clear addpath('../PDM_helpers/'); addpath(genpath('../fitting/')); addpath('../models/'); addpath(genpath('../face_detection')); addpath('../CCNF/'); %% vid_dir = '../../videos/'; vids = dir([vid_dir, '*.avi']); %% verbose = true; record = true; %% loading the patch experts [clmParams, pdm] = Load_CLM_params_vid(); % An accurate CCNF (or CLNF) model [patches] = Load_Patch_Experts( '../models/general/', 'ccnf_patches_*_general.mat', [], [], clmParams); % A simpler (but less accurate SVR) % [patches] = Load_Patch_Experts( '../models/wild/', 'svr_patches_*_wild.mat', [], [], clmParams); % A general SVR % [patches] = Load_Patch_Experts( '../models/general/', 'svr_patches_*_general.mat', [], [], clmParams); clmParams.multi_modal_types = patches(1).multi_modal_types; % load the face validator and add its dependency load('../face_validation/trained/face_check_cnn_68.mat', 'face_check_cnns'); addpath(genpath('../face_validation')); %% for v=1:numel(vids) % load the video vr = VideoReader([vid_dir, vids(v).name]); [~,fname,~] = fileparts(vids(v).name); if(record) if(~exist('./tracked_vids', 'file')) mkdir('tracked_vids'); end writerObj = VideoWriter(sprintf('./tracked_vids/%s.avi', fname)); open(writerObj); end det = false; initialised = false; nFrames = vr.NumberOfFrames; % Read one frame at a time. all_local_params = zeros(nFrames, numel(pdm.E)); all_global_params = zeros(nFrames,6); for i = 1 : nFrames % if this version throws a "Dot name reference on non-scalar structure" % error change obj.NumberOfFrames to obj(1).NumberOfFrames (in two % places in read function) or surround it with an empty try catch % statement image_orig = read(vr, i); if((~det && mod(i,4) == 0) || ~initialised) % First attempt to use the Matlab one (fastest but not as accurate, if not present use yu et al.) [bboxs, det_shapes] = detect_faces(image_orig, {'cascade', 'yu'}); % Zhu and Ramanan and Yu et al. are slower, but also more accurate % and can be used when vision toolbox is unavailable % [bboxs, det_shapes] = detect_faces(image_orig, {'yu', 'zhu'}); if(~isempty(bboxs)) % Pick the biggest face for tracking [~,ind] = max(bboxs(3,:) - bboxs(1,:)); bbox = bboxs(:,ind); % Discard overly small detections if(bbox(3) - bbox(1) > 40) % Either infer the local and global shape parameters % from the detected landmarks or just using the % bounding box if(~isempty(det_shapes)) shape = det_shapes(:,:,ind); inds = [1:60,62:64,66:68]; M = pdm.M([inds, inds+68, inds+68*2]); E = pdm.E; V = pdm.V([inds, inds+68, inds+68*2],:); [ a, R, T, ~, params, err] = fit_PDM_ortho_proj_to_2D(M, E, V, shape); g_param_n = [a; Rot2Euler(R)'; T]; l_param_n = params; else num_points = numel(pdm.M) / 3; M = reshape(pdm.M, num_points, 3); width_model = max(M(:,1)) - min(M(:,1)); height_model = max(M(:,2)) - min(M(:,2)); a = (((bbox(3) - bbox(1)) / width_model) + ((bbox(4) - bbox(2))/ height_model)) / 2; tx = (bbox(3) + bbox(1))/2; ty = (bbox(4) + bbox(2))/2; % correct it so that the bounding box is just around the minimum % and maximum point in the initialised face tx = tx - a*(min(M(:,1)) + max(M(:,1)))/2; ty = ty + a*(min(M(:,2)) + max(M(:,2)))/2; % visualisation g_param_n = [a, 0, 0, 0, tx, ty]'; l_param_n = zeros(size(pdm.E)); end % If tracking has not started trust the detection if(~initialised) g_param = g_param_n; l_param = l_param_n; det = true; initialised = true; else % If tracking has already started double check the % detection shape_new = GetShapeOrtho(pdm.M, pdm.V, params, g_param_n); dec = face_check_cnn(image, shape_new, g_param, face_check_cnns); if(dec < 0.5) det = true; g_param = g_param_n; l_param = l_param_n; else det = false; end end end end end if(size(image_orig,3) == 3) image = rgb2gray(image_orig); else image = image_orig; end d_image = []; if(initialised) [shape,g_param,l_param,lhood,lmark_lhood,view_used] = Fitting_from_bb(image, d_image, bbox, pdm, patches, clmParams, 'gparam', g_param, 'lparam', l_param); all_local_params(i,:) = l_param; all_global_params(i,:) = g_param; dec = face_check_cnn(image, shape, g_param, face_check_cnns); if(dec < 0.5) clmParams.window_size = [19,19; 17,17;]; clmParams.numPatchIters = 2; det = true; else clmParams.window_size = [21,21; 19,19; 17,17;]; clmParams.numPatchIters = 3; det = false; end end if(verbose) try if(max(image_orig(:)) > 1) imshow(double(image_orig)/255, 'Border', 'tight'); else imshow(double(image_orig), 'Border', 'tight'); end axis equal; hold on; if(initialised) plot(shape(:,1), shape(:,2),'.r','MarkerSize',20); plot(shape(:,1), shape(:,2),'.b','MarkerSize',10); end hold off; drawnow expose; pause(0.05); if(record) frame = getframe; writeVideo(writerObj,frame); end catch warn fprintf('%s', warn.message); end end end if(record) close(writerObj); end close all; experiments.local_params = all_local_params; experiments.global_params = all_global_params; end