2016-04-28 15:40:36 -04:00

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Copyright 2005-2016 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks. Threading Building Blocks is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Threading Building Blocks is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of
the GNU General Public License along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without
restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline
functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce
an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
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reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
#ifndef __TBB_parallel_for_H
#define __TBB_parallel_for_H
#include <new>
#include "task.h"
#include "partitioner.h"
#include "blocked_range.h"
#include "tbb_exception.h"
namespace tbb {
namespace interface9 {
//! @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal {
//! allocate right task with new parent
void* allocate_sibling(task* start_for_task, size_t bytes);
//! Task type used in parallel_for
/** @ingroup algorithms */
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner>
class start_for: public task {
Range my_range;
const Body my_body;
typename Partitioner::task_partition_type my_partition;
/*override*/ task* execute();
//! Update affinity info, if any.
/*override*/ void note_affinity( affinity_id id ) {
my_partition.note_affinity( id );
//! Constructor for root task.
start_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, Partitioner& partitioner ) :
//! Splitting constructor used to generate children.
/** parent_ becomes left child. Newly constructed object is right child. */
start_for( start_for& parent_, typename Partitioner::split_type& split_obj) :
my_range(parent_.my_range, split_obj),
my_partition(parent_.my_partition, split_obj)
//! Construct right child from the given range as response to the demand.
/** parent_ remains left child. Newly constructed object is right child. */
start_for( start_for& parent_, const Range& r, depth_t d ) :
my_partition(parent_.my_partition, split())
my_partition.align_depth( d );
static void run( const Range& range, const Body& body, Partitioner& partitioner ) {
if( !range.empty() ) {
start_for& a = *new(task::allocate_root()) start_for(range,body,partitioner);
// Bound context prevents exceptions from body to affect nesting or sibling algorithms,
// and allows users to handle exceptions safely by wrapping parallel_for in the try-block.
task_group_context context;
start_for& a = *new(task::allocate_root(context)) start_for(range,body,partitioner);
static void run( const Range& range, const Body& body, Partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
if( !range.empty() ) {
start_for& a = *new(task::allocate_root(context)) start_for(range,body,partitioner);
//! Run body for range, serves as callback for partitioner
void run_body( Range &r ) { my_body( r ); }
//! spawn right task, serves as callback for partitioner
void offer_work(typename Partitioner::split_type& split_obj) {
spawn( *new( allocate_sibling(static_cast<task*>(this), sizeof(start_for)) ) start_for(*this, split_obj) );
//! spawn right task, serves as callback for partitioner
void offer_work(const Range& r, depth_t d = 0) {
spawn( *new( allocate_sibling(static_cast<task*>(this), sizeof(start_for)) ) start_for(*this, r, d) );
//! allocate right task with new parent
// TODO: 'inline' here is to avoid multiple definition error but for sake of code size this should not be inlined
inline void* allocate_sibling(task* start_for_task, size_t bytes) {
task* parent_ptr = new( start_for_task->allocate_continuation() ) flag_task();
return &parent_ptr->allocate_child().allocate(bytes);
//! execute task for parallel_for
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner>
task* start_for<Range,Body,Partitioner>::execute() {
my_partition.check_being_stolen( *this );
my_partition.execute(*this, my_range);
return NULL;
} // namespace internal
//! @endcond
} // namespace interfaceX
//! @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal {
using interface9::internal::start_for;
//! Calls the function with values from range [begin, end) with a step provided
template<typename Function, typename Index>
class parallel_for_body : internal::no_assign {
const Function &my_func;
const Index my_begin;
const Index my_step;
parallel_for_body( const Function& _func, Index& _begin, Index& _step )
: my_func(_func), my_begin(_begin), my_step(_step) {}
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<Index>& r ) const {
// A set of local variables to help the compiler with vectorization of the following loop.
Index b = r.begin();
Index e = r.end();
Index ms = my_step;
Index k = my_begin + b*ms;
#pragma ivdep
#pragma vector always assert
for ( Index i = b; i < e; ++i, k += ms ) {
my_func( k );
} // namespace internal
//! @endcond
// Requirements on Range concept are documented in blocked_range.h
/** \page parallel_for_body_req Requirements on parallel_for body
Class \c Body implementing the concept of parallel_for body must define:
- \code Body::Body( const Body& ); \endcode Copy constructor
- \code Body::~Body(); \endcode Destructor
- \code void Body::operator()( Range& r ) const; \endcode Function call operator applying the body to range \c r.
/** \name parallel_for
See also requirements on \ref range_req "Range" and \ref parallel_for_body_req "parallel_for Body". **/
//! Parallel iteration over range with default partitioner.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body ) {
internal::start_for<Range,Body,const __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER>::run(range,body,__TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER());
//! Parallel iteration over range with simple partitioner.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, const simple_partitioner& partitioner ) {
internal::start_for<Range,Body,const simple_partitioner>::run(range,body,partitioner);
//! Parallel iteration over range with auto_partitioner.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, const auto_partitioner& partitioner ) {
internal::start_for<Range,Body,const auto_partitioner>::run(range,body,partitioner);
//! Parallel iteration over range with static_partitioner.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, const static_partitioner& partitioner ) {
internal::start_for<Range,Body,const static_partitioner>::run(range,body,partitioner);
//! Parallel iteration over range with affinity_partitioner.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, affinity_partitioner& partitioner ) {
//! Parallel iteration over range with default partitioner and user-supplied context.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, task_group_context& context ) {
internal::start_for<Range,Body,const __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER>::run(range, body, __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER(), context);
//! Parallel iteration over range with simple partitioner and user-supplied context.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, const simple_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
internal::start_for<Range,Body,const simple_partitioner>::run(range, body, partitioner, context);
//! Parallel iteration over range with auto_partitioner and user-supplied context.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, const auto_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
internal::start_for<Range,Body,const auto_partitioner>::run(range, body, partitioner, context);
//! Parallel iteration over range with static_partitioner and user-supplied context.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, const static_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
internal::start_for<Range,Body,const static_partitioner>::run(range, body, partitioner, context);
//! Parallel iteration over range with affinity_partitioner and user-supplied context.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, affinity_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
internal::start_for<Range,Body,affinity_partitioner>::run(range,body,partitioner, context);
namespace strict_ppl {
//! Implementation of parallel iteration over stepped range of integers with explicit step and partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function, typename Partitioner>
void parallel_for_impl(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f, Partitioner& partitioner) {
if (step <= 0 )
internal::throw_exception(internal::eid_nonpositive_step); // throws std::invalid_argument
else if (last > first) {
// Above "else" avoids "potential divide by zero" warning on some platforms
Index end = (last - first - Index(1)) / step + Index(1);
tbb::blocked_range<Index> range(static_cast<Index>(0), end);
internal::parallel_for_body<Function, Index> body(f, first, step);
tbb::parallel_for(range, body, partitioner);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a step provided and default partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const auto_partitioner>(first, last, step, f, auto_partitioner());
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a step provided and simple partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f, const simple_partitioner& partitioner) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const simple_partitioner>(first, last, step, f, partitioner);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a step provided and auto partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f, const auto_partitioner& partitioner) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const auto_partitioner>(first, last, step, f, partitioner);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a step provided and static partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f, const static_partitioner& partitioner) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const static_partitioner>(first, last, step, f, partitioner);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a step provided and affinity partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f, affinity_partitioner& partitioner) {
parallel_for_impl(first, last, step, f, partitioner);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a default step value and default partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, const Function& f) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const auto_partitioner>(first, last, static_cast<Index>(1), f, auto_partitioner());
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a default step value and simple partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, const Function& f, const simple_partitioner& partitioner) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const simple_partitioner>(first, last, static_cast<Index>(1), f, partitioner);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a default step value and auto partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, const Function& f, const auto_partitioner& partitioner) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const auto_partitioner>(first, last, static_cast<Index>(1), f, partitioner);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a default step value and static partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, const Function& f, const static_partitioner& partitioner) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const static_partitioner>(first, last, static_cast<Index>(1), f, partitioner);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a default step value and affinity partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, const Function& f, affinity_partitioner& partitioner) {
parallel_for_impl(first, last, static_cast<Index>(1), f, partitioner);
//! Implementation of parallel iteration over stepped range of integers with explicit step, task group context, and partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function, typename Partitioner>
void parallel_for_impl(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f, Partitioner& partitioner, tbb::task_group_context &context) {
if (step <= 0 )
internal::throw_exception(internal::eid_nonpositive_step); // throws std::invalid_argument
else if (last > first) {
// Above "else" avoids "potential divide by zero" warning on some platforms
Index end = (last - first - Index(1)) / step + Index(1);
tbb::blocked_range<Index> range(static_cast<Index>(0), end);
internal::parallel_for_body<Function, Index> body(f, first, step);
tbb::parallel_for(range, body, partitioner, context);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with explicit step, task group context, and default partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f, tbb::task_group_context &context) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const auto_partitioner>(first, last, step, f, auto_partitioner(), context);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with explicit step, task group context, and simple partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f, const simple_partitioner& partitioner, tbb::task_group_context &context) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const simple_partitioner>(first, last, step, f, partitioner, context);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with explicit step, task group context, and auto partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f, const auto_partitioner& partitioner, tbb::task_group_context &context) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const auto_partitioner>(first, last, step, f, partitioner, context);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with explicit step, task group context, and static partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f, const static_partitioner& partitioner, tbb::task_group_context &context) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const static_partitioner>(first, last, step, f, partitioner, context);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with explicit step, task group context, and affinity partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, Index step, const Function& f, affinity_partitioner& partitioner, tbb::task_group_context &context) {
parallel_for_impl(first, last, step, f, partitioner, context);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a default step value, explicit task group context, and default partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, const Function& f, tbb::task_group_context &context) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const auto_partitioner>(first, last, static_cast<Index>(1), f, auto_partitioner(), context);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a default step value, explicit task group context, and simple partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, const Function& f, const simple_partitioner& partitioner, tbb::task_group_context &context) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const simple_partitioner>(first, last, static_cast<Index>(1), f, partitioner, context);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a default step value, explicit task group context, and auto partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, const Function& f, const auto_partitioner& partitioner, tbb::task_group_context &context) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const auto_partitioner>(first, last, static_cast<Index>(1), f, partitioner, context);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a default step value, explicit task group context, and static partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, const Function& f, const static_partitioner& partitioner, tbb::task_group_context &context) {
parallel_for_impl<Index,Function,const static_partitioner>(first, last, static_cast<Index>(1), f, partitioner, context);
//! Parallel iteration over a range of integers with a default step value, explicit task group context, and affinity_partitioner
template <typename Index, typename Function>
void parallel_for(Index first, Index last, const Function& f, affinity_partitioner& partitioner, tbb::task_group_context &context) {
parallel_for_impl(first, last, static_cast<Index>(1), f, partitioner, context);
} // namespace strict_ppl
using strict_ppl::parallel_for;
} // namespace tbb
#include "../serial/tbb/parallel_for.h"
#endif /* __TBB_parallel_for_H */