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#ifndef __TBB_parallel_sort_H
#define __TBB_parallel_sort_H
#include "parallel_for.h"
#include "blocked_range.h"
#include "internal/_range_iterator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <functional>
namespace tbb {
namespace interface9 {
//! @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal {
using tbb::internal::no_assign;
//! Range used in quicksort to split elements into subranges based on a value.
/** The split operation selects a splitter and places all elements less than or equal
to the value in the first range and the remaining elements in the second range.
@ingroup algorithms */
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
class quick_sort_range: private no_assign {
inline size_t median_of_three(const RandomAccessIterator &array, size_t l, size_t m, size_t r) const {
return comp(array[l], array[m]) ? ( comp(array[m], array[r]) ? m : ( comp( array[l], array[r]) ? r : l ) )
: ( comp(array[r], array[m]) ? m : ( comp( array[r], array[l] ) ? r : l ) );
inline size_t pseudo_median_of_nine( const RandomAccessIterator &array, const quick_sort_range &range ) const {
size_t offset = range.size/8u;
return median_of_three(array,
median_of_three(array, 0, offset, offset*2),
median_of_three(array, offset*3, offset*4, offset*5),
median_of_three(array, offset*6, offset*7, range.size - 1) );
size_t split_range( quick_sort_range& range ) {
using std::iter_swap;
RandomAccessIterator array = range.begin;
RandomAccessIterator key0 = range.begin;
size_t m = pseudo_median_of_nine(array, range);
if (m) iter_swap ( array, array+m );
size_t i=0;
size_t j=range.size;
// Partition interval [i+1,j-1] with key *key0.
for(;;) {
__TBB_ASSERT( i<j, NULL );
// Loop must terminate since array[l]==*key0.
do {
__TBB_ASSERT( i<=j, "bad ordering relation?" );
} while( comp( *key0, array[j] ));
do {
__TBB_ASSERT( i<=j, NULL );
if( i==j ) goto partition;
} while( comp( array[i],*key0 ));
if( i==j ) goto partition;
iter_swap( array+i, array+j );
// Put the partition key were it belongs
iter_swap( array+j, key0 );
// array[l..j) is less or equal to key.
// array(j..r) is greater or equal to key.
// array[j] is equal to key
size_t new_range_size = range.size-i;
range.size = j;
return new_range_size;
static const size_t grainsize = 500;
const Compare &comp;
size_t size;
RandomAccessIterator begin;
quick_sort_range( RandomAccessIterator begin_, size_t size_, const Compare &comp_ ) :
comp(comp_), size(size_), begin(begin_) {}
bool empty() const {return size==0;}
bool is_divisible() const {return size>=grainsize;}
quick_sort_range( quick_sort_range& range, split )
: comp(range.comp)
, size(split_range(range))
// +1 accounts for the pivot element, which is at its correct place
// already and, therefore, is not included into subranges.
, begin(range.begin+range.size+1) {}
//! Body class used to test if elements in a range are presorted
/** @ingroup algorithms */
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
class quick_sort_pretest_body : no_assign {
const Compare &comp;
quick_sort_pretest_body(const Compare &_comp) : comp(_comp) {}
void operator()( const blocked_range<RandomAccessIterator>& range ) const {
task &my_task = task::self();
RandomAccessIterator my_end = range.end();
int i = 0;
for (RandomAccessIterator k = range.begin(); k != my_end; ++k, ++i) {
if ( i%64 == 0 && my_task.is_cancelled() ) break;
// The k-1 is never out-of-range because the first chunk starts at begin+serial_cutoff+1
if ( comp( *(k), *(k-1) ) ) {
//! Body class used to sort elements in a range that is smaller than the grainsize.
/** @ingroup algorithms */
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
struct quick_sort_body {
void operator()( const quick_sort_range<RandomAccessIterator,Compare>& range ) const {
//SerialQuickSort( range.begin, range.size, range.comp );
std::sort( range.begin, range.begin + range.size, range.comp );
//! Wrapper method to initiate the sort by calling parallel_for.
/** @ingroup algorithms */
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
void parallel_quick_sort( RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, const Compare& comp ) {
task_group_context my_context;
const int serial_cutoff = 9;
__TBB_ASSERT( begin + serial_cutoff < end, "min_parallel_size is smaller than serial cutoff?" );
RandomAccessIterator k = begin;
for ( ; k != begin + serial_cutoff; ++k ) {
if ( comp( *(k+1), *k ) ) {
goto do_parallel_quick_sort;
parallel_for( blocked_range<RandomAccessIterator>(k+1, end),
if (my_context.is_group_execution_cancelled())
parallel_for( quick_sort_range<RandomAccessIterator,Compare>(begin, end-begin, comp ),
auto_partitioner() );
} // namespace internal
//! @endcond
} // namespace interfaceX
/** \page parallel_sort_iter_req Requirements on iterators for parallel_sort
Requirements on the iterator type \c It and its value type \c T for \c parallel_sort:
- \code void iter_swap( It a, It b ) \endcode Swaps the values of the elements the given
iterators \c a and \c b are pointing to. \c It should be a random access iterator.
- \code bool Compare::operator()( const T& x, const T& y ) \endcode True if x comes before y;
/** \name parallel_sort
See also requirements on \ref parallel_sort_iter_req "iterators for parallel_sort". **/
//! Sorts the data in [begin,end) using the given comparator
/** The compare function object is used for all comparisons between elements during sorting.
The compare object must define a bool operator() function.
@ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
void parallel_sort( RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, const Compare& comp) {
const int min_parallel_size = 500;
if( end > begin ) {
if (end - begin < min_parallel_size) {
std::sort(begin, end, comp);
} else {
interface9::internal::parallel_quick_sort(begin, end, comp);
//! Sorts the data in [begin,end) with a default comparator \c std::less<RandomAccessIterator>
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
inline void parallel_sort( RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end ) {
parallel_sort( begin, end, std::less< typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type >() );
//! Sorts the data in rng using the given comparator
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Compare>
void parallel_sort(Range& rng, const Compare& comp) {
parallel_sort(tbb::internal::first(rng), tbb::internal::last(rng), comp);
//! Sorts the data in const rng using the given comparator
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Compare>
void parallel_sort(const Range& rng, const Compare& comp) {
parallel_sort(tbb::internal::first(rng), tbb::internal::last(rng), comp);
//! Sorts the data in rng with a default comparator \c std::less<RandomAccessIterator>
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range>
void parallel_sort(Range& rng) {
parallel_sort(tbb::internal::first(rng), tbb::internal::last(rng));
//! Sorts the data in const rng with a default comparator \c std::less<RandomAccessIterator>
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range>
void parallel_sort(const Range& rng) {
parallel_sort(tbb::internal::first(rng), tbb::internal::last(rng));
//! Sorts the data in the range \c [begin,end) with a default comparator \c std::less<T>
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename T>
inline void parallel_sort( T * begin, T * end ) {
parallel_sort( begin, end, std::less< T >() );
} // namespace tbb