2016-04-28 15:40:36 -04:00

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Copyright 2005-2016 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks. Threading Building Blocks is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Threading Building Blocks is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of
the GNU General Public License along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without
restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline
functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce
an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other
reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
#ifndef __TBB_tbb_thread_H
#define __TBB_tbb_thread_H
#include "tbb_stddef.h"
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
#include "machine/windows_api.h"
#define __TBB_NATIVE_THREAD_ROUTINE_PTR(r) unsigned (WINAPI* r)( void* )
namespace tbb { namespace internal {
typedef size_t thread_id_type;
typedef DWORD thread_id_type;
#endif // __TBB_WIN8UI_SUPPORT
}} //namespace tbb::internal
#define __TBB_NATIVE_THREAD_ROUTINE_PTR(r) void* (*r)( void* )
#include <pthread.h>
namespace tbb { namespace internal {
typedef pthread_t thread_id_type;
}} //namespace tbb::internal
#endif // _WIN32||_WIN64
#include "atomic.h"
#include "internal/_tbb_hash_compare_impl.h"
#include "tick_count.h"
// Suppress "C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled" warning in STL headers
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4530)
#include <utility> //for swap
#include <iosfwd>
#pragma warning (pop)
namespace tbb {
namespace internal {
class tbb_thread_v3;
inline void swap( internal::tbb_thread_v3& t1, internal::tbb_thread_v3& t2 ) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true);
namespace internal {
//! Allocate a closure
void* __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC allocate_closure_v3( size_t size );
//! Free a closure allocated by allocate_closure_v3
void __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC free_closure_v3( void* );
struct thread_closure_base {
void* operator new( size_t size ) {return allocate_closure_v3(size);}
void operator delete( void* ptr ) {free_closure_v3(ptr);}
template<class F> struct thread_closure_0: thread_closure_base {
F function;
static __TBB_NATIVE_THREAD_ROUTINE start_routine( void* c ) {
thread_closure_0 *self = static_cast<thread_closure_0*>(c);
delete self;
return 0;
thread_closure_0( const F& f ) : function(f) {}
//! Structure used to pass user function with 1 argument to thread.
template<class F, class X> struct thread_closure_1: thread_closure_base {
F function;
X arg1;
//! Routine passed to Windows's _beginthreadex by thread::internal_start() inside tbb.dll
static __TBB_NATIVE_THREAD_ROUTINE start_routine( void* c ) {
thread_closure_1 *self = static_cast<thread_closure_1*>(c);
delete self;
return 0;
thread_closure_1( const F& f, const X& x ) : function(f), arg1(x) {}
template<class F, class X, class Y> struct thread_closure_2: thread_closure_base {
F function;
X arg1;
Y arg2;
//! Routine passed to Windows's _beginthreadex by thread::internal_start() inside tbb.dll
static __TBB_NATIVE_THREAD_ROUTINE start_routine( void* c ) {
thread_closure_2 *self = static_cast<thread_closure_2*>(c);
self->function(self->arg1, self->arg2);
delete self;
return 0;
thread_closure_2( const F& f, const X& x, const Y& y ) : function(f), arg1(x), arg2(y) {}
//! Versioned thread class.
class tbb_thread_v3 {
// Workaround for a compiler bug: declaring the copy constructor as public
// enables use of the moving constructor.
// The definition is not provided in order to prohibit copying.
tbb_thread_v3(const tbb_thread_v3&); // = delete; // Deny access
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
typedef HANDLE native_handle_type;
typedef pthread_t native_handle_type;
#endif // _WIN32||_WIN64
class id;
//! Constructs a thread object that does not represent a thread of execution.
tbb_thread_v3() __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true) : my_handle(0)
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
, my_thread_id(0)
#endif // _WIN32||_WIN64
//! Constructs an object and executes f() in a new thread
template <class F> explicit tbb_thread_v3(F f) {
typedef internal::thread_closure_0<F> closure_type;
internal_start(closure_type::start_routine, new closure_type(f));
//! Constructs an object and executes f(x) in a new thread
template <class F, class X> tbb_thread_v3(F f, X x) {
typedef internal::thread_closure_1<F,X> closure_type;
internal_start(closure_type::start_routine, new closure_type(f,x));
//! Constructs an object and executes f(x,y) in a new thread
template <class F, class X, class Y> tbb_thread_v3(F f, X x, Y y) {
typedef internal::thread_closure_2<F,X,Y> closure_type;
internal_start(closure_type::start_routine, new closure_type(f,x,y));
tbb_thread_v3(tbb_thread_v3&& x) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true)
: my_handle(x.my_handle)
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
, my_thread_id(x.my_thread_id)
tbb_thread_v3& operator=(tbb_thread_v3&& x) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true) {
return *this;
tbb_thread_v3& operator=(const tbb_thread_v3& x); // = delete;
tbb_thread_v3& operator=(tbb_thread_v3& x) {
return *this;
void swap( tbb_thread_v3& t ) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true) {tbb::swap( *this, t );}
bool joinable() const __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true) {return my_handle!=0; }
//! The completion of the thread represented by *this happens before join() returns.
void __TBB_EXPORTED_METHOD join();
//! When detach() returns, *this no longer represents the possibly continuing thread of execution.
void __TBB_EXPORTED_METHOD detach();
~tbb_thread_v3() {if( joinable() ) detach();}
inline id get_id() const __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true);
native_handle_type native_handle() { return my_handle; }
//! The number of hardware thread contexts.
/** Before TBB 3.0 U4 this methods returned the number of logical CPU in
the system. Currently on Windows, Linux and FreeBSD it returns the
number of logical CPUs available to the current process in accordance
with its affinity mask.
NOTE: The return value of this method never changes after its first
invocation. This means that changes in the process affinity mask that
took place after this method was first invoked will not affect the
number of worker threads in the TBB worker threads pool. **/
static unsigned __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC hardware_concurrency() __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true);
native_handle_type my_handle;
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
thread_id_type my_thread_id;
#endif // _WIN32||_WIN64
void internal_wipe() __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true) {
my_handle = 0;
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
my_thread_id = 0;
void internal_move(tbb_thread_v3& x) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true) {
if (joinable()) detach();
my_handle = x.my_handle;
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
my_thread_id = x.my_thread_id;
#endif // _WIN32||_WIN64
/** Runs start_routine(closure) on another thread and sets my_handle to the handle of the created thread. */
void __TBB_EXPORTED_METHOD internal_start( __TBB_NATIVE_THREAD_ROUTINE_PTR(start_routine),
void* closure );
friend void __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC move_v3( tbb_thread_v3& t1, tbb_thread_v3& t2 );
friend void tbb::swap( tbb_thread_v3& t1, tbb_thread_v3& t2 ) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true);
class tbb_thread_v3::id {
thread_id_type my_id;
id( thread_id_type id_ ) : my_id(id_) {}
friend class tbb_thread_v3;
id() __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true) : my_id(0) {}
friend bool operator==( tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y ) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true);
friend bool operator!=( tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y ) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true);
friend bool operator<( tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y ) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true);
friend bool operator<=( tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y ) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true);
friend bool operator>( tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y ) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true);
friend bool operator>=( tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y ) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true);
template<class charT, class traits>
friend std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<< (std::basic_ostream<charT, traits> &out,
tbb_thread_v3::id id)
out << id.my_id;
return out;
friend tbb_thread_v3::id __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC thread_get_id_v3();
friend inline size_t tbb_hasher( const tbb_thread_v3::id& id ) {
__TBB_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(id.my_id) <= sizeof(size_t), "Implementaion assumes that thread_id_type fits into machine word");
return tbb::tbb_hasher(id.my_id);
// A workaround for lack of tbb::atomic<id> (which would require id to be POD in C++03).
friend id atomic_compare_and_swap(id& location, const id& value, const id& comparand){
return as_atomic(location.my_id).compare_and_swap(value.my_id, comparand.my_id);
}; // tbb_thread_v3::id
tbb_thread_v3::id tbb_thread_v3::get_id() const __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true) {
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
return id(my_thread_id);
return id(my_handle);
#endif // _WIN32||_WIN64
void __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC move_v3( tbb_thread_v3& t1, tbb_thread_v3& t2 );
tbb_thread_v3::id __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC thread_get_id_v3();
void __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC thread_yield_v3();
void __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC thread_sleep_v3(const tick_count::interval_t &i);
inline bool operator==(tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true)
return x.my_id == y.my_id;
inline bool operator!=(tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true)
return x.my_id != y.my_id;
inline bool operator<(tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true)
return x.my_id < y.my_id;
inline bool operator<=(tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true)
return x.my_id <= y.my_id;
inline bool operator>(tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true)
return x.my_id > y.my_id;
inline bool operator>=(tbb_thread_v3::id x, tbb_thread_v3::id y) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true)
return x.my_id >= y.my_id;
} // namespace internal;
//! Users reference thread class by name tbb_thread
typedef internal::tbb_thread_v3 tbb_thread;
using internal::operator==;
using internal::operator!=;
using internal::operator<;
using internal::operator>;
using internal::operator<=;
using internal::operator>=;
inline void move( tbb_thread& t1, tbb_thread& t2 ) {
internal::move_v3(t1, t2);
inline void swap( internal::tbb_thread_v3& t1, internal::tbb_thread_v3& t2 ) __TBB_NOEXCEPT(true) {
std::swap(t1.my_handle, t2.my_handle);
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
std::swap(t1.my_thread_id, t2.my_thread_id);
#endif /* _WIN32||_WIN64 */
namespace this_tbb_thread {
inline tbb_thread::id get_id() { return internal::thread_get_id_v3(); }
//! Offers the operating system the opportunity to schedule another thread.
inline void yield() { internal::thread_yield_v3(); }
//! The current thread blocks at least until the time specified.
inline void sleep(const tick_count::interval_t &i) {
} // namespace this_tbb_thread
} // namespace tbb
#endif /* __TBB_tbb_thread_H */