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Copyright 2005-2016 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks. Threading Building Blocks is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Threading Building Blocks is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of
the GNU General Public License along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without
restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline
functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce
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by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other
reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
#ifndef __TBB_parallel_do_H
#define __TBB_parallel_do_H
#include "internal/_range_iterator.h"
#include "internal/_template_helpers.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "aligned_space.h"
#include <iterator>
namespace tbb {
//! @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal {
template<typename Body, typename Item> class parallel_do_feeder_impl;
template<typename Body> class do_group_task;
} // namespace internal
//! @endcond
//! Class the user supplied algorithm body uses to add new tasks
/** \param Item Work item type **/
template<typename Item>
class parallel_do_feeder: internal::no_copy
parallel_do_feeder() {}
virtual ~parallel_do_feeder () {}
virtual void internal_add( const Item& item ) = 0;
template<typename Body_, typename Item_> friend class internal::parallel_do_feeder_impl;
//! Add a work item to a running parallel_do.
// TODO: add an overload for r-value reference
void add( const Item& item ) {internal_add(item);}
//! @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal {
//! For internal use only.
/** Selects one of the two possible forms of function call member operator.
@ingroup algorithms **/
template<class Body, typename Item>
class parallel_do_operator_selector
typedef parallel_do_feeder<Item> Feeder;
template<typename A1, typename A2, typename CvItem >
static void internal_call( const Body& obj, A1& arg1, A2&, void (Body::*)(CvItem) const ) {
template<typename A1, typename A2, typename CvItem >
static void internal_call( const Body& obj, A1& arg1, A2& arg2, void (Body::*)(CvItem, parallel_do_feeder<Item>&) const ) {
obj(arg1, arg2);
template<typename A1, typename A2 >
static void call( const Body& obj, A1& arg1, A2& arg2 )
internal_call( obj, arg1, arg2, &Body::operator() );
//! For internal use only.
/** Executes one iteration of a do.
@ingroup algorithms */
template<typename Body, typename Item>
class do_iteration_task: public task
typedef parallel_do_feeder_impl<Body, Item> feeder_type;
Item my_value;
feeder_type& my_feeder;
do_iteration_task( const Item& value, feeder_type& feeder ) :
my_value(value), my_feeder(feeder)
task* execute()
// TODO: use move semantics for my_value
parallel_do_operator_selector<Body, Item>::call(*my_feeder.my_body, my_value, my_feeder);
return NULL;
template<typename Body_, typename Item_> friend class parallel_do_feeder_impl;
}; // class do_iteration_task
template<typename Iterator, typename Body, typename Item>
class do_iteration_task_iter: public task
typedef parallel_do_feeder_impl<Body, Item> feeder_type;
Iterator my_iter;
feeder_type& my_feeder;
do_iteration_task_iter( const Iterator& iter, feeder_type& feeder ) :
my_iter(iter), my_feeder(feeder)
task* execute()
parallel_do_operator_selector<Body, Item>::call(*my_feeder.my_body, *my_iter, my_feeder);
return NULL;
template<typename Iterator_, typename Body_, typename Item_> friend class do_group_task_forward;
template<typename Body_, typename Item_> friend class do_group_task_input;
template<typename Iterator_, typename Body_, typename Item_> friend class do_task_iter;
}; // class do_iteration_task_iter
//! For internal use only.
/** Implements new task adding procedure.
@ingroup algorithms **/
template<class Body, typename Item>
class parallel_do_feeder_impl : public parallel_do_feeder<Item>
void internal_add( const Item& item )
typedef do_iteration_task<Body, Item> iteration_type;
iteration_type& t = *new (task::allocate_additional_child_of(*my_barrier)) iteration_type(item, *this);
t.spawn( t );
const Body* my_body;
empty_task* my_barrier;
my_barrier = new( task::allocate_root() ) empty_task();
__TBB_ASSERT(my_barrier, "root task allocation failed");
parallel_do_feeder_impl(tbb::task_group_context &context)
my_barrier = new( task::allocate_root(context) ) empty_task();
__TBB_ASSERT(my_barrier, "root task allocation failed");
}; // class parallel_do_feeder_impl
//! For internal use only
/** Unpacks a block of iterations.
@ingroup algorithms */
template<typename Iterator, typename Body, typename Item>
class do_group_task_forward: public task
static const size_t max_arg_size = 4;
typedef parallel_do_feeder_impl<Body, Item> feeder_type;
feeder_type& my_feeder;
Iterator my_first;
size_t my_size;
do_group_task_forward( Iterator first, size_t size, feeder_type& feeder )
: my_feeder(feeder), my_first(first), my_size(size)
/*override*/ task* execute()
typedef do_iteration_task_iter<Iterator, Body, Item> iteration_type;
__TBB_ASSERT( my_size>0, NULL );
task_list list;
task* t;
size_t k=0;
for(;;) {
t = new( allocate_child() ) iteration_type( my_first, my_feeder );
if( ++k==my_size ) break;
return NULL;
template<typename Iterator_, typename Body_, typename _Item> friend class do_task_iter;
}; // class do_group_task_forward
template<typename Body, typename Item>
class do_group_task_input: public task
static const size_t max_arg_size = 4;
typedef parallel_do_feeder_impl<Body, Item> feeder_type;
feeder_type& my_feeder;
size_t my_size;
aligned_space<Item, max_arg_size> my_arg;
do_group_task_input( feeder_type& feeder )
: my_feeder(feeder), my_size(0)
/*override*/ task* execute()
typedef do_iteration_task_iter<Item*, Body, Item> iteration_type;
__TBB_ASSERT( my_size>0, NULL );
task_list list;
task* t;
size_t k=0;
for(;;) {
t = new( allocate_child() ) iteration_type( my_arg.begin() + k, my_feeder );
if( ++k==my_size ) break;
return NULL;
for( size_t k=0; k<my_size; ++k)
(my_arg.begin() + k)->~Item();
template<typename Iterator_, typename Body_, typename Item_> friend class do_task_iter;
}; // class do_group_task_input
//! For internal use only.
/** Gets block of iterations and packages them into a do_group_task.
@ingroup algorithms */
template<typename Iterator, typename Body, typename Item>
class do_task_iter: public task
typedef parallel_do_feeder_impl<Body, Item> feeder_type;
do_task_iter( Iterator first, Iterator last , feeder_type& feeder ) :
my_first(first), my_last(last), my_feeder(feeder)
Iterator my_first;
Iterator my_last;
feeder_type& my_feeder;
/* Do not merge run(xxx) and run_xxx() methods. They are separated in order
to make sure that compilers will eliminate unused argument of type xxx
(that is will not put it on stack). The sole purpose of this argument
is overload resolution.
An alternative could be using template functions, but explicit specialization
of member function templates is not supported for non specialized class
templates. Besides template functions would always fall back to the least
efficient variant (the one for input iterators) in case of iterators having
custom tags derived from basic ones. */
/*override*/ task* execute()
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category iterator_tag;
return run( (iterator_tag*)NULL );
/** This is the most restricted variant that operates on input iterators or
iterators with unknown tags (tags not derived from the standard ones). **/
inline task* run( void* ) { return run_for_input_iterator(); }
task* run_for_input_iterator() {
typedef do_group_task_input<Body, Item> block_type;
block_type& t = *new( allocate_additional_child_of(*my_feeder.my_barrier) ) block_type(my_feeder);
size_t k=0;
while( !(my_first == my_last) ) {
// TODO: move *my_first
new (t.my_arg.begin() + k) Item(*my_first);
if( ++k==block_type::max_arg_size ) {
if ( !(my_first == my_last) )
if( k==0 ) {
return NULL;
} else {
t.my_size = k;
return &t;
inline task* run( std::forward_iterator_tag* ) { return run_for_forward_iterator(); }
task* run_for_forward_iterator() {
typedef do_group_task_forward<Iterator, Body, Item> block_type;
Iterator first = my_first;
size_t k=0;
while( !(my_first==my_last) ) {
if( ++k==block_type::max_arg_size ) {
if ( !(my_first==my_last) )
return k==0 ? NULL : new( allocate_additional_child_of(*my_feeder.my_barrier) ) block_type(first, k, my_feeder);
inline task* run( std::random_access_iterator_tag* ) { return run_for_random_access_iterator(); }
task* run_for_random_access_iterator() {
typedef do_group_task_forward<Iterator, Body, Item> block_type;
typedef do_iteration_task_iter<Iterator, Body, Item> iteration_type;
size_t k = static_cast<size_t>(my_last-my_first);
if( k > block_type::max_arg_size ) {
Iterator middle = my_first + k/2;
empty_task& c = *new( allocate_continuation() ) empty_task;
do_task_iter& b = *new( c.allocate_child() ) do_task_iter(middle, my_last, my_feeder);
my_last = middle;
return this;
}else if( k != 0 ) {
task_list list;
task* t;
size_t k1=0;
for(;;) {
t = new( allocate_child() ) iteration_type(my_first, my_feeder);
if( ++k1==k ) break;
return NULL;
}; // class do_task_iter
//! For internal use only.
/** Implements parallel iteration over a range.
@ingroup algorithms */
template<typename Iterator, typename Body, typename Item>
void run_parallel_do( Iterator first, Iterator last, const Body& body
, task_group_context& context
typedef do_task_iter<Iterator, Body, Item> root_iteration_task;
parallel_do_feeder_impl<Body, Item> feeder(context);
parallel_do_feeder_impl<Body, Item> feeder;
feeder.my_body = &body;
root_iteration_task &t = *new( feeder.my_barrier->allocate_child() ) root_iteration_task(first, last, feeder);
//! For internal use only.
/** Detects types of Body's operator function arguments.
@ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Iterator, typename Body, typename Item>
void select_parallel_do( Iterator first, Iterator last, const Body& body, void (Body::*)(Item) const
, task_group_context& context
run_parallel_do<Iterator, Body, typename strip<Item>::type>( first, last, body
, context
//! For internal use only.
/** Detects types of Body's operator function arguments.
@ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Iterator, typename Body, typename Item, typename _Item>
void select_parallel_do( Iterator first, Iterator last, const Body& body, void (Body::*)(Item, parallel_do_feeder<_Item>&) const
, task_group_context& context
run_parallel_do<Iterator, Body, typename strip<Item>::type>( first, last, body
, context
} // namespace internal
//! @endcond
/** \page parallel_do_body_req Requirements on parallel_do body
Class \c Body implementing the concept of parallel_do body must define:
- \code
cv_item_type item,
parallel_do_feeder<item_type>& feeder
) const
B::operator()( cv_item_type& item ) const
\endcode Process item.
May be invoked concurrently for the same \c this but different \c item.
- \code item_type( const item_type& ) \endcode
Copy a work item.
- \code ~item_type() \endcode Destroy a work item
/** \name parallel_do
See also requirements on \ref parallel_do_body_req "parallel_do Body". **/
//! Parallel iteration over a range, with optional addition of more work.
/** @ingroup algorithms */
template<typename Iterator, typename Body>
void parallel_do( Iterator first, Iterator last, const Body& body )
if ( first == last )
task_group_context context;
internal::select_parallel_do( first, last, body, &Body::operator()
, context
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_do(Range& rng, const Body& body) {
parallel_do(tbb::internal::first(rng), tbb::internal::last(rng), body);
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_do(const Range& rng, const Body& body) {
parallel_do(tbb::internal::first(rng), tbb::internal::last(rng), body);
//! Parallel iteration over a range, with optional addition of more work and user-supplied context
/** @ingroup algorithms */
template<typename Iterator, typename Body>
void parallel_do( Iterator first, Iterator last, const Body& body, task_group_context& context )
if ( first == last )
internal::select_parallel_do( first, last, body, &Body::operator(), context );
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_do(Range& rng, const Body& body, task_group_context& context) {
parallel_do(tbb::internal::first(rng), tbb::internal::last(rng), body, context);
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_do(const Range& rng, const Body& body, task_group_context& context) {
parallel_do(tbb::internal::first(rng), tbb::internal::last(rng), body, context);
} // namespace
#endif /* __TBB_parallel_do_H */