/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2016, Carnegie Mellon University and University of Cambridge, // all rights reserved. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” FOR ACADEMIC USE ONLY AND ANY EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY. // OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) // HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN // ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Notwithstanding the license granted herein, Licensee acknowledges that certain components // of the Software may be covered by so-called “open source” software licenses (“Open Source // Components”), which means any software licenses approved as open source licenses by the // Open Source Initiative or any substantially similar licenses, including without limitation any // license that, as a condition of distribution of the software licensed under such license, // requires that the distributor make the software available in source code format. Licensor shall // provide a list of Open Source Components for a particular version of the Software upon // Licensee’s request. Licensee will comply with the applicable terms of such licenses and to // the extent required by the licenses covering Open Source Components, the terms of such // licenses will apply in lieu of the terms of this Agreement. To the extent the terms of the // licenses applicable to Open Source Components prohibit any of the restrictions in this // License Agreement with respect to such Open Source Component, such restrictions will not // apply to such Open Source Component. To the extent the terms of the licenses applicable to // Open Source Components require Licensor to make an offer to provide source code or // related information in connection with the Software, such offer is hereby made. Any request // for source code or related information should be directed to cl-face-tracker-distribution@lists.cam.ac.uk // Licensee acknowledges receipt of notices for the Open Source Components for the initial // delivery of the Software. // * Any publications arising from the use of this software, including but // not limited to academic journal and conference publications, technical // reports and manuals, must cite at least one of the following works: // // OpenFace: an open source facial behavior analysis toolkit // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Peter Robinson, and Louis-Philippe Morency // in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2016 // // Rendering of Eyes for Eye-Shape Registration and Gaze Estimation // Erroll Wood, Tadas Baltrušaitis, Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Peter Robinson, and Andreas Bulling // in IEEE International. Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015 // // Cross-dataset learning and person-speci?c normalisation for automatic Action Unit detection // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Marwa Mahmoud, and Peter Robinson // in Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge, // IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2015 // // Constrained Local Neural Fields for robust facial landmark detection in the wild. // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Peter Robinson, and Louis-Philippe Morency. // in IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 300 Faces in-the-Wild Challenge, 2013. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Camera_Interop.h #pragma once #pragma unmanaged // Include all the unmanaged things we need. #include #include "opencv2/objdetect.hpp" #include "opencv2/calib3d.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include // For camera listings #include "comet_auto_mf.h" #include "camera_helper.h" #pragma managed #include #include namespace CameraInterop { public ref class CaptureFailedException : System::Exception { public: CaptureFailedException(System::String^ message): Exception(message){} }; public ref class Capture { private: // OpenCV based video capture for reading from files cv::VideoCapture* vc; OpenCVWrappers::RawImage^ latestFrame; OpenCVWrappers::RawImage^ grayFrame; double fps; bool is_webcam; bool is_image_seq; int frame_num; std::vector* image_files; int vid_length; public: int width, height; Capture(int device, int width, int height) { assert(device >= 0); latestFrame = gcnew OpenCVWrappers::RawImage(); vc = new cv::VideoCapture(device); vc->set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width); vc->set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height); is_webcam = true; is_image_seq = false; this->width = width; this->height = height; vid_length = 0; frame_num = 0; int set_width = vc->get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); int set_height = vc->get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); if(!vc->isOpened()) { throw gcnew CaptureFailedException("Failed to open the webcam"); } if(set_width != width || set_height != height) { throw gcnew CaptureFailedException("Failed to open the webcam with desired resolution"); } } Capture(System::String^ videoFile) { latestFrame = gcnew OpenCVWrappers::RawImage(); vc = new cv::VideoCapture(msclr::interop::marshal_as(videoFile)); fps = vc->get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); is_webcam = false; is_image_seq = false; this->width = vc->get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); this->height = vc->get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); vid_length = vc->get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); frame_num = 0; if(!vc->isOpened()) { throw gcnew CaptureFailedException("Failed to open the video file"); } } // An alternative to using video files is using image sequences Capture(System::Collections::Generic::List^ image_files) { latestFrame = gcnew OpenCVWrappers::RawImage(); is_webcam = false; is_image_seq = true; this->image_files = new std::vector(); for(int i = 0; i < image_files->Count; ++i) { this->image_files->push_back(msclr::interop::marshal_as(image_files[i])); } vid_length = image_files->Count; } static System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary^>^>^ GetListingFromFile(std::string filename) { // Check what cameras have been written (using OpenCVs XML packages) cv::FileStorage fs_read(filename, cv::FileStorage::READ); auto managed_camera_list_initial = gcnew System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary^>^>(); cv::FileNode camera_node_list = fs_read["cameras"]; // iterate through a sequence using FileNodeIterator for(size_t idx = 0; idx < camera_node_list.size(); idx++ ) { std::string camera_name = (std::string)camera_node_list[idx]["name"]; cv::FileNode resolution_list = camera_node_list[idx]["resolutions"]; auto resolutions = gcnew System::Collections::Generic::List^>(); for(size_t r_idx = 0; r_idx < resolution_list.size(); r_idx++ ) { int x = (int)resolution_list[r_idx]["x"]; int y = (int)resolution_list[r_idx]["y"]; resolutions->Add(gcnew System::Tuple(x, y)); } managed_camera_list_initial[gcnew System::String(camera_name.c_str())] = resolutions; } fs_read.release(); return managed_camera_list_initial; } static void WriteCameraListingToFile(System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary^>^>^ camera_list, std::string filename) { cv::FileStorage fs("camera_list.xml", cv::FileStorage::WRITE); fs << "cameras" << "["; for each( System::String^ name_m in camera_list->Keys ) { std::string name = msclr::interop::marshal_as(name_m); fs << "{:" << "name" << name; fs << "resolutions" << "["; auto resolutions = camera_list[name_m]; for(int j = 0; j < resolutions->Count; j++) { fs << "{:" << "x" << resolutions[j]->Item1 << "y" << resolutions[j]->Item2; fs<< "}"; } fs << "]"; fs << "}"; } fs << "]"; fs.release(); } static System::Collections::Generic::List^>^, OpenCVWrappers::RawImage^>^>^ GetCameras(System::String^ root_directory_m) { std::string root_directory = msclr::interop::marshal_as(root_directory_m); auto managed_camera_list_initial = GetListingFromFile(root_directory + "camera_list.xml"); auto managed_camera_list = gcnew System::Collections::Generic::List^>^, OpenCVWrappers::RawImage^>^>(); // Using DirectShow for capturing from webcams (for MJPG as has issues with other formats) comet::auto_mf auto_mf; std::vector cameras = camera_helper::get_all_cameras(); // A Surface Pro specific hack, it seems to list webcams in a weird way for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); ++i) { cameras[i].activate(); std::string name = cameras[i].name(); // TODO, something is odd here //if(name.compare("Microsoft LifeCam Front") == 0) //{ // cameras.push_back(cameras[i]); // cameras.erase(cameras.begin() + i); //} } for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); ++i) { cameras[i].activate(); std::string name = cameras[i].name(); System::String^ name_managed = gcnew System::String(name.c_str()); // List camera media types auto media_types = cameras[i].media_types(); System::Collections::Generic::List^>^ resolutions; std::set> res_set; // If we have them just use pre-loaded resolutions if(managed_camera_list_initial->ContainsKey(name_managed)) { resolutions = managed_camera_list_initial[name_managed]; } else { resolutions = gcnew System::Collections::Generic::List^>(); for (size_t m = 0; m < media_types.size(); ++m) { auto media_type_curr = media_types[m]; res_set.insert(std::pair(std::pair(media_type_curr.resolution().width, media_type_curr.resolution().height))); } } // Grab some sample images and confirm the resolutions cv::VideoCapture cap1(i); // Go through resolutions if they have not been identified if(resolutions->Count == 0) { for (auto beg = res_set.begin(); beg != res_set.end(); ++beg) { auto resolution = gcnew System::Tuple(beg->first, beg->first); cap1.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, resolution->Item1); cap1.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, resolution->Item2); // Add only valid resolutions as API sometimes provides wrong ones int set_width = cap1.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); int set_height = cap1.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); resolution = gcnew System::Tuple(set_width, set_height); if(!resolutions->Contains(resolution)) { resolutions->Add(resolution); } } managed_camera_list_initial[name_managed] = resolutions; } cv::Mat sample_img; OpenCVWrappers::RawImage^ sample_img_managed = gcnew OpenCVWrappers::RawImage(); // Now that the resolutions have been identified, pick a camera and create a thumbnail if(resolutions->Count > 0) { int resolution_ind = resolutions->Count / 2; if(resolution_ind >= resolutions->Count) resolution_ind = resolutions->Count - 1; auto resolution = resolutions[resolution_ind]; cap1.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, resolution->Item1); cap1.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, resolution->Item2); for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) cap1.read(sample_img); // Flip horizontally cv::flip(sample_img, sample_img, 1); } cap1.~VideoCapture(); sample_img.copyTo(sample_img_managed->Mat); managed_camera_list->Add(gcnew System::Tuple^>^, OpenCVWrappers::RawImage^>(gcnew System::String(name.c_str()), resolutions, sample_img_managed)); } WriteCameraListingToFile(managed_camera_list_initial, root_directory + "camera_list.xml"); return managed_camera_list; } OpenCVWrappers::RawImage^ GetNextFrame(bool mirror) { frame_num++; if(vc != nullptr) { bool success = vc->read(latestFrame->Mat); if (!success) { // Indicate lack of success by returning an empty image cv::Mat empty_mat = cv::Mat(); empty_mat.copyTo(latestFrame->Mat); return latestFrame; } } else if(is_image_seq) { if(image_files->empty()) { // Indicate lack of success by returning an empty image cv::Mat empty_mat = cv::Mat(); empty_mat.copyTo(latestFrame->Mat); return latestFrame; } cv::Mat img = cv::imread(image_files->at(0), -1); img.copyTo(latestFrame->Mat); // Remove the first frame image_files->erase(image_files->begin(), image_files->begin() + 1); } if (grayFrame == nullptr) { if (latestFrame->Width > 0) { grayFrame = gcnew OpenCVWrappers::RawImage(latestFrame->Width, latestFrame->Height, CV_8UC1); } } if(mirror) { flip(latestFrame->Mat, latestFrame->Mat, 1); } if (grayFrame != nullptr) { cvtColor(latestFrame->Mat, grayFrame->Mat, CV_BGR2GRAY); } return latestFrame; } double GetProgress() { if(vc != nullptr && is_webcam) { return - 1.0; } else { return (double)frame_num / (double)vid_length; } } bool isOpened() { if(vc != nullptr) return vc->isOpened(); else { if(is_image_seq && image_files->size() > 0) return true; else return false; } } OpenCVWrappers::RawImage^ GetCurrentFrameGray() { return grayFrame; } double GetFPS() { return fps; } // Finalizer. Definitely called before Garbage Collection, // but not automatically called on explicit Dispose(). // May be called multiple times. !Capture() { // Automatically closes capture object before freeing memory. if(vc != nullptr) { vc->~VideoCapture(); } if(image_files != nullptr) delete image_files; } // Destructor. Called on explicit Dispose() only. ~Capture() { this->!Capture(); } }; }