
61 lines
1.7 KiB

% compile.m should work for Linux and Mac.
% To Windows users:
% If you are using a Windows machine, please use the basic convolution (
% This can be done by commenting out line 13 and uncommenting line 15 in
% compile.m
% load and visualize model
% Pre-trained model with 146 parts. Works best for faces larger than 80*80
% load face_p146_small.mat
% % Pre-trained model with 99 parts. Works best for faces larger than 150*150
load face_p99.mat
% % Pre-trained model with 1050 parts. Give best performance on localization, but very slow
% load multipie_independent.mat
% disp('Model visualization');
% visualizemodel(model,1:13);
% disp('press any key to continue');
% pause;
% 5 levels for each octave
model.interval = 5;
% set up the threshold
model.thresh = min(-0.65, model.thresh);
% define the mapping from view-specific mixture id to viewpoint
if length(model.components)==13
posemap = 90:-15:-90;
elseif length(model.components)==18
posemap = [90:-15:15 0 0 0 0 0 0 -15:-15:-90];
error('Can not recognize this model');
ims = dir('images/*.jpg');
for i = 1:length(ims),
fprintf('testing: %d/%d\n', i, length(ims));
im = imread(['images/' ims(i).name]);
clf; imagesc(im); axis image; axis off; drawnow;
bs = detect(im, model, model.thresh);
bs = clipboxes(im, bs);
bs = nms_face(bs,0.3);
dettime = toc;
% show highest scoring one
figure,showboxes(im, bs(1),posemap),title('Highest scoring detection');
% show all
figure,showboxes(im, bs,posemap),title('All detections above the threshold');
fprintf('Detection took %.1f seconds\n',dettime);
disp('press any key to continue');
close all;