import { exec } from "child_process"; import { IncomingMessage, request } from "http"; import { window } from "vscode"; import { findReferences, Reference } from "./reference"; // when called as command using keyboard, reference argument is undefined // in that case, try to find one under the current cursor. function resolveReferenceArgument(reference: Reference | undefined): Reference|undefined { if (reference === undefined) { const editor = window.activeTextEditor; if (!editor) { console.log("No active editor to run command"); return; } const position =; const referencesAtCursor = findReferences(editor.document).filter(ref => ref.range.contains(position)); if (referencesAtCursor.length < 1) { window.showWarningMessage("No reference at cursor position."); return; } return referencesAtCursor[0]; } return reference; } async function showInZotero(reference?: Reference) { const ref = resolveReferenceArgument(reference); if (!ref) { return; } openUrl("zotero://select/items/@" + ref.citekey); } async function openZoteroPDF(reference?: Reference) { const ref = resolveReferenceArgument(reference); if (!ref) { return; } const req = request("", { 'method': 'POST', 'headers': { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } }); req.on("response", (res: IncomingMessage) => { if (res.statusCode !== 200) { console.error('Error with request. Is Zotero running and Better-BibTex installed?') } else { // console.log('test2', res.statusCode, res); res.on('readable', () => { const buffer: Buffer =; const s = buffer.toString(); const data = JSON.parse(s); console.log('received from Zotero', data); for (const result of data['result']) { if (result['path'].toLowerCase().endsWith('.pdf')) { // TODO add ?page=nr to open given page const pagenr = ref.pagenr !== null ? "?page=" + ref.pagenr : ""; openUrl(result['open'] + pagenr); break; // only open a single attachement } } }); } }); req.end('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.attachments", "params": ["' + ref.citekey + '"]}', 'binary'); } function openUrl(url: string) { // console.log('open', url); switch (process.platform) { case 'darwin': exec('open "' + url + '"'); break; case 'linux': exec('xdg-open "' + url + '"'); break; default: exec('"' + url + '"'); } } export { openZoteroPDF, showInZotero };