/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2016, Carnegie Mellon University and University of Cambridge, // all rights reserved. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” FOR ACADEMIC USE ONLY AND ANY EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY. // OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) // HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN // ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Notwithstanding the license granted herein, Licensee acknowledges that certain components // of the Software may be covered by so-called “open source” software licenses (“Open Source // Components”), which means any software licenses approved as open source licenses by the // Open Source Initiative or any substantially similar licenses, including without limitation any // license that, as a condition of distribution of the software licensed under such license, // requires that the distributor make the software available in source code format. Licensor shall // provide a list of Open Source Components for a particular version of the Software upon // Licensee’s request. Licensee will comply with the applicable terms of such licenses and to // the extent required by the licenses covering Open Source Components, the terms of such // licenses will apply in lieu of the terms of this Agreement. To the extent the terms of the // licenses applicable to Open Source Components prohibit any of the restrictions in this // License Agreement with respect to such Open Source Component, such restrictions will not // apply to such Open Source Component. To the extent the terms of the licenses applicable to // Open Source Components require Licensor to make an offer to provide source code or // related information in connection with the Software, such offer is hereby made. Any request // for source code or related information should be directed to cl-face-tracker-distribution@lists.cam.ac.uk // Licensee acknowledges receipt of notices for the Open Source Components for the initial // delivery of the Software. // * Any publications arising from the use of this software, including but // not limited to academic journal and conference publications, technical // reports and manuals, must cite at least one of the following works: // // OpenFace: an open source facial behavior analysis toolkit // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Peter Robinson, and Louis-Philippe Morency // in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2016 // // Rendering of Eyes for Eye-Shape Registration and Gaze Estimation // Erroll Wood, Tadas Baltrušaitis, Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Peter Robinson, and Andreas Bulling // in IEEE International. Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015 // // Cross-dataset learning and person-speci?c normalisation for automatic Action Unit detection // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Marwa Mahmoud, and Peter Robinson // in Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge, // IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2015 // // Constrained Local Neural Fields for robust facial landmark detection in the wild. // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Peter Robinson, and Louis-Philippe Morency. // in IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 300 Faces in-the-Wild Challenge, 2013. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "LandmarkDetectionValidator.h" // OpenCV includes #include #include // TBB includes #include // System includes #include // Math includes #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif // Local includes #include "LandmarkDetectorUtils.h" using namespace LandmarkDetector; // Copy constructor DetectionValidator::DetectionValidator(const DetectionValidator& other) : orientations(other.orientations), bs(other.bs), paws(other.paws), cnn_subsampling_layers(other.cnn_subsampling_layers), cnn_layer_types(other.cnn_layer_types), cnn_fully_connected_layers_bias(other.cnn_fully_connected_layers_bias), cnn_convolutional_layers_bias(other.cnn_convolutional_layers_bias), cnn_convolutional_layers_dft(other.cnn_convolutional_layers_dft) { this->validator_type = other.validator_type; this->activation_fun = other.activation_fun; this->output_fun = other.output_fun; this->ws.resize(other.ws.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < other.ws.size(); ++i) { // Make sure the matrix is copied. this->ws[i] = other.ws[i].clone(); } this->ws_nn.resize(other.ws_nn.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < other.ws_nn.size(); ++i) { this->ws_nn[i].resize(other.ws_nn[i].size()); for (size_t k = 0; k < other.ws_nn[i].size(); ++k) { // Make sure the matrix is copied. this->ws_nn[i][k] = other.ws_nn[i][k].clone(); } } this->cnn_convolutional_layers.resize(other.cnn_convolutional_layers.size()); for (size_t v = 0; v < other.cnn_convolutional_layers.size(); ++v) { this->cnn_convolutional_layers[v].resize(other.cnn_convolutional_layers[v].size()); for (size_t l = 0; l < other.cnn_convolutional_layers[v].size(); ++l) { this->cnn_convolutional_layers[v][l].resize(other.cnn_convolutional_layers[v][l].size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < other.cnn_convolutional_layers[v][l].size(); ++i) { this->cnn_convolutional_layers[v][l][i].resize(other.cnn_convolutional_layers[v][l][i].size()); for (size_t k = 0; k < other.cnn_convolutional_layers[v][l][i].size(); ++k) { // Make sure the matrix is copied. this->cnn_convolutional_layers[v][l][i][k] = other.cnn_convolutional_layers[v][l][i][k].clone(); } } } } this->cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights.resize(other.cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights.size()); for (size_t v = 0; v < other.cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights.size(); ++v) { this->cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights[v].resize(other.cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights[v].size()); for (size_t l = 0; l < other.cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights[v].size(); ++l) { // Make sure the matrix is copied. this->cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights[v][l] = other.cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights[v][l].clone(); } } this->cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases.resize(other.cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases.size()); for (size_t v = 0; v < other.cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases.size(); ++v) { this->cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases[v].resize(other.cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases[v].size()); for (size_t l = 0; l < other.cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases[v].size(); ++l) { // Make sure the matrix is copied. this->cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases[v][l] = other.cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases[v][l].clone(); } } this->mean_images.resize(other.mean_images.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < other.mean_images.size(); ++i) { // Make sure the matrix is copied. this->mean_images[i] = other.mean_images[i].clone(); } this->standard_deviations.resize(other.standard_deviations.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < other.standard_deviations.size(); ++i) { // Make sure the matrix is copied. this->standard_deviations[i] = other.standard_deviations[i].clone(); } } //=========================================================================== // Read in the landmark detection validation module void DetectionValidator::Read(string location) { ifstream detection_validator_stream (location, ios::in|ios::binary); if (detection_validator_stream.is_open()) { detection_validator_stream.seekg (0, ios::beg); // Read validator type detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&validator_type, 4); // Read the number of views (orientations) within the validator int n; detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&n, 4); orientations.resize(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cv::Mat_ orientation_tmp; LandmarkDetector::ReadMatBin(detection_validator_stream, orientation_tmp); orientations[i] = cv::Vec3d(orientation_tmp.at(0), orientation_tmp.at(1), orientation_tmp.at(2)); // Convert from degrees to radians orientations[i] = orientations[i] * M_PI / 180.0; } // Initialise the piece-wise affine warps, biases and weights paws.resize(n); if( validator_type == 0) { // Reading in SVRs bs.resize(n); ws.resize(n); } else if(validator_type == 1) { // Reading in NNs ws_nn.resize(n); activation_fun.resize(n); output_fun.resize(n); } else if(validator_type == 2) { cnn_convolutional_layers.resize(n); cnn_convolutional_layers_dft.resize(n); cnn_subsampling_layers.resize(n); cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights.resize(n); cnn_layer_types.resize(n); cnn_fully_connected_layers_bias.resize(n); cnn_convolutional_layers_bias.resize(n); } else if (validator_type == 3) { cnn_convolutional_layers.resize(n); cnn_convolutional_layers_dft.resize(n); cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights.resize(n); cnn_layer_types.resize(n); cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases.resize(n); cnn_convolutional_layers_bias.resize(n); } // Initialise the normalisation terms mean_images.resize(n); standard_deviations.resize(n); // Read in the validators for each of the views for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Read in the mean images LandmarkDetector::ReadMatBin(detection_validator_stream, mean_images[i]); mean_images[i] = mean_images[i].t(); LandmarkDetector::ReadMatBin(detection_validator_stream, standard_deviations[i]); standard_deviations[i] = standard_deviations[i].t(); // Model specifics if(validator_type == 0) { // Reading in the biases and weights detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&bs[i], 8); LandmarkDetector::ReadMatBin(detection_validator_stream, ws[i]); } else if(validator_type == 1) { // Reading in the number of layers in the neural net int num_depth_layers; detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&num_depth_layers, 4); // Reading in activation and output function types detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&activation_fun[i], 4); detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&output_fun[i], 4); ws_nn[i].resize(num_depth_layers); for(int layer = 0; layer < num_depth_layers; layer++) { LandmarkDetector::ReadMatBin(detection_validator_stream, ws_nn[i][layer]); // Transpose for efficiency during multiplication ws_nn[i][layer] = ws_nn[i][layer].t(); } } else if(validator_type == 2) { // Reading in CNNs int network_depth; detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&network_depth, 4); cnn_layer_types[i].resize(network_depth); for(int layer = 0; layer < network_depth; ++layer) { int layer_type; detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&layer_type, 4); cnn_layer_types[i][layer] = layer_type; // convolutional if(layer_type == 0) { // Read the number of input maps int num_in_maps; detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&num_in_maps, 4); // Read the number of kernels for each input map int num_kernels; detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&num_kernels, 4); vector > > kernels; vector > > > kernel_dfts; kernels.resize(num_in_maps); kernel_dfts.resize(num_in_maps); vector biases; for (int k = 0; k < num_kernels; ++k) { float bias; detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&bias, 4); biases.push_back(bias); } cnn_convolutional_layers_bias[i].push_back(biases); // For every input map for (int in = 0; in < num_in_maps; ++in) { kernels[in].resize(num_kernels); kernel_dfts[in].resize(num_kernels); // For every kernel on that input map for (int k = 0; k < num_kernels; ++k) { ReadMatBin(detection_validator_stream, kernels[in][k]); // Flip the kernel in order to do convolution and not correlation cv::flip(kernels[in][k], kernels[in][k], -1); } } cnn_convolutional_layers[i].push_back(kernels); cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[i].push_back(kernel_dfts); } else if(layer_type == 1) { // Subsampling layer int scale; detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&scale, 4); cnn_subsampling_layers[i].push_back(scale); } else if(layer_type == 2) { float bias; detection_validator_stream.read ((char*)&bias, 4); cnn_fully_connected_layers_bias[i].push_back(bias); // Fully connected layer cv::Mat_ weights; ReadMatBin(detection_validator_stream, weights); cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights[i].push_back(weights); } } } else if (validator_type == 3) { int network_depth; detection_validator_stream.read((char*)&network_depth, 4); cnn_layer_types[i].resize(network_depth); for (int layer = 0; layer < network_depth; ++layer) { int layer_type; detection_validator_stream.read((char*)&layer_type, 4); cnn_layer_types[i][layer] = layer_type; // convolutional if (layer_type == 0) { // Read the number of input maps int num_in_maps; detection_validator_stream.read((char*)&num_in_maps, 4); // Read the number of kernels for each input map int num_kernels; detection_validator_stream.read((char*)&num_kernels, 4); vector > > kernels; vector > > > kernel_dfts; kernels.resize(num_in_maps); kernel_dfts.resize(num_in_maps); vector biases; for (int k = 0; k < num_kernels; ++k) { float bias; detection_validator_stream.read((char*)&bias, 4); biases.push_back(bias); } cnn_convolutional_layers_bias[i].push_back(biases); // For every input map for (int in = 0; in < num_in_maps; ++in) { kernels[in].resize(num_kernels); kernel_dfts[in].resize(num_kernels); // For every kernel on that input map for (int k = 0; k < num_kernels; ++k) { ReadMatBin(detection_validator_stream, kernels[in][k]); } } cnn_convolutional_layers[i].push_back(kernels); cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[i].push_back(kernel_dfts); } else if (layer_type == 2) { cv::Mat_ biases; ReadMatBin(detection_validator_stream, biases); cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases[i].push_back(biases); // Fully connected layer cv::Mat_ weights; ReadMatBin(detection_validator_stream, weights); cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights[i].push_back(weights); } } } // Read in the piece-wise affine warps paws[i].Read(detection_validator_stream); } } else { cout << "WARNING: Can't find the Face checker location" << endl; } } //=========================================================================== // Check if the fitting actually succeeded double DetectionValidator::Check(const cv::Vec3d& orientation, const cv::Mat_& intensity_img, cv::Mat_& detected_landmarks) { int id = GetViewId(orientation); // The warped (cropped) image, corresponding to a face lying withing the detected lanmarks cv::Mat_ warped; // the piece-wise affine image cv::Mat_ intensity_img_double; intensity_img.convertTo(intensity_img_double, CV_64F); paws[id].Warp(intensity_img_double, warped, detected_landmarks); double dec; if(validator_type == 0) { dec = CheckSVR(warped, id); } else if(validator_type == 1) { dec = CheckNN(warped, id); } else if(validator_type == 2) { dec = CheckCNN_old(warped, id); } else if (validator_type == 3) { // On some machines the non-TBB version may be faster //dec = CheckCNN(warped, id); dec = CheckCNN_tbb(warped, id); } return dec; } double DetectionValidator::CheckNN(const cv::Mat_& warped_img, int view_id) { cv::Mat_ feature_vec; NormaliseWarpedToVector(warped_img, feature_vec, view_id); feature_vec = feature_vec.t(); for(size_t layer = 0; layer < ws_nn[view_id].size(); ++layer) { // Add a bias term cv::hconcat(cv::Mat_(1,1, 1.0), feature_vec, feature_vec); // Apply the weights feature_vec = feature_vec * ws_nn[view_id][layer]; // Activation or output int fun_type; if(layer != ws_nn[view_id].size() - 1) { fun_type = activation_fun[view_id]; } else { fun_type = output_fun[view_id]; } if(fun_type == 0) { cv::exp(-feature_vec, feature_vec); feature_vec = 1.0 /(1.0 + feature_vec); } else if(fun_type == 1) { cv::MatIterator_ q1 = feature_vec.begin(); // respone for each pixel cv::MatIterator_ q2 = feature_vec.end(); // the logistic function (sigmoid) applied to the response while(q1 != q2) { *q1 = 1.7159 * tanh((2.0/3.0) * (*q1)); q1++; } } // TODO ReLU } // Turn it to -1, 1 range double dec = (feature_vec.at(0) - 0.5) * 2; return dec; } double DetectionValidator::CheckSVR(const cv::Mat_& warped_img, int view_id) { cv::Mat_ feature_vec; NormaliseWarpedToVector(warped_img, feature_vec, view_id); double dec = (ws[view_id].dot(feature_vec.t()) + bs[view_id]); return dec; } // Convolutional Neural Network double DetectionValidator::CheckCNN_old(const cv::Mat_& warped_img, int view_id) { cv::Mat_ feature_vec; NormaliseWarpedToVector(warped_img, feature_vec, view_id); // Create a normalised image from the crop vector cv::Mat_ img(warped_img.size(), 0.0); img = img.t(); cv::Mat mask = paws[view_id].pixel_mask.t(); cv::MatIterator_ mask_it = mask.begin(); cv::MatIterator_ feature_it = feature_vec.begin(); cv::MatIterator_ img_it = img.begin(); int wInt = img.cols; int hInt = img.rows; for(int i=0; i < wInt; ++i) { for(int j=0; j < hInt; ++j, ++mask_it, ++img_it) { // if is within mask if(*mask_it) { // assign the feature to image if it is within the mask *img_it = (float)*feature_it++; } } } img = img.t(); int cnn_layer = 0; int subsample_layer = 0; int fully_connected_layer = 0; vector > input_maps; input_maps.push_back(img); vector > outputs; for(size_t layer = 0; layer < cnn_layer_types[view_id].size(); ++layer) { // Determine layer type int layer_type = cnn_layer_types[view_id][layer]; // Convolutional layer if(layer_type == 0) { vector > outputs_kern; for(size_t in = 0; in < input_maps.size(); ++in) { cv::Mat_ input_image = input_maps[in]; // Useful precomputed data placeholders for quick correlation (convolution) cv::Mat_ input_image_dft; cv::Mat integral_image; cv::Mat integral_image_sq; for(size_t k = 0; k < cnn_convolutional_layers[view_id][cnn_layer][in].size(); ++k) { cv::Mat_ kernel = cnn_convolutional_layers[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k]; // The convolution (with precomputation) cv::Mat_ output; if(cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].second.empty()) { std::map > precomputed_dft; LandmarkDetector::matchTemplate_m(input_image, input_image_dft, integral_image, integral_image_sq, kernel, precomputed_dft, output, CV_TM_CCORR); cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].first = precomputed_dft.begin()->first; cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].second = precomputed_dft.begin()->second; } else { std::map > precomputed_dft; precomputed_dft[cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].first] = cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].second; LandmarkDetector::matchTemplate_m(input_image, input_image_dft, integral_image, integral_image_sq, kernel, precomputed_dft, output, CV_TM_CCORR); } // Combining the maps if(in == 0) { outputs_kern.push_back(output); } else { outputs_kern[k] = outputs_kern[k] + output; } } } outputs.clear(); for(size_t k = 0; k < cnn_convolutional_layers[view_id][cnn_layer][0].size(); ++k) { // Apply the sigmoid cv::exp(-outputs_kern[k] - cnn_convolutional_layers_bias[view_id][cnn_layer][k], outputs_kern[k]); outputs_kern[k] = 1.0 /(1.0 + outputs_kern[k]); outputs.push_back(outputs_kern[k]); } cnn_layer++; } if(layer_type == 1) { // Subsampling layer int scale = cnn_subsampling_layers[view_id][subsample_layer]; cv::Mat kx = cv::Mat::ones(2, 1, CV_32F)*1.0f/scale; cv::Mat ky = cv::Mat::ones(1, 2, CV_32F)*1.0f/scale; vector> outputs_sub; for(size_t in = 0; in < input_maps.size(); ++in) { cv::Mat_ conv_out; cv::sepFilter2D(input_maps[in], conv_out, CV_32F, kx, ky); conv_out = conv_out(cv::Rect(1, 1, conv_out.cols - 1, conv_out.rows - 1)); int res_rows = conv_out.rows / scale; int res_cols = conv_out.cols / scale; if(conv_out.rows % scale != 0) { res_rows++; } if(conv_out.cols % scale != 0) { res_cols++; } cv::Mat_ sub_out(res_rows, res_cols); for(int w = 0; w < conv_out.cols; w+=scale) { for(int h=0; h < conv_out.rows; h+=scale) { sub_out.at(h/scale, w/scale) = conv_out(h, w); } } outputs_sub.push_back(sub_out); } outputs = outputs_sub; subsample_layer++; } if(layer_type == 2) { // Concatenate all the maps cv::Mat_ input_concat = input_maps[0].t(); input_concat = input_concat.reshape(0, 1); for(size_t in = 1; in < input_maps.size(); ++in) { cv::Mat_ add = input_maps[in].t(); add = add.reshape(0,1); cv::hconcat(input_concat, add, input_concat); } input_concat = input_concat * cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights[view_id][fully_connected_layer].t(); cv::exp(-input_concat - cnn_fully_connected_layers_bias[view_id][fully_connected_layer], input_concat); input_concat = 1.0 /(1.0 + input_concat); outputs.clear(); outputs.push_back(input_concat); fully_connected_layer++; } // Max pooling layer if (layer_type == 3) { vector> outputs_sub; // Iterate over pool height and width, all the stride is 2x2 and no padding is used int stride_x = 2; int stride_y = 2; int pool_x = 2; int pool_y = 2; for (size_t in = 0; in < input_maps.size(); ++in) { int out_x = input_maps[in].cols / stride_x; int out_y = input_maps[in].rows / stride_y; cv::Mat_ sub_out(out_y, out_x, 0.0); cv::Mat_ in_map = input_maps[in]; for (int x = 0; x < input_maps[in].cols; x+= stride_x) { for (int y = 0; y < input_maps[in].rows; y+= stride_y) { float curr_max = -FLT_MAX; for (int x_in = x; x_in < x+pool_x; ++x_in) { for (int y_in = y; y_in < y + pool_y; ++y_in) { float curr_val = in_map.at(y_in, x_in); if (curr_val > curr_max) { curr_max = curr_val; } } } int x_in_out = x / stride_x; int y_in_out = y / stride_y; sub_out.at(y_in_out, x_in_out) = curr_max; } } outputs_sub.push_back(sub_out); } outputs = outputs_sub; subsample_layer++; } // Set the outputs of this layer to inputs of the next input_maps = outputs; } // Turn it to -1, 1 range double dec = (outputs[0].at(0) - 0.5) * 2.0; return dec; } // Convolutional Neural Network double DetectionValidator::CheckCNN_tbb(const cv::Mat_& warped_img, int view_id) { cv::Mat_ feature_vec; NormaliseWarpedToVector(warped_img, feature_vec, view_id); // Create a normalised image from the crop vector cv::Mat_ img(warped_img.size(), 0.0); img = img.t(); cv::Mat mask = paws[view_id].pixel_mask.t(); cv::MatIterator_ mask_it = mask.begin(); cv::MatIterator_ feature_it = feature_vec.begin(); cv::MatIterator_ img_it = img.begin(); int wInt = img.cols; int hInt = img.rows; for (int i = 0; i < wInt; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < hInt; ++j, ++mask_it, ++img_it) { // if is within mask if (*mask_it) { // assign the feature to image if it is within the mask *img_it = (float)*feature_it++; } } } img = img.t(); int cnn_layer = 0; int fully_connected_layer = 0; vector > input_maps; input_maps.push_back(img); vector > outputs; for (size_t layer = 0; layer < cnn_layer_types[view_id].size(); ++layer) { // Determine layer type int layer_type = cnn_layer_types[view_id][layer]; // Convolutional layer if (layer_type == 0) { outputs.clear(); // Pre-allocate the output feature maps outputs.resize(cnn_convolutional_layers[view_id][cnn_layer][0].size()); for (size_t in = 0; in < input_maps.size(); ++in) { cv::Mat_ input_image = input_maps[in]; // Useful precomputed data placeholders for quick correlation (convolution) cv::Mat_ input_image_dft; cv::Mat integral_image; cv::Mat integral_image_sq; // To adapt for TBB, perform the first convolution in a non TBB way so that dft, and integral images are computed cv::Mat_ kernel = cnn_convolutional_layers[view_id][cnn_layer][in][0]; // The convolution (with precomputation) cv::Mat_ output; if (cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][0].second.empty()) // This will only be needed during the first pass { std::map > precomputed_dft; LandmarkDetector::matchTemplate_m(input_image, input_image_dft, integral_image, integral_image_sq, kernel, precomputed_dft, output, CV_TM_CCORR); cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][0].first = precomputed_dft.begin()->first; cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][0].second = precomputed_dft.begin()->second; } else { std::map > precomputed_dft; precomputed_dft[cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][0].first] = cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][0].second; LandmarkDetector::matchTemplate_m(input_image, input_image_dft, integral_image, integral_image_sq, kernel, precomputed_dft, output, CV_TM_CCORR); } // Combining the maps if (in == 0) { outputs[0] = output; } else { outputs[0] = outputs[0] + output; } // TBB pass for the remaining kernels, empirically helps with layers with more kernels tbb::parallel_for(1, (int)cnn_convolutional_layers[view_id][cnn_layer][in].size(), [&](int k) { { cv::Mat_ kernel = cnn_convolutional_layers[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k]; // The convolution (with precomputation) cv::Mat_ output; if (cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].second.empty()) // This will only be needed during the first pass { std::map > precomputed_dft; LandmarkDetector::matchTemplate_m(input_image, input_image_dft, integral_image, integral_image_sq, kernel, precomputed_dft, output, CV_TM_CCORR); cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].first = precomputed_dft.begin()->first; cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].second = precomputed_dft.begin()->second; } else { std::map > precomputed_dft; precomputed_dft[cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].first] = cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].second; LandmarkDetector::matchTemplate_m(input_image, input_image_dft, integral_image, integral_image_sq, kernel, precomputed_dft, output, CV_TM_CCORR); } // Combining the maps if (in == 0) { outputs[k] = output; } else { outputs[k] = outputs[k] + output; } } }); } for (size_t k = 0; k < cnn_convolutional_layers[view_id][cnn_layer][0].size(); ++k) { outputs[k] = outputs[k] + cnn_convolutional_layers_bias[view_id][cnn_layer][k]; } cnn_layer++; } if (layer_type == 1) { vector> outputs_sub; // Iterate over pool height and width, all the stride is 2x2 and no padding is used int stride_x = 2; int stride_y = 2; int pool_x = 2; int pool_y = 2; for (size_t in = 0; in < input_maps.size(); ++in) { int out_x = input_maps[in].cols / stride_x; int out_y = input_maps[in].rows / stride_y; cv::Mat_ sub_out(out_y, out_x, 0.0); cv::Mat_ in_map = input_maps[in]; for (int x = 0; x < input_maps[in].cols; x += stride_x) { for (int y = 0; y < input_maps[in].rows; y += stride_y) { float curr_max = -FLT_MAX; for (int x_in = x; x_in < x + pool_x; ++x_in) { for (int y_in = y; y_in < y + pool_y; ++y_in) { float curr_val = in_map.at(y_in, x_in); if (curr_val > curr_max) { curr_max = curr_val; } } } int x_in_out = x / stride_x; int y_in_out = y / stride_y; sub_out.at(y_in_out, x_in_out) = curr_max; } } outputs_sub.push_back(sub_out); } outputs = outputs_sub; } if (layer_type == 2) { // Concatenate all the maps cv::Mat_ input_concat = input_maps[0].t(); input_concat = input_concat.reshape(0, 1); for (size_t in = 1; in < input_maps.size(); ++in) { cv::Mat_ add = input_maps[in].t(); add = add.reshape(0, 1); cv::hconcat(input_concat, add, input_concat); } input_concat = input_concat * cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights[view_id][fully_connected_layer]; input_concat = input_concat + cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases[view_id][fully_connected_layer].t(); outputs.clear(); outputs.push_back(input_concat); fully_connected_layer++; } if (layer_type == 3) // ReLU { outputs.clear(); for (size_t k = 0; k < input_maps.size(); ++k) { // Apply the ReLU cv::threshold(input_maps[k], input_maps[k], 0, 0, cv::THRESH_TOZERO); outputs.push_back(input_maps[k]); } } if (layer_type == 4) { outputs.clear(); for (size_t k = 0; k < input_maps.size(); ++k) { // Apply the sigmoid cv::exp(-input_maps[k], input_maps[k]); input_maps[k] = 1.0 / (1.0 + input_maps[k]); outputs.push_back(input_maps[k]); } } // Set the outputs of this layer to inputs of the next input_maps = outputs; } // First turn to the 0-3 range double max_val = 0; cv::Point max_loc; cv::minMaxLoc(outputs[0].t(), 0, &max_val, 0, &max_loc); int max_idx = max_loc.y; double max = 3; double min = 0; double bins = (double)outputs[0].cols; // Unquantizing the softmax layer to continuous value double step_size = (max - min) / bins; // This should be saved somewhere double unquantized = min + step_size / 2.0 + max_idx * step_size; // Turn it to -1, 1 range double dec = (unquantized - 1.5) / 1.5; return dec; } // Convolutional Neural Network double DetectionValidator::CheckCNN(const cv::Mat_& warped_img, int view_id) { cv::Mat_ feature_vec; NormaliseWarpedToVector(warped_img, feature_vec, view_id); // Create a normalised image from the crop vector cv::Mat_ img(warped_img.size(), 0.0); img = img.t(); cv::Mat mask = paws[view_id].pixel_mask.t(); cv::MatIterator_ mask_it = mask.begin(); cv::MatIterator_ feature_it = feature_vec.begin(); cv::MatIterator_ img_it = img.begin(); int wInt = img.cols; int hInt = img.rows; for (int i = 0; i < wInt; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < hInt; ++j, ++mask_it, ++img_it) { // if is within mask if (*mask_it) { // assign the feature to image if it is within the mask *img_it = (float)*feature_it++; } } } img = img.t(); int cnn_layer = 0; int fully_connected_layer = 0; vector > input_maps; input_maps.push_back(img); vector > outputs; for (size_t layer = 0; layer < cnn_layer_types[view_id].size(); ++layer) { // Determine layer type int layer_type = cnn_layer_types[view_id][layer]; // Convolutional layer if (layer_type == 0) { outputs.clear(); for (size_t in = 0; in < input_maps.size(); ++in) { cv::Mat_ input_image = input_maps[in]; // Useful precomputed data placeholders for quick correlation (convolution) cv::Mat_ input_image_dft; cv::Mat integral_image; cv::Mat integral_image_sq; // TODO can TBB-ify this for (size_t k = 0; k < cnn_convolutional_layers[view_id][cnn_layer][in].size(); ++k) { cv::Mat_ kernel = cnn_convolutional_layers[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k]; // The convolution (with precomputation) cv::Mat_ output; if (cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].second.empty()) { std::map > precomputed_dft; LandmarkDetector::matchTemplate_m(input_image, input_image_dft, integral_image, integral_image_sq, kernel, precomputed_dft, output, CV_TM_CCORR); cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].first = precomputed_dft.begin()->first; cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].second = precomputed_dft.begin()->second; } else { std::map > precomputed_dft; precomputed_dft[cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].first] = cnn_convolutional_layers_dft[view_id][cnn_layer][in][k].second; LandmarkDetector::matchTemplate_m(input_image, input_image_dft, integral_image, integral_image_sq, kernel, precomputed_dft, output, CV_TM_CCORR); } // Combining the maps if (in == 0) { outputs.push_back(output); } else { outputs[k] = outputs[k] + output; } } } for (size_t k = 0; k < cnn_convolutional_layers[view_id][cnn_layer][0].size(); ++k) { outputs[k] = outputs[k] + cnn_convolutional_layers_bias[view_id][cnn_layer][k]; } cnn_layer++; } if (layer_type == 1) { vector> outputs_sub; // Iterate over pool height and width, all the stride is 2x2 and no padding is used int stride_x = 2; int stride_y = 2; int pool_x = 2; int pool_y = 2; for (size_t in = 0; in < input_maps.size(); ++in) { int out_x = input_maps[in].cols / stride_x; int out_y = input_maps[in].rows / stride_y; cv::Mat_ sub_out(out_y, out_x, 0.0); cv::Mat_ in_map = input_maps[in]; for (int x = 0; x < input_maps[in].cols; x += stride_x) { for (int y = 0; y < input_maps[in].rows; y += stride_y) { float curr_max = -FLT_MAX; for (int x_in = x; x_in < x + pool_x; ++x_in) { for (int y_in = y; y_in < y + pool_y; ++y_in) { float curr_val = in_map.at(y_in, x_in); if (curr_val > curr_max) { curr_max = curr_val; } } } int x_in_out = x / stride_x; int y_in_out = y / stride_y; sub_out.at(y_in_out, x_in_out) = curr_max; } } outputs_sub.push_back(sub_out); } outputs = outputs_sub; } if (layer_type == 2) { // Concatenate all the maps cv::Mat_ input_concat = input_maps[0].t(); input_concat = input_concat.reshape(0, 1); for (size_t in = 1; in < input_maps.size(); ++in) { cv::Mat_ add = input_maps[in].t(); add = add.reshape(0, 1); cv::hconcat(input_concat, add, input_concat); } input_concat = input_concat * cnn_fully_connected_layers_weights[view_id][fully_connected_layer]; input_concat = input_concat + cnn_fully_connected_layers_biases[view_id][fully_connected_layer].t(); outputs.clear(); outputs.push_back(input_concat); fully_connected_layer++; } if (layer_type == 3) // ReLU { outputs.clear(); for (size_t k = 0; k < input_maps.size(); ++k) { // Apply the ReLU cv::threshold(input_maps[k], input_maps[k], 0, 0, cv::THRESH_TOZERO); outputs.push_back(input_maps[k]); } } if (layer_type == 4) { outputs.clear(); for (size_t k = 0; k < input_maps.size(); ++k) { // Apply the sigmoid cv::exp(-input_maps[k], input_maps[k]); input_maps[k] = 1.0 / (1.0 + input_maps[k]); outputs.push_back(input_maps[k]); } } // Set the outputs of this layer to inputs of the next input_maps = outputs; } // First turn to the 0-3 range double max_val = 0; cv::Point max_loc; cv::minMaxLoc(outputs[0].t(), 0, &max_val, 0, &max_loc); int max_idx = max_loc.y; double max = 3; double min = 0; double bins = (double)outputs[0].cols; // Unquantizing the softmax layer to continuous value double step_size = (max - min) / bins; // This should be saved somewhere double unquantized = min + step_size / 2.0 + max_idx * step_size; // Turn it to -1, 1 range double dec = (unquantized - 1.5) / 1.5; return dec; } void DetectionValidator::NormaliseWarpedToVector(const cv::Mat_& warped_img, cv::Mat_& feature_vec, int view_id) { cv::Mat_ warped_t = warped_img.t(); // the vector to be filled with paw values cv::MatIterator_ vp; cv::MatIterator_ cp; cv::Mat_ vec(paws[view_id].number_of_pixels,1); vp = vec.begin(); cp = warped_t.begin(); int wInt = warped_img.cols; int hInt = warped_img.rows; // the mask indicating if point is within or outside the face region cv::Mat maskT = paws[view_id].pixel_mask.t(); cv::MatIterator_ mp = maskT.begin(); for(int i=0; i < wInt; ++i) { for(int j=0; j < hInt; ++j, ++mp, ++cp) { // if is within mask if(*mp) { *vp++ = *cp; } } } // Local normalisation cv::Scalar mean; cv::Scalar std; cv::meanStdDev(vec, mean, std); // subtract the mean image vec -= mean[0]; // Normalise the image if(std[0] == 0) { std[0] = 1; } vec /= std[0]; // Global normalisation feature_vec = (vec - mean_images[view_id]) / standard_deviations[view_id]; } // Getting the closest view center based on orientation int DetectionValidator::GetViewId(const cv::Vec3d& orientation) const { int id = 0; double dbest = -1.0; for(size_t i = 0; i < this->orientations.size(); i++) { // Distance to current view double d = cv::norm(orientation, this->orientations[i]); if(i == 0 || d < dbest) { dbest = d; id = i; } } return id; }