# Viola-Jones' Haarcascade visualisation This is an unusual visualisation of haarcascades. Often, only haarcascade features are drawn. This visualisation however, adds up all matching features in an image. Resulting in a sort of lense which shows the contrasts in the image that the algorithm picks up on most. * The visual_haarcascades binary ([main.rs](src/main.rs)) uses V4L to capture webcam input and renders to a canvas. * [test.rs](src/test.rs) binary is an ugly program that looks hard-coded for `haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml` and `test.png`. It renders the output to `test-output.png`. * The library is made for use with eg. Python through cffi. See eg. [this repo](https://git.rubenvandeven.com/r/face_recognition) ## build Most importantly ```bash cargo build --lib --release ```