function varargout=xmlwrite_xerces(varargin) %XMLWRITE_XERCES Serialize an XML Document Object Model node using Xerces parser. % xmlwrite_xerces(FILENAME,DOMNODE) serializes the DOMNODE to file FILENAME. % % The function xmlwrite_xerces is very similar the Matlab function xmlwrite % but works directly with the XERCES java classes (written by Apache XML % Project) instead of the XMLUtils class created by Mathworks. Xerces files % are provided in standard MATLAB instalation and live in root\java\jarext % directory. % % Written by A.Amaro (02-22-2007) and generously donated to xml_io_tools. % This function is needed as a work-around for a bug in XMLUtils library % which can not write CDATA SECTION nodes correctly. Also Xerces and % XMLUtils libraries handle namespaces differently. % % Examples: % % See xmlwrite examples this function have almost identical behavior. % % Advanced use: % FILENAME can also be a URN, or object % SOURCE can also be a SAX InputSource, JAXP Source, InputStream, or % Reader object returnString = false; if length(varargin)==1 returnString = true; result =; source = varargin{1}; else result = varargin{1}; if ischar(result) % Using the XERCES classes directly, is not needed to modify the % filename string. So I have commented this next line % result = F_xmlstringinput(result,false); end source = varargin{2}; if ischar(source) source = F_xmlstringinput(source,true); end end % SERIALIZATION OF THE DOM DOCUMENT USING XERCES CLASSES DIRECTLY % 1) create the output format according to the document definitions % and type objOutputFormat = org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat(source); set(objOutputFormat,'Indenting','on'); % 2) create the output stream. In this case: an XML file objFile =; objOutputStream =; % 3) Create the Xerces Serializer object objSerializer= org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer(objOutputStream,objOutputFormat); % 4) Serialize to the XML files javaMethod('serialize',objSerializer,source); % 5) IMPORTANT! Delete the objects to liberate the XML file created objOutputStream.close; if returnString varargout{1}=char(result.toString); end %% ======================================================================== function out = F_xmlstringinput(xString,isFullSearch,varargin) % The function F_xmlstringinput is a copy of the private function: % 'xmlstringinput' that the original xmlwrite function uses. if isempty(xString) error('Filename is empty'); elseif ~isempty(findstr(xString,'://')) %xString is already a URL, most likely prefaced by file:// or http:// out = xString; return; end xPath=fileparts(xString); if isempty(xPath) if nargin<2 || isFullSearch out = which(xString); if isempty(out) error('xml:FileNotFound','File %s not found',xString); end else out = fullfile(pwd,xString); end else out = xString; if (nargin<2 || isFullSearch) && ~exist(xString,'file') %search to see if xString exists when isFullSearch error('xml:FileNotFound','File %s not found',xString); end end %Return as a URN if strncmp(out,'\\',2) % SAXON UNC filepaths need to look like file:///\\\server-name\ out = ['file:///\',out]; elseif strncmp(out,'/',1) % SAXON UNIX filepaths need to look like file:///root/dir/dir out = ['file://',out]; else % DOS filepaths need to look like file:///d:/foo/bar out = ['file:///',strrep(out,'\','/')]; end