clear location = './prep_data/'; faceCheckersLoc = dir([location 'face_checker_general_training_66_*']); training_ratio = 0.7; % Current best rmse - 0.142, corr 0.766 (without PCA) % Current best rmse - 0.12, corr 0.828 (with PCA) % Best RMSE with PCA and more training - 0.84 rng(0); for i=1:numel(faceCheckersLoc) load([location faceCheckersLoc(i).name]); num_examples = size(examples, 1); training_cutoff = round(num_examples * training_ratio); % picking training data for SVM (positive and negative samples) examples_train = examples(1:training_cutoff,:); % Extract the mean and standard deviation and normalise by it mean_ex = mean(examples_train); std_ex = std(examples_train); examples_train = bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@minus, examples_train, mean_ex), 1./std_ex); errors_train = errors(1:training_cutoff); [prin_comps, score, latent] = pca(examples_train); % Keep enough data to explain 95 percent of variability variance_explained = cumsum(latent) / sum(latent); num_components = find(variance_explained > 0.90, 1, 'first'); prin_comps = prin_comps(:,1:num_components); examples_train_ld = prin_comps' * examples_train'; examples_train_ld = examples_train_ld'; min_err = min( errors(1:training_cutoff)); max_err = max( errors(1:training_cutoff)); labels_train = 2*((errors(1:training_cutoff) - min_err)/(max_err-min_err)-0.5); % liblinear SVR training addpath('C:\liblinear\matlab'); cs = [-4:-1]; ps = [-10:-2]; cmd = ['-s 11 -B 1 -q ']; res = zeros(numel(cs), numel(ps)); for c=1:numel(cs) for p=1:numel(ps) validation_p = sprintf('%s -v 5 -p %f -c %f', cmd, 10^cs(c), 2^ps(p)); rms_valid = train(labels_train, sparse(double(examples_train_ld)), validation_p); res(c,p) = rms_valid; end end [val,~] = min(min(res)); [a, b] = ind2sub(size(res), find(res == val)); best_c = cs(a); best_p = ps(b); best_params = sprintf('%s -p %f -c %f', cmd, 10^best_c, 2^best_p); regressor_lsvr = train(labels_train, sparse(double(examples_train_ld)), best_params); w = regressor_lsvr.w(1:end-1)'; b = regressor_lsvr.w(end); examples_test = examples(training_cutoff+1:end,:); examples_test = bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@minus, examples_test, mean_ex), 1./std_ex); examples_test_ld = prin_comps' * examples_test'; examples_test_ld = examples_test_ld'; labels_test = 2*((errors(training_cutoff+1:end) - min_err)/(max_err-min_err)-0.5); dec = examples_test_ld * w + b; rmse = sqrt(mean((dec - labels_test).^2)); corr_dec = corr(dec, labels_test); % Need to decide on a threshold for positive and negative thresh_corr = -0.85; class_test = zeros(size(labels_test)); class_predict = zeros(size(labels_test)); class_test(labels_test < thresh_corr) = 1; class_test(labels_test >= thresh_corr) = -1; class_predict(dec < thresh_corr) = 1; class_predict(dec >= thresh_corr) = -1; TP = sum(class_predict==1 & class_test == 1); FP = sum(class_predict==1 & class_test == -1); FN = sum(class_predict==-1 & class_test == 1); Precission = TP / (TP+FP); Recall = TP / (TP+FN); F1 = 2 * (Precission * Recall) / (Precission + Recall); faceChecker.corr = corr_dec; faceChecker.principal_components = prin_comps; faceChecker.mean_ex = mean_ex; faceChecker.std_ex = std_ex; faceChecker.triangulation = triangulation; faceChecker.centres = centres; faceChecker.triX = triX; faceChecker.nPix = nPix; faceChecker.minX = minX; faceChecker.minY = minY; faceChecker.source = shape(:,1:2); faceChecker.mask = mask; faceChecker.alphas = alphas; faceChecker.betas = betas; faceChecker.w = w; faceChecker.b = b; if(i==1) faceCheckers = faceChecker; else faceCheckers = [faceCheckers faceChecker]; end end locationOut = './trained/face_check_general_66.txt'; locationOutM = './trained/face_check_general_66.mat'; WriteOutFaceCheckers(locationOut, locationOutM, faceCheckers); % as a side effect write out a triangulation file as well WriteOutTriangulation('./trained/tris_66.txt', './trained/tris_66.mat', faceCheckers);