function Create_data_68_large() load '../models/pdm/pdm_68_aligned_wild'; load '../models/tri_68.mat'; % This script uses the same format used for patch expert training, and % expects the data to be there (this can be found in % % Replace with your location of training data dataset_loc = 'C:/Users/Tadas/Documents/CCNF/patch_experts/data_preparation/prepared_data/'; addpath('../PDM_helpers/'); scale = '0.5'; prefix= 'combined_'; % Find the available positive training data data_files = dir(sprintf('%s/%s%s*.mat', dataset_loc, prefix, scale)); centres_all = []; for i=1:numel(data_files) % Load the orientation of the training data load([dataset_loc, '/', data_files(i).name], 'centres'); centres_all = cat(1, centres_all, centres); end % Do not use extreme pose centres_all = centres_all(1:3,:); % Construct mirror indices (which views need to be flipped to create other % profile training data) mirror_inds = zeros(size(centres_all,1), 1); for i=1:numel(data_files) % mirrored image has inverse yaw mirrored_centre = centres_all(i,:); mirrored_centre(2) = -mirrored_centre(2); % if mirrored version has same orientation, do not need mirroring if(~isequal(mirrored_centre, centres_all(i,:))) centres_all = cat(1, centres_all, mirrored_centre); mirror_inds = cat(1, mirror_inds, i); end end % Replace with your location of training data outputLocation = 'E:/datasets/detection_validation/prep_data/'; num_more_neg = 10; % Make sure same data generated all the time rng(0); neg_image_loc = 'E:/datasets/detection_validation/neg/'; neg_images = cat(1,dir([neg_image_loc, '/*.jpg']),dir([neg_image_loc, '/*.png'])); max_img_used = 4000; % do it separately for centers due to memory limitations for r=1:size(centres_all,1) a_mod = 0.4; mirror = false; if(mirror_inds(r) ~= 0 ) mirror = true; label_mirror_inds = [1,17;2,16;3,15;4,14;5,13;6,12;7,11;8,10;18,27;19,26;20,25;21,24;22,23;... 32,36;33,35;37,46;38,45;39,44;40,43;41,48;42,47;49,55;50,54;51,53;60,56;59,57;... 61,65;62,64;68,66]; load([dataset_loc, '/', data_files(mirror_inds(r)).name]); else load([dataset_loc, '/', data_files(r).name]); end visiCurrent = logical(visiIndex); if(mirror) centres = [centres(1), -centres(2), -centres(3)]; tmp1 = visiCurrent(label_mirror_inds(:,1)); tmp2 = visiCurrent(label_mirror_inds(:,2)); visiCurrent(label_mirror_inds(:,2)) = tmp1; visiCurrent(label_mirror_inds(:,1)) = tmp2; end visibleVerts = 1:numel(visiCurrent); visibleVerts = visibleVerts(visiCurrent)-1; % Correct the triangulation to take into account the vertex % visibilities triangulation = []; shape = a_mod * Euler2Rot(centres * pi/180) * reshape(M, numel(M)/3, 3)'; shape = shape'; for i=1:size(T,1) visib = 0; for j=1:numel(visibleVerts) if(T(i,1)==visibleVerts(j)) visib = visib+1; end if(T(i,2)==visibleVerts(j)) visib = visib+1; end if(T(i,3)==visibleVerts(j)) visib = visib+1; end end % Only if all three of the vertices are visible if(visib == 3) % Also want to remove triangles facing the wrong way (self occluded) v1 = [shape(T(i,1)+1,1), shape(T(i,1)+1,2), shape(T(i,1)+1,3)]; v2 = [shape(T(i,2)+1,1), shape(T(i,2)+1,2), shape(T(i,2)+1,3)]; v3 = [shape(T(i,3)+1,1), shape(T(i,3)+1,2), shape(T(i,3)+1,3)]; normal = cross((v2-v1), v3 - v2); normal = normal / norm(normal); direction = normal * [0,0,1]'; % And only if the triangle is facing the camera if(direction > 0) triangulation = cat(1, triangulation, T(i,:)); end end end % Initialise the warp [ alphas, betas, triX, mask, minX, minY, nPix ] = InitialisePieceWiseAffine(triangulation, shape); mask = logical(mask); imgs_to_use = randperm(size(landmark_locations, 1)); if(size(landmark_locations, 1) > max_img_used) imgs_to_use = imgs_to_use(1:max_img_used); end % Extracting relevant filenames examples = zeros(numel(imgs_to_use) * (num_more_neg+1), nPix); errors = zeros(numel(imgs_to_use) * (num_more_neg+1), 1); unused_pos = 0; curr_filled = 0; for j=imgs_to_use labels = squeeze(landmark_locations(j,:,:)); img = squeeze(all_images(j,:,:)); if(mirror) img = fliplr(img); imgSize = size(img); flippedLbls = labels; flippedLbls(:,1) = imgSize(1) - flippedLbls(:,1) + 1; tmp1 = flippedLbls(label_mirror_inds(:,1),:); tmp2 = flippedLbls(label_mirror_inds(:,2),:); flippedLbls(label_mirror_inds(:,2),:) = tmp1; flippedLbls(label_mirror_inds(:,1),:) = tmp2; labels = flippedLbls; end % If for some reason some of the labels are not visible in the % current sample skip this label non_existent_labels = labels(:,1)==0 | labels(:,2)==0; non_existent_inds = find(non_existent_labels)-1; if(numel(intersect(triangulation(:), non_existent_inds)) > 0) unused_pos = unused_pos + 1; continue; end % Centering the pixel so that 0,0 is center of the top left pixel labels = labels - 1; curr_filled = curr_filled + 1; [features] = ExtractFaceFeatures(img, labels, triangulation, triX, mask, alphas, betas, nPix, minX, minY); % sample_img = zeros(size(mask));sample_img(mask) = features;imagesc(sample_img) examples(curr_filled,:) = features; errors(curr_filled,:) = 0; % Extract the correct PDM parameters for the model (we will perturb % them for some negative examples) [ a_orig, R_orig, trans_orig, ~, params_orig] = fit_PDM_ortho_proj_to_2D(M, E, V, labels); eul_orig = Rot2Euler(R_orig); % a slightly perturbed example, too tight % from 0.3 to 0.9 a_mod = a_orig * (0.6 + (randi(7) - 4)*0.1); p_global = [a_mod; eul_orig'; trans_orig]; labels_mod = GetShapeOrtho(M, V, params_orig, p_global); labels_mod = labels_mod(:,1:2); [features] = ExtractFaceFeatures(img, labels_mod, triangulation, triX, mask, alphas, betas, nPix, minX, minY); % sample_img = zeros(size(mask));sample_img(mask) = features;imagesc(sample_img) curr_filled = curr_filled + 1; examples(curr_filled,:) = features; % Compute the badness of fit error = norm(labels_mod(:) - labels(:)) / (max(labels(:,2))-min(labels(:,2))); errors(curr_filled,:) = error; % a slightly perturbed example, too broad % from 1.2 to 0.6 a_mod = a_orig * (1.4 + (randi(5) - 3)*0.1); p_global = [a_mod; eul_orig'; trans_orig]; labels_mod = GetShapeOrtho(M, V, params_orig, p_global); labels_mod = labels_mod(:,1:2); [features] = ExtractFaceFeatures(img, labels_mod, triangulation, triX, mask, alphas, betas, nPix, minX, minY); % sample_img = zeros(size(mask));sample_img(mask) = features;imagesc(sample_img) curr_filled = curr_filled + 1; examples(curr_filled,:) = features; error = norm(labels_mod(:) - labels(:)) / (max(labels(:,2))-min(labels(:,2))); errors(curr_filled,:) = error; % A somewhat offset example trans_mod = trans_orig + randn(2,1) * 20; p_global = [a_orig; eul_orig'; trans_mod]; labels_mod = GetShapeOrtho(M, V, params_orig, p_global); labels_mod = labels_mod(:,1:2); [features] = ExtractFaceFeatures(img, labels_mod, triangulation, triX, mask, alphas, betas, nPix, minX, minY); curr_filled = curr_filled + 1; examples(curr_filled,:) = features; error = norm(labels_mod(:) - labels(:)) / (max(labels(:,2))-min(labels(:,2))); errors(curr_filled,:) = error; % A rotated sample eul_mod = eul_orig + randn(1,3)*0.3; p_global = [a_orig; eul_mod'; trans_orig]; labels_mod = GetShapeOrtho(M, V, params_orig, p_global); labels_mod = labels_mod(:,1:2); [features] = ExtractFaceFeatures(img, labels_mod, triangulation, triX, mask, alphas, betas, nPix, minX, minY); curr_filled = curr_filled + 1; examples(curr_filled,:) = features; error = norm(labels_mod(:) - labels(:)) / (max(labels(:,2))-min(labels(:,2))); errors(curr_filled,:) = error; % A sample with modified shape parameters p_global = [a_orig; eul_orig'; trans_orig]; params_mod = params_orig + randn(size(params_orig)).*sqrt(E); labels_mod = GetShapeOrtho(M, V, params_mod, p_global); labels_mod = labels_mod(:,1:2); [features] = ExtractFaceFeatures(img, labels_mod, triangulation, triX, mask, alphas, betas, nPix, minX, minY); curr_filled = curr_filled + 1; examples(curr_filled,:) = features; error = norm(labels_mod(:) - labels(:)) / (max(labels(:,2))-min(labels(:,2))); errors(curr_filled,:) = error; % pick a random image from negative inriaperson dataset, use original location if % first, otherwhise resize it to fit for n=6:num_more_neg n_img = randi(numel(neg_images)); neg_image = imread([neg_image_loc, neg_images(n_img).name]); if(size(neg_image,3) == 3) neg_image = rgb2gray(neg_image); end [h_neg, w_neg] = size(neg_image); % if the current labels fit just use them, if not, then resize % to fit max_x = max(labels(:,1)); max_y = max(labels(:,2)); if(max_x > w_neg || max_y > h_neg) neg_image = imresize(neg_image, [max_y, max_x]); end [features] = ExtractFaceFeatures(neg_image, labels, triangulation, triX, mask, alphas, betas, nPix, minX, minY); curr_filled = curr_filled + 1; examples(curr_filled,:) = features; % Set high error to 3 errors(curr_filled,:) = 3; end if(mod(curr_filled, 10) == 0) fprintf('%d/%d done\n', curr_filled/(num_more_neg+1), numel(imgs_to_use)); end % add the pos example to the background end examples = examples(1:curr_filled,:); errors = errors(1:curr_filled); % svm training filename = sprintf('%s/face_checker_general_training_large_68_%d.mat', outputLocation, r); save(filename, 'examples', 'errors', 'alphas', 'betas', 'triangulation', 'minX', 'minY', 'nPix', 'shape', 'triX', 'mask', 'centres'); end end function [features] = ExtractFaceFeatures(img, labels, triangulation, triX, mask, alphas, betas, nPix, minX, minY) % Make sure labels are within range [hRes, wRes] = size(img); labels(labels(:,1) < 0,1) = 0; labels(labels(:,2) < 0,2) = 0; labels(labels(:,1) > wRes-1,1) = wRes-1; labels(labels(:,2) > hRes-1,2) = hRes-1; crop_img = Crop(img, labels, triangulation, triX, mask, alphas, betas, nPix, minX, minY); crop_img(isnan(crop_img)) = 0; % vectorised version features = reshape(crop_img(logical(mask)), 1, nPix); % normalisations features = (features - mean(features)); norms = std(features); if(norms==0) norms = 1; end features = features / norms; end