function [ a, R, T, T3D, params, error, shapeOrtho ] = fit_PDM_ortho_proj_to_2D_no_reg( M, E, V, shape2D) %FITPDMTO2DSHAPE Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here hidden = false; % if some of the points are unavailable modify M, V, and shape2D (can % later infer the actual shape from this) if(sum(shape2D(:)==0) > 0) hidden = true; % which indices to remove inds_to_rem = shape2D(:,1) == 0 | shape2D(:,2) == 0; shape2D = shape2D(~inds_to_rem,:); inds_to_rem = repmat(inds_to_rem, 3, 1); M_old = M; V_old = V; M = M(~inds_to_rem); V = V(~inds_to_rem,:); end num_points = numel(M) / 3; m = reshape(M, num_points, 3)'; width_model = max(m(1,:)) - min(m(1,:)); height_model = max(m(2,:)) - min(m(2,:)); bounding_box = [min(shape2D(:,1)), min(shape2D(:,2)),... max(shape2D(:,1)), max(shape2D(:,2))]; a = (((bounding_box(3) - bounding_box(1)) / width_model) + ((bounding_box(4) - bounding_box(2))/ height_model)) / 2; tx = (bounding_box(3) + bounding_box(1))/2; ty = (bounding_box(4) + bounding_box(2))/2; % correct it so that the bounding box is just around the minimum % and maximum point in the initialised face tx = tx - a*(min(m(1,:)) + max(m(1,:)))/2; ty = ty - a*(min(m(2,:)) + max(m(2,:)))/2; R = eye(3); T = [tx; ty]; params = zeros(size(E)); currShape = getShapeOrtho(M, V, params, R, T, a); currError = getRMSerror(currShape, shape2D); reg_rigid = zeros(6,1); regFactor = 0.25; regularisations = [reg_rigid; regFactor ./ E]; % the above version, however, does not perform as well regularisations = diag(regularisations)*diag(regularisations); red_in_a_row = 0; for i=1:1000 shape3D = M + V * params; shape3D = reshape(shape3D, numel(shape3D) / 3, 3); % Now find the current residual error currShape = a * R(1:2,:)*shape3D' + repmat(T, 1, numel(M)/3); currShape = currShape'; error_res = shape2D - currShape; eul = Rot2Euler(R); p_global = [a; eul'; T]; % get the Jacobians J = CalcJacobian(M, V, params, p_global); % RLMS style update p_delta = (J'*J + regularisations) \ (J'*error_res(:) - regularisations*[p_global;params]); % not to overshoot p_delta = 0.5 * p_delta; [params, p_global] = CalcReferenceUpdate(p_delta, params, p_global); a = p_global(1); R = Euler2Rot(p_global(2:4)); T = p_global(5:6); shape3D = M + V * params; shape3D = reshape(shape3D, numel(shape3D) / 3, 3); currShape = a * R(1:2,:)*shape3D' + repmat(T, 1, numel(M)/3); currShape = currShape'; error = getRMSerror(currShape, shape2D); if(0.999 * currError < error) red_in_a_row = red_in_a_row + 1; if(red_in_a_row == 5) break; end end currError = error; end if(hidden) shapeOrtho = getShapeOrtho(M_old, V_old, params, R, T, a); else shapeOrtho = currShape; end T3D = [0;0;0]; end function [shape2D] = getShapeOrtho(M, V, p, R, T, a) % M - mean shape vector % V - eigenvectors % p - parameters of non-rigid shape % R - rotation matrix % T - translation vector (tx, ty) shape3D = getShape3D(M, V, p); shape2D = a * R(1:2,:)*shape3D' + repmat(T, 1, numel(M)/3); shape2D = shape2D'; end function [shape2D] = getShapeOrthoFull(M, V, p, R, T, a) % M - mean shape vector % V - eigenvectors % p - parameters of non-rigid shape % R - rotation matrix % T - translation vector (tx, ty) T = [T; 0]; shape3D = getShape3D(M, V, p); shape2D = a * R*shape3D' + repmat(T, 1, numel(M)/3); shape2D = shape2D'; end function [shape3D] = getShape3D(M, V, params) shape3D = M + V * params; shape3D = reshape(shape3D, numel(shape3D) / 3, 3); end function [error] = getRMSerror(shape2Dv1, shape2Dv2) error = sqrt(mean(reshape(shape2Dv1 - shape2Dv2, numel(shape2Dv1), 1).^2)); end % This calculates the combined rigid with non-rigid Jacobian function J = CalcJacobian(M, V, p, p_global) n = size(M, 1)/3; non_rigid_modes = size(V,2); J = zeros(n*2, 6 + non_rigid_modes); % now the layour is % ---------- Rigid part -------------------|----Non rigid part--------| % dx_1/ds, dx_1/dr1, ... dx_1/dtx, dx_1/dty dx_1/dp_1 ... dx_1/dp_m % dx_2/ds, dx_2/dr1, ... dx_2/dtx, dx_2/dty dx_2/dp_1 ... dx_2/dp_m % ... % dx_n/ds, dx_n/dr1, ... dx_n/dtx, dx_n/dty dx_n/dp_1 ... dx_n/dp_m % dy_1/ds, dy_1/dr1, ... dy_1/dtx, dy_1/dty dy_1/dp_1 ... dy_1/dp_m % ... % dy_n/ds, dy_n/dr1, ... dy_n/dtx, dy_n/dty dy_n/dp_1 ... dy_n/dp_m % getting the rigid part J(:,1:6) = CalcRigidJacobian(M, V, p, p_global); % constructing the non-rigid part R = Euler2Rot(p_global(2:4)); s = p_global(1); % 'rotate' and 'scale' the principal components % First reshape to 3D V_X = V(1:n,:); V_Y = V(n+1:2*n,:); V_Z = V(2*n+1:end,:); J_x_non_rigid = s*(R(1,1)*V_X + R(1,2)*V_Y + R(1,3)*V_Z); J_y_non_rigid = s*(R(2,1)*V_X + R(2,2)*V_Y + R(2,3)*V_Z); J(1:n, 7:end) = J_x_non_rigid; J(n+1:end, 7:end) = J_y_non_rigid; end function J = CalcRigidJacobian(M, V, p, p_global) n = size(M, 1)/3; % Get the current 3D shape (not affected by global transform, as this % is how the Jacobian was derived (for derivation please see % ../derivations/orthoJacobian shape3D = GetShape3D(M, V, p); % Get the rotation matrix corresponding to current global orientation R = Euler2Rot(p_global(2:4)); s = p_global(1); % Rigid Jacobian is laid out as follows % dx_1/ds, dx_1/dr1, dx_1/dr2, dx_1/dr3, dx_1/dtx, dx_1/dty % dx_2/ds, dx_2/dr1, dx_2/dr2, dx_2/dr3, dx_2/dtx, dx_2/dty % ... % dx_n/ds, dx_n/dr1, dx_n/dr2, dx_n/dr3, dx_n/dtx, dx_n/dty % dy_1/ds, dy_1/dr1, dy_1/dr2, dy_1/dr3, dy_1/dtx, dy_1/dty % ... % dy_n/ds, dy_n/dr1, dy_n/dr2, dy_n/dr3, dy_n/dtx, dy_n/dty J = zeros(n*2, 6); % dx/ds = X * r11 + Y * r12 + Z * r13 % dx/dr1 = s*(r13 * Y - r12 * Z) % dx/dr2 = -s*(r13 * X - r11 * Z) % dx/dr3 = s*(r12 * X - r11 * Y) % dx/dtx = 1 % dx/dty = 0 % dy/ds = X * r21 + Y * r22 + Z * r23 % dy/dr1 = s * (r23 * Y - r22 * Z) % dy/dr2 = -s * (r23 * X - r21 * Z) % dy/dr3 = s * (r22 * X - r21 * Y) % dy/dtx = 0 % dy/dty = 1 % set the Jacobian for x's % with respect to scaling factor J(1:n,1) = shape3D * R(1,:)'; % with respect to angular rotation around x, y, and z axes % Change of x with respect to change in axis angle rotation dxdR = [ 0, R(1,3), -R(1,2); -R(1,3), 0, R(1,1); R(1,2), -R(1,1), 0]; J(1:n,2:4) = s*(dxdR * shape3D')'; % with respect to translation J(1:n,5) = 1; J(1:n,6) = 0; % set the Jacobian for y's % with respect to scaling factor J(n+1:end,1) = shape3D * R(2,:)'; % with respect to angular rotation around x, y, and z axes % Change of y with respect to change in axis angle rotation dydR = [ 0, R(2,3), -R(2,2); -R(2,3), 0, R(2,1); R(2,2), -R(2,1), 0]; J(n+1:end,2:4) = s*(dydR * shape3D')'; % with respect to translation J(n+1:end,5) = 0; J(n+1:end,6) = 1; end % This updates the parameters based on the updates from the RLMS function [non_rigid, rigid] = CalcReferenceUpdate(params_delta, current_non_rigid, current_global) rigid = zeros(6, 1); % Same goes for scaling and translation parameters rigid(1) = current_global(1) + params_delta(1); rigid(5) = current_global(5) + params_delta(5); rigid(6) = current_global(6) + params_delta(6); % for rotation however, we want to make sure that the rotation matrix % approximation we have % R' = [1, -wz, wy % wz, 1, -wx % -wy, wx, 1] % is a legal rotation matrix, and then we combine it with current % rotation (through matrix multiplication) to acquire the new rotation R = Euler2Rot(current_global(2:4)); wx = params_delta(2); wy = params_delta(3); wz = params_delta(4); R_delta = [1, -wz, wy; wz, 1, -wx; -wy, wx, 1]; % Make sure R_delta is orthonormal R_delta = OrthonormaliseRotation(R_delta); % Combine rotations R_final = R * R_delta; % Extract euler angle euler = Rot2Euler(R_final); rigid(2:4) = euler; if(length(params_delta) > 6) % non-rigid parameters can just be added together non_rigid = params_delta(7:end) + current_non_rigid; else non_rigid = current_non_rigid; end end function R_ortho = OrthonormaliseRotation(R) % U * V' is basically what we want, as it's guaranteed to be % orthonormal [U, ~, V] = svd(R); % We also want to make sure no reflection happened % get the orthogonal matrix from the initial rotation matrix X = U*V'; % This makes sure that the handedness is preserved and no reflection happened % by making sure the determinant is 1 and not -1 W = eye(3); W(3,3) = det(X); R_ortho = U*W*V'; end