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// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (
// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
#ifndef DLIB_UINtn_
#define DLIB_UINtn_
#include "assert.h"
namespace dlib
uint64 is a typedef for an unsigned integer that is exactly 64 bits wide.
uint32 is a typedef for an unsigned integer that is exactly 32 bits wide.
uint16 is a typedef for an unsigned integer that is exactly 16 bits wide.
uint8 is a typedef for an unsigned integer that is exactly 8 bits wide.
int64 is a typedef for an integer that is exactly 64 bits wide.
int32 is a typedef for an integer that is exactly 32 bits wide.
int16 is a typedef for an integer that is exactly 16 bits wide.
int8 is a typedef for an integer that is exactly 8 bits wide.
#ifdef __GNUC__
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
typedef long long int64;
#elif defined(__BORLANDC__)
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64;
typedef __int64 int64;
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64;
typedef __int64 int64;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
typedef long long int64;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef short int16;
typedef int int32;
typedef char int8;
// make sure these types have the right sizes on this platform
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(uint8) == 1);
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(uint16) == 2);
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(uint32) == 4);
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(uint64) == 8);
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(int8) == 1);
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(int16) == 2);
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(int32) == 4);
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(int64) == 8);
template <typename T, size_t s = sizeof(T)>
struct unsigned_type;
template <typename T>
struct unsigned_type<T,1> { typedef uint8 type; };
template <typename T>
struct unsigned_type<T,2> { typedef uint16 type; };
template <typename T>
struct unsigned_type<T,4> { typedef uint32 type; };
template <typename T>
struct unsigned_type<T,8> { typedef uint64 type; };
- sizeof(unsigned_type<T>::type) == sizeof(T)
- unsigned_type<T>::type is an unsigned integral type
template <typename T, typename U>
T zero_extend_cast(
const U val
- U and T are integral types
- let ut be a typedef for unsigned_type<U>::type
- return static_cast<T>(static_cast<ut>(val));
typedef typename unsigned_type<U>::type ut;
return static_cast<T>(static_cast<ut>(val));
#endif // DLIB_UINtn_