package com.affectiva.affdexme; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Process; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.view.SurfaceView; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; /** * This class contains a SurfaceView and its own thread that draws to it. * It is used to display the facial tracking dots over a user's face. */ public class DrawingView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback { private final static String LOG_TAG = "AffdexMe"; private final float MARGIN = 4; private Bitmap appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderMale_glassesOn; private Bitmap appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderFemale_glassesOn; private Bitmap appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderUnknown_glassesOn; private Bitmap appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderUnknown_glassesOff; private Bitmap appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderMale_glassesOff; private Bitmap appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderFemale_glassesOff; private Map emojiMarkerBitmapToEmojiTypeMap; private SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder; private DrawingThread drawingThread; //DrawingThread object private DrawingViewConfig drawingViewConfig; //three constructors required of any custom view public DrawingView(Context context) { super(context); initView(); } public DrawingView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); initView(); } public DrawingView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); initView(); } private static int getDrawable(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String name) { return context.getResources().getIdentifier(name, "drawable", context.getPackageName()); } void initView() { surfaceHolder = getHolder(); //The SurfaceHolder object will be used by the thread to request canvas to draw on SurfaceView surfaceHolder.setFormat(PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT); //set to Transparent so this surfaceView does not obscure the one it is overlaying (the one displaying the camera). surfaceHolder.addCallback(this); //become a Listener to the three events below that SurfaceView generates drawingViewConfig = new DrawingViewConfig(); //Default values Paint emotionLabelPaint = new Paint(); emotionLabelPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#ff8000")); //Orange emotionLabelPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); emotionLabelPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); emotionLabelPaint.setTextSize(48); Paint emotionValuePaint = new Paint(); emotionValuePaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#514a40")); //Grey emotionValuePaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); emotionValuePaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); emotionValuePaint.setTextSize(48); Paint metricBarPaint = new Paint(); metricBarPaint.setColor(Color.GREEN); metricBarPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); int metricBarWidth = 150; //load and parse XML attributes int[] emotionLabelAttrs = { android.R.attr.textStyle, // 0 android.R.attr.textColor, // 1 android.R.attr.shadowColor, // 2 android.R.attr.shadowDy, // 3 android.R.attr.shadowRadius, // 4 android.R.attr.layout_weight, // 5 android.R.attr.textSize}; // 6 TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(, emotionLabelAttrs); if (a != null) { emotionLabelPaint.setColor(a.getColor(1, emotionLabelPaint.getColor())); emotionLabelPaint.setShadowLayer( a.getFloat(4, 1.0f), a.getFloat(3, 2.0f), a.getFloat(3, 2.0f), a.getColor(2, Color.BLACK)); emotionLabelPaint.setTextSize(a.getDimensionPixelSize(6, 48)); emotionLabelPaint.setFakeBoldText("bold".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getString(0))); a.recycle(); } int[] emotionValueAttrs = { android.R.attr.textColor, // 0 android.R.attr.textSize, // 1 R.styleable.custom_attributes_metricBarLength}; // 2 a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(, emotionValueAttrs); if (a != null) { emotionValuePaint.setColor(a.getColor(0, emotionValuePaint.getColor())); emotionValuePaint.setTextSize(a.getDimensionPixelSize(1, 36)); metricBarWidth = a.getDimensionPixelSize(2, 150); a.recycle(); } drawingViewConfig.setDominantEmotionLabelPaints(emotionLabelPaint, emotionValuePaint); drawingViewConfig.setDominantEmotionMetricBarConfig(metricBarPaint, metricBarWidth); drawingThread = new DrawingThread(surfaceHolder, drawingViewConfig); //statically load the emoji bitmaps on-demand and cache emojiMarkerBitmapToEmojiTypeMap = new HashMap<>(); } public void setTypeface(Typeface face) { drawingViewConfig.dominantEmotionLabelPaint.setTypeface(face); drawingViewConfig.dominantEmotionValuePaint.setTypeface(face); } @Override public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { if (drawingThread.isStopped()) { drawingThread = new DrawingThread(surfaceHolder, drawingViewConfig); } drawingThread.start(); } @Override public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) { } @Override public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { //command thread to stop, and wait until it stops boolean retry = true; drawingThread.stopThread(); while (retry) { try { drawingThread.join(); retry = false; } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, e.getMessage()); } } cleanup(); } public boolean isDimensionsNeeded() { return drawingViewConfig.isDimensionsNeeded; } public void invalidateDimensions() { drawingViewConfig.isDimensionsNeeded = true; } public void updateViewDimensions(int surfaceViewWidth, int surfaceViewHeight, int imageWidth, int imageHeight) { try { drawingViewConfig.updateViewDimensions(surfaceViewWidth, surfaceViewHeight, imageWidth, imageHeight); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Attempted to set a dimension with a negative value", e); } } public void setThickness(int t) { try { drawingViewConfig.setDrawThickness(t); drawingThread.setThickness(t); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Attempted to set a thickness with a negative value", e); } } public boolean getDrawPointsEnabled() { return drawingViewConfig.isDrawPointsEnabled; } public void setDrawPointsEnabled(boolean b) { drawingViewConfig.isDrawPointsEnabled = b; } public boolean getDrawAppearanceMarkersEnabled() { return drawingViewConfig.isDrawAppearanceMarkersEnabled; } public void setDrawAppearanceMarkersEnabled(boolean b) { drawingViewConfig.isDrawAppearanceMarkersEnabled = b; } public boolean getDrawEmojiMarkersEnabled() { return drawingViewConfig.isDrawEmojiMarkersEnabled; } public void setDrawEmojiMarkersEnabled(boolean b) { drawingViewConfig.isDrawEmojiMarkersEnabled = b; } public void updatePoints(List faces, boolean isPointsMirrored) { drawingThread.updatePoints(faces, isPointsMirrored); } public void invalidatePoints() { drawingThread.invalidatePoints(); } /** * To be called when this view element is potentially being destroyed * I.E. when the Activity's onPause() gets called. */ public void cleanup() { if (emojiMarkerBitmapToEmojiTypeMap != null) { for (Bitmap bitmap : emojiMarkerBitmapToEmojiTypeMap.values()) { bitmap.recycle(); } emojiMarkerBitmapToEmojiTypeMap.clear(); } if (appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderMale_glassesOn != null) { appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderMale_glassesOn.recycle(); } if (appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderFemale_glassesOn != null) { appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderFemale_glassesOn.recycle(); } if (appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderUnknown_glassesOn != null) { appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderUnknown_glassesOn.recycle(); } if (appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderUnknown_glassesOff != null) { appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderUnknown_glassesOff.recycle(); } if (appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderMale_glassesOff != null) { appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderMale_glassesOff.recycle(); } if (appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderFemale_glassesOff != null) { appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderFemale_glassesOff.recycle(); } } class FacesSharer { boolean isPointsMirrored; List facesToDraw; public FacesSharer() { isPointsMirrored = false; facesToDraw = new ArrayList<>(); } } //Inner Thread class class DrawingThread extends Thread { private final FacesSharer sharer; private final SurfaceHolder mSurfaceHolder; private Paint trackingPointsPaint; private Paint boundingBoxPaint; private Paint dominantEmotionScoreBarPaint; private volatile boolean stopFlag = false; //boolean to indicate when thread has been told to stop private DrawingViewConfig config; public DrawingThread(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder, DrawingViewConfig con) { mSurfaceHolder = surfaceHolder; //statically load the Appearance marker bitmaps so they only have to load once appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderMale_glassesOn = ImageHelper.loadBitmapFromInternalStorage(getContext(), "male_glasses.png"); appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderMale_glassesOff = ImageHelper.loadBitmapFromInternalStorage(getContext(), "male_noglasses.png"); appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderFemale_glassesOn = ImageHelper.loadBitmapFromInternalStorage(getContext(), "female_glasses.png"); appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderFemale_glassesOff = ImageHelper.loadBitmapFromInternalStorage(getContext(), "female_noglasses.png"); appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderUnknown_glassesOn = ImageHelper.loadBitmapFromInternalStorage(getContext(), "unknown_glasses.png"); appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderUnknown_glassesOff = ImageHelper.loadBitmapFromInternalStorage(getContext(), "unknown_noglasses.png"); trackingPointsPaint = new Paint(); trackingPointsPaint.setColor(Color.WHITE); boundingBoxPaint = new Paint(); boundingBoxPaint.setColor(Color.WHITE); boundingBoxPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); dominantEmotionScoreBarPaint = new Paint(); dominantEmotionScoreBarPaint.setColor(Color.GREEN); dominantEmotionScoreBarPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); config = con; sharer = new FacesSharer(); setThickness(config.drawThickness); } void setValenceOfBoundingBox(float valence) { //prepare the color of the bounding box using the valence score. Red for -100, White for 0, and Green for +100, with linear interpolation in between. if (valence > 0) { float colorScore = ((100f - valence) / 100f) * 255; boundingBoxPaint.setColor(Color.rgb((int) colorScore, 255, (int) colorScore)); } else { float colorScore = ((100f + valence) / 100f) * 255; boundingBoxPaint.setColor(Color.rgb(255, (int) colorScore, (int) colorScore)); } } public void stopThread() { stopFlag = true; } public boolean isStopped() { return stopFlag; } //Updates thread with latest faces returned by the onImageResults() event. public void updatePoints(List faces, boolean isPointsMirrored) { synchronized (sharer) { sharer.facesToDraw.clear(); if (faces != null) { sharer.facesToDraw.addAll(faces); } sharer.isPointsMirrored = isPointsMirrored; } } void setThickness(int thickness) { boundingBoxPaint.setStrokeWidth(thickness); } //Inform thread face detection has stopped, so pending faces are no longer valid. public void invalidatePoints() { synchronized (sharer) { sharer.facesToDraw.clear(); } } @Override public void run() { Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); while (!stopFlag) { /** * We use SurfaceHolder.lockCanvas() to get the canvas that draws to the SurfaceView. * After we are done drawing, we let go of the canvas using SurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost() * **/ Canvas c = null; try { c = mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas(); if (c != null) { synchronized (mSurfaceHolder) { c.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); //clear previous dots draw(c); } } } finally { if (c != null) { mSurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost(c); } } } config = null; //nullify object to avoid memory leak } void draw(Canvas c) { Face nextFaceToDraw; boolean mirrorPoints; boolean multiFaceMode; int index = 0; synchronized (sharer) { mirrorPoints = sharer.isPointsMirrored; multiFaceMode = sharer.facesToDraw.size() > 1; if (sharer.facesToDraw.isEmpty()) { nextFaceToDraw = null; } else { nextFaceToDraw = sharer.facesToDraw.get(index); index++; } } while (nextFaceToDraw != null) { drawFaceAttributes(c, nextFaceToDraw, mirrorPoints, multiFaceMode); synchronized (sharer) { mirrorPoints = sharer.isPointsMirrored; if (index < sharer.facesToDraw.size()) { nextFaceToDraw = sharer.facesToDraw.get(index); index++; } else { nextFaceToDraw = null; } } } } private void drawFaceAttributes(Canvas c, Face face, boolean mirrorPoints, boolean isMultiFaceMode) { //Coordinates around which to draw bounding box. //Default to an 'inverted' box, where the absolute max and min values of the surface view are inside-out Rect boundingRect = new Rect(config.surfaceViewWidth, config.surfaceViewHeight, 0, 0); for (PointF point : face.getFacePoints()) { //transform from the camera coordinates to our screen coordinates //The camera preview is displayed as a mirror, so X pts have to be mirrored back. float x; if (mirrorPoints) { x = (config.imageWidth - point.x) * config.screenToImageRatio; } else { x = (point.x) * config.screenToImageRatio; } float y = (point.y) * config.screenToImageRatio; //For some reason I needed to add each point twice to make sure that all the //points get properly registered in the bounding box. boundingRect.union(Math.round(x), Math.round(y)); boundingRect.union(Math.round(x), Math.round(y)); //Draw facial tracking dots. if (config.isDrawPointsEnabled) { c.drawCircle(x, y, config.drawThickness, trackingPointsPaint); } } //Draw the bounding box. if (config.isDrawPointsEnabled) { drawBoundingBox(c, face, boundingRect); } float heightOffset = findNecessaryHeightOffset(boundingRect, face); //Draw the Appearance markers (gender / glasses) if (config.isDrawAppearanceMarkersEnabled) { drawAppearanceMarkers(c, face, boundingRect, heightOffset); } //Draw the Emoji markers if (config.isDrawEmojiMarkersEnabled) { drawDominantEmoji(c, face, boundingRect, heightOffset); } //Only draw the dominant emotion bar in multiface mode if (isMultiFaceMode) { drawDominantEmotion(c, face, boundingRect); } } private float findNecessaryHeightOffset(Rect boundingBox, Face face) { Bitmap appearanceBitmap = getAppearanceBitmapForFace(face); Bitmap emojiBitmap = getDominantEmojiBitmapForFace(face); float appearanceBitmapHeight = (appearanceBitmap != null) ? appearanceBitmap.getHeight() : 0; float emojiBitmapHeight = (emojiBitmap != null) ? emojiBitmap.getHeight() : 0; float spacingBetween = (appearanceBitmapHeight > 0 && emojiBitmapHeight > 0) ? MARGIN : 0; float totalHeightRequired = appearanceBitmapHeight + emojiBitmapHeight + spacingBetween; float bitmapHeightOverflow = Math.max(totalHeightRequired - boundingBox.height(), 0); return bitmapHeightOverflow / 2; // distribute the overflow evenly on both sides of the bounding box } private void drawBoundingBox(Canvas c, Face f, Rect boundingBox) { setValenceOfBoundingBox(f.emotions.getValence()); c.drawRect(boundingBox.left,, boundingBox.right, boundingBox.bottom, boundingBoxPaint); } private void drawAppearanceMarkers(Canvas c, Face f, Rect boundingBox, float offset) { Bitmap bitmap = getAppearanceBitmapForFace(f); if (bitmap != null) { drawBitmapIfNotRecycled(c, bitmap, boundingBox.right + MARGIN, boundingBox.bottom - bitmap.getHeight() + offset); } } private Bitmap getAppearanceBitmapForFace(Face f) { Bitmap bitmap = null; switch (f.appearance.getGender()) { case MALE: if (Face.GLASSES.YES.equals(f.appearance.getGlasses())) { bitmap = appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderMale_glassesOn; } else { bitmap = appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderMale_glassesOff; } break; case FEMALE: if (Face.GLASSES.YES.equals(f.appearance.getGlasses())) { bitmap = appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderFemale_glassesOn; } else { bitmap = appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderFemale_glassesOff; } break; case UNKNOWN: if (Face.GLASSES.YES.equals(f.appearance.getGlasses())) { bitmap = appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderUnknown_glassesOn; } else { bitmap = appearanceMarkerBitmap_genderUnknown_glassesOff; } break; default: Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unknown gender: " + f.appearance.getGender()); } return bitmap; } private void drawBitmapIfNotRecycled(Canvas c, Bitmap b, float posX, float posY) { if (!b.isRecycled()) { c.drawBitmap(b, posX, posY, null); } } private void drawDominantEmoji(Canvas c, Face f, Rect boundingBox, float offset) { drawEmojiFromCache(c, f.emojis.getDominantEmoji().name(), boundingBox.right + MARGIN, - offset); } private void drawDominantEmotion(Canvas c, Face f, Rect boundingBox) { Pair dominantMetric = findDominantEmotion(f); if (dominantMetric == null || dominantMetric.first.isEmpty()) { return; } String emotionText = dominantMetric.first; String emotionValue = Math.round(dominantMetric.second) + "%"; Rect emotionTextBounds = new Rect(); config.dominantEmotionLabelPaint.getTextBounds(emotionText, 0, emotionText.length(), emotionTextBounds); Rect emotionValueBounds = new Rect(); config.dominantEmotionValuePaint.getTextBounds(emotionValue, 0, emotionValue.length(), emotionValueBounds); float drawAtX = boundingBox.exactCenterX(); float drawAtY = boundingBox.bottom + MARGIN + emotionTextBounds.height(); c.drawText(emotionText, drawAtX, drawAtY, config.dominantEmotionLabelPaint); //draws the colored bar that appears behind our score drawAtY += MARGIN + emotionValueBounds.height(); int halfWidth = Math.round(config.metricBarWidth / 200.0f * dominantMetric.second); c.drawRect(drawAtX - halfWidth, drawAtY - emotionValueBounds.height(), drawAtX + halfWidth, drawAtY, config.dominantEmotionMetricBarPaint); //draws the score c.drawText(emotionValue, drawAtX, drawAtY, config.dominantEmotionValuePaint); } private Pair findDominantEmotion(Face f) { String dominantMetricName = ""; Float dominantMetricValue = 50.0f; // no emotion is dominant unless at least greater than this value if (f.emotions.getAnger() > dominantMetricValue) { dominantMetricName = MetricsManager.getCapitalizedName(MetricsManager.Emotions.ANGER); dominantMetricValue = f.emotions.getAnger(); } if (f.emotions.getContempt() > dominantMetricValue) { dominantMetricName = MetricsManager.getCapitalizedName(MetricsManager.Emotions.CONTEMPT); dominantMetricValue = f.emotions.getContempt(); } if (f.emotions.getDisgust() > dominantMetricValue) { dominantMetricName = MetricsManager.getCapitalizedName(MetricsManager.Emotions.DISGUST); dominantMetricValue = f.emotions.getDisgust(); } if (f.emotions.getFear() > dominantMetricValue) { dominantMetricName = MetricsManager.getCapitalizedName(MetricsManager.Emotions.FEAR); dominantMetricValue = f.emotions.getFear(); } if (f.emotions.getJoy() > dominantMetricValue) { dominantMetricName = MetricsManager.getCapitalizedName(MetricsManager.Emotions.JOY); dominantMetricValue = f.emotions.getJoy(); } if (f.emotions.getSadness() > dominantMetricValue) { dominantMetricName = MetricsManager.getCapitalizedName(MetricsManager.Emotions.SADNESS); dominantMetricValue = f.emotions.getSadness(); } if (f.emotions.getSurprise() > dominantMetricValue) { dominantMetricName = MetricsManager.getCapitalizedName(MetricsManager.Emotions.SURPRISE); dominantMetricValue = f.emotions.getSurprise(); } // Ignore VALENCE and ENGAGEMENT if (dominantMetricName.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return new Pair<>(dominantMetricName, dominantMetricValue); } } void drawEmojiFromCache(Canvas c, String emojiName, float markerPosX, float markerPosY) { Bitmap emojiBitmap; try { emojiBitmap = getEmojiBitmapByName(emojiName); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error, file not found!", e); return; } if (emojiBitmap != null) { c.drawBitmap(emojiBitmap, markerPosX, markerPosY, null); } } private Bitmap getDominantEmojiBitmapForFace(Face f) { try { return getEmojiBitmapByName(f.emojis.getDominantEmoji().name()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Dominant emoji bitmap not available", e); return null; } } Bitmap getEmojiBitmapByName(String emojiName) throws FileNotFoundException { // No bitmap necessary if emoji is unknown if (emojiName.equals( { return null; } String emojiResourceName = emojiName.trim().replace(' ', '_').toLowerCase(Locale.US).concat("_emoji"); String emojiFileName = emojiResourceName + ".png"; //Try to get the emoji from the cache Bitmap desiredEmojiBitmap = emojiMarkerBitmapToEmojiTypeMap.get(emojiFileName); if (desiredEmojiBitmap != null) { //emoji bitmap found in the cache return desiredEmojiBitmap; } //Cache miss, try and load the bitmap from disk desiredEmojiBitmap = ImageHelper.loadBitmapFromInternalStorage(getContext(), emojiFileName); if (desiredEmojiBitmap != null) { //emoji bitmap found in the app storage //Bitmap loaded, add to cache for subsequent use. emojiMarkerBitmapToEmojiTypeMap.put(emojiFileName, desiredEmojiBitmap); return desiredEmojiBitmap; } Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Emoji not found on disk: " + emojiFileName); //Still unable to find the file, try to locate the emoji resource final int resourceId = getDrawable(getContext(), emojiFileName); if (resourceId == 0) { //unrecognised emoji file name throw new FileNotFoundException("Resource not found for file named: " + emojiFileName); } desiredEmojiBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), resourceId); if (desiredEmojiBitmap == null) { //still unable to load the resource from the file throw new FileNotFoundException("Resource id [" + resourceId + "] but could not load bitmap: " + emojiFileName); } //Bitmap loaded, add to cache for subsequent use. emojiMarkerBitmapToEmojiTypeMap.put(emojiFileName, desiredEmojiBitmap); return desiredEmojiBitmap; } } class DrawingViewConfig { private int imageWidth = 1; private int surfaceViewWidth = 0; private int surfaceViewHeight = 0; private float screenToImageRatio = 0; private int drawThickness = 0; private boolean isDrawPointsEnabled = true; //by default, have the drawing thread draw tracking dots private boolean isDimensionsNeeded = true; private boolean isDrawAppearanceMarkersEnabled = true; //by default, draw the appearance markers private boolean isDrawEmojiMarkersEnabled = true; //by default, draw the dominant emoji markers private Paint dominantEmotionLabelPaint; private Paint dominantEmotionMetricBarPaint; private Paint dominantEmotionValuePaint; private int metricBarWidth; public void setDominantEmotionLabelPaints(Paint labelPaint, Paint valuePaint) { dominantEmotionLabelPaint = labelPaint; dominantEmotionValuePaint = valuePaint; } public void setDominantEmotionMetricBarConfig(Paint metricBarPaint, int metricBarWidth) { dominantEmotionMetricBarPaint = metricBarPaint; this.metricBarWidth = metricBarWidth; } public void updateViewDimensions(int surfaceViewWidth, int surfaceViewHeight, int imageWidth, int imageHeight) { if (surfaceViewWidth <= 0 || surfaceViewHeight <= 0 || imageWidth <= 0 || imageHeight <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("All dimensions submitted to updateViewDimensions() must be positive"); } this.imageWidth = imageWidth; this.surfaceViewWidth = surfaceViewWidth; this.surfaceViewHeight = surfaceViewHeight; screenToImageRatio = (float) surfaceViewWidth / imageWidth; isDimensionsNeeded = false; } public void setDrawThickness(int t) { if (t <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Thickness must be positive."); } drawThickness = t; } } }