
417 lines
12 KiB

import * as d3 from "d3";
// use jsx templating
import { h, Fragment } from 'start-dom-jsx';
import anime from 'animejs/lib/anime.es.js';
// const projection = d3.geoAitoff();
function degreesToRadians(degrees) {
return (degrees * Math.PI) / 180;
function latLonToOffsets(latitude, longitude, mapWidth, mapHeight) {
const FE = 180; // false easting
const radius = mapWidth / (2 * Math.PI);
const latRad = degreesToRadians(latitude);
const lonRad = degreesToRadians(longitude + FE);
const x = lonRad * radius;
const yFromEquator = radius * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + latRad / 2));
const y = mapHeight / 2 - yFromEquator;
return { x, y };
export function viz(vizEl) {
// vizEl.appendChild(<h2>Hello</h2>);
.then((response) => response.json())
.catch((error) => {
// alert("Data could not be loaded.")
// d3.queue()
// .defer(d3.json, "data/parsed_requests.json") // World shape
// .await(start)
function lerp(X, Y, t) {
return X * t + Y * (1 - t)
function inverse_lerp(a, b, x) {
return (x - a) / (b - a);
interface IndexObject {
[index: string]: Array<number>;
* A scene
class Scene {
// setup: CallableFunction;
animation: CallableFunction; // the function that returns an anime.js object
constructor(animation: CallableFunction) {
// this.setup = setup;
this.animation = animation;
async run () {
const anim = this.animation();
console.log('anim', anim);
await anim.finished
class Sequence {
scenes: Array<Scene>;
constructor() {
this.scenes = [];
async run() {
while(true) {
for(const scene of this.scenes){
console.log('scene', scene);
await scene.run();
function buildIndex(objectList: Array<Object>, field: string): IndexObject {
const index = {}
for (const idx in objectList) {
const v = objectList[idx][field]
if (!index.hasOwnProperty(v)) {
index[v] = [idx]
} else {
return index;
function start(parsed_requests) {
const nodes = parsed_requests.nodes;
const edges: Array<Object> = parsed_requests.edges;
const svg = d3.select('svg');
const g_libraries = svg.append("g").attr("id", "libraries");
const g_movements = svg.append("g").attr("id", "movements");
const width = +svg.attr("width"),
height = +svg.attr("height");
// let libraries = {}
// console.log(nodes, edges)
// filter nodes with only having both Latitude and Longitude.
// then map these coordinates to the canvas space
const valid_nodes = nodes.filter((n) => n.lat && n.lon).map((node) => {
const { x: x1, y: y1 } = latLonToOffsets(node.lat, node.lon, 100000, 100000)
console.log(x1, y1)
const x2 = inverse_lerp(1358, 1380, x1);
const y2 = inverse_lerp(32862, 32900, y1);
const margin = 200;
const x = x2 * (width - 2 * margin) + margin;
const y = y2 * (height - 2 * margin) + margin;
// console.log(x2, y2)
// console.log(node)
node['x'] = x;
node['y'] = y;
return node
// create an index to access the node objects by their name
const nodeMap = Object.fromEntries(valid_nodes.map(d => [d['name'], d]));
const edgeIndexBarcode = buildIndex(edges, 'Barcode');
// console.log(edgeIndexBarcode);
const links = edges.filter(l => nodeMap[l['Owning Library Name']] && nodeMap[l['Pickup Location']]).map((l, idx) => {
l.source = nodeMap[l['Owning Library Name']];
l.target = nodeMap[l['Pickup Location']];
l.nr = idx;
return l;
// .filter((link, index, self) =>
// // remove incidental duplicates
// index === self.findIndex((l) => (
// l.source.id === link.source.id && l.target.id === link.target.id
// ))
// );
// Reformat the list of link. Note that columns in csv file are called long1, long2, lat1, lat2
// var link = []
// edges.forEach(function (row) {
// source = [+row.long1, +row.lat1]
// target = [+row.long2, +row.lat2]
// topush = { type: "LineString", coordinates: [source, target] }
// link.push(topush)
// })
// Add the path
const libraries = g_libraries.selectAll(".library");
libraries.data(valid_nodes, d => d.code)
.join((enter) => {
let group = enter.append("g")
// .attr("class", getClasses)
// .attr("id", (n) => getIdForTitle(n.fulltext));
.attr("id", (n) => n.code)
.attr("transform", (n) => `translate(${n.x}, ${n.y})`);
// group.on("click", (evt, n) => {
// evt.stopPropagation(); this.selectNode(n);
// });
// group.on("mouseover", (evt, n) => {
// this.hoverNode(evt, n);
// });
// group.on("mouseout", (evt, n) => {
// this.endHoverNode(n);
// });
group.append('circle').attr("r", 5 /*this.nodeSize*/);
group.append('circle').attr("r", 20 /*this.nodeSize*/).style("fill", "none").style("stroke", "white").style("stroke-width", "10");
// group.append('path')
// .attr('d', (n) => {
// return getSymbolForNode(n)(n);
// })
var nodeTitle = group.append('text').attr("class", "nodeTitle").attr("y", "4").attr('x', 35).text((n) => n.name);
return group
const movements_a = g_movements.selectAll(".movement");
const movements = movements_a
enter => {
let group = enter.append("g")
.attr("class", (l) => "link " /* TODO type of movement */)
.attr("id", (l) => `link${l.nr}`);
// .attr("marker-end", "url(#arrowHead)")
.attr('id', (d, i) => 'linkpath_' + i)
// .on("mouseover", (ev, link) => {
// d3.select(ev.target).classed('hover', true);
// const nodes = document.getElementsByClassName('node');
// for (let n of nodes) {
// const d = d3.select(n).datum();
// if (d == link.target || d == link.source) {
// n.classList.add('linkHover');
// }
// }
// this.showRelationTooltip(link, ev);
// }).on("mouseout", (ev, link) => {
// this.hideTooltip();
// d3.select(ev.target).classed('hover', false);
// const nodes = document.getElementsByClassName('linkHover');
// while (nodes.length) {
// nodes[0].classList.remove('linkHover');
// }
// }).on("click", (ev, link) => {
// ev.stopPropagation();
// this.selectNode(link.source);
// })
// group.filter((l) => l.name != "City").append("text").attr("class", "labelText").text(function (l) {
// return l.name;
// });
// group.append("text")
// .attr("class", "labelText")
// .attr("dx", 20)
// .attr("dy", 0)
// .style("fill", "red")
// .append("textPath")
// .attr("xlink:href", function (d, i) { return "#linkid_" + i; })
// .attr("startOffset","50%")
// .text((d,i) => d.name );
return group;
movements.each(function (l) {
let sourceX, targetX, midX, dx, dy, angle;
// This mess makes the arrows exactly perfect.
// thanks to http://bl.ocks.org/curran/9b73eb564c1c8a3d8f3ab207de364bf4
if (l.source.x < l.target.x) {
sourceX = l.source.x;
targetX = l.target.x;
} else if (l.target.x < l.source.x) {
targetX = l.target.x;
sourceX = l.source.x;
} else if (l.target.isCircle) {
targetX = sourceX = l.target.x;
} else if (l.source.isCircle) {
targetX = sourceX = l.source.x;
} else {
midX = (l.source.x + l.target.x) / 2;
if (midX > l.target.x) {
midX = l.target.x;
} else if (midX > l.source.x) {
midX = l.source.x;
} else if (midX < l.target.x) {
midX = l.target.x;
} else if (midX < l.source.x) {
midX = l.source.x;
targetX = sourceX = midX;
dx = targetX - sourceX;
dy = l.target.y - l.source.y;
angle = Math.atan2(dx, dy);
var srcSize = 5; //_mapGraph.getSizeForNode(l.source);
var tgtSize = 5; //_mapGraph.getSizeForNode(l.target);
// Compute the line endpoint such that the arrow
// it not in the center, but rather slightly out of it
// use a small ofset for the angle to compensate roughly for the curve
l.sourceX = sourceX + Math.sin(angle + .5) * srcSize;
l.targetX = targetX - Math.sin(angle - .5) * tgtSize;
l.sourceY = l.source.y + Math.cos(angle + .5) * srcSize;
l.targetY = l.target.y - Math.cos(angle - .5) * tgtSize;
// find radius of arc based on distance between points
// add a jitter to spread out the lines when links are stacked
const dr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) * (.7 + Math.random() * .6);
// "M" + d.source.x + "," + d.source.y + "A" + dr + "," + dr + " 0 0,1 " + d.target.x + "," + d.target.y
let rel = d3.select(this);
.attr('d', `M ${l.sourceX},${l.sourceY} A ${dr},${dr} 0 0,1 ${l.targetX},${l.targetY}`)
// const edgesToHighlight = edgeIndexBarcode["0139900930"].map((i) => edges[i])
// const edgesToHighlight = edgeIndexBarcode["0182126011"].map((i) => edges[i])
// const edgesToHighlight = edgeIndexBarcode["0139204135"].map((i) => edges[i])
let edgesToHighlight: Array<Object> = [];
for (const code in edgeIndexBarcode) {
if (edgeIndexBarcode[code].length < 4) {
for (const i of edgeIndexBarcode[code]) {
// console.log(i)
// const edgeToSelect = edges.filter(e => e.nr == 530)[0]
const edgeToSelect = edges.filter(e => e.Barcode == "0133040931")[0]
edgesToHighlight = edges.filter(e => e.Barcode == edgeToSelect.Barcode)
// edgeToSelect.
// console.log(530, edges[530].nr, edges[530])
// edgesToHighlight = [];
// edgesToHighlight.push(edges[530])
// console.log(libraries)
function scene_01_FollowItem() {
const edgeToSelect = edges.filter(e => e.Barcode == "0133040931")[0]
edgesToHighlight = edges.filter(e => e.Barcode == edgeToSelect.Barcode)
const tl = anime.timeline({})
for(const edge of edgesToHighlight) {
targets: `#linkpath_${edge.nr}`,
stroke: ['rgb(255, 0, 0)', 'rgb(0, 255, 255)'],
// strokeDashoffset: [anime.setDashoffset, 0],
duration: 500,
// easing: 'easeOutElastic(1, .8)',
// direction: 'alternate'
targets: `#linkpath_${edge.nr}`,
// stroke: ['rgb(255, 0, 0)', 'rgb(0, 255, 255)'],
strokeDashoffset: [anime.setDashoffset, 0],
easing: 'easeInOutSine',
duration: 8000,
// easing: 'easeOutElastic(1, .8)',
// direction: 'alternate'
targets: edgesToHighlight.map(edge => `#linkpath_${edge.nr}`),
stroke: ['rgb(0, 255, 255)', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'],
duration: 3000
return tl;
const sequence = new Sequence();
sequence.scenes.push(new Scene(scene_01_FollowItem))
// document.getElementById('linkpath_3903').style.stroke = 'orange';
// sequence.scenes.push(new Scene(() => {
// const tl = anime.timeline({})
// tl.add({
// targets: '#linkpath_532',
// stroke: ['rgb(255, 0, 0)', 'rgb(0, 255, 255)'],
// duration: 2000,
// // easing: 'easeOutElastic(1, .8)',
// direction: 'alternate'
// })
// tl.add({
// targets: '#linkpath_532',
// // stroke: ['rgb(255, 255, 0)', 'rgb(255, 0, 255)'],
// translateX: [0, -100, 0],
// duration: 4000,
// easing: 'easeOutElastic(1, .8)',
// // direction: 'alternate'
// })
// return tl
// }));
// sequence.scenes.push(new Scene(() => {
// return anime({
// targets: '#linkpath_530',
// translateX: [0, 500],
// duration: 2000,
// direction: 'alternate'
// })
// }));
// sequence.run()
// TODO: this is currently by barcode, but this should be the object itself.
function highlightTrajectory(edges: Array<Object>) {
// console.log(edges)
for (const edge of edges) {
const selection = d3.select(`#linkpath_${edge.nr}`);
// console.log(selection);
selection.style("stroke", "red");
selection.style("stroke-width", "5");
selection.classed("selected", true);