function setup(varargin) run vlfeat-0.9.20/toolbox/vl_setup ; run D:\soft\matconvnet-master\matconvnet-master\matlab/vl_setupnn ; addpath D:\soft\matconvnet-master\matconvnet-master\examples ; opts.useGpu = false ; opts.verbose = false ; opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin) ; try vl_nnconv(single(1),single(1),[]) ; catch warning('VL_NNCONV() does not seem to be compiled. Trying to compile it now.') ; vl_compilenn('enableGpu', opts.useGpu, 'verbose', opts.verbose) ; end if opts.useGpu try vl_nnconv(gpuArray(single(1)),gpuArray(single(1)),[]) ; catch vl_compilenn('enableGpu', opts.useGpu, 'verbose', opts.verbose) ; warning('GPU support does not seem to be compiled in MatConvNet. Trying to compile it now') ; end end