function X = randp(P,varargin) % RANDP - pick random values with relative probability % % R = RANDP(PROB,..) returns integers in the range from 1 to % NUMEL(PROB) with a relative probability, so that the value X is % present approximately (PROB(X)./sum(PROB)) times in the matrix R. % % All values of PROB should be equal to or larger than 0. % % RANDP(PROB,N) is an N-by-N matrix, RANDP(PROB,M,N) and % RANDP(PROB,[M,N]) are M-by-N matrices. RANDP(PROB, M1,M2,M3,...) or % RANDP(PROB,[M1,M2,M3,...]) generate random arrays. % RANDP(PROB,SIZE(A)) is the same size as A. % % Example: % R = randp([1 3 2],1,10000) % % return a row vector with 10000 values with about 16650% 2 % histc(R,1:3) ./ numel(R) % % R = randp([1 1 0 0 1],10,1) % % 10 samples evenly drawn from [1 2 5] % % % Also see RAND, RANDPERM % RANDPERMBREAK, RANDINTERVAL, RANDSWAP (MatLab File Exchange) % Created for Matlab R13+ % version 2.0 (feb 2009) % (c) Jos van der Geest % email: % % File history: % 1.0 (nov 2005) - created % 1.1 (nov 2005) - modified slightly to check input arguments to RAND first % 1.2 (aug 2006) - fixed bug when called with scalar argument P % 2.0 (feb 2009) - use HISTC for creating the integers (faster and simplier than % previous algorithm) error(nargchk(2,Inf,nargin)) ; try X = rand(varargin{:}) ; catch E = lasterror ; E.message = strrep(E.message,'rand','randp') ; rethrow(E) ; end P = P(:) ; if any(P<0), error('All probabilities should be 0 or larger.') ; end if isempty(P) || sum(P)==0 warning([mfilename ':ZeroProbabilities'],'All zero probabilities') ; X(:) = 0 ; else [junk,X] = histc(X,[0 ; cumsum(P(:))] ./ sum(P)) ; end % Method used before version 2 % X = rand(varargin{:}) ; % sz = size(X) ; % P = reshape(P,1,[]) ; % row vector % P = cumsum(P) ./ sum(P) ; % X = repmat(X(:),1,numel(P)) < repmat(P,numel(X),1) ; % X = numel(P) - sum(X,2) + 1 ; % X = reshape(X,sz) ;