210 lines
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210 lines
6.5 KiB
function train_CNN_model(varargin)
setup('useGPU', true);
% Load the data
root_loc = 'D:\Datasets\detection_validation';
location = [root_loc, '/prep_data/'];
faceCheckersLoc_train = dir([location 'face_validator_train_*']);
faceCheckersLoc_test = dir([location 'face_validator_test_*']);
corrs_all = [];
rmses_all = [];
faceCheckers = struct;
% As we will be training a classifier that will act as a regressor,
% binarize it
num_bins = 30;
for i=1:numel(faceCheckersLoc_train)
load([location faceCheckersLoc_train(i).name]);
% set a max value to the error
errors(errors > 3) = 3;
errors_train = quantizeContinuous(errors, 0, 3, num_bins);
examples_train = single(examples);
clear examples
mean_ex = mean(examples_train);
std_ex = std(examples_train);
std_ex = std_ex / 256;
examples_train = bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@minus, examples_train, mean_ex), 1./std_ex);
num_examples_train = size(examples_train,1);
% Add rows and columns untill we have 60 x 60 image
% keep adding rows
while(size(mask,1) < 60)
mask = cat(1, mask, false(1, size(mask,2)));
triX = cat(1, triX, -ones(1, size(mask,2)));
% keep adding cols
while(size(mask,2) < 60)
mask = cat(2, mask, false(size(mask,1),1));
triX = cat(2, triX, -ones(size(triX,1),1));
examples_r = single(zeros(size(mask, 1), size(mask, 2), num_examples_train));
img_curr = zeros(size(mask));
for e=1:num_examples_train
img_curr(mask) = examples_train(e,:);
examples_r(:, :, e) = img_curr;
imdb.images.data = examples_r;
clear examples_r
imdb.images.label = errors_train';
imdb.images.id = 1:numel(errors_train);
% Split data for training and validation (20%)
imdb.images.set = ones(1, numel(errors_train));
imdb.images.set(round(4*end/5):end) = 2;
% Visualize some of the data
figure(10) ; clf ; colormap gray ;
subplot(1,2,1) ;
pos_samples = squeeze(imdb.images.data(:,:,imdb.images.label==1));
vl_imarraysc(pos_samples(:,:,1:20)) ;
axis image off ;
title('Positive training data') ;
subplot(1,2,2) ;
neg_samples = squeeze(imdb.images.data(:,:,imdb.images.label>5));
vl_imarraysc(neg_samples(:,:,1:20)) ;
axis image off ;
title('Negative training data') ;
net = initializeFaceCNN(num_bins) ;
trainOpts.batchSize = 100 ;
trainOpts.numEpochs = 20;
trainOpts.continue = true ;
trainOpts.gpus = [1] ;
trainOpts.learningRate = 0.001 ;
trainOpts.expDir = ['trained/intermediate/face_validator_' num2str(i)];
trainOpts.errorFunction = 'regression';
trainOpts = vl_argparse(trainOpts, varargin);
% Call training function in MatConvNet
[net,info] = cnn_train_reg(net, imdb, @getBatch, trainOpts) ;
% Move the CNN back to the CPU if it was trained on the GPU
if numel(trainOpts.gpus) > 0
net = vl_simplenn_move(net, 'cpu') ;
% Save the result for later use
net.layers(end) = [] ;
net.imageMean = mean_ex ;
net.imageStd = std_ex;
% save('data/face-experiment/facecnn.mat', '-struct', 'net') ;
% Evaluate on the test data, also evaluate using correlation and RMSE
load([location faceCheckersLoc_test(i).name]);
% set a max value to the error
errors(errors > 3) = 3;
errors_test = errors;
errors_q = quantizeContinuous(errors, 0, 3, num_bins);
errors_test_q = errors_q;
examples_test = single(examples);
examples_test = bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@minus, examples_test, net.imageMean), 1./net.imageStd);
num_examples_test = size(examples_test,1);
% keep adding rows
while(size(mask,1) < 60)
mask = cat(1, mask, false(1, size(mask,2)));
triX = cat(1, triX, -ones(1, size(mask,2)));
% keep adding cols
while(size(mask,2) < 60)
mask = cat(2, mask, false(size(mask,1),1));
triX = cat(2, triX, -ones(size(triX,1),1));
examples_r = single(zeros(size(mask, 1), size(mask, 2), num_examples_test));
img_curr = zeros(size(mask));
for e=1:num_examples_test
img_curr(mask) = examples_test(e,:);
examples_r(:, :, e) = img_curr;
examples_test = zeros(size(examples_r,1), size(examples_r,2), 1, size(examples_r,3));
examples_test(:) = single(examples_r(:));
ids = 1:99:num_examples_test;
errors_all_test = zeros(num_examples_test,1);
for k=1:numel(ids)-1
examples_test_sm = single(examples_test(:,:,:,ids(k):ids(k+1)-1));
res = vl_simplenn(net, examples_test_sm, [], []);
res = gather(res(end).x);
[~,res] = sort(res, 3, 'descend') ;
res = squeeze(res);
res = res(1,:);
errors_test_rec = unQuantizeContinuous(res, 0, 3, num_bins)';
errors_all_test(ids(k):ids(k+1)-1) = errors_test_rec;
errors_all_test = errors_all_test(1:ids(end));
corrs_test = corr(errors_all_test, errors_test(1:numel(errors_all_test)));
rmse_test = sqrt(mean((errors_all_test-errors_test(1:numel(errors_all_test))).^2));
corrs_all = cat(1, corrs_all, corrs_test);
rmses_all = cat(1, rmses_all, rmse_test);
net.corrs = corrs_test;
net.rmse = rmse_test;
save([trainOpts.expDir, '/facecnn.mat'], '-struct', 'net');
% The CNN
faceCheckers(i).cnn = net;
% The orientation
faceCheckers(i).centres = centres;
% The info for preprocessing
faceCheckers(i).mask = mask;
faceCheckers(i).nPix = nPix;
faceCheckers(i).minX = minX;
faceCheckers(i).minY = minY;
faceCheckers(i).destination = shape(:,1:2);
tri = load([location faceCheckersLoc_train(i).name], 'triangulation');
faceCheckers(i).triangulation = tri.triangulation;
faceCheckers(i).triX = triX;
faceCheckers(i).mask = mask;
faceCheckers(i).alphas = alphas;
faceCheckers(i).betas = betas;
faceCheckers(i).mean_ex = mean_ex;
faceCheckers(i).std_ex = std_ex;
WriteOutFaceCheckersCNNbinary("trained/validator_cnn.txt", faceCheckers);
save('trained/faceCheckers.mat', 'faceCheckers', 'corrs_all', 'rmses_all');
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function [im, labels] = getBatch(imdb, batch)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
im = imdb.images.data(:,:,batch) ;
im = reshape(im, 60, 60, 1, []) ;
labels = imdb.images.label(1,batch) ;