clear root_loc = 'E:/datasets/detection_validation/'; location = [root_loc, '/prep_data/']; faceCheckersLoc = dir([location 'face_checker_general_training_large_68_*']); training_ratio = 0.9; rng(0); for i=1:numel(faceCheckersLoc) load([location faceCheckersLoc(i).name]); % set a max value to the error errors(errors > 3) = 3; num_examples = size(examples, 1); training_cutoff = round(num_examples * training_ratio); % Randomise the samples before training new_inds = randperm(size(examples,1)); examples = examples(new_inds, :); errors = errors(new_inds); % Extract the mean and standard deviation and normalise by it, the % examples have been normalised individually, but this is a global % normalisation that follows it % picking training data for normalisation examples_train = examples(1:training_cutoff,:); mean_ex = mean(examples_train); std_ex = std(examples_train); examples = bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@minus, examples, mean_ex), 1./std_ex); kernel_1_size = 7; kernel_2_size = 5; % Convert the examples to wanted format (number rows and cols to allow from proper subsampling) % keep adding rows while(mod(size(mask,1)-kernel_1_size + 1, 2) == 1 || mod((size(mask,1)-kernel_1_size + 1)/2 - kernel_2_size + 1, 2) == 1) mask = cat(1, mask, false(1, size(mask,2))); triX = cat(1, triX, -ones(1, size(mask,2))); end % keep adding cols while(mod(size(mask,2)-kernel_1_size + 1, 2) == 1 || mod((size(mask,2)-kernel_1_size + 1)/2 - kernel_2_size + 1, 2) == 1) mask = cat(2, mask, false(size(mask,1),1)); triX = cat(2, triX, -ones(size(triX,1),1)); end examples_r = zeros(size(mask, 1), size(mask, 2), num_examples); img_curr = zeros(size(mask)); for e=1:num_examples img_curr(mask) = examples(e,:); examples_r(:, :, e) = img_curr; end % picking training data for SVM (positive and negative samples) examples_train = examples_r(:, :, 1:training_cutoff); examples_valid = examples_r(:, :, training_cutoff+1:end); % Normalise to 0-1 labels labels_train = errors(1:training_cutoff) / 3; labels_valid = errors(training_cutoff+1:end,:)/3; addpath(genpath('DeepLearnToolbox')); % This needs to be validated num_kern = [3]; alphas_learn = [0.5, 0.75, 1]; res = zeros(numel(num_kern), numel(alphas_learn)); corrs = zeros(numel(num_kern), numel(alphas_learn)); % Set up model options opts.batchsize = 50; % Can go up if needed opts.numepochs = 150; cnns = cell(numel(num_kern), numel(alphas_learn)); for n=1:numel(num_kern) for a=1:numel(alphas_learn) %% opts.alpha = alphas_learn(a); rand(0); cnn.layers = { struct('type', 'i') %input layer struct('type', 'c', 'outputmaps', num_kern(n), 'kernelsize', kernel_1_size) %convolution layer struct('type', 's', 'scale', 2) %sub sampling layer struct('type', 'c', 'outputmaps', num_kern(n) * 2, 'kernelsize', kernel_2_size) %convolution layer struct('type', 's', 'scale', 2) %subsampling layer }; cnn = cnnsetup(cnn, examples_train, labels_train'); % For some reason the model does not always converge properly cnn = cnntrain(cnn, examples_train, labels_train', opts); cnn = cnnff(cnn, examples_valid); pred_y = cnn.o'; res(n, a) = sqrt(mean((labels_valid - pred_y).^2)); corrs(n, a) = corr(labels_valid, pred_y); fprintf('curr corr res %d layers: %f alpha %f\n', num_kern(n), alphas_learn(a), corrs(n, a)); % A hack to save space cnn = cnnff(cnn, examples_valid(:,:,1)); cnn.o = []; cnn.rL = []; cnn.fV = []; cnn.fvd = []; cnn.dffW = []; for l=1:numel(cnn.layers) cnn.layers{l}.a = []; if(isfield(cnn.layers{l}, 'd')) cnn.layers{l}.d = []; end end cnns(n, a) = {cnn}; end end [val,~] = min(res(:)); [a, b] = ind2sub(size(res), find(res == val)); fprintf('---------------------------------\n'); fprintf('Best model num kernels %d, alpha %f\n', num_kern(a), alphas_learn(b)); fprintf('---------------------------------\n'); cnn = cnns{a, b}; face_check_cnns(i).cnn = cnn; face_check_cnns(i).destination = shape(:,1:2); face_check_cnns(i).triangulation = triangulation; face_check_cnns(i).triX = triX; face_check_cnns(i).mask = mask; face_check_cnns(i).centres = centres; face_check_cnns(i).alphas = alphas; face_check_cnns(i).betas = betas; face_check_cnns(i).minX = minX; face_check_cnns(i).minY = minY; face_check_cnns(i).nPix = nPix; face_check_cnns(i).mean_ex = mean_ex; face_check_cnns(i).std_ex = std_ex; end %the actual testing before it is released % Create the function face_check_fun = @(img, shape, global_params) face_check_cnn(img, shape, global_params, face_check_cnns); [ predictions, gts, rmse, corr_coeff ] = Test_face_checker(face_check_fun); locationOut = ['./trained/face_check_cnn_68.txt']; locationOutM = ['./trained/face_check_cnn_68.mat']; save(locationOutM, 'face_check_cnns', 'rmse', 'gts', 'predictions', 'corr_coeff'); WriteOutFaceCheckersCNNbinary(locationOut, face_check_cnns); % as a side effect write out a triangulation file as well WriteOutTriangulation('./trained/tris_68.txt', './trained/tris_68.mat', face_check_cnns);