])
packed_seqs = rnn.pack_sequence(pad_list, enforce_sorted=False)
packed_output, (h_n, c_n) = lstm_module(packed_seqs)
output, _ = rnn.pad_packed_sequence(packed_output,
return output, (h_n, c_n)
def extract_subtensor_per_batch_element(tensor, indices):
batch_idxs = torch.arange(start=0, end=len(indices))
batch_idxs = batch_idxs[~torch.isnan(indices)]
indices = indices[~torch.isnan(indices)]
if indices.size == 0:
return None
indices = indices.long()
if tensor.is_cuda:
batch_idxs = batch_idxs.to(tensor.get_device())
indices = indices.to(tensor.get_device())
return tensor[batch_idxs, indices]
def unpack_RNN_state(state_tuple):
# PyTorch returned LSTM states have 3 dims:
# (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
state = torch.cat(state_tuple, dim=0).permute(1, 0, 2)
# Now state is (batch, 2 * num_layers * num_directions, hidden_size)
state_size = state.size()
return torch.reshape(state, (-1, state_size[1] * state_size[2]))
def rsetattr(obj, attr, val):
pre, _, post = attr.rpartition('.')
return setattr(rgetattr(obj, pre) if pre else obj, post, val)
# using wonder's beautiful simplification:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31174295/getattr-and-setattr-on-nested-objects/31174427?noredirect=1#comment86638618_31174427
def rgetattr(obj, attr, *args):
def _getattr(obj, attr):
return getattr(obj, attr, *args)
return functools.reduce(_getattr, [obj] + attr.split('.'))
def get_cropped_maps(world_pts, map, context_size=50):
"""world_pts: N x 2 array of positions relative to the world."""
expanded_obs_img = np.full((map.data.shape[0] + context_size, map.data.shape[1] + context_size, map.data.shape[2]), False, dtype=np.float32)
expanded_obs_img[context_size//2:-context_size//2, context_size//2:-context_size//2] = map.fdata.astype(np.float32)
img_pts = context_size//2 + np.round(map.to_map_points(world_pts)).astype(int)
return np.stack([expanded_obs_img[img_pts[i, 0] - context_size//2 : img_pts[i, 0] + context_size//2,
img_pts[i, 1] - context_size//2 : img_pts[i, 1] + context_size//2]
for i in range(world_pts.shape[0])], axis=0)
def get_cropped_maps_heading(world_pts, map, context_size=50, heading=None):
"""world_pts: N x 2 array of positions relative to the world."""
rotations = np.round((heading) / (np.pi / 2)).astype(int)
expanded_obs_img = np.full((map.data.shape[0] + context_size, map.data.shape[1] + context_size, map.data.shape[2]),
False, dtype=np.float32)
expanded_obs_img[context_size // 2:-context_size // 2, context_size // 2:-context_size // 2] = map.fdata.astype(
img_pts = context_size // 2 + np.round(map.to_map_points(world_pts)).astype(int)
map_h = np.stack([expanded_obs_img[img_pts[i, 0] - context_size // 2: img_pts[i, 0] + context_size // 2,
img_pts[i, 1] - context_size // 2: img_pts[i, 1] + context_size // 2]
for i in range(world_pts.shape[0])], axis=0)
map_h[rotations == 1] = np.rot90(map_h[rotations == 1], -1, axes=(1, 2))
map_h[rotations == 2] = np.rot90(map_h[rotations == 2], 2, axes=(1, 2))
map_h[rotations == -1] = np.rot90(map_h[rotations == -1], 1, axes=(1, 2))
map_h[rotations == -2] = np.rot90(map_h[rotations == -2], 2, axes=(1, 2))
return map_h
def get_cropped_maps_heading_exact(world_pts, map, context_size=50, heading=None):
"""world_pts: N x 2 array of positions relative to the world."""
angles = -heading * 180 / np.pi
expanded_obs_img = np.full((map.data.shape[0] + context_size, map.data.shape[1] + context_size, map.data.shape[2]),
False, dtype=np.float32)
expanded_obs_img[context_size // 2:-context_size // 2, context_size // 2:-context_size // 2] = map.fdata.astype(
img_pts = context_size // 2 + np.round(map.to_map_points(world_pts)).astype(int)
map_h = np.stack([expanded_obs_img[img_pts[i, 0] - context_size // 2: img_pts[i, 0] + context_size // 2,
img_pts[i, 1] - context_size // 2: img_pts[i, 1] + context_size // 2]
for i in range(world_pts.shape[0])], axis=0)
for i in range(angles.shape[0]):
map_h[i] = interpolation.rotate(map_h[i], reshape=False, angle=angles[i], prefilter=False)
return map_h