function nn = nnbp(nn) %NNBP performs backpropagation % nn = nnbp(nn) returns an neural network structure with updated weights n = nn.n; sparsityError = 0; switch nn.output case 'sigm' d{n} = - nn.e .* (nn.a{n} .* (1 - nn.a{n})); case {'softmax','linear'} d{n} = - nn.e; end for i = (n - 1) : -1 : 2 % Derivative of the activation function switch nn.activation_function case 'sigm' d_act = nn.a{i} .* (1 - nn.a{i}); case 'tanh_opt' d_act = 1.7159 * 2/3 * (1 - 1/(1.7159)^2 * nn.a{i}.^2); end if(nn.nonSparsityPenalty>0) pi = repmat(nn.p{i}, size(nn.a{i}, 1), 1); sparsityError = [zeros(size(nn.a{i},1),1) nn.nonSparsityPenalty * (-nn.sparsityTarget ./ pi + (1 - nn.sparsityTarget) ./ (1 - pi))]; end % Backpropagate first derivatives if i+1==n % in this case in d{n} there is not the bias term to be removed d{i} = (d{i + 1} * nn.W{i} + sparsityError) .* d_act; % Bishop (5.56) else % in this case in d{i} the bias term has to be removed d{i} = (d{i + 1}(:,2:end) * nn.W{i} + sparsityError) .* d_act; end if(nn.dropoutFraction>0) d{i} = d{i} .* [ones(size(d{i},1),1) nn.dropOutMask{i}]; end end for i = 1 : (n - 1) if i+1==n nn.dW{i} = (d{i + 1}' * nn.a{i}) / size(d{i + 1}, 1); else nn.dW{i} = (d{i + 1}(:,2:end)' * nn.a{i}) / size(d{i + 1}, 1); end end end