
84 lines
2.7 KiB

% Change to your downloaded location
num_test_folds = 5;
%% load shared definitions and AU data
% Set up the hyperparameters to be validated
hyperparams.c = 10.^(-7:1:3);
hyperparams.p = 10.^(-2);
hyperparams.validate_params = {'c', 'p'};
% Set the training function
svr_train = @svr_train_linear_shift;
% Set the test function (the first output will be used for validation)
svr_test = @svr_test_linear_shift;
test_folds = get_test_folds(num_test_folds, users);
for a=1:numel(aus)
au = aus(a);
prediction_all = [];
test_all = [];
fprintf('Training AU%d ', au);
for t=1:num_test_folds
rest_aus = setdiff(all_aus, au);
% load the training and testing data for the current fold
[~, ~, test_samples, test_labels, ~, ~, ~, ~, test_ids, test_success] = Prepare_HOG_AU_data_generic_dynamic({}, test_folds{t}, au, rest_aus, hog_data_dir);
% create the training and validation data
users_train = setdiff(users, unique(test_ids));
% make sure validation data's labels are balanced
[users_train, users_valid] = get_balanced_fold(DISFA_dir, users_train, au, 1/4, 1);
% need to split the rest
[train_samples, train_labels, valid_samples, valid_labels, ~, PC, means, scaling, valid_ids, valid_success] = Prepare_HOG_AU_data_generic_dynamic(users_train, users_valid, au, rest_aus, hog_data_dir);
train_samples = sparse(train_samples);
valid_samples = sparse(valid_samples);
test_samples = sparse(test_samples);
%% Cross-validate here
hyperparams.success = valid_success;
hyperparams.valid_samples = valid_samples;
hyperparams.valid_labels = valid_labels;
hyperparams.vid_ids = valid_ids;
[ best_params, ~ ] = validate_grid_search_no_par(svr_train, svr_test, false, train_samples, train_labels, valid_samples, valid_labels, hyperparams);
model = svr_train(train_labels, train_samples, best_params);
model.success = test_success;
model.success = test_success;
model.vid_ids = test_ids;
[~, prediction] = svr_test(test_labels, test_samples, model);
prediction_all = cat(1, prediction_all, prediction);
test_all = cat(1, test_all, test_labels);
fprintf('done fold %d ', t);
name = sprintf('5_fold_shift/AU_%d_dyn_shift.mat', au);
[ accuracies, F1s, corrs, ccc, rms, classes ] = evaluate_regression_results( prediction_all, test_all );
save(name, 'model', 'accuracies', 'F1s', 'corrs', 'rms', 'ccc', 'prediction_all', 'test_all');