% Perform static model prediction using images clear addpath('./helpers'); find_Bosphorus; out_loc = './out_bosph/'; %% executable = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkImg.exe"'; bosph_dirs = dir([Bosphorus_dir, '/BosphorusDB/BosphorusDB/bs*']); %% parfor f1=1:numel(bosph_dirs) command = executable; input_dir = [Bosphorus_dir, '/BosphorusDB/BosphorusDB/', bosph_dirs(f1).name]; command = cat(2, command, [' -fdir "' input_dir '" -out_dir "' out_loc '"']); command = cat(2, command, ' -multi_view 1 -wild -aus '); dos(command); end %% aus_Bosph = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 20, 23, 25, 26, 45]; [ labels_gt, valid_ids, filenames] = extract_Bosphorus_labels(Bosphorus_dir, all_recs, aus_Bosph); %% Read the predicted values % First read the first file to get the column ids tab = readtable([out_loc, filenames{1}, '.csv']); column_names = tab.Properties.VariableNames; aus_det_id = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==5, strfind(column_names, '_c')); aus_det_cell = column_names(aus_det_id); aus_det = zeros(size(aus_det_cell)); for i=1:numel(aus_det) aus_det(i) = str2num(aus_det_cell{i}(3:4)); end %% labels_pred = zeros(size(labels_gt)); for i=1:numel(filenames) % Will need to read the relevant AUs only all_params = dlmread([out_loc, filenames{i}, '.csv'], ',', 1, 0); % if multiple faces detected just take the first row aus_pred = all_params(1, aus_det_id); for k=1:numel(aus_det) if(sum(aus_Bosph == aus_det(k))>0) labels_pred(i, aus_Bosph == aus_det(k)) = aus_pred(k); end end end %% f = fopen('results/Bosphorus_res_class.txt', 'w'); labels_gt_bin = labels_gt; labels_gt_bin(labels_gt_bin > 1) = 1; f1s_class = zeros(1, numel(aus_Bosph)); for au = 1:numel(aus_Bosph) tp = sum(labels_gt_bin(:,au) == 1 & labels_pred(:, au) == 1); fp = sum(labels_gt_bin(:,au) == 0 & labels_pred(:, au) == 1); fn = sum(labels_gt_bin(:,au) == 1 & labels_pred(:, au) == 0); tn = sum(labels_gt_bin(:,au) == 0 & labels_pred(:, au) == 0); precision = tp./(tp+fp); recall = tp./(tp+fn); f1 = 2 * precision .* recall ./ (precision + recall); f1s_class(au) = f1; fprintf(f, 'AU%d class, Precision - %.3f, Recall - %.3f, F1 - %.3f\n', aus_Bosph(au), precision, recall, f1); end fclose(f); %% Read the predicted values for intensities % First read the first file to get the column ids tab = readtable([out_loc, filenames{1}, '.csv']); column_names = tab.Properties.VariableNames; aus_det_id = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==5, strfind(column_names, '_r')); aus_det_cell = column_names(aus_det_id); aus_det = zeros(size(aus_det_cell)); for i=1:numel(aus_det) aus_det(i) = str2num(aus_det_cell{i}(3:4)); end %% labels_pred = zeros(size(labels_gt)); for i=1:numel(filenames) % Will need to read the relevant AUs only all_params = dlmread([out_loc, filenames{i}, '.csv'], ',', 1, 0); % if multiple faces detected just take the first row aus_pred = all_params(1, aus_det_id); for k=1:numel(aus_det) if(sum(aus_Bosph == aus_det(k))>0) labels_pred(i, aus_Bosph == aus_det(k)) = aus_pred(k); end end end %% f = fopen('results/Bosphorus_res_int.txt', 'w'); cccs_reg = zeros(1, numel(aus_Bosph)); for au = 1:numel(aus_Bosph) [ ~, ~, corrs, ccc, rms, ~ ] = evaluate_regression_results( labels_pred(:, au), labels_gt(:, au)); cccs_reg(au) = ccc; fprintf(f, 'AU%d intensity, Corr - %.3f, RMS - %.3f, CCC - %.3f\n', aus_Bosph(au), corrs, rms, ccc); end fclose(f);