function r=visualize(X, mm, s1, s2) %FROM RBMLIB %Visualize weights X. If the function is called as a void method, %it does the plotting. But if the function is assigned to a variable %outside of this code, the formed image is returned instead. if ~exist('mm','var') mm = [min(X(:)) max(X(:))]; end if ~exist('s1','var') s1 = 0; end if ~exist('s2','var') s2 = 0; end [D,N]= size(X); s=sqrt(D); if s==floor(s) || (s1 ~=0 && s2 ~=0) if (s1 ==0 || s2 ==0) s1 = s; s2 = s; end %its a square, so data is probably an image num=ceil(sqrt(N)); a=mm(2)*ones(num*s2+num-1,num*s1+num-1); x=0; y=0; for i=1:N im = reshape(X(:,i),s1,s2)'; a(x*s2+1+x : x*s2+s2+x, y*s1+1+y : y*s1+s1+y)=im; x=x+1; if(x>=num) x=0; y=y+1; end end d=true; else %there is not much we can do a=X; end %return the image, or plot the image if nargout==1 r=a; else imagesc(a, [mm(1) mm(2)]); axis equal colormap gray end