2016-05-20 16:48:43 -04:00

363 lines
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/** \file
* Scope-guards can be used to proivde transactional integrity.
* scope_guard and friends are adopted from source by Andrei Alexandrescu and Petru Marginean.
* See the <a href="">article</a>.
* Copyright © 2001 Sofus Mortensen
* This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty
* expressed or implied. Any use is at your own risk. Permission to
* use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted without
* fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
* Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is
* granted, provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that
* the code was modified is included with the above copyright notice.
* This header is part of Comet version 2.
#include <comet/config.h>
namespace comet {
/*! \addtogroup Misc
namespace impl {
/** Base class providing dismission and safe execution primitives.
class scope_guard_impl_base
scope_guard_impl_base& operator =(const scope_guard_impl_base&);
scope_guard_impl_base(const scope_guard_impl_base& other) throw()
: dismissed_(other.dismissed_)
template <typename J> static void safe_execute(J& j) throw()
if (!j.dismissed_)
mutable bool dismissed_;
scope_guard_impl_base() throw() : dismissed_(false)
void dismiss() const throw()
dismissed_ = true;
/** 0 parameter scope guard.
* \internal
template <typename F> class scope_guard_impl_0 : public scope_guard_impl_base
~scope_guard_impl_0() throw()
void execute()
scope_guard_impl_0(F fun) : fun_(fun)
F fun_;
/** 1 parameter scope guard.
* \internal
template <typename F, typename P1> class scope_guard_impl_1 : public scope_guard_impl_base
~scope_guard_impl_1() throw()
void execute()
scope_guard_impl_1(F fun, P1 p1) : fun_(fun), p1_(p1)
F fun_;
const P1 p1_;
/** 2 parameter scope guard.
* \internal
template <typename F, typename P1, typename P2> class scope_guard_impl_2: public scope_guard_impl_base
~scope_guard_impl_2() throw()
void execute()
fun_(p1_, p2_);
scope_guard_impl_2(F fun, P1 p1, P2 p2) : fun_(fun), p1_(p1), p2_(p2)
F fun_;
const P1 p1_;
const P2 p2_;
/** 3 parameter scope guard.
* \internal
template <typename F, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> class scope_guard_impl_3 : public scope_guard_impl_base
~scope_guard_impl_3() throw()
void execute()
fun_(p1_, p2_, p3_);
scope_guard_impl_3(F fun, P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3) : fun_(fun), p1_(p1), p2_(p2), p3_(p3)
F fun_;
const P1 p1_;
const P2 p2_;
const P3 p3_;
/** 0 parameter object scope guard.
* \internal
template <class Obj, typename MemFun> class obj_scope_guard_impl_0 : public scope_guard_impl_base
~obj_scope_guard_impl_0() throw()
void execute()
obj_scope_guard_impl_0(Obj& obj, MemFun memFun)
: obj_(obj), memFun_(memFun) {}
Obj& obj_;
MemFun memFun_;
/** 1 parameter object scope guard.
* \internal
template <class Obj, typename MemFun, typename P1> class obj_scope_guard_impl_1 : public scope_guard_impl_base
~obj_scope_guard_impl_1() throw()
void execute()
obj_scope_guard_impl_1(Obj& obj, MemFun memFun, P1 p1)
: obj_(obj), memFun_(memFun), p1_(p1) {}
Obj& obj_;
MemFun memFun_;
const P1 p1_;
/** 2 parameter object scope guard.
* \internal
template <class Obj, typename MemFun, typename P1, typename P2> class obj_scope_guard_impl_2 : public scope_guard_impl_base
~obj_scope_guard_impl_2() throw()
void execute()
(obj_.*memFun_)(p1_, p2_);
obj_scope_guard_impl_2(Obj& obj, MemFun memFun, P1 p1, P2 p2)
: obj_(obj), memFun_(memFun), p1_(p1), p2_(p2) {}
Obj& obj_;
MemFun memFun_;
const P1 p1_;
const P2 p2_;
/** Implementation to allow argument to be passed by reference.
* \internal
* \sa make_guard
template <class T> class ref_holder
T& ref_;
ref_holder(T& ref) : ref_(ref) {}
operator T& () const
return ref_;
// Disable assignment - not implemented
ref_holder& operator=(const ref_holder&);
/** Allow an argument to be passed by reference.
* \code
* scope_guard guard = make_guard( fun, by_ref(long) );
* \endcode
* \relates comet::scope_guard
* \internal
template <class T> inline impl::ref_holder<T> by_ref(T& t)
return impl::ref_holder<T>(t);
/** Implements a scope guard with 0 parameters.
* \param fun Function or \link functor comet::functor \endlink
* \relates comet::scope_guard
* \internal
template <typename F> inline impl::scope_guard_impl_0<F> make_guard(F fun)
return impl::scope_guard_impl_0<F>(fun);
/** Implements a scope guard with 1 parameter.
* \param fun Function or \link functor comet::functor \endlink
* \relates comet::scope_guard
* \sa by_ref
* \internal
template <typename F, typename P1> inline impl::scope_guard_impl_1<F, P1> make_guard(F fun, P1 p1)
return impl::scope_guard_impl_1<F, P1>(fun, p1);
/** Implements a scope guard with 2 parameters.
* \param fun Function or \link functor comet::functor \endlink
* \relates comet::scope_guard
* \sa by_ref
* \internal
template <typename F, typename P1, typename P2> inline impl::scope_guard_impl_2<F, P1, P2> make_guard(F fun, P1 p1, P2 p2)
return impl::scope_guard_impl_2<F, P1, P2>(fun, p1, p2);
/** Implements a scope guard with 3 parameters.
* \param fun Function or \link functor comet::functor \endlink
* \relates comet::scope_guard
* \sa by_ref
* \internal
template <typename F, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> inline impl::scope_guard_impl_3<F, P1, P2, P3> make_guard(F fun, P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3)
return impl::scope_guard_impl_3<F, P1, P2, P3>(fun, p1, p2, p3);
/** Implements a scope guard with 0 parameters, calling a memeber function on an object.
* \param fun Function or \link functor comet::functor \endlink
* \relates comet::scope_guard
template <class Obj, typename MemFun> inline impl::obj_scope_guard_impl_0<Obj, MemFun> make_obj_guard(Obj& obj, MemFun memFun)
return impl::obj_scope_guard_impl_0<Obj, MemFun>(obj, memFun);
/** Implements a scope guard with 1 parameter, calling a memeber function on an object.
* \param fun Function or \link functor comet::functor \endlink
* \relates comet::scope_guard
* \sa by_ref
* \internal
template <class Obj, typename MemFun, typename P1> inline impl::obj_scope_guard_impl_1<Obj, MemFun, P1> make_obj_guard(Obj& obj, MemFun memFun, P1 p1)
return impl::obj_scope_guard_impl_1<Obj, MemFun, P1>(obj, memFun, p1);
/** Implements a scope guard with 2 parameters, calling a memeber function on an object.
* \param fun Function or \link functor comet::functor \endlink
* \relates comet::scope_guard
* \sa by_ref
* \internal
template <class Obj, typename MemFun, typename P1, typename P2> inline impl::obj_scope_guard_impl_2<Obj, MemFun, P1, P2> make_obj_guard(Obj& obj, MemFun memFun, P1 p1, P2 p2)
return impl::obj_scope_guard_impl_2<Obj, MemFun, P1, P2>(obj, memFun, p1, p2);
/** Pointer to a scope guard.
* Relies on const references holding on to an assigned stack object for
* the scope of the reference.
* \sa scope_guard_impl_0 obj_scope_guard_impl_0 scope_guard_impl_1 obj_scope_guard_impl_1 scope_guard_impl_2 obj_scope_guard_impl_2
typedef const impl::scope_guard_impl_base& scope_guard;
} // namespace