clear curr_dir = cd('.'); % Replace this with your downloaded 300-W train data if(exist([getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/'], 'file')) database_root = [getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/']; elseif(exist('D:\Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/', 'file')) database_root = 'D:\Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/'; elseif(exist('F:\Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/', 'file')) database_root = 'F:\Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/'; elseif(exist('/multicomp/datasets/mpii_gaze/mpii_data/', 'file')) database_root = '/multicomp/datasets/mpii_gaze/mpii_data/'; else fprintf('MPII gaze dataset not found\n'); end output_loc = './gaze_estimates_MPII/'; if(~exist(output_loc, 'dir')) mkdir(output_loc); end output = './mpii_out/'; %% Perform actual gaze predictions if(isunix) executable = '"../../build/bin/FaceLandmarkImg"'; else executable = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkImg.exe"'; end command = sprintf('%s -fx 1028 -fy 1028 ', executable); p_dirs = dir([database_root, 'p*']); parfor p=1:numel(p_dirs) tic input_loc = ['-gaze -fdir "', [database_root, p_dirs(p).name], '" ']; out_img_loc = ['-out_dir "', [output, p_dirs(p).name], '" ']; command_c = cat(2, command, input_loc, out_img_loc); if(isunix) unix(command_c, '-echo'); else dos(command_c); end end %% % Extract the results predictions_l = zeros(750, 3); predictions_r = zeros(750, 3); gt_l = zeros(750, 3); gt_r = zeros(750, 3); angle_err_l = zeros(750,1); angle_err_r = zeros(750,1); p_dirs = dir([database_root, 'p*']); curr = 1; for p=1:numel(p_dirs) load([database_root, p_dirs(p).name, '/Data.mat']); for i=1:size(filenames, 1) fname = sprintf('%s/%s/%d_%d_%d_%d_%d_%d_%d.csv', output, p_dirs(p).name,... filenames(i,1), filenames(i,2), filenames(i,3), filenames(i,4),... filenames(i,5), filenames(i,6), filenames(i,7)); if(p==1 && i==1) % First read in the column names tab = readtable(fname); column_names = tab.Properties.VariableNames; gaze_0_ids = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'gaze_0_')); gaze_1_ids = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'gaze_1_')); end if(exist(fname, 'file')) all_params = dlmread(fname, ',', 1, 0); else all_params = []; end % If there was a face detected if(size(all_params,1)>0) predictions_r(curr,:) = all_params(1,gaze_0_ids); predictions_l(curr,:) = all_params(1,gaze_1_ids); else predictions_r(curr,:) = [0,0,-1]; predictions_l(curr,:) = [0,0,-1]; end head_rot = headpose(i,1:3); gt_r(curr,:) = data.right.gaze(i,:)'; gt_r(curr,:) = gt_r(curr,:) / norm(gt_r(curr,:)); gt_l(curr,:) = data.left.gaze(i,:)'; gt_l(curr,:) = gt_l(curr,:) / norm(gt_l(curr,:)); angle_err_l(curr) = acos(predictions_l(curr,:) * gt_l(curr,:)') * 180/pi; angle_err_r(curr) = acos(predictions_r(curr,:) * gt_r(curr,:)') * 180/pi; curr = curr + 1; end end all_errors = cat(1, angle_err_l, angle_err_r); mean_error = mean(all_errors); median_error = median(all_errors); save('mpii_1500_errs.mat', 'all_errors', 'mean_error', 'median_error'); f = fopen('mpii_1500_errs.txt', 'w'); fprintf(f, 'Mean error, median error\n'); fprintf(f, '%.3f, %.3f\n', mean_error, median_error); fclose(f);