import { CodeLensProvider, TextDocument, CodeLens, Range, Command } from "vscode"; export interface Reference { document: TextDocument; citekey: string; pagenr: number | null; range: Range; } // TODO match citations in brackets [@citation] inline @cita_tion, // but also page number in [see @citation p.23] and // inlince @citation [p.23] (so brackets after inline) // [@citation pp.10-20] matches page 10 // [@citation p10] without period is also valid // accept a period @citation.2022 but NOT ending on a period (e.g. ignore the period in @citation. because of end of a sentence) // TODO possibly use export function findReferences(document: TextDocument): Reference[] { const matches: Reference[] = []; for (let lineNr = 0; lineNr < document.lineCount; lineNr++) { const line = document.lineAt(lineNr); let match: RegExpExecArray | null; let regex = /(?<=@)([\w\.]+)(?